She Had a Choice

Medical examiner said that her vaccination wasn’t the cause of her death.

As an example of how horseshit the “journalists” at Fox News are, you have to go several paragraphs down to discover this information.

From your link

Despite his daughter's tragic death, Hawley, who is 69 and diabetic, still got the vaccine himself because of the threat COVID-19 poses to his demographic. He says he recognizes that his daughter's tragic death was one in a million.

"It appears she was the odd one out that had the terrible reaction," Hawley said.

Dr. Erik Christensen, Chief Medical Examiner for the Utah Department of Health, told Fox News that Kurill’s second dose of the vaccine and her death are only "temporally related."

"We don’t have any evidence that there are connections between the vaccines and deaths at this point," he said. "We don’t have any indication of that."

One in a million
Lefties used to be so careful to avoid hurting the feelings of everyone including terrorists, criminals, abortionists and anarchists. They even attributed human feelings to trees and burrowing owls. Somehow the Covid epidemic awakened dormant bloodthirsty feelings among lefties. It makes them feel superior when they hunt down examples of anti-vaxers who died from Covid. Lefties never seem to tire of dancing on the graves of people who have different political viewpoints than they do. It makes them feel good.. Maybe it's a new syndrome that analysts need to address.
We all want to stop deaths from inner city violence but some of you are celebrating it by posting it and mocking the people who want police reform.
posting it is not celebrating it,, and I highly doubt any dem wants it to stop based on their decades of inaction and now a call to defund police,,
you guys would rather spend your time calling white people racist and claim the cops are hunting and killing black people,,
Lesh, you and every other POS helping to push this vaccine crap need to be fully vaccinated with every CDC recommended vaccine available before you are all taken to the gallows with Fauci and his cohorts.

posting it is not celebrating it,, and I highly doubt any dem wants it to stop based on their decades of inaction and now a call to defund police,,
you guys would rather spend your time calling white people racist and claim the cops are hunting and killing black people,,
Posting a thread about unvaccinated people dying of COVID doesn’t celebrate their deaths either.

Yet that’s the allegation here.
Posting a thread about unvaccinated people dying of COVID doesn’t celebrate their deaths either.

Yet that’s the allegation here.
but how its done is celebrating it,, and the few on this forum that do it daily are doing it in a mocking manner,,
anti vaxxer is a political jab
Nope, YOU are making it political.

People of ALL political views are refusing to get vaxxed, and people of every political view are getting vaxxed, it's just that the one side keeps their decisions to them selves, while the loud obnoxious side screams "liberty" and "freedom" and in this case only, "My body, my choice", that side is the so-called conservative side.
but how its done is celebrating it
Grow up dude, was trump 'celebrating' when he bragged/boasted/claimed that he NOW had the tallest towers in Manhattan, while the Twin towers were still burning.
Yes, you are correct then, 'how its done is celebrating it." POS.
Nope, YOU are making it political.

People of ALL political views are refusing to get vaxxed, and people of every political view are getting vaxxed, it's just that the one side keeps their decisions to them selves, while the loud obnoxious side screams "liberty" and "freedom" and in this case only, "My body, my choice", that side is the so-called conservative side.

Grow up dude, was trump 'celebrating' when he bragged/boasted/claimed that he NOW had the tallest towers in Manhattan, while the Twin towers were still burning.
Yes, you are correct then, 'how its done is celebrating it." POS.
I dont know how to respond to that much stupid,,

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