She is losing it!

the whole thing looks like it's a podcast from a basement.

gigantic liar telling people they shouldn't be fooled. That's comedy gold right there.....
She needs to just be herself because whatever the hell she is doing in this video comes off as maniacal. She likes to talk about temperament and this video is a text book example of the wrong temperament. Who the fuck is coaching her to do these things is what I want to know. They are sabotaging her.

If she is herself her odds of losing go up. But no one believes her attempts to be something else because herself is a lying piece of garbage
She needs to just be herself because whatever the hell she is doing in this video comes off as maniacal. She likes to talk about temperament and this video is a text book example of the wrong temperament. Who the fuck is coaching her to do these things is what I want to know. They are sabotaging her.
I think Bill is coaching her. He has better things to do than first hubby.
She needs to just be herself because whatever the hell she is doing in this video comes off as maniacal. She likes to talk about temperament and this video is a text book example of the wrong temperament. Who the fuck is coaching her to do these things is what I want to know. They are sabotaging her.

"She needs to just be herself because whatever the hell she is doing in this video comes off as maniacal."

That's because Hillary is maniacal, she'll get only worse, in about a month she might literally melt, sooner if during the first debate The Donald by accident throws the glass of water at her :smoke:


"Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton sent a passionate video message to the Laborers’ International Union of North America, demanding that they help get the message out about Donald Trump.

She pointed out that she was against “Right To Work” and appeared upset that Trump was gaining in the polls despite his record of supporting it.

“Having said all this, ‘Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?’ you might ask,” she said, highlighting Trump’s anti-Labor union stance."

So Hillary is against letting people work without being forced to join a union? Now that's 'Democracy', 'Freedom of Choice'...only one reason to oppose her ass.

Perhaps she hasn't see the poll that declares only 1 in 10 Americans think she is 'trustworthy'?

Demonizing the women of her husband's sexual deviancy, rape, harassment, and assaults for decades?

Jeopardizing national security breaking laws, constantly lying, using the State Dept as a branch of the Clinton Foundation, allowing 4 Americans to needlessly die...

Being able to walk on her own prevent from going cross-eyed, coughing like a smoker...

Gee, there are so many to choose from....

And as Hillary has flashbacks from 2008 in which Barry came out of nowhere and beat her, she is freaking out!


Hillary Clinton Shouts at Camera: ‘Why Aren’t I 50 Points Ahead' of Donald Trump? - Breitbart


She has reached that stage of her life where she cannot lie to the camera any more. That's why her handlers are limiting her exposure at this juncture. She is unable to come across as anything other than what she is..a racketeering, criminal, murderous, fascist hag spawned by Satan.
Getting ever more shrill isn't she!

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