She is the queen of heaven.

Are you Jewish?
Logical conclusion but, no, I am not Jewish. About a year ago God told me to read the Old Testament, KJV, so I have. I have been told I do not need to, nor should I use, any other texts. I do not believe this to necessarily mean other beliefs are invalid but there is however only one God, my God. I believe part of the reason I might be limited to one text the amount time I have learn stuff. I do have an English translation of the Peshitta Torah. There are at least a couple places where the wording of the KJV does not give females their due respect. This is not to say that the KJV is not very respectful of women.

This is a problem when referring to Bible. Some people are referring only to the New Testament, whether they realize it or not. When I refer to the Bible I mean only the OT.

So you pick and choose in order to avoid the explicit misogyny of the Pauline epistles, but have no problem with that of the equally inescapable more implicit variety that litters the pages of the Old Testament? :dunno:

Sexism aside, the most troublesome verses concerning the bizarre caprice of the God of the Bible are found in the OT! Whether you take those tales entirely literally or not, how on Earth you could reconcile 'the morals of the stories' with the humanity-based pangs of your own conscience is completely beyond me.

Your goddess, Semiramis, who you refer to as the "Queen of Heaven" (she called herself that) was a mass murdering witch who committed incest and married her own son, Tammuz after her mass murdering husband, Nimrod, was put to death by Noah's son Shem. Why was Nimrod put to death? For sacrificing infants to Baal and eating the flesh of the murdered child and drinking the blood of the murdered child.

Semiramis the witch and her husband Nimrod served Satan. They were Baal worshippers.

1. My God never once accepted a human sacrifice from his creation on earth - the sacrifice was of animals - the blood of animals - not human beings. The Queen of heaven which refers to Semiramis (the original Babylonian religion) was the one who demanded human sacrifice.

2. Satan / Lucifer is the one who has deceived women (from the beginning) by enticing them to come out from underneath their covering which was given then by God. Their husbands! Satan approached Eve rather than Adam for this very reason! Marriage is a picture of our relationship to Christ. He is our covering. Satan rebelled against God and was thrown out of heaven. He is permitted for a short time to come before God to accuse the brethren but soon he will be cast out of heaven permanently which is why he is in great wrath. He knows his time is about up!

3. Lucifer/ Satan is behind wars, destruction of cities, families, homes, and is responsible for deceiving billions who are now in hell - it is too late for them. He has used many devious methods to accomplish his goal which is to harm the heart of God by grieving Him. Which is the purpose of this thread too. To accuse God. It began in the garden when a serpent allowed Satan to accuse God through his own mouth. Today there are two legged serpents that have given their tongues to the devil to accuse God with and their knee will one day bow & their tongue confess Jesus Christ is LORD. Satan is going to bend his knee and confess with his own tongue Jesus is LORD. So are you, Pillars.

4. Satan has slaughtered the multitudes and he is still slaughtering them since the time of Semiramis and Nimrod. Get your facts straight.

5. You are a slave to whomever you serve. Satan is a hard taskmaster and those who have left him to follow Christ can confirm that the yoke of Jesus Christ is light. Serving Baal demands perfect obedience or immediate punishment - a Satanist or witch trying to escape a coven is in fear for their life. These people are forced to sacrifice their own children, to commit the most heinous acts. Even acts of the greatest humiliation - drinking urine, feces, Satan is mocking them even here on earth before God which is why Jesus has compassion even on those who have done horrific things. There is room at the cross for you. Jesus saves.

6. God sacrificed Himself. Jesus Christ is God, Pillars. He died for us and he rose on the third day. He prophesied how he would die, he fulfilled the prophecies of the prophets. God didn't demand the people to murder their own children, to rape them, skin them alive, sacrifice them, eating their flesh and drinking their blood- Satan is the one who does that and yet you believe he's good? You are deceived. Terribly terribly deceived.

7. It was Satan that drew the people away from God and into a life of evil / sin. God is holy. They destroyed themselves because they chose to listen to the Father of Lies. Like you have. Repent.

8. Who wants to start a nuclear war? Satan does. Not God. Satan has lied to his followers by telling them he wants to restore the earth, to make everything perfect. It was perfect to begin with and he had no part in it. Jesus Christ created heaven and earth. He is the creator of everything seen and unseen. Interesting how you failed to mention that God is going to create a new earth and then? You'll either be here to see it or in hell wishing you had not been deceived by the Wicked One.. He wants to rob you of all that God desired to give to you. God is a loving and merciful Father who always keeps his Word. Your goddess is Lucifer's weapon of deception to take you to hell. Ask the LORD to remove this deception you are under and be willing to follow Him once He does. Otherwise? You're Doomed!

Your goddess, Semiramis, who you refer to as the "Queen of Heaven" (she called herself that) was a mass murdering witch who committed incest and married her own son, Tammuz after her mass murdering husband, Nimrod, was put to death by Noah's son Shem. Why was Nimrod put to death? For sacrificing infants to Baal and eating the flesh of the murdered child and drinking the blood of the murdered child.

Semiramis the witch and her husband Nimrod served Satan. They were Baal worshippers.

1. My God never once accepted a human sacrifice from his creation on earth - the sacrifice was of animals - the blood of animals - not human beings. The Queen of heaven which refers to Semiramis (the original Babylonian religion) was the one who demanded human sacrifice.

2. Satan / Lucifer is the one who has deceived women (from the beginning) by enticing them to come out from underneath their covering which was given then by God. Their husbands! Satan approached Eve rather than Adam for this very reason! Marriage is a picture of our relationship to Christ. He is our covering. Satan rebelled against God and was thrown out of heaven. He is permitted for a short time to come before God to accuse the brethren but soon he will be cast out of heaven permanently which is why he is in great wrath. He knows his time is about up!

3. Lucifer/ Satan is behind wars, destruction of cities, families, homes, and is responsible for deceiving billions who are now in hell - it is too late for them. He has used many devious methods to accomplish his goal which is to harm the heart of God by grieving Him. Which is the purpose of this thread too. To accuse God. It began in the garden when a serpent allowed Satan to accuse God through his own mouth. Today there are two legged serpents that have given their tongues to the devil to accuse God with and their knee will one day bow & their tongue confess Jesus Christ is LORD. Satan is going to bend his knee and confess with his own tongue Jesus is LORD. So are you, Pillars.

4. Satan has slaughtered the multitudes and he is still slaughtering them since the time of Semiramis and Nimrod. Get your facts straight.

5. You are a slave to whomever you serve. Satan is a hard taskmaster and those who have left him to follow Christ can confirm that the yoke of Jesus Christ is light. Serving Baal demands perfect obedience or immediate punishment - a Satanist or witch trying to escape a coven is in fear for their life. These people are forced to sacrifice their own children, to commit the most heinous acts. Even acts of the greatest humiliation - drinking urine, feces, Satan is mocking them even here on earth before God which is why Jesus has compassion even on those who have done horrific things. There is room at the cross for you. Jesus saves.

6. God sacrificed Himself. Jesus Christ is God, Pillars. He died for us and he rose on the third day. He prophesied how he would die, he fulfilled the prophecies of the prophets. God didn't demand the people to murder their own children, to rape them, skin them alive, sacrifice them, eating their flesh and drinking their blood- Satan is the one who does that and yet you believe he's good? You are deceived. Terribly terribly deceived.

7. It was Satan that drew the people away from God and into a life of evil / sin. God is holy. They destroyed themselves because they chose to listen to the Father of Lies. Like you have. Repent.

8. Who wants to start a nuclear war? Satan does. Not God. Satan has lied to his followers by telling them he wants to restore the earth, to make everything perfect. It was perfect to begin with and he had no part in it. Jesus Christ created heaven and earth. He is the creator of everything seen and unseen. Interesting how you failed to mention that God is going to create a new earth and then? You'll either be here to see it or in hell wishing you had not been deceived by the Wicked One.. He wants to rob you of all that God desired to give to you. God is a loving and merciful Father who always keeps his Word. Your goddess is Lucifer's weapon of deception to take you to hell. Ask the LORD to remove this deception you are under and be willing to follow Him once He does. Otherwise? You're Doomed!

You forgot to mention the Jesuits!!
There are no goddesses. There is the Father of lies who has deceived the world and Jesus Christ who came not to condemn mankind but to save it. You have two choices. This isn't multiple choice and God isn't grading on a curve here.
It's life or death. Choose Jesus Christ. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man can come to the Father except through His Son. Ye must be born again.
Hell is real. Hell is for all eternity. Flee from the wrath to come!

Your goddess, Semiramis, who you refer to as the "Queen of Heaven" (she called herself that) was a mass murdering witch who committed incest and married her own son, Tammuz after her mass murdering husband, Nimrod, was put to death by Noah's son Shem. Why was Nimrod put to death? For sacrificing infants to Baal and eating the flesh of the murdered child and drinking the blood of the murdered child.

Semiramis the witch and her husband Nimrod served Satan. They were Baal worshippers.

1. My God never once accepted a human sacrifice from his creation on earth - the sacrifice was of animals - the blood of animals - not human beings. The Queen of heaven which refers to Semiramis (the original Babylonian religion) was the one who demanded human sacrifice.

2. Satan / Lucifer is the one who has deceived women (from the beginning) by enticing them to come out from underneath their covering which was given then by God. Their husbands! Satan approached Eve rather than Adam for this very reason! Marriage is a picture of our relationship to Christ. He is our covering. Satan rebelled against God and was thrown out of heaven. He is permitted for a short time to come before God to accuse the brethren but soon he will be cast out of heaven permanently which is why he is in great wrath. He knows his time is about up!

3. Lucifer/ Satan is behind wars, destruction of cities, families, homes, and is responsible for deceiving billions who are now in hell - it is too late for them. He has used many devious methods to accomplish his goal which is to harm the heart of God by grieving Him. Which is the purpose of this thread too. To accuse God. It began in the garden when a serpent allowed Satan to accuse God through his own mouth. Today there are two legged serpents that have given their tongues to the devil to accuse God with and their knee will one day bow & their tongue confess Jesus Christ is LORD. Satan is going to bend his knee and confess with his own tongue Jesus is LORD. So are you, Pillars.

4. Satan has slaughtered the multitudes and he is still slaughtering them since the time of Semiramis and Nimrod. Get your facts straight.

5. You are a slave to whomever you serve. Satan is a hard taskmaster and those who have left him to follow Christ can confirm that the yoke of Jesus Christ is light. Serving Baal demands perfect obedience or immediate punishment - a Satanist or witch trying to escape a coven is in fear for their life. These people are forced to sacrifice their own children, to commit the most heinous acts. Even acts of the greatest humiliation - drinking urine, feces, Satan is mocking them even here on earth before God which is why Jesus has compassion even on those who have done horrific things. There is room at the cross for you. Jesus saves.

6. God sacrificed Himself. Jesus Christ is God, Pillars. He died for us and he rose on the third day. He prophesied how he would die, he fulfilled the prophecies of the prophets. God didn't demand the people to murder their own children, to rape them, skin them alive, sacrifice them, eating their flesh and drinking their blood- Satan is the one who does that and yet you believe he's good? You are deceived. Terribly terribly deceived.

7. It was Satan that drew the people away from God and into a life of evil / sin. God is holy. They destroyed themselves because they chose to listen to the Father of Lies. Like you have. Repent.

8. Who wants to start a nuclear war? Satan does. Not God. Satan has lied to his followers by telling them he wants to restore the earth, to make everything perfect. It was perfect to begin with and he had no part in it. Jesus Christ created heaven and earth. He is the creator of everything seen and unseen. Interesting how you failed to mention that God is going to create a new earth and then? You'll either be here to see it or in hell wishing you had not been deceived by the Wicked One.. He wants to rob you of all that God desired to give to you. God is a loving and merciful Father who always keeps his Word. Your goddess is Lucifer's weapon of deception to take you to hell. Ask the LORD to remove this deception you are under and be willing to follow Him once He does. Otherwise? You're Doomed!

You forgot to mention the Jesuits!!
The Jesuits are servants of Satan. By their fruits ye shall know them.
Don't fear her, she is the mother of all life and all that is.

Hear the words of the Star Goddess, the dust of Whose feet are the hosts of Heaven, whose body encircles the universe:

I Who am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars and the mysteries of the waters,

I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me.

For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe.

From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return.

Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals.

Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am That which is attained at the end of desire.
let me tell ya a little something about the Star Goddess...fucked her like an I slapped her ass and she called me daddy...yeaaah baby
I dunno. We better bring in an expert on this...

Did you just smite me? :dunno:

The OP brings to mind an ancient Mesopotamian primordial goddess called Tiamat​

I thought you were invoking the spirit of a dead dyslexic Phoenician.

She isn't a goddess. She is a mere mortal - a human slave of Satan who lives in a state of fear and torment. A lost soul in captivity to the Wicked One. The god she thinks she serves is in reality a defeated foe. My God -JESUS CHRIST- is his Master. He cannot do a thing unless he first gets permission from God Almighty. Satan is under my feet today and he can be under yours (and hers as well) if you'll repent of your sins and fear God instead of man. Satan cannot break a hedge that God builds around His own children. He cannot touch those covered by the Blood of JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. Why perish?

It is written!

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Matthew 10:28

Your goddess, Semiramis, who you refer to as the "Queen of Heaven" (she called herself that) was a mass murdering witch who committed incest and married her own son, Tammuz after her mass murdering husband, Nimrod, was put to death by Noah's son Shem. Why was Nimrod put to death? For sacrificing infants to Baal and eating the flesh of the murdered child and drinking the blood of the murdered child.

Semiramis the witch and her husband Nimrod served Satan. They were Baal worshippers.

1. My God never once accepted a human sacrifice from his creation on earth - the sacrifice was of animals - the blood of animals - not human beings. The Queen of heaven which refers to Semiramis (the original Babylonian religion) was the one who demanded human sacrifice.

2. Satan / Lucifer is the one who has deceived women (from the beginning) by enticing them to come out from underneath their covering which was given then by God. Their husbands! Satan approached Eve rather than Adam for this very reason! Marriage is a picture of our relationship to Christ. He is our covering. Satan rebelled against God and was thrown out of heaven. He is permitted for a short time to come before God to accuse the brethren but soon he will be cast out of heaven permanently which is why he is in great wrath. He knows his time is about up!

3. Lucifer/ Satan is behind wars, destruction of cities, families, homes, and is responsible for deceiving billions who are now in hell - it is too late for them. He has used many devious methods to accomplish his goal which is to harm the heart of God by grieving Him. Which is the purpose of this thread too. To accuse God. It began in the garden when a serpent allowed Satan to accuse God through his own mouth. Today there are two legged serpents that have given their tongues to the devil to accuse God with and their knee will one day bow & their tongue confess Jesus Christ is LORD. Satan is going to bend his knee and confess with his own tongue Jesus is LORD. So are you, Pillars.

4. Satan has slaughtered the multitudes and he is still slaughtering them since the time of Semiramis and Nimrod. Get your facts straight.

5. You are a slave to whomever you serve. Satan is a hard taskmaster and those who have left him to follow Christ can confirm that the yoke of Jesus Christ is light. Serving Baal demands perfect obedience or immediate punishment - a Satanist or witch trying to escape a coven is in fear for their life. These people are forced to sacrifice their own children, to commit the most heinous acts. Even acts of the greatest humiliation - drinking urine, feces, Satan is mocking them even here on earth before God which is why Jesus has compassion even on those who have done horrific things. There is room at the cross for you. Jesus saves.

6. God sacrificed Himself. Jesus Christ is God, Pillars. He died for us and he rose on the third day. He prophesied how he would die, he fulfilled the prophecies of the prophets. God didn't demand the people to murder their own children, to rape them, skin them alive, sacrifice them, eating their flesh and drinking their blood- Satan is the one who does that and yet you believe he's good? You are deceived. Terribly terribly deceived.

7. It was Satan that drew the people away from God and into a life of evil / sin. God is holy. They destroyed themselves because they chose to listen to the Father of Lies. Like you have. Repent.

8. Who wants to start a nuclear war? Satan does. Not God. Satan has lied to his followers by telling them he wants to restore the earth, to make everything perfect. It was perfect to begin with and he had no part in it. Jesus Christ created heaven and earth. He is the creator of everything seen and unseen. Interesting how you failed to mention that God is going to create a new earth and then? You'll either be here to see it or in hell wishing you had not been deceived by the Wicked One.. He wants to rob you of all that God desired to give to you. God is a loving and merciful Father who always keeps his Word. Your goddess is Lucifer's weapon of deception to take you to hell. Ask the LORD to remove this deception you are under and be willing to follow Him once He does. Otherwise? You're Doomed!
From you post:
2. Satan / Lucifer is the one who has deceived women (from the beginning) by enticing them to come out from underneath their covering which was given then by God. Their husbands! Satan approached Eve rather than Adam for this very reason! Marriage is a picture of our relationship to Christ. He is our covering. Satan rebelled against God and was thrown out of heaven. He is permitted for a short time to come before God to accuse the brethren but soon he will be cast out of heaven permanently which is why he is in great wrath. He knows his time is about up!
Your interpretation of the OT and NT. Not speaking for my God there, that's for sure.
The Gnostics said "God" had a consort or wife. A female version who was the goody two-shoes deity, but that the male-version killed or banished her seizing sole dominion. And it's this 'evil' deity we now talk about when we reference "God."

More interestingly, Judaism refers to "God" with both masculine and feminine pronouns. Almost like it's talking about two different beings. :)
If God is the father, and Jesus is the son, then the Holy Spirit is the mother. Jesus said that blasphemy of the father and son will be forgiven, but not the Holy Spirit. Jesus loves his mother.
Jeremiah demonstrates that tolerance that's so prevalent amongst fundies. She expects me to respect her beliefs, but is completely disrespectful of mine.

1. My God never once accepted a human sacrifice from his creation on earth -

Except his son.

2. Satan / Lucifer is the one who has deceived women (

I don't believe in Satan.

5. You are a slave to whomever you serve.

My goddess doesn't want slaves on their knees, she wants men and women who stand on their feet and take responsibility for their actions.

6. God sacrificed Himself.

Your god sacrificed himself to appease himself. Your beliefs make zero logical sense. You have a lot of audacity referring to other people as deceived.

You're Doomed!

Your fantasies of a jealous petty tyrant don't scare me. Save it for your hell house this halloween.
Jeremiah demonstrates that tolerance that's so prevalent amongst fundies. She expects me to respect her beliefs, but is completely disrespectful of mine.

I have no respect for Satan. He is my enemy and he is under my feet where he belongs. Now if we can see the LORD save you and put him under your feet too? We'll have something great to celebrate over! All heaven rejoices over one lost sinner!

Speaking of Respect where was your respect for the One True God, MY LORD AND MY GOD - when you accused him with that diatribe of lies? You think I am going to let your lies stand unchallenged? THINK AGAIN.
If God is the father, and Jesus is the son, then the Holy Spirit is the mother. Jesus said that blasphemy of the father and son will be forgiven, but not the Holy Spirit. Jesus loves his mother.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. He is no one's mother. There are no female deities - no goddesses, no Queen of heaven (Semiramis is suffering in hell right now), God doesn't have any wives. There is no salvation in any other name but the name of JESUS CHRIST, hangover.
I came, I saw ..I fucked Satan to death..
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Speaking of Respect where was your respect for the One True God, MY LORD AND MY GOD - when you accused him with that diatribe of lies? You think I am going to let your lies stand unchallenged? THINK AGAIN.

Why? Your god is a puny weakling who can't stand up for himself? Doesn't sound very godlike to me.

You'll notice that I allowed you to spew your nonsense and invective about the goddess unchallenged, because I don't need to defend her. She can take care of herself. She is who she is, in spite of a thousand years of ignorant Christians who have vilified her and persecuted/killed her followers.

If your god was real, your faith would not have needed to burn the followers of other gods. He'd be able to handle his own business.
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The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. He is no one's mother. There are no female deities - no goddesses, no Queen of heaven (Semiramis is suffering in hell right now), God doesn't have any wives. There is no salvation in any other name but the name of JESUS CHRIST, hangover.

Go take your silly superstitions elsewhere. No one is buying your bullshit.
If God is the father, and Jesus is the son, then the Holy Spirit is the mother. Jesus said that blasphemy of the father and son will be forgiven, but not the Holy Spirit. Jesus loves his mother.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. He is no one's mother. There are no female deities - no goddesses, no Queen of heaven (Semiramis is suffering in hell right now), God doesn't have any wives. There is no salvation in any other name but the name of JESUS CHRIST, hangover.
You condemn others to hell, like you are God. You are no different than the Muslims that condemn those that don't believe the way they do.

Matthew 7:22-23 Matthew 7:1
Your goddess, Semiramis, who you refer to as the "Queen of Heaven" (she called herself that) was a mass murdering witch who committed incest and married her own son, Tammuz after her mass murdering husband, Nimrod, was put to death by Noah's son Shem ...

In light of your beliefs on the origin of humanity, is incest really a charge you should be levelling against others' beliefs? Who the hell do you imagine the earliest offspring of Adam and Eve were boinking?! And what about all of the kissing between first cousins (at best) that must have followed Noah's flood?! For future reference, you might wanna try checking the mirror before opening your piehole about someone else's doctrinal blemishes.

jeremiah said:
1. My God never once accepted a human sacrifice from his creation on earth - the sacrifice was of animals - the blood of animals - not human beings. ...

So "the Spirit of the Lord" didn't inspire Jephthah to offer up as a burnt offering "whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon" - a vow that he kept, despite the fact that his own daughter was the first to come out and greet him on his victorious return? (Judges 11)

And "God was..." not "...intreated for the land" (ending the famine HE told David was due to the actions of his predecessor, Saul) after David had two of Saul's sons and five of his grandsons "delivered into the hands of the Gibeonites, who subsequently killed and "hanged them in the hill before the LORD"? (2 Samuel 21)

I suppose, then, that Josiah didn't do "that which was right in the eyes of the Lord" when he killed "all of the priests of the high places" and burnt their bodies on their own altars? (1 Kings 13, 2 Kings 23, 1 Chronicles 34)

And, of course, the ultimate act of divine appeasement by blood (the crucifiction of Christ) was obviously unnecessary, since your God apparently wasn't the bloodthirsty dickhead the biblical writers made "HIM" out to be, after all?

jeremiah said:
...2. Satan / Lucifer is the one who has deceived women (from the beginning) by enticing them to come out from underneath their covering which was given then by God. Their husbands! Satan approached Eve rather than Adam for this very reason! Marriage is a picture of our relationship to Christ. He is our covering. Satan rebelled against God and was thrown out of heaven. He is permitted for a short time to come before God to accuse the brethren but soon he will be cast out of heaven permanently which is why he is in great wrath. He knows his time is about up!.

Well, where the f*ck is your "covering" when we need him, Jeri?

Shouldn't you be "in silence" about all of this doctrinal crap right about now? (2 Timothy 2)

jeremiah said:
...3. Lucifer/ Satan is behind wars, destruction of cities, families, homes, and is responsible for deceiving billions who are now in hell - it is too late for them. He has used many devious methods to accomplish his goal which is to harm the heart of God by grieving Him. Which is the purpose of this thread too. To accuse God. It began in the garden when a serpent allowed Satan to accuse God through his own mouth. Today there are two legged serpents that have given their tongues to the devil to accuse God with and their knee will one day bow & their tongue confess Jesus Christ is LORD. Satan is going to bend his knee and confess with his own tongue Jesus is LORD. So are you, Pillars. ...

Oh, that ol' canard. :rolleyes:

ALMIGHTY God clearly bears no responsibility for the actions of the beings he created and/or has allowed to subsist in order to test the worthiness of his other created playthings (alaJob). It's all so perfectly reasonable and internally consistent! :uhoh3:

jeremiah said:
...4. Satan has slaughtered the multitudes and he is still slaughtering them since the time of Semiramis and Nimrod. Get your facts straight. ...

So it was Satan who sanctioned both David's and Abishai's mass murders of 22,000 Syrians and 18,000 Edomites respectively? (1 Chronicles Chapters 17-20)

How 'bout the exploits and conquests of Gideon? (Judges Chapters 6-9)

It also must have been Satan who "smote" more than a "thousand thousand" Ethiopians (2 Chronicles 14),and who personally wiped out all of the firstborns in Egypt (Exodus 12), and who "smote" more than 50,000 people for the gawdawful sin of human curiosity (1 Samuel 6), say nothing of the nearly unimaginable death toll of Noah's flood?

jeremiah said:
...5. You are a slave to whomever you serve. Satan is a hard taskmaster and those who have left him to follow Christ can confirm that the yoke of Jesus Christ is light. Serving Baal demands perfect obedience or immediate punishment - a Satanist or witch trying to escape a coven is in fear for their life. These people are forced to sacrifice their own children, to commit the most heinous acts. ...

Meanwhile, your preferred Master reportedly ordered the Israelites to eat human feces (Ezekiel 4), and apparently condoned (or at least didn't condemn) the drinking of piss and eating of dung elsewhere in the scriptures (2 Kings 18).

jeremiah said:
...6. God sacrificed Himself. Jesus Christ is God, Pillars. He died for us and he rose on the third day. He prophesied how he would die, he fulfilled the prophecies of the prophets. ...

Right, He sacrificed HIMSELF...unto HIMSELF, not to quench HIS previously unquencable thirst for blood appeasement, but to fulfill the prophecies of the prophets! :rolleyes:

jeremiah said:
...God didn't demand the people to murder their own children, to rape them, ...

So the 'inspired Word of God' didn't instruct parents to stone to death their "stubborn and rebellious" children (Deuteronomy 21); nor dictate that priests burn their daughters under certain circumstances (Leviticus 21); and the father who offered his virgin daughter to be ravaged by a drunken mob in order to spare God's messenger that fate wasn't justified in doing so (Judges 19)???

jeremiah said:
...7. It was Satan that drew the people away from God and into a life of evil / sin. God is holy. They destroyed themselves because they chose to listen to the Father of Lies. Like you have. Repent. ...

Subtract the alleged actions of Satan from the equation and what do you have? A situation in which everyone's saved (or would have never needed to be saved in the first place), which casts a rather ominous shadow over the motives of the CREATOR who's allowed such a spiritually destructive force to persist in "HIS" creation.

jeremiah said:
...8. Who wants to start a nuclear war? Satan does. Not God. Satan has lied to his followers by telling them he wants to restore the earth, to make everything perfect. It was perfect to begin with and he had no part in it. Jesus Christ created heaven and earth. He is the creator of everything seen and unseen. Interesting how you failed to mention that God is going to create a new earth and then? You'll either be here to see it or in hell wishing you had not been deceived by the Wicked One.. He wants to rob you of all that God desired to give to you. God is a loving and merciful Father who always keeps his Word. Your goddess is Lucifer's weapon of deception to take you to hell. Ask the LORD to remove this deception you are under and be willing to follow Him once He does. Otherwise? You're Doomed!

"When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be frightened; those things must take place; but that is not yet the end." - Mark 13:7

Have you even bothered to read your own goddamned holy book, Jeri? :dunno:

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