"She was asking for it"

Are women who dress provocatively "asking for it"

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • No

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters
We had the mother of all threads on another forum, so I thought I'd ask the same question here. When women dress provocatively, are they "asking for it."

First off it depends on what you mean by "asking for it"

If you are dressed and act like a slut.... expect to be approached and treated (not assaulted) as such.

However.... that being said.... No amount of provocative clothing or actions is any cause to assault or rape.

Women who dress like sluts will of course be hit on by men however those men have no right to put a hand on her unless she wants it.

I totally agree. As i said.... she should expect to be approached and treated as such.

Rape and assault cors the line.
When a woman is dressed like a slut and walking in a bad start part of town at 3 AM

I fail to see why people think she was raped.

The guy in reality was just fulfilling her fantasy. :cool:

rape is rape....nice throw back there sunni.....thinking that women have a fantasy about being raped....nice....try not to show your ignorance....rape is rape
No they are not, even if a woman is wearing just dental floss and a pair of stripper heels it doesn't give any man an excuse to just try and rape her.

Rape is never excusable. That being said, why would any women think that clothing herself in an overtly sexual way isn't going to send a message to guys that she "wants it". If I'm fishing, I don't put a coke bottle on my hook, I put something on it that is enticing to the fish. Dressing provocatively is enticing.

She may want 'it' but the 'it' sure isn't rape.
When a woman is dressed like a slut and walking in a bad start part of town at 3 AM

I fail to see why people think she was raped.

The guy in reality was just fulfilling her fantasy. :cool:

rape is rape....nice throw back there sunni.....thinking that women have a fantasy about being raped....nice....try not to show your ignorance....rape is rape
I was not talking about all women .

But there are some women who have the rape fantasy and will act upon it to make it happen.
It's like a robber blaming the bank for having money

Exactly my man.

But if the bank took stacks of money and threw it in the street outside of the bank.

And the people ran over and picked up the money.

Would you still call them bank robbers?

In that situation the guys in the bank who threw out the money would be arrested, and the people who took the money would be expected to return it.
It's like a robber blaming the bank for having money

Exactly my man.

But if the bank took stacks of money and threw it in the street outside of the bank.

And the people ran over and picked up the money.

Would you still call them bank robbers?

Them who? The people picking up money that doesn't belong to them? Yup. The banks who are throwing money that doesn't belong to them out the window? Yup.
It's bad enough when guys say that women are asking for it, but when the women say that women are asking for it...

If, God forbid, you yourselves are ever raped, or you have a family member raped, will you still say the same thing? You won't know unless you ever go through it.

Okay - was just wondering. For those who believe the answer is "yes" - does "No means no!" still apply? So if she says yes, but then she says no, do you cease and desist?

Or even if she never says yes. If you think her clothes spoke for her, but she said no - will you abide by that?
People who think a woman deserves to be raped because of what she is wearing would feel right at home in Egypt or Pakistan.
Okay - was just wondering. For those who believe the answer is "yes" - does "No means no!" still apply? So if she says yes, but then she says no, do you cease and desist?

Or even if she never says yes. If you think her clothes spoke for her, but she said no - will you abide by that?

No is No..... end of story.

If a man plans on his freedom.... he better get the idea of no is no...and to cease and desist the moment the word no crosses her lips.
If you park a shiny new convertible, top down with keys in the ignition, on a street in a not-so-nice neighborhood, anyone who says you aren't asking for it is a fool.

So, ladies who have something to offer; be careful about when, how and where you offer it. Rape is a condemnable act. No question about that. But there are rapists in the world and that is reality. Don't challenge it.
And therefore. The lesson isn't what she's wearing, it's where she is. Right? Because she could have just gotten done working out and be a veritable sludge bucket of sweat, but wrong place, wrong time, bad results.

You may find I have a very difficult time playing along on the "blame the victim" express.

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