(Sheffield ) University bans white students from attending ‘anti-racism’ meetings

See Correll....what I find *far* more fascinating than some random college meeting in a university in another country, is how conservatives RESPOND to it here.

Some white people weren't allowed to attend an anti-racism meeting in Sheffield university. And from that, the conservative mindset produces 'issuing licensee to kill white people'.

The A to B on that is a wasteland of delusion, paranoia and insanity. Yet they're STILL trying to defend it. And its far, far more relevant to our nation than some college meeting time zones away.

And the profound, bone deep confusion many conservatives have about even the most BASIC application of the constitution are also extremely fascinating and far more relevant than some college meeting. As we have the lamenting that the 14th amendment to the Constitution of the United States isn't being applied in the UK.

That's a degree of ignorance that is almost unfathomable. Yet its the *foundation* of this thread, an indicative of the profound misunderstandings that conservatives have about the constitution.

Panty shitting and delusional hysterics predicated on profound and inexcusible ignorance of our own constitution......and you insist that I shouldn't be talking about either, but some school meeting?


Deflection is normally a form of defense. An rational, objective observer would likely conclude that you are, in effect, DEFENDING, the racism in the op.

The event in the op is not something that occurred in a vacuum. Are you aware of the events in Rotherham, for example?
Yeah, you're really a targeted minority now aren't you.
You don't understand the Bill of Rights, do you, moron?

Shall we quote the Preamble of the Bill of Rights to you, Brit....just to alleviate your obvious and crippling ignorance of what the Bill of Rights actually covers?

The Bill of Rights (Amendments 1 - 10)

Take special note of the phrase 'amendments to the Constitution of the United States'. And then think really hard on its application to a school in the UK.
I have no interest in debating your fat ass on this subject.
I rather think we’ve seen that attitude throughout this thread, have we not?
Get panties in a wad.....like this?

So, our resident panty shitter and pseudo-legal incompetent.....what government policies' involve licenses to hunt white people.......or applying the 14th amendment to a school in the UK?

You.....you do know what the 14th amendment actually amends, don't you?

But, you do see the hypocritical racism in the act of banning white people based on race, right?

Obviously. But I wouldn't start lamenting about the 14th amendment if it happened in the UK.

Or completely melt down into sobbing, shrill hysterics about 'licenses to hunt white people'.

Which are the two 'points' this entire thread is predicated upon.

So, you agree that the incident being discussed is racism, but you are here to attack those who are attacking the racism, because they attacked the racism, incorrectly?


What's being discussed.....are the hysteric and ignorant comments of the Opening Poster in the OP:

"It's only a matter of time until they issue licenses to hunt white people. Haven't these morons ever heard of the 14th Amendment?"


That's literally the *entirity* of the comments made by Brit in the OP. Brit saw the incident and Sheffield....and that's what he pulled out of it. Panty shitting hysterics and meaningless pseudo-legal gibberish.

Yet you ignore both and pretend neither happened, despite BOTH being the entity of the commentary that opened this thread.

Fascinating. Do you always ignore the comments made by the opening poster? Or are you merely confused when someone else doesn't?

I like to focus on the point(s).

You are here to deflect from the blatant anti-white racism, we see in the op.

Oh, obviously not. Here are the only points made by the opening poster in the OP:
"It's only a matter of time until they issue licenses to hunt white people. Haven't these morons ever heard of the 14th Amendment?"


And you're steadfastly commited to ignoring them.

I choose not to.

As the hysteric, violent and delusional reasoning of our boards are conservatives (not being invited to a school meeting means STATE SANCTIONED MURDER) and pseudo-legal gibberish are far more telling and relevant here than some school meeting in the UK.

Yet you continue to pretend none of it exists.

University of Sheffield is in England. So, while he is learning the Bill of Rights, you can work on learning how to read a map.

Brit is famous for just making up inane pseudo-legal batshit backed by nothing.

Or as his panty shitting hysterics regarding 'licenses to hunt white people' demonstrates, plain old inane batshit.

The part that I find so amazing....is that these poor fools ACTUALLY believe this shrill idiocy. Both their unhinged hysterics about 'licenses to hunt white people' and the bizarre lamenting about the 14th amendment not being applied to a school in another country.

You're getting a lovely window into the absolute wasteland of fear and confusion that is the conservative mindset.
Absolutely. Above all, they must convince each other that they are the victims. At all times. Only in this way can they justify their own behavior to themselves and not break into hysterical, simultaneous crying and laughter whenever they look into a mirror.
So you like segregating people based on race? I would have hoped that we ALL would complain when we see that happen.
What would turds like Skylar say if a campus group was formed that only allowed whites called "Make America Great Again?"

Laughing...it probably wouldn't have much to do with your hysteric 'licenses to hunt white people' or you profound misunderstandings of the Constitution or how it is applied.
We all know that you would be screaming hysterically that it was the end of the world.
Brit is famous for just making up inane pseudo-legal batshit backed by nothing.

Or as his panty shitting hysterics regarding 'licenses to hunt white people' demonstrates, plain old inane batshit.

The part that I find so amazing....is that these poor fools ACTUALLY believe this shrill idiocy. Both their unhinged hysterics about 'licenses to hunt white people' and the bizarre lamenting about the 14th amendment not being applied to a school in another country.

You're getting a lovely window into the absolute wasteland of fear and confusion that is the conservative mindset.
Absolutely. Above all, they must convince each other that they are the victims. At all times. Only in this way can they justify their own behavior to themselves and not break into hysterical, simultaneous crying and laughter whenever they look into a mirror.
So you like segregating people based on race? I would have hoped that we ALL would complain when we see that happen.
What would turds like Skylar say if a campus group was formed that only allowed whites called "Make America Great Again?"

Laughing...it probably wouldn't have much to do with your hysteric 'licenses to hunt white people' or you profound misunderstandings of the Constitution or how it is applied.
We all know that you would be screaming hysterically that it was the end of the world.

Screaming hysterically like this pile of gibbering, pseudo-legal murder delusions?

"It's only a matter of time until they issue licenses to hunt white people. Haven't these morons ever heard of the 14th Amendment?"


Nah, I'll leave that kind of panty shitting you to you and yours.

And whining that the 14th amendment wasn't applied to a school in the UK? Oh, you poor soul. You really don't get how the constitution works at all, do you?
Ever heard of why we have it?
It doesn't matter why we have it. The 14th Amendment says it's illegal.
Ha, sure it does. Sure. If this thread has shown is anything,its that , somehow, the 14th amendment is crawling onto your window at night and whispering very strange things into your ears.
So you believe AA complies with the following?:

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Yes, and so do the courts. Sorry Bripat...no mind is paid to your ridiculous fantasies. How frustrating that must be for you...to truly believe you are a brilliant legal mind based on 20 years of reading wingnut blogs, only find yourself running into a brick wall every time you open your mouth.
You don't understand the Bill of Rights, do you, moron?
University of Sheffield is in England. So, while he is learning the Bill of Rights, you can work on learning how to read a map.

Brit is famous for just making up inane pseudo-legal batshit backed by nothing.

Or as his panty shitting hysterics regarding 'licenses to hunt white people' demonstrates, plain old inane batshit.

The part that I find so amazing....is that these poor fools ACTUALLY believe this shrill idiocy. Both their unhinged hysterics about 'licenses to hunt white people' and the bizarre lamenting about the 14th amendment not being applied to a school in another country.

You're getting a lovely window into the absolute wasteland of fear and confusion that is the conservative mindset.
Absolutely. Above all, they must convince each other that they are the victims. At all times. Only in this way can they justify their own behavior to themselves and not break into hysterical, simultaneous crying and laughter whenever they look into a mirror.
So you like segregating people based on race? I would have hoped that we ALL would complain when we see that happen.
What would turds like Skylar say if a campus group was formed that only allowed whites called "Make America Great Again?"

Did no one see the bus load of MAGA hatted white teenaged males the Catholic Church dumped off to protest women’s reproductive rights who turned on an indigenous man?
University of Sheffield is in England. So, while he is learning the Bill of Rights, you can work on learning how to read a map.

Brit is famous for just making up inane pseudo-legal batshit backed by nothing.

Or as his panty shitting hysterics regarding 'licenses to hunt white people' demonstrates, plain old inane batshit.

The part that I find so amazing....is that these poor fools ACTUALLY believe this shrill idiocy. Both their unhinged hysterics about 'licenses to hunt white people' and the bizarre lamenting about the 14th amendment not being applied to a school in another country.

You're getting a lovely window into the absolute wasteland of fear and confusion that is the conservative mindset.
Absolutely. Above all, they must convince each other that they are the victims. At all times. Only in this way can they justify their own behavior to themselves and not break into hysterical, simultaneous crying and laughter whenever they look into a mirror.
So you like segregating people based on race? I would have hoped that we ALL would complain when we see that happen.
What would turds like Skylar say if a campus group was formed that only allowed whites called "Make America Great Again?"

Did no one see the bus load of MAGA hatted white teenaged males the Catholic Church dumped off to protest women’s reproductive rights who turned on an indigenous man?

That lie has been debunked. Only a liar or a fool, would try running with it at this late date.
University of Sheffield is in England. So, while he is learning the Bill of Rights, you can work on learning how to read a map.

Brit is famous for just making up inane pseudo-legal batshit backed by nothing.

Or as his panty shitting hysterics regarding 'licenses to hunt white people' demonstrates, plain old inane batshit.

The part that I find so amazing....is that these poor fools ACTUALLY believe this shrill idiocy. Both their unhinged hysterics about 'licenses to hunt white people' and the bizarre lamenting about the 14th amendment not being applied to a school in another country.

You're getting a lovely window into the absolute wasteland of fear and confusion that is the conservative mindset.
Absolutely. Above all, they must convince each other that they are the victims. At all times. Only in this way can they justify their own behavior to themselves and not break into hysterical, simultaneous crying and laughter whenever they look into a mirror.
So you like segregating people based on race? I would have hoped that we ALL would complain when we see that happen.
What would turds like Skylar say if a campus group was formed that only allowed whites called "Make America Great Again?"

Did no one see the bus load of MAGA hatted white teenaged males the Catholic Church dumped off to protest women’s reproductive rights who turned on an indigenous man?
If you watched the video you wouldnt have seen that. The video clearly shows an old indian go harrass kids by banging a drum in their face.
Brit is famous for just making up inane pseudo-legal batshit backed by nothing.

Or as his panty shitting hysterics regarding 'licenses to hunt white people' demonstrates, plain old inane batshit.

The part that I find so amazing....is that these poor fools ACTUALLY believe this shrill idiocy. Both their unhinged hysterics about 'licenses to hunt white people' and the bizarre lamenting about the 14th amendment not being applied to a school in another country.

You're getting a lovely window into the absolute wasteland of fear and confusion that is the conservative mindset.
Absolutely. Above all, they must convince each other that they are the victims. At all times. Only in this way can they justify their own behavior to themselves and not break into hysterical, simultaneous crying and laughter whenever they look into a mirror.
So you like segregating people based on race? I would have hoped that we ALL would complain when we see that happen.
What would turds like Skylar say if a campus group was formed that only allowed whites called "Make America Great Again?"

Did no one see the bus load of MAGA hatted white teenaged males the Catholic Church dumped off to protest women’s reproductive rights who turned on an indigenous man?
If you watched the video you wouldnt have seen that. The video clearly shows an old indian go harrass kids by banging a drum in their face.

It takes a real asshole to look at a man banging a drum is a kid's face, and to blame the kid.
You don't understand the Bill of Rights, do you, moron?
University of Sheffield is in England. So, while he is learning the Bill of Rights, you can work on learning how to read a map.

Brit is famous for just making up inane pseudo-legal batshit backed by nothing.

Or as his panty shitting hysterics regarding 'licenses to hunt white people' demonstrates, plain old inane batshit.

The part that I find so amazing....is that these poor fools ACTUALLY believe this shrill idiocy. Both their unhinged hysterics about 'licenses to hunt white people' and the bizarre lamenting about the 14th amendment not being applied to a school in another country.

You're getting a lovely window into the absolute wasteland of fear and confusion that is the conservative mindset.
Absolutely. Above all, they must convince each other that they are the victims. At all times. Only in this way can they justify their own behavior to themselves and not break into hysterical, simultaneous crying and laughter whenever they look into a mirror.
Whites are the victims of numerous government policies, especially white males.

Yup, like I say, victimy, impotent, feckless, requiring scale goats.
See Correll....what I find *far* more fascinating than some random college meeting in a university in another country, is how conservatives RESPOND to it here.

Some white people weren't allowed to attend an anti-racism meeting in Sheffield university. And from that, the conservative mindset produces 'issuing licensee to kill white people'.

The A to B on that is a wasteland of delusion, paranoia and insanity. Yet they're STILL trying to defend it. And its far, far more relevant to our nation than some college meeting time zones away.

And the profound, bone deep confusion many conservatives have about even the most BASIC application of the constitution are also extremely fascinating and far more relevant than some college meeting. As we have the lamenting that the 14th amendment to the Constitution of the United States isn't being applied in the UK.

That's a degree of ignorance that is almost unfathomable. Yet its the *foundation* of this thread, an indicative of the profound misunderstandings that conservatives have about the constitution.

Panty shitting and delusional hysterics predicated on profound and inexcusible ignorance of our own constitution......and you insist that I shouldn't be talking about either, but some school meeting?


Deflection is normally a form of defense.

And by 'deflection', you mean accurately citing the ENTIRETY of the commentary by the opening poster in the OP?

"It's only a matter of time until they issue licenses to hunt white people. Haven't these morons ever heard of the 14th Amendment?"


Which you're commited to ignoring and desperately pretending never happened. Something a rational person would never do.

And of course, something I refuse to do.

Keep running, Correll.
Absolutely. Above all, they must convince each other that they are the victims. At all times. Only in this way can they justify their own behavior to themselves and not break into hysterical, simultaneous crying and laughter whenever they look into a mirror.
So you like segregating people based on race? I would have hoped that we ALL would complain when we see that happen.
What would turds like Skylar say if a campus group was formed that only allowed whites called "Make America Great Again?"

Did no one see the bus load of MAGA hatted white teenaged males the Catholic Church dumped off to protest women’s reproductive rights who turned on an indigenous man?
If you watched the video you wouldnt have seen that. The video clearly shows an old indian go harrass kids by banging a drum in their face.

It takes a real asshole to look at a man banging a drum is a kid's face, and to blame the kid.

We’ve seen plenty of that in America. Review our history, the faces blocking school segregation, voting rights, we all know what that was, some are just fine and dandy with it.
See Correll....what I find *far* more fascinating than some random college meeting in a university in another country, is how conservatives RESPOND to it here.

Some white people weren't allowed to attend an anti-racism meeting in Sheffield university. And from that, the conservative mindset produces 'issuing licensee to kill white people'.

The A to B on that is a wasteland of delusion, paranoia and insanity. Yet they're STILL trying to defend it. And its far, far more relevant to our nation than some college meeting time zones away.

And the profound, bone deep confusion many conservatives have about even the most BASIC application of the constitution are also extremely fascinating and far more relevant than some college meeting. As we have the lamenting that the 14th amendment to the Constitution of the United States isn't being applied in the UK.

That's a degree of ignorance that is almost unfathomable. Yet its the *foundation* of this thread, an indicative of the profound misunderstandings that conservatives have about the constitution.

Panty shitting and delusional hysterics predicated on profound and inexcusible ignorance of our own constitution......and you insist that I shouldn't be talking about either, but some school meeting?


Deflection is normally a form of defense.

And by 'deflection', you mean accurately citing the ENTIRETY of the commentary by the opening poster in the OP?

"It's only a matter of time until they issue licenses to hunt white people. Haven't these morons ever heard of the 14th Amendment?"


Which you're commited to ignoring and desperately pretending never happened. Something a rational person would never do.

And of course, something I refuse to do.

Keep running, Correll.

Why do you consider it hysterical?
Absolutely. Above all, they must convince each other that they are the victims. At all times. Only in this way can they justify their own behavior to themselves and not break into hysterical, simultaneous crying and laughter whenever they look into a mirror.
So you like segregating people based on race? I would have hoped that we ALL would complain when we see that happen.
What would turds like Skylar say if a campus group was formed that only allowed whites called "Make America Great Again?"

Did no one see the bus load of MAGA hatted white teenaged males the Catholic Church dumped off to protest women’s reproductive rights who turned on an indigenous man?
If you watched the video you wouldnt have seen that. The video clearly shows an old indian go harrass kids by banging a drum in their face.

It takes a real asshole to look at a man banging a drum is a kid's face, and to blame the kid.

I saw a bus load of America’s young preprogrammed assholes in training.
So you like segregating people based on race? I would have hoped that we ALL would complain when we see that happen.
What would turds like Skylar say if a campus group was formed that only allowed whites called "Make America Great Again?"

Did no one see the bus load of MAGA hatted white teenaged males the Catholic Church dumped off to protest women’s reproductive rights who turned on an indigenous man?
If you watched the video you wouldnt have seen that. The video clearly shows an old indian go harrass kids by banging a drum in their face.

It takes a real asshole to look at a man banging a drum is a kid's face, and to blame the kid.

We’ve seen plenty of that in America. Review our history, the faces blocking school segregation, voting rights, we all know what that was, some are just fine and dandy with it.

Except the kid wasn't blocking the Indian from going anywhere.

THe Indian went up to him and pounded a drum, inches from his face, chanting into his face, like a fucking crazy asshole.

So, your point is completely off point.
So you like segregating people based on race? I would have hoped that we ALL would complain when we see that happen.
What would turds like Skylar say if a campus group was formed that only allowed whites called "Make America Great Again?"

Did no one see the bus load of MAGA hatted white teenaged males the Catholic Church dumped off to protest women’s reproductive rights who turned on an indigenous man?
If you watched the video you wouldnt have seen that. The video clearly shows an old indian go harrass kids by banging a drum in their face.

It takes a real asshole to look at a man banging a drum is a kid's face, and to blame the kid.

We’ve seen plenty of that in America. Review our history, the faces blocking school segregation, voting rights, we all know what that was, some are just fine and dandy with it.
Im against that sort of thing. Why arent YOU?

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