Shellenberger on Censorship: This is Totalitarianism

The victim act is all that really matters. Meanwhile Florida republicans want to put bloggers on an official enemies list.
Both parties do it which is the number one reason I refuse to join or support a political party.
At the Congressional hearing on Social Media Censorship yesterday, Michael Shellenberger lays it out. I really would LOVE liberals to defend the government telling free American citizens what they can't speak about online in regards to, say, Covid vaccines, etc.

Let your totalitarian freak flags fly. Whatcha got?

Video at link:

SHELLENBERGER: “Seeing this censorship industry go from, well, we’re just fighting ISIS to well, we’re just fighting Russian disinformation bots to well, now we need to fight domestic misinformation, which is just saying we need to fight against people who are saying things we disagree with online, that’s all that means. And I — I mean, it’s not a slippery slope. It’s an immediate leap into a terrifying mechanism that I — we only see in totalitarian societies of attempting to gain control over what the social media platforms are allow — are allowing. And so yeah, for me, it’s just — it starts at DHS, but we basically see almost every government agency involved in this.”

or totalitarianism
So you support the dem .gov going to the various platforms and having them censor certain speech?

Meh, sounds about right coming from you.

Not what was done here, but never mind.

Heck, most of the "Censorship" your sort whines about happened when Trump was staining the White House.

So Trump's FBI or NIH says, "you shouldn't let users repeat these false stories" and they complied because they didn't want to be part of future legal actions.

That's not censorship, it's editorial discretion.
The victim act is all that really matters. Meanwhile Florida republicans want to put bloggers on an official enemies list.

You'd know all about the victim act. Your entire cult relies on victimhood to have a reason the breathe.

At the Congressional hearing on Social Media Censorship yesterday, Michael Shellenberger lays it out. I really would LOVE liberals to defend the government telling free American citizens what they can't speak about online in regards to, say, Covid vaccines, etc.

Let your totalitarian freak flags fly. Whatcha got?

Video at link:

SHELLENBERGER: “Seeing this censorship industry go from, well, we’re just fighting ISIS to well, we’re just fighting Russian disinformation bots to well, now we need to fight domestic misinformation, which is just saying we need to fight against people who are saying things we disagree with online, that’s all that means. And I — I mean, it’s not a slippery slope. It’s an immediate leap into a terrifying mechanism that I — we only see in totalitarian societies of attempting to gain control over what the social media platforms are allow — are allowing. And so yeah, for me, it’s just — it starts at DHS, but we basically see almost every government agency involved in this.”
The funny thing is, Michael Shellenberger used to be a wet fish, he championed renewables under Obama that much, Obama's government invested over $400bn in that crap. Then Shellenberger realised renewables won't save the planet, but nuclear will.

Now he's got to grips with government and social media. He's seeing the light on a few areas now.
Not what was done here, but never mind.

Heck, most of the "Censorship" your sort whines about happened when Trump was staining the White House.

So Trump's FBI or NIH says, "you shouldn't let users repeat these false stories" and they complied because they didn't want to be part of future legal actions.

That's not censorship, it's editorial discretion.
LOL....The FBI made sure they "discretion-ed" the fuck out of the Hunter lap-top incident and I know damn well you approved of that.
LOL....The FBI made sure they "discretion-ed" the fuck out of the Hunter lap-top incident and I know damn well you approved of that.

Absolutely, it was (and is) a bullshit story. Not that it was actually censored, it was out there.

People didn't care then and they don't care now.


MadCow is a fucking scream!

I hope she's on live TV and someone other than the filthy leftist media catches it, so that it can be broadcast over and over when her hair actually catches on fire from the fumes of her rhetoric.

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Absolutely, it was (and is) a bullshit story. Not that it was actually censored, it was out there.

People didn't care then and they don't care now.
Well, actually, when the Biden politburo had direct communications with the leftist hacks at Twitter, for one example, coordinating on specific individuals who should be censored, yeah, that’s actuall censorship.
Yet amazingly we keep hearing from folks who were allegedly censored.

Either they are full of shit or....well no...just like the OP...they are completely full of shit.
Whose streets?
In response to the September 11 attacks, President George W. Bush announced the establishment of the Office of Homeland Security (OHS) to coordinate "homeland security" efforts.
Oh noes! We've been attacked! We're insecure! Dang it, we tried attacking Afghanistan! Quick, don't think! Now it's our patriotic duty to shut down and censor everything! Plug our butts with our thumbs and stare at our navels like never before!
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