Shep Smith Rages On Fox News Colleague For Defending BP


There's the actual video for those who haven't seen it. The Judge tried to make it clear that he wasn't letting BP off the hook for their accident, but Shep talked over him and dismissed everything he said.
I didn't see Shepard talking over the judge. Both expressed their views.

There's the actual video for those who haven't seen it. The Judge tried to make it clear that he wasn't letting BP off the hook for their accident, but Shep talked over him and dismissed everything he said.
I didn't see Shepard talking over the judge. Both expressed their views.

When Shep goes on his little tirade the Judge tries to defend himself from Shep's accusations and Shep talks over him.

There's the actual video for those who haven't seen it. The Judge tried to make it clear that he wasn't letting BP off the hook for their accident, but Shep talked over him and dismissed everything he said.
What a Cynic observes is that Smith lets him get away with the GOP scripted CON$ervoFascist lie that the government and the environmentalists FORCED BP to drill in deepwater when BOOBby Jingo and BP wanted to drill in 100 feet of water. So Smith, like aLamb Colmes before him, is there to present only token resistance to the GOP propaganda.

I have already debunked this lie earlier in this thread.

The oil companies were actually CAMPAIGNING to drill in deep water, but you should take note that whatever happens CON$ always find a way to blame their standard Scapegoats: the Government, the Unions, the Environmentalists, Hollywood, Tort Lawyers, Teachers and of course Liberals. Doesn't matter what the problem is, one or all of them are to blame. :cuckoo:
Whose job is it to catch these safety violations and make BP correct them?

Napalitano wasn't blindly serving the corporate masters and he wasn't excusing BP. He was pointing out that the fed played a role in this disaster.

I'm not saying the government didn't have a role in making sure the regulations were actually being met. After all, if these regulations were followed through, none of this would of happened.


There were NO REGULATIONS in place that MIGHT have prevented this accident.

There should have been, but the previous administration was in bed with the oil inustry.

What? Have you already forgotten that Cheyney held CLSOED TO THE PUBLIC meetings with the energy industry?

Had the government insisted that every possible safety measure had been in place, this event would probably NOT have happened.

Had BP been less willing to take a risk, they could have STILL put that safety equipment in place even though they didn't have to.

But they didn't want to.

They took the risk.

Things went South.

Who is to blame?

BP and the government.

Wake up from your partisan delusions that this is about libs v cons, or capitalists versus socialists.

The Government and the Corporate masters are the same fucking people, you morons.
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Well when regulations aren't being followed in the first place and safety violations are being made, this is what happens. You know full well Kevin how dangerous it would be to let oil companies drill anywhere.

Know I don't know full well. I know that oil companies know more about what they're doing than government does, and I know that they didn't want to drill in such deep water because of the inherent dangers but the federal government forced them. So the worst oil spill in history isn't a result of allowing the oil companies to drill where they want, but where government forced them to drill. Sounds like that's the more dangerous road to me.

It's a tough call, but I'm going to have to say that all things considered the bolded sentence is the biggest lie I've ever seen on USMB.

If you had watched the video, you would have heard why the government wanted BP to drill in deep water rather than shallow.

The government experts said that any spill in deep water would NEVER reach shore.

The government experts (once again) are wrong. I wonder if the government knows what the word "expert" means...

Napalitano also mused that the locals were not compitent to to the work after Katrina but they are compitent to do this work and the Feds are stopping them.
Whose job is it to catch these safety violations and make BP correct them?

Napalitano wasn't blindly serving the corporate masters and he wasn't excusing BP. He was pointing out that the fed played a role in this disaster.

I'm not saying the government didn't have a role in making sure the regulations were actually being met. After all, if these regulations were followed through, none of this would of happened.


There were NO REGULATIONS in place that MIGHT have prevented this accident.

There should have been, but the previous administration was in bed with the oil inustry.

What? Have you already forgotten that Cheyney held CLSOED TO THE PUBLIC meetings with the energy industry?

Had the government insisted that every possible safety measure had been in place, this event would probably NOT have happened.

Had BP been less willing to take a risk, they could have STILL put that safety equipment in place even though they didn't have to.

But they didn't want to.

They took the risk.

Things went South.

Who is to blame?

BP and the government.

Wake up from your partisan delusions that this is about libs v cons, or capitalists versus socialists.

The Government and the Corporate masters are the same fucking people, you morons.

You may be right, but you have to be impressed by 760 recorded violations by BP.

BP's Horrible Safety Record: It's Got 760 OSHA Fines, Exxon Has Just 1

OSHA statistics show BP ran up 760 "egregious, willful" safety violations, while Sunoco and Conoco-Phillips each had eight, Citgo had two and Exxon had one comparable citation.
After examining the facts, we're inclined to agree that BP probably shouldn't be operating here in the U.S. considering its horrific safety record.

Read more: BP's Horrible Safety Record: It's Got 760 OSHA Fines, Exxon Has Just 1
I'm not saying the government didn't have a role in making sure the regulations were actually being met. After all, if these regulations were followed through, none of this would of happened.


There were NO REGULATIONS in place that MIGHT have prevented this accident.

There should have been, but the previous administration was in bed with the oil inustry.

What? Have you already forgotten that Cheyney held CLSOED TO THE PUBLIC meetings with the energy industry?

Had the government insisted that every possible safety measure had been in place, this event would probably NOT have happened.

Had BP been less willing to take a risk, they could have STILL put that safety equipment in place even though they didn't have to.

But they didn't want to.

They took the risk.

Things went South.

Who is to blame?

BP and the government.

Wake up from your partisan delusions that this is about libs v cons, or capitalists versus socialists.

The Government and the Corporate masters are the same fucking people, you morons.

You may be right, but you have to be impressed by 760 recorded violations by BP.

Of course I'm impressed. I'm impressed that the government still even has regulations of ANY type in place.

I'd have been far more impressed, however, if those violations would have resulted in fines so egregious that BP stopped taking risks.

But they do a cost analysis and decided that it was easier and cheaper to take the risk (and if necessary pay the fines) than to put the safety equopment in place or to operate safely.

The GOVERNMENT is the handmaiden of the Oiliocracy, folks.


Now what you need do is check to see if OTHER oil companies have similar records.

I haven't checked, but I'm betting they do. If not them their minions (the drilling companies)

What is different is that they haven't (as yet) had the accident to make us check their records of violations in depth.
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I have always thought Shep Smith belonged on MSNBC......but I guess he is the token liberal of FOX.
Why can't people see that both BP AND the government are to blame when things like this happen??? And by so doing, maybe, just maybe, they can fix what went wrong - geez, what a concept. BTW, when does blame correct the problem???? Too much energy is wasted on playing the blame game and not enough on working together for a solution.
BP is not off the hook and neither is the Federal Gov. and Rinata is a kool aid drinking media matters gullible liar.
Why can't people see that both BP AND the government are to blame when things like this happen??? And by so doing, maybe, just maybe, they can fix what went wrong - geez, what a concept. BTW, when does blame correct the problem???? Too much energy is wasted on playing the blame game and not enough on working together for a solution.

MOST American probably are blameing BOTH BP and the government.

I am for example, as are others here on this board and on other boards like this.

This board is populated with partisans, however, and they cannot admit to themselves that the world is much more complex than the talking heads they're listening to are telling them.

Propagandists appeal to the personal conceit of both partisans of the right and the left.

Propagandists KNOW that a steady diet of lies and half truths, a campaign designed to give a SIMPLE black hat v white hat POV works.

The masters have been using this sort of human failing to control their population since time began.

By appealing to human's weaknesses, their greed, their fear, their love of shadenfreuden, their ethnocentrisms, and their racism, they can CONTROL the pupulation.

There's nothing new going on here, propaganda-wise.

That's how dictators and oligarchs have controlled mankind forever.
I like Shep as well, but he's not addressing the issue by simply trying to demonize the Judge for not putting all the blame on BP.

You dont expect a lib to be able to understand complex issue do you?
The Federal government is in charge of the regulation of the wells as well as having responsibility for the federal waters there.
Why take that into consideration when it is easier to demagogue ?
I'm not saying the government didn't have a role in making sure the regulations were actually being met. After all, if these regulations were followed through, none of this would of happened.


There were NO REGULATIONS in place that MIGHT have prevented this accident.

There should have been, but the previous administration was in bed with the oil inustry.

What? Have you already forgotten that Cheyney held CLSOED TO THE PUBLIC meetings with the energy industry?

Had the government insisted that every possible safety measure had been in place, this event would probably NOT have happened.

Had BP been less willing to take a risk, they could have STILL put that safety equipment in place even though they didn't have to.

But they didn't want to.

They took the risk.

Things went South.

Who is to blame?

BP and the government.

Wake up from your partisan delusions that this is about libs v cons, or capitalists versus socialists.

The Government and the Corporate masters are the same fucking people, you morons.

You may be right, but you have to be impressed by 760 recorded violations by BP.

BP's Horrible Safety Record: It's Got 760 OSHA Fines, Exxon Has Just 1

OSHA statistics show BP ran up 760 "egregious, willful" safety violations, while Sunoco and Conoco-Phillips each had eight, Citgo had two and Exxon had one comparable citation.
After examining the facts, we're inclined to agree that BP probably shouldn't be operating here in the U.S. considering its horrific safety record.

Read more: BP's Horrible Safety Record: It's Got 760 OSHA Fines, Exxon Has Just 1

Whatever the correct citation total — five or six — the Deepwater Horizon's record was exemplary, according to MMS officials, who said the rig was never on inspectors' informal "watch list" for problem rigs. In fact, last year MMS awarded the rig an award for its safety history.

Deepwater Horizon Inspections: MMS Skipped Monthly Inspections On Doomed Rig

original story expired
Deepwater Horizon Inspections: MMS Skipped Monthly Inspections On Doomed Rig
Know I don't know full well. I know that oil companies know more about what they're doing than government does, and I know that they didn't want to drill in such deep water because of the inherent dangers but the federal government forced them. So the worst oil spill in history isn't a result of allowing the oil companies to drill where they want, but where government forced them to drill. Sounds like that's the more dangerous road to me.

It's a tough call, but I'm going to have to say that all things considered the bolded sentence is the biggest lie I've ever seen on USMB.

If you had watched the video, you would have heard why the government wanted BP to drill in deep water rather than shallow.

The government experts said that any spill in deep water would NEVER reach shore.

The government experts (once again) are wrong. I wonder if the government knows what the word "expert" means...

Napalitano also mused that the locals were not compitent to to the work after Katrina but they are compitent to do this work and the Feds are stopping them.
But that was just the PONTIFICATION of a right wing shill trying to blame the government and environmentalists as CON$ are programmed to do. How gullible and uninformed you must be to swallow it. It is yet another example of CON$ lying to your level of ignorance.

It was the oil companies who "wanted" to drill in deepwater. They were salivating for the opportunity to drill in deep water as I have shown more than once in this very thread. And those "government experts" were from Cheney's task force. So oilman Cheney suddenly became ignorant of the oil industry the moment he became part of the government. :cuckoo:

I love how when Republican run government fails, and republican run government always fails, all government is blamed by the anti-government republicans.

The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.
P. J. O'Rourke
It was BP's accident, but if the government hadn't forced BP to drill in that location
The government didn't force BP to drill in that location but it did allow them to drill in that location.

The state of Louisiana and BP wanted to drill in a different location, but the federal government forced them to drill in this location.
No matter how many times you mindlessly parrot that GOP scripted lie, it will never be true.

The oil companies were salivating at the opportunity to drill in deep water for years. I've already posted a link to a 2003 presentation where the oil companies were saying it was absolutely necessary and urgent for them to drill in deepwater earlier in this thread in reply to your telling this lie.
In typical CON$ervoFascist fashion, you just ignore the truth and keep on lying.

Here's more to consider:

Deepwater drilling analysis suggests significant increase in activity - Offshore

The long-term trend for deeper water developments has been evident for many years, and it is clear from the charts that until now deepwater has been associated with the US GoM, with this area alone accounting for nearly three-quarters of all deepwater fields brought onstream in the period 1999-2003

While the overall volume and value of deepwater development wells is increasing, the nature of wells follows from the proliferation of deepwater exploration records set over the past few years with a continued move into deeper waters.

The money continues to flow into deeper waters with the ultra-deepwater drilling forecast to account for almost a quarter of all development drilling by 2008.

If we look at the deepest development completed and forecast to be completed by year, we see an almost linear progression through the 1980s, into the 1990s, and through into the current decade, with the expectation that today's record exploration wells will turn into development wells beyond the current deepest well forecast at just short of 3,000 m. The US GoM is the center of attention for ultra-deepwater activity, both for exploration and for development drilling. The next five years are forecast to see the US GoM continue with its progression toward the magical 3,000 m development.

The deepwater development drilling market is forecast to deliver the results that the drilling contractors expect, in terms of activity and revenue, over the next five years. The key question is whether the period beyond 2008 can deliver in the same way. Certainly, the continuance of water depth records is encouraging, but it also underlines the fact that the technical and commercial barriers to success are being pushed higher with average deepwater well costs increasing.

Is the industry ready yet, not just to drill exploration wells (as proven), but to produce from the frontier areas at and beyond 3,000 m? There is still much to be extracted from the "conventional" deepwater zone. With a considerable number of newbuild deepwater production vessels entering service, there will continue to be a need for additional tieback fields to maintain production levels beyond the peaks expected in 2009/10. Deepwater development wells are likely to continue to be the backbone of the drilling industry.
The government didn't force BP to drill in that location but it did allow them to drill in that location.

The state of Louisiana and BP wanted to drill in a different location, but the federal government forced them to drill in this location.
No matter how many times you mindlessly parrot that GOP scripted lie, it will never be true.

The oil companies were salivating at the opportunity to drill in deep water for years. I've already posted a link to a 2003 presentation where the oil companies were saying it was absolutely necessary and urgent for them to drill in deepwater earlier in this thread in reply to your telling this lie.
In typical CON$ervoFascist fashion, you just ignore the truth and keep on lying.

Here's more to consider:

Deepwater drilling analysis suggests significant increase in activity - Offshore

The long-term trend for deeper water developments has been evident for many years, and it is clear from the charts that until now deepwater has been associated with the US GoM, with this area alone accounting for nearly three-quarters of all deepwater fields brought onstream in the period 1999-2003

While the overall volume and value of deepwater development wells is increasing, the nature of wells follows from the proliferation of deepwater exploration records set over the past few years with a continued move into deeper waters.

The money continues to flow into deeper waters with the ultra-deepwater drilling forecast to account for almost a quarter of all development drilling by 2008.

If we look at the deepest development completed and forecast to be completed by year, we see an almost linear progression through the 1980s, into the 1990s, and through into the current decade, with the expectation that today's record exploration wells will turn into development wells beyond the current deepest well forecast at just short of 3,000 m. The US GoM is the center of attention for ultra-deepwater activity, both for exploration and for development drilling. The next five years are forecast to see the US GoM continue with its progression toward the magical 3,000 m development.

The deepwater development drilling market is forecast to deliver the results that the drilling contractors expect, in terms of activity and revenue, over the next five years. The key question is whether the period beyond 2008 can deliver in the same way. Certainly, the continuance of water depth records is encouraging, but it also underlines the fact that the technical and commercial barriers to success are being pushed higher with average deepwater well costs increasing.

Is the industry ready yet, not just to drill exploration wells (as proven), but to produce from the frontier areas at and beyond 3,000 m? There is still much to be extracted from the "conventional" deepwater zone. With a considerable number of newbuild deepwater production vessels entering service, there will continue to be a need for additional tieback fields to maintain production levels beyond the peaks expected in 2009/10. Deepwater development wells are likely to continue to be the backbone of the drilling industry.

And in typical partisan fashion you continually try to turn this into Democrats vs. Republicans, which shows how narrow your world view is. As for your link, it was a group talking about how good deep sea drilling is. It doesn't disprove, at all, that BP wanted to drill in a shallower location but the federal government forced them to drill where they would be unable to contain a spill.
The state of Louisiana and BP wanted to drill in a different location, but the federal government forced them to drill in this location.
No matter how many times you mindlessly parrot that GOP scripted lie, it will never be true.

The oil companies were salivating at the opportunity to drill in deep water for years. I've already posted a link to a 2003 presentation where the oil companies were saying it was absolutely necessary and urgent for them to drill in deepwater earlier in this thread in reply to your telling this lie.
In typical CON$ervoFascist fashion, you just ignore the truth and keep on lying.

Here's more to consider:

Deepwater drilling analysis suggests significant increase in activity - Offshore

The long-term trend for deeper water developments has been evident for many years, and it is clear from the charts that until now deepwater has been associated with the US GoM, with this area alone accounting for nearly three-quarters of all deepwater fields brought onstream in the period 1999-2003

While the overall volume and value of deepwater development wells is increasing, the nature of wells follows from the proliferation of deepwater exploration records set over the past few years with a continued move into deeper waters.

The money continues to flow into deeper waters with the ultra-deepwater drilling forecast to account for almost a quarter of all development drilling by 2008.

If we look at the deepest development completed and forecast to be completed by year, we see an almost linear progression through the 1980s, into the 1990s, and through into the current decade, with the expectation that today's record exploration wells will turn into development wells beyond the current deepest well forecast at just short of 3,000 m. The US GoM is the center of attention for ultra-deepwater activity, both for exploration and for development drilling. The next five years are forecast to see the US GoM continue with its progression toward the magical 3,000 m development.

The deepwater development drilling market is forecast to deliver the results that the drilling contractors expect, in terms of activity and revenue, over the next five years. The key question is whether the period beyond 2008 can deliver in the same way. Certainly, the continuance of water depth records is encouraging, but it also underlines the fact that the technical and commercial barriers to success are being pushed higher with average deepwater well costs increasing.

Is the industry ready yet, not just to drill exploration wells (as proven), but to produce from the frontier areas at and beyond 3,000 m? There is still much to be extracted from the "conventional" deepwater zone. With a considerable number of newbuild deepwater production vessels entering service, there will continue to be a need for additional tieback fields to maintain production levels beyond the peaks expected in 2009/10. Deepwater development wells are likely to continue to be the backbone of the drilling industry.

And in typical partisan fashion you continually try to turn this into Democrats vs. Republicans, which shows how narrow your world view is. As for your link, it was a group talking about how good deep sea drilling is. It doesn't disprove, at all, that BP wanted to drill in a shallower location but the federal government forced them to drill where they would be unable to contain a spill.
And your pontificating proves nothing either. And the first link earlier in the thread proved that the oil companies WANTED to drill in deepwater because there was no more "easy oil," and I already posted it more than once so I posted this link to show that deepwater drilling was projected to continue to increase as the technology progressed. The oil is in deepwater and the oil companies want the oil that's there. It has nothing to do with government or environmentalists.

You have posted nothing to back your obviously false claim that the oil companies were forced to drill in deepwater because all you have is Right-Wing Whackos pontificating their hate. Show something other than the opinion of hate-mongers that says BP was FORCED to drill in deepwater for any other reason than that was where the oil is!!!
No matter how many times you mindlessly parrot that GOP scripted lie, it will never be true.

The oil companies were salivating at the opportunity to drill in deep water for years. I've already posted a link to a 2003 presentation where the oil companies were saying it was absolutely necessary and urgent for them to drill in deepwater earlier in this thread in reply to your telling this lie.
In typical CON$ervoFascist fashion, you just ignore the truth and keep on lying.

Here's more to consider:

And in typical partisan fashion you continually try to turn this into Democrats vs. Republicans, which shows how narrow your world view is. As for your link, it was a group talking about how good deep sea drilling is. It doesn't disprove, at all, that BP wanted to drill in a shallower location but the federal government forced them to drill where they would be unable to contain a spill.
And your pontificating proves nothing either. And the first link earlier in the thread proved that the oil companies WANTED to drill in deepwater because there was no more "easy oil," and I already posted it more than once so I posted this link to show that deepwater drilling was projected to continue to increase as the technology progressed. The oil is in deepwater and the oil companies want the oil that's there. It has nothing to do with government or environmentalists.

You have posted nothing to back your obviously false claim that the oil companies were forced to drill in deepwater because all you have is Right-Wing Whackos pontificating their hate. Show something other than the opinion of hate-mongers that says BP was FORCED to drill in deepwater for any other reason than that was where the oil is!!!

No, your link earlier in the thread proves that the group that put out that information thought deep sea drilling was a good idea. It proves nothing about this case.

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