Sheriff Dupnik Must Resign


Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010
**Sheriff Dupnik told reporters that shooter Jared Loughner may not have acted alone. It was a group effort. There were others involved.
“We have photos.”

Sheriff Dupnik was wrong.

**Sherriff Dupnik told reporters that the killer Jared Lee Loughner had made similar threats in the past.

Then yesterday the sheriff backtracked. He said there were no previous threats before the shooting.

**Sheriff Dupnik blamed the “prejudice and bigotry” in Arizona for the killing.

He was completely off on this.
The more we learn about the shooter the more we understand that he was a violent schizophrenic. He was insane and had a history of strange behavior.

**Worse yet, Dupnik blamed American conservatives for the violent crime of a madman.
When confronted on his absurd comments he doubled-down and blamed Rush Limbaugh by name.

The shooter was an anti-war, anti-Christian, anti-Constitution, left-wing, pro-Marx, antiflag, “quite liberal” lunatic. It’s clear today that Jared Loughner had no connection with the conservative tea party movement or any conservative. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik was wrong on every talking point in his politicized speech to the nation on Saturday night.
Sheriff Dupnik should be ashamed of himself.
Sheriff Dupnik should resign.
ENOUGH OF THE APPALLING JACKASSERY… Sheriff Dupnik Must Resign | The Gateway Pundit
The first truth is: the murderer is crazy. His writings are confusing, and don’t make any sense. As an example: he is convinced the government controls the mind of the citizens through ‘grammar’. He ‘dreams consciously’ and he ‘hallucinates creatively’. The US army refused to recruit him, because he was using illegal drugs. Months ago, a co-student described the butcher as a ‘leftwing pothead’. The co-student was so afraid of him she chose to sit in class on the chair closest to the exit. She sadly concluded in an e-mail that the professor and the school couldn’t do a lot to expel the crazy student, until ‘he starts shooting up the class’.
The second truth is: in a free society it is impossible to defend oneself against the lonely crazy guy going over the edge and completely losing it. The father of the nine years old girl, murdered during the tragedy, said it best: “We don’t want our liberties further eroded (by this murder). America is the freest nation on Earth. It is practically impossible to protect one self from a single act of foolishness, without having our liberties taken away.”
The third truth is: already in 2007, well over a year before the Tea Party was conceived, the slayer was obsessed with Giffords, and was not happy with the answers she gave him. On YouTube, the murderer posted a video showing him burning the US flag. Such a flag burning is the most unconceivable act for the patriotic Tea Party member.
Where Did The Bullet Come From? | The Brussels Journal
I think "Dupnik" should be coined for a real jackass.. Sorry for the language. But it fits.

"He pulled a Dupnick on that one"


"Representative Smith dupnicked profuesly when asked directly about partisan reform"

I think you're onto something!
If nothing else, the sheriff needs to recuse himself from anything to do with the case.
Kinda reminds me of Bush on his inaccuracies, However the sherrif is an elected official just like Bush and will likely be re-elected just like bush.
Kinda reminds me of Bush on his inaccuracies, However the sherrif is an elected official just like Bush and will likely be re-elected just like bush.

I certainly hope not. I have more faith in the people. Love your avatar.
I can't believe you found a website even more right wing than fox news. They should learn if they bold Mein Kampf that Hitler was on the right. Also Animal Farm and Communist Manifesto make almost no sense together either.
Sheriff Dupnik Must Resign dare he step-on-the-toes of something as financially-$ucce$$ful as the White-Wing bullshit-generator?

What's his need to throw himself into the middle of all this??

Doesn't he realize that's Sarah Palin's job???? :eusa_eh:

(The nerve of him..... :doubt: )​
The second truth is: in a free society it is impossible to defend oneself against the lonely crazy guy going over the edge and completely losing it.

You'd think some law-dog would know better than to get involved, when Absolutes (like the one you stated) take Priority??!!!!!

I can't believe you found a website even more right wing than fox news. They should learn if they bold Mein Kampf that Hitler was on the right. Also Animal Farm and Communist Manifesto make almost no sense together either.

Hitler was a socialist. The only reason the left denies that is they don't want the stigma of genocide on their hands. The left ignores the Soviets killing 25 or 30 million. They ignore2.5 million killed by Pol Pot and 60 million deaths caused directly or due to failed policy by Chairman Mao.
Adolph Hitler called himself a socialist as did those that knew him well. Revisionist history can not change that.

There is abundant evidence, what is more, that the Nazi leaders believed they were socialists and that anti-Nazi socialists often accepted that claim. In Mein Kampf (1926) Hitler accepted that National Socialism was a derivative of Marxism. The point was more bluntly made in private conversations. ``The whole of National Socialism is based on Marx,'' he told Hermann Rauschning. Rauschning later reported the remark in Hitler Speaks (1939), but by that time the world was at war and too busy to pay much attention to it. Goebbels too thought himself a socialist. Five days before the German invasion of the Soviet Union, in June 1941, he confided in his diary that ``real socialism'' would be established in that country after a Nazi victory, in place of Bolshevism and Czarism.

The evidence that Nazism was part of the socialist tradition continues to accumulate, even if it makes no headlines. In 1978 Otto Wagener's Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant appeared in its original German. Wagener was a lifelong Nazi who had died in 1971. His recollections of Hitler's conversations had been composed from notes in a British prisoner-of-war camp, and they represent Hitler as an extreme socialist utopian, anti-Jewish because ``the Jew is not a socialist.'' Nor are Communists--``basically they are not socialistic, since they create mere herds, as in the Soviet Union, without individual life.'' The real task, Hitler told Wagener, was to realize the socialist dream that mankind over the centuries had forgotten, to liberate labor, and to displace the role of capital. That sounds like a program for the Left, and many parties called socialist have believed in less.

(Examiner)- Sheriff Joe Arpaio warns Sheriff Dupnik that he’ll fight back if he starts attacking him. Sheriff Arpaio, of the pink underwear-mandating Tent City fame, came out swinging against renegade and conservative-slandering Sheriff Dupnik of nearby Pima County. In a TV interview, Arpaio said that he does not want to speak poorly of a fellow sheriff, but he promised to fight back hard against Dupnik if he so much as starts to launch personal attacks against him. In the revealing interview, Arpaio also confirmed how ideological Dupnik was and relayed a personal story of how Dupnik stood by and allowed vitriolic rhetoric and symbolism against him in his own county without expressing outrage.
Appearing on the O’Reilly Factor, Arpaio reprimanded the overly opinionated and unprofessional (to say the least) sheriff of Pima County by saying that he should have been more careful and not have made his provocative comments against prominent conservatives. He also forewarned that Dupnik’s very reckless and unscrupulous comments could actually help the mass-murderer Jared Loughner, by way of his defense team using the sheriff’s comments to deflect blame away from their client. He further went on to characterize Dupnik as something of a loose cannon who just does what he wants to do, and from the slurs coming out of Dupnik’s mouth since Saturday, that characterization of him sure seems very fitting.
O’Reilly tried to get at whether there was actual proof—that Arpaio knew of, anyway—that Dupnik is a hypocrite, who is only concerned with protecting liberals and Democrats from perceived violent or hostile rhetoric. He broached this angle by establishing that Arpaio has had many death threats launched against him over the course of his career. What Arpaio exposed next completely confirmed that Dupnik is nothing but a selectively outraged and utterly phony hypocrite.
Arpaio relayed the story of what happened to him just last year when he visited Dupnik’s county. According to him, there was a demonstration that took place against him in Tucson, where one of Dupnik’s top officials in the county had 300 anti-Arpaio demonstrators actually cut off the head of an Arpaio effigy and then hold it aloft for little children to see. Clearly, that sounds at least as bad (in fact, it sounds more bloodthirsty) as the stupid and baseless accusations that opportunistic Democrats have been making since Saturday against conservatives in the wake of the Giffords shooting. Unsurprisingly, Arpaio divulged that there was no extra security or police in the area to prevent the 300 demonstrators from turning into an uglier mob; further, he also divulged that the guilty party in the vitriolic demonstration (which was orchestrated by a Dupnik official) was never punished or held accountable.
Rest here>>>
I think "Dupnik" should be coined for a real jackass.. Sorry for the language. But it fits.

"He pulled a Dupnick on that one"


"Representative Smith dupnicked profuesly when asked directly about partisan reform"

I think you're onto something!
Be patient.

Alphabetically, we're still locked-into the in "becked".


(You'll be notified when it's D-time. :eusa_shhh: )
If nothing else, the sheriff needs to recuse himself from anything to do with the case.
'Tis true.

It's possible he hasn't (yet) heard there's a new-majority, in The House, and this is no-longer a local-issue.
I think "Dupnik" should be coined for a real jackass.. Sorry for the language. But it fits.

"He pulled a Dupnick on that one"


"Representative Smith dupnicked profuesly when asked directly about partisan reform"

I think you're onto something!
Be patient.

Alphabetically, we're still locked-into the in "becked".


(You'll be notified when it's D-time. :eusa_shhh: )

How long must we wait for the "S's"
Sheriff Clarence (the dupe) Dupnik apparently likes Harry Reid. Does that excuse him from blaming Sharon Angle, who ran against Reid in Nevada, for the crimes committed by a maniac in his jurisdiction? A court order for a CAT scan would be appropriate.

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