Sheriff Vitriol throws in the towel

I lived in Pima county for more than 30 years. Dupnik repeatedly scored the highest in actual deportations of illegals. Arpaio was #13. Skinhead Babeu, who appeared in those asssinine "bild the damn fence" commercials with do-nothing McCain, didn't catch or deprt enough to even register on the list.
I lived in Pima county for more than 30 years. Dupnik repeatedly scored the highest in actual deportations of illegals. Arpaio was #13. Skinhead Babeu, who appeared in those asssinine "bild the damn fence" commercials with do-nothing McCain, didn't catch or deprt enough to even register on the list.

I have no idea what you're raging about but from what I can tell, you're either a liar, or to stupid to connect the dots.

Pima county, a backwater if there ever was one, is in fact on the Mexican border, while pinal & maricopa county are a hundred or more miles north of the border with Mexico. As a matter of fact, according to you, any illegals making it as far north as pinal or maricopa county represent a complete failure on the part of sheriff vitriol to do his job.
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Sheriff dipshits legacy.

TUCSON, AZ — A multi-million dollar settlement concludes the disturbing case of Jose Guerena, the Iraq veteran who was riddled with bullets in his own home during a faulty SWAT raid. Not only did these armor-clad police perform a haphazard assault on an innocent family’s home, they prevented their victim’s wounds from being treated after they shot him dozens of times. The hefty disbursement of tax dollars to the Guerena family may be warranted, but does nothing to reprimand the trigger-happy officers, nor does it effectively reign in the aggressive department which is responsible for recklessly arranging paramilitary raids on people suspected of growing plants.

Jose Guerena s family gets settlement but his killers still wear badges - Police State USA
Sheriff dipshits legacy.

TUCSON, AZ — A multi-million dollar settlement concludes the disturbing case of Jose Guerena, the Iraq veteran who was riddled with bullets in his own home during a faulty SWAT raid. Not only did these armor-clad police perform a haphazard assault on an innocent family’s home, they prevented their victim’s wounds from being treated after they shot him dozens of times. The hefty disbursement of tax dollars to the Guerena family may be warranted, but does nothing to reprimand the trigger-happy officers, nor does it effectively reign in the aggressive department which is responsible for recklessly arranging paramilitary raids on people suspected of growing plants.

Jose Guerena s family gets settlement but his killers still wear badges - Police State USA
This very serious problem is never addressed and until these uniformed goons are appropriately punished for their arrogant conduct and often egregious crimes the taxpayers will continue paying to compensate their victims.

All it will take is the prosecution and imprisonment of a few law-breaking cops to produce a dramatic improvement in the general performance of police duties.
Sheriff dipshits legacy.

TUCSON, AZ — A multi-million dollar settlement concludes the disturbing case of Jose Guerena, the Iraq veteran who was riddled with bullets in his own home during a faulty SWAT raid. Not only did these armor-clad police perform a haphazard assault on an innocent family’s home, they prevented their victim’s wounds from being treated after they shot him dozens of times. The hefty disbursement of tax dollars to the Guerena family may be warranted, but does nothing to reprimand the trigger-happy officers, nor does it effectively reign in the aggressive department which is responsible for recklessly arranging paramilitary raids on people suspected of growing plants.

Jose Guerena s family gets settlement but his killers still wear badges - Police State USA
This very serious problem is never addressed and until these uniformed goons are appropriately punished for their arrogant conduct and often egregious crimes the taxpayers will continue paying to compensate their victims.

All it will take is the prosecution and imprisonment of a few law-breaking cops to produce a dramatic improvement in the general performance of police duties.

I'm simply amazed to discover a like minded poster on this board. I agree. The current crop of goose stepping badge heavy cops running rough shod over America can be reined in like you suggest. And should be.
Where is the Tucson shooter today ?

  1. Loughner escapes death penalty for Tucson shootings. A federal judge in Arizona ruled that Jared Lee Loughner, who gravely wounded Gabrielle Giffords and killed six others in a shooting spree, was c... A week earlier, according to the FBI files, Loughner wrote that he was glad he hadn't committed suicide.Apr 11, 2014
Dupnik is the turd who's failure to protect Gabby Giffords somehow got turned into a gun-control debate. He's a leftist hack who the old hippies and socialists in Tucson like because he never enforced immigration or dope laws.
Dupnik is the turd who's failure to protect Gabby Giffords somehow got turned into a gun-control debate. He's a leftist hack who the old hippies and socialists in Tucson like because he never enforced immigration or dope laws.

Yup, sheriff vitriol is living proof that shit floats to the top everytime.
Sheriff dipshits legacy.

TUCSON, AZ — A multi-million dollar settlement concludes the disturbing case of Jose Guerena, the Iraq veteran who was riddled with bullets in his own home during a faulty SWAT raid. Not only did these armor-clad police perform a haphazard assault on an innocent family’s home, they prevented their victim’s wounds from being treated after they shot him dozens of times. The hefty disbursement of tax dollars to the Guerena family may be warranted, but does nothing to reprimand the trigger-happy officers, nor does it effectively reign in the aggressive department which is responsible for recklessly arranging paramilitary raids on people suspected of growing plants.

Jose Guerena s family gets settlement but his killers still wear badges - Police State USA
This very serious problem is never addressed and until these uniformed goons are appropriately punished for their arrogant conduct and often egregious crimes the taxpayers will continue paying to compensate their victims.

All it will take is the prosecution and imprisonment of a few law-breaking cops to produce a dramatic improvement in the general performance of police duties.

Well said
Dupnik is the turd who's failure to protect Gabby Giffords somehow got turned into a gun-control debate. He's a leftist hack who the old hippies and socialists in Tucson like because he never enforced immigration or dope laws.

Pretty much
What needs to be addressed is the fact that America's police are dedicated to protect and serve -- the rich and politically powerful. Consequently, any effort to punish cops for behaving like Cossacks is retaliated with job actions which are facilitated by powerful police unions and tolerated by the power structure. These job actions involve deliberate, covertly organized failure to protect the public and their property and failure to issue necessary revenue-producing summonses. And while supervisory officers and civilian administrators know these job actions are taking place they are prevented from taking any corrective action by union-established regulations.

I am very strongly pro-union and I fully support union sanctioned job actions -- in labor conflicts with for-profit employers. But conflicts in which public employees are relying on union protections to brazenly facilitate criminal conduct and to deliberately jeopardize public safety the Congress would be justified in expediently and temporarily suspending union protections until all outstanding problems are corrected and the respective agency is restored to efficient and proper function.
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