She's Baaaaack: Sarah Palin To Speak At CPAC 2013

Palin and Trump appeal to that CPAC group. I saw footage of her sucking on a big gulp ... they must have loved that.
“More background checks?” she asked, railing against new gun control proposals offered by Democrats in Congress. “Dandy idea, Mr. President. Should’ve started with yours.” Lines like that frequently brought the crowd to its feet, as did a dramatic sip from a Big Gulp cup, to mock Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s proposed ban on soda cups bigger than 16 ounces in New York.

She’s become her own self-caricature.

Sarah Palin Drinks Big Gulp During CPAC Speech: 'Shoot, It's Just Pop!'
By Mollie Reilly

Sarah Palin is slated to make an appearance at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference, the American Conservative Union announced Monday.

“We are pleased to again welcome Governor Sarah Palin to CPAC in March,” ACU chairman Al Cardenas said in a statement. “Governor Palin electrified the crowd in 2012 and we are thrilled to welcome her back this year.”

The former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate also appeared at last year's CPAC.

Palin joins a growing list of GOP favorites set to address the high-profile event, including Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), 2012 vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), former Florida governor Jeb Bush, former Pennsylvania senator and presidential candidate Rick Santorum, and NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre. Conference organizers have also extended invites to a number of notable conservative figures.

More (Plus Top Palinisms): Sarah Palin To Speak At CPAC 2013
I love it when they call her "Governor" Palin...

More like half-Governor Palin..... or better yet, Quitter Palin.

How many times were you elected governor of a state?
Palin in a perfect example of how dumb the right wing sheep are. All she has to do is pull some birther crap and drink a soda, and they think she is the most amazing person on earth.

No wonder people look at the GOP as nothing but a bunch of inbred yokels.
Palin in a perfect example of how dumb the right wing sheep are. All she has to do is pull some birther crap and drink a soda, and they think she is the most amazing person on earth.

No wonder people look at the GOP as nothing but a bunch of inbred yokels.

"People"? What people, drone?

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