She's Not Your Average Moron

Man, when was the last time you cut yourself fingerpainting and went to the emergency room? You don't need to PAY to get stitched up.

I took my kid down to Children's Hospital in Houston on a Friday Night because he was delerious with was CRAWLIN' with Messkins; hackin' and coughin' all over each other.

I have too much pride and dignity to not pay for services rendered.

Sure ya do. When you get that $500,000 bill for a catastrophic injury and your insurance drops you for failing to report a skinned knee in 3rd grade (It was in line 9,147 of your contract), you can A. Work the rest of your life to pay it or B. Feed your family and live your life. Would you stand by your convictions then?

Righty's I challenge you...dare you dispute this. Tell us this didnt happen. This alone should make you want to help us get single payer.

You all wont of course, because it was Obama who is trying to get this, not Bush. You backed him when he started a war against a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, but continue.............
I have too much pride and dignity to not pay for services rendered.

Sure ya do. When you get that $500,000 bill for a catastrophic injury and your insurance drops you for failing to report a skinned knee in 3rd grade (It was in line 9,147 of your contract), you can A. Work the rest of your life to pay it or B. Feed your family and live your life. Would you stand by your convictions then?

Righty's I challenge you...dare you dispute this. Tell us this didnt happen. This alone should make you want to help us get single payer.

You all wont of course, because it was Obama who is trying to get this, not Bush. You backed him when he started a war against a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, but continue.............

Off topic but it's worth mentioning... This is the problem with everyone who prattles on about how much they love their current insurance and wouldn't change a thing. You see, so far it's worked for them, so they think it must always work. They're still profitable. They haven't had the kind of catastrophe or illness that would trigger them getting dropped.
Man, when was the last time you cut yourself fingerpainting and went to the emergency room? You don't need to PAY to get stitched up.

I took my kid down to Children's Hospital in Houston on a Friday Night because he was delerious with was CRAWLIN' with Messkins; hackin' and coughin' all over each other.

I have too much pride and dignity to not pay for services rendered.

Sure ya do. When you get that $500,000 bill for a catastrophic injury and your insurance drops you for failing to report a skinned knee in 3rd grade (It was in line 9,147 of your contract), you can A. Work the rest of your life to pay it or B. Feed your family and live your life. Would you stand by your convictions then?

I don't currently have nor have I ever had health insurance. I have five grown children, my wife died giving birth to the last child. I have had enormous medical bills and I have never had a problem paying them.
Good lord, I do so loathe Pelosi. She literally makes me sick to my stomach.

I wish she'd just move to China and enjoy all the fruits of communism.

is this the second time she said this? I swear I started or participated in a thread about this a few months ago. Also, is she talkinga bout people being able to afford health care without getting it through their employer or people quitting their job solely to get health care free? that would be odd since they would still need to buy food, shelther, etc
I understand Obama´s health care is modeled after what we have presently in Germany. It never worked properly and now it´s on the brink of collapse.
Nancy Pelosi tells musicians they can quit their jobs because they will have healthcare

We see it as an entrepreneurial bill,” Pelosi said, “a bill that says to someone, if you want to be creative and be a musician or whatever, you can leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill, your passion, your aspirations because you will have health care

Nancy Pelosi tells musicians they can quit their jobs because they will have healthcare America's Watchtower

Do people still wonder why the US economy started to tank the day she picked up the Speaker gavel?
She's not your average moron? I thought this was a truthmatters thread. My bad.
Man, when was the last time you cut yourself fingerpainting and went to the emergency room? You don't need to PAY to get stitched up.

I took my kid down to Children's Hospital in Houston on a Friday Night because he was delerious with was CRAWLIN' with Messkins; hackin' and coughin' all over each other.

I have too much pride and dignity to not pay for services rendered.

Sure ya do. When you get that $500,000 bill for a catastrophic injury and your insurance drops you for failing to report a skinned knee in 3rd grade (It was in line 9,147 of your contract), you can A. Work the rest of your life to pay it or B. Feed your family and live your life. Would you stand by your convictions then?

I'll answer your question, even though it's a hypothetical that can't possibly happen.

Yes. Stand by my convictions. Who exactly should I expect to pay my services? You?
I am currently considered lower Middle Class. I have 3 kids and my wife. When I read and watched what she had said my concerns were actually increased rather than eased. I personally would not leave my job based on health care benefits. My worries for leaving my job is food, shelter and clothing for my family.

I am not an economist nor am I an accountant but I do know that you have to pay for this somehow. If you are encouraging people to quit their jobs and pursue you dream because you have no financial worries then who will pay for it? If you do not think I am paying enough taxes now so we should increase you taxes that is all fine and good but what happens when I quit so I can pursue my dream? Let's tax the rich then they can afford it. That is all good but they will not have a work force so they can make money that you can tax. They will just live off of what they already have which has already been taxed. If everyone is pursuing their dream where are you going to money to cover their health care?
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I have too much pride and dignity to not pay for services rendered.

Sure ya do. When you get that $500,000 bill for a catastrophic injury and your insurance drops you for failing to report a skinned knee in 3rd grade (It was in line 9,147 of your contract), you can A. Work the rest of your life to pay it or B. Feed your family and live your life. Would you stand by your convictions then?

Righty's I challenge you...dare you dispute this. Tell us this didnt happen. This alone should make you want to help us get single payer.

You all wont of course, because it was Obama who is trying to get this, not Bush. You backed him when he started a war against a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, but continue.............

is this the second time she said this? I swear I started or participated in a thread about this a few months ago. Also, is she talkinga bout people being able to afford health care without getting it through their employer or people quitting their job solely to get health care free? that would be odd since they would still need to buy food, shelther, etc
umm no you can get the government to cover those things as well. If you are determined enough about it.
I don't like Pelosi, but she has a point. Many people feel trapped in their jobs merely because of their need for good healthcare coverage. I see this in my workplace. I see older workers, ready to retire from fulltime work, who keep working just for the benefits. You especially see that with women who have husbands who are already retired. They'd like to maybe go to part time, but keep a full time position for the benefits.

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