She’s Right About Civil War

Just replace "EUROPE" with "MEXICO".

Same bullshit, different century.
An old cartoon showing the current residents of the US who are descendants of immigrants themselves, blocking the entry of a new immigrant.


That is exactly what legal jurisdiction is: SC can enforce its laws on the property. End of story.

You said it was because of lack of evidence. Now you're trying another weasel.

Fucking moron, South Carolina can enforce no laws on Federal territory. Dayum! As unbelievable as it is … you're actually getting dumber. :ack-1:
I said federal "property," moron. All the laws of SC are enforceable on federal property within the borders of SC.
Federal Property Like a fort IS Federal Territory you moron and no civilian authorities do not prosecute Military members that commit crimes on military installations as to federal buildings those are not necessarily federal property. BUT the seized armories WERE Federal TERRITORY as is Federal bases.
A federal building is not federal property? Now you've really jumped the shark. And you actually think the civilian government isn't allowed to prosecute someone who committed murder on a military base? Now you're confirming that you are a fruit loop. Do you recall some soldiers who committed murder in Okinawa that the military turned over for prosecution to the local government?
That is different dumb ass In foreign countries who gets authority is determined by a Force agreement and yes the foreign government prosecutes all murders usually involving their nationals. You are beyond stupid and you keep proving it with every post.
I'm "beyond stupid," but you have yet to demonstrate that state law isn't in force on a military base. Do you believe that if smoking marijuana was legal in SC that a military base could arrest a civilian for smoking it?
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You just admitted that SC retained legal jurisdiction, dumb fuck. And the government of SC cannot set foot on anyone's private property in SC without a warrant. How was Ft Sumter any different? The bottom line is that it wasn't. Ft Sumter was just another piece of property within the borders of SC that happened to be owned by the federal government.

For your next trick you will claim there no difference between "no evidence" and "no damages."
Fucking moron, that's not legal jurisdiction.


For your next trick you will claim there no difference between "no evidence" and "no damages."

Jones had no evidence to prove damages. That's why her case was thrown out due to lack of merit.

That is exactly what legal jurisdiction is: SC can enforce its laws on the property. End of story.

You said it was because of lack of evidence. Now you're trying another weasel.

Fucking moron, South Carolina can enforce no laws on Federal territory. Dayum! As unbelievable as it is … you're actually getting dumber. :ack-1:
I said federal "property," moron. All the laws of SC are enforceable on federal property within the borders of SC.
It’s federally owned property on federal territory. South Carolina has no legal jurisdiction there. They ceded ”ALL the right, title and claim.”
We've already established that SC retained the right to enforce its laws, dumbass. "right title and claim" are terms that refer to property, not territory.
So, let's review:

The Civil War was caused by a bunch of rich slavers and the hapless victims of their propaganda in hopes of preserving the right to own other human beings as objects. And the racist senator-elect from Mississippi believes they were right and laments the presence of all of these free darkies in her State.

Class dismissed.
Fucking moron, that's not legal jurisdiction.


For your next trick you will claim there no difference between "no evidence" and "no damages."

Jones had no evidence to prove damages. That's why her case was thrown out due to lack of merit.

That is exactly what legal jurisdiction is: SC can enforce its laws on the property. End of story.

You said it was because of lack of evidence. Now you're trying another weasel.

Fucking moron, South Carolina can enforce no laws on Federal territory. Dayum! As unbelievable as it is … you're actually getting dumber. :ack-1:
I said federal "property," moron. All the laws of SC are enforceable on federal property within the borders of SC.
It’s federally owned property on federal territory. South Carolina has no legal jurisdiction there. They ceded ”ALL the right, title and claim.”
We've already established that SC retained the right to enforce its laws, dumbass. "right title and claim" are terms that refer to property, not territory.

"We've already established that SC retained the right to enforce its laws, dumbass."

No fucking moron, we did no such thing.

"right title and claim" are terms that refer to property, not territory."

And the right, title and claim referred to both the property and the territory...

Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory

How is it you're actually getting dumber?? I didn't think there was even room for such a possibility.
That is exactly what legal jurisdiction is: SC can enforce its laws on the property. End of story.

You said it was because of lack of evidence. Now you're trying another weasel.

Fucking moron, South Carolina can enforce no laws on Federal territory. Dayum! As unbelievable as it is … you're actually getting dumber. :ack-1:
I said federal "property," moron. All the laws of SC are enforceable on federal property within the borders of SC.
It’s federally owned property on federal territory. South Carolina has no legal jurisdiction there. They ceded ”ALL the right, title and claim.”
We've already established that SC retained the right to enforce its laws, dumbass. "right title and claim" are terms that refer to property, not territory.

"We've already established that SC retained the right to enforce its laws, dumbass."

No fucking moron, we did no such thing.

"right title and claim" are terms that refer to property, not territory."

And the right, title and claim referred to both the property and the territory...

Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory

How is it you're actually getting dumber?? I didn't think there was even room for such a possibility.
You keep leaving out this part:

"Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law"

In other words, the laws of SC were still in force on the property.

There's no way to lie your way out of that fact.

I guess "getting dumber" means I keep proving you wrong.
So, let's review:

The Civil War was caused by a bunch of rich slavers and the hapless victims of their propaganda in hopes of preserving the right to own other human beings as objects. And the racist senator-elect from Mississippi believes they were right and laments the presence of all of these free darkies in her State.

Class dismissed.
Lincoln caused the Civil War by invading Virginia, dumbass.

Class dismissed.
So, let's review:

The Civil War was caused by a bunch of rich slavers and the hapless victims of their propaganda in hopes of preserving the right to own other human beings as objects. And the racist senator-elect from Mississippi believes they were right and laments the presence of all of these free darkies in her State.

Class dismissed.
Lincoln caused the Civil War by invading Virginia, dumbass.

Class dismissed.
No, that's stupid, and you just failed a 7th grade history test.
So, let's review:

The Civil War was caused by a bunch of rich slavers and the hapless victims of their propaganda in hopes of preserving the right to own other human beings as objects. And the racist senator-elect from Mississippi believes they were right and laments the presence of all of these free darkies in her State.

Class dismissed.
Lincoln caused the Civil War by invading Virginia, dumbass.

Class dismissed.
Wrong South Carolina started the war by attacking a Federal garrison.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics

The civil war was started by the confederacy. They attacked Fort Sumter.

You people need to get over this. You lost. It was over 100 years ago.

It is very apparent to me you people hate the United States. The United States won and the confederacy lost. If you want to align yourselves with losers that's your choice but stop lying about that war.

It was about slavery, the confederacy started it. The union won. The confederacy lost. Get over it.

Anyone who supports the old confederacy is a loser and hates America. Anyone who flies a confederate flag hates America, you're flying a flag of traitors to our nation who caused hundreds of thousands of Americans to die. Just so they could own humans as slaves.

You aren't real Americans. No real American would ever lie for and side with the traitors who were the confederacy.

Fucking moron, South Carolina can enforce no laws on Federal territory. Dayum! As unbelievable as it is … you're actually getting dumber. :ack-1:
I said federal "property," moron. All the laws of SC are enforceable on federal property within the borders of SC.
It’s federally owned property on federal territory. South Carolina has no legal jurisdiction there. They ceded ”ALL the right, title and claim.”
We've already established that SC retained the right to enforce its laws, dumbass. "right title and claim" are terms that refer to property, not territory.

"We've already established that SC retained the right to enforce its laws, dumbass."

No fucking moron, we did no such thing.

"right title and claim" are terms that refer to property, not territory."

And the right, title and claim referred to both the property and the territory...

Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory

How is it you're actually getting dumber?? I didn't think there was even room for such a possibility.
You keep leaving out this part:

"Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law"

In other words, the laws of SC were still in force on the property.

There's no way to lie your way out of that fact.

I guess "getting dumber" means I keep proving you wrong.

You're such a fucking moron. Fucking moron, as you've been shown more times than I've counted, that did not leave any laws in force on the property or on the territory. All that did was to allow the state to process serve people being sued or charged with a crime. That's not enforcing any laws, of which, South Carolina ceded "all rights,"
just as their cession resolution stipulated.

Not to mention, the U.S. Constitution grants the Congress the power to "exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever" in districts acquired by cession of states.

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings​

Congress also governs forts, arsenals, and other places obtained from the states for the federal government’s purposes.

It cracks me up no end to watch you fight the same losing argument, over and over. :mm:
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So, let's review:

The Civil War was caused by a bunch of rich slavers and the hapless victims of their propaganda in hopes of preserving the right to own other human beings as objects. And the racist senator-elect from Mississippi believes they were right and laments the presence of all of these free darkies in her State.

Class dismissed.
Lincoln caused the Civil War by invading Virginia, dumbass.

Class dismissed.
Wrong South Carolina started the war by attacking a Federal garrison.
Nope. Kicking trespassers out of your territory is not an act of war. Refusing to leave when asked and even intruding on sovereign territorial waters are acts of war. If Japan kicks us out of base they're leasing to us, that's not an act of war. I know you sleazy lying douchebags will continue to insist that all that matters is who fired first, but only dumbasses fall for that "logic."
I said federal "property," moron. All the laws of SC are enforceable on federal property within the borders of SC.
It’s federally owned property on federal territory. South Carolina has no legal jurisdiction there. They ceded ”ALL the right, title and claim.”
We've already established that SC retained the right to enforce its laws, dumbass. "right title and claim" are terms that refer to property, not territory.

"We've already established that SC retained the right to enforce its laws, dumbass."

No fucking moron, we did no such thing.

"right title and claim" are terms that refer to property, not territory."

And the right, title and claim referred to both the property and the territory...

Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory

How is it you're actually getting dumber?? I didn't think there was even room for such a possibility.
You keep leaving out this part:

"Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law"

In other words, the laws of SC were still in force on the property.

There's no way to lie your way out of that fact.

I guess "getting dumber" means I keep proving you wrong.

You're such a fucking moron. Fucking moron, as you've been shown more times than I've counted, that did not leave any laws in force on the property or on the territory. All that did was to allow the state to process serve people being sued or charged with a crime. That's not enforcing any laws, of which, South Carolina ceded "all rights,"
just as their cession resolution stipulated.

Not to mention, the U.S. Constitution grants the Congress the power to "exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever" in districts acquired by cession of states.

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings​

Congress also governs forts, arsenals, and other places obtained from the states for the federal government’s purposes.

It cracks me up no end to watch you fight the same losing argument, over and over. :mm:
It means that SC had the right to enforce its laws by arresting anyone who broke them, you lying dumbass.

Ft Sumter wasn't purchased, so that shoots that theory down. Furthermore, it's vague.
So, let's review:

The Civil War was caused by a bunch of rich slavers and the hapless victims of their propaganda in hopes of preserving the right to own other human beings as objects. And the racist senator-elect from Mississippi believes they were right and laments the presence of all of these free darkies in her State.

Class dismissed.
Lincoln caused the Civil War by invading Virginia, dumbass.

Class dismissed.
Wrong South Carolina started the war by attacking a Federal garrison.

The Confederacy has already seized numerous federal facilities in the south long before Lincoln was ever inaugurated. Did you conveniently forget that or never knew it?
So, let's review:

The Civil War was caused by a bunch of rich slavers and the hapless victims of their propaganda in hopes of preserving the right to own other human beings as objects. And the racist senator-elect from Mississippi believes they were right and laments the presence of all of these free darkies in her State.

Class dismissed.
Lincoln caused the Civil War by invading Virginia, dumbass.

Class dismissed.
Wrong South Carolina started the war by attacking a Federal garrison.

The Confederacy has already seized numerous federal facilities in the south long before Lincoln was ever inaugurated. Did you conveniently forget that or never knew it?
BUT they had NOT fired on US Troops. Lincoln was still willing to talk until the South ATTACKED the Union.
A country cannot invade itself. The U.S. armed forces maneuvering on the territory of the U.S. is invading nothing. Moving Federal troops to put down rebellion is defense, not offense.
So, let's review:

The Civil War was caused by a bunch of rich slavers and the hapless victims of their propaganda in hopes of preserving the right to own other human beings as objects. And the racist senator-elect from Mississippi believes they were right and laments the presence of all of these free darkies in her State.

Class dismissed.
Lincoln caused the Civil War by invading Virginia, dumbass.

Class dismissed.
Wrong South Carolina started the war by attacking a Federal garrison.

The Confederacy has already seized numerous federal facilities in the south long before Lincoln was ever inaugurated. Did you conveniently forget that or never knew it?
BUT they had NOT fired on US Troops. Lincoln was still willing to talk until the South ATTACKED the Union.

Put away the crayons, learn to read, get a degree, and then I will consider your uneducated theory.
So, let's review:

The Civil War was caused by a bunch of rich slavers and the hapless victims of their propaganda in hopes of preserving the right to own other human beings as objects. And the racist senator-elect from Mississippi believes they were right and laments the presence of all of these free darkies in her State.

Class dismissed.
Lincoln caused the Civil War by invading Virginia, dumbass.

Class dismissed.
Wrong South Carolina started the war by attacking a Federal garrison.

The Confederacy has already seized numerous federal facilities in the south long before Lincoln was ever inaugurated. Did you conveniently forget that or never knew it?
BUT they had NOT fired on US Troops. Lincoln was still willing to talk until the South ATTACKED the Union.

Put away the crayons, learn to read, get a degree, and then I will consider your uneducated theory.

Empty troll post.

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