She’s Right About Civil War

Fucking moron, that's not legal jurisdiction.


For your next trick you will claim there no difference between "no evidence" and "no damages."

Jones had no evidence to prove damages. That's why her case was thrown out due to lack of merit.

That is exactly what legal jurisdiction is: SC can enforce its laws on the property. End of story.

You said it was because of lack of evidence. Now you're trying another weasel.

Fucking moron, South Carolina can enforce no laws on Federal territory. Dayum! As unbelievable as it is … you're actually getting dumber. :ack-1:
I said federal "property," moron. All the laws of SC are enforceable on federal property within the borders of SC.
Federal Property Like a fort IS Federal Territory you moron and no civilian authorities do not prosecute Military members that commit crimes on military installations as to federal buildings those are not necessarily federal property. BUT the seized armories WERE Federal TERRITORY as is Federal bases.
A federal building is not federal property? Now you've really jumped the shark. And you actually think the civilian government isn't allowed to prosecute someone who committed murder on a military base? Now you're confirming that you are a fruit loop. Do you recall some soldiers who committed murder in Okinawa that the military turned over for prosecution to the local government?
That is different dumb ass In foreign countries who gets authority is determined by a Force agreement and yes the foreign government prosecutes all murders usually involving their nationals. You are beyond stupid and you keep proving it with every post.
Still waiting for you to explain how claiming South Carolina fired on Fort Sumter and started the war is wrong.

You should already know, but being a Marine, I guess you expect the Navy to deliver you wherever you need to go!

Sorry! I retired from teaching. I suggest you enroll in a good history of the Civil War and Reconstruction at your local university.
In other words you are a bald faced liar. South Carolina fired the first shot and did so BEFORE Lincoln even called up the Militia, in fact Fort Sumter was the reason he called up the Militia.

Why did we need a militia when we had a standing Army?

Trying to discuss history with your level of understanding is like trying to teach nuclear physics to a three year-old.

the standing army was only 16000 men dumb ass.

To defend one fort? That would seem more than sufficient.
Dumb ass you claim to know history and make an idiotic comment about the small standing army at the time of the start of the civil war? In order to prosecute the war Lincoln needed to call up the militia as the army was only 16000 men and spread all over the Country and territories. He did NOT call up the Militia UNTIL after the fort was attacked. He tried to talk to the south UNTIL the South attacked the federal Government.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics

You (or this Hyde-Smith ding dong) do NOT know what every, single Confederate soldier thought or was fighting for.

Many surely were fighting to defend their country. And also surely - some were fighting to defend their 'right' to have/employ slaves (which is the opposite of noble).

But to run around glorifying them ALL and saying ALL of them were fighting for the highest of moral reasons is asinine and flat out wrong.

Shit you EVER create a thread that is not steeped in some form of intense anger and hatred for someone or something? You must have one shitty life to be so utterly pissed all the time.
I can just picture you at supper - assuming anyone actually eats with you:

'Pass the fucking SALT...NOW!!!'
And BTW, this dingy is clearly just stirring up shit for votes.

All of these soldiers she talking about are long what the fuck is she bringing all this shit up for? What fucking difference does it make? They will never know.

Stupid bitch.
Who the fuck asked you how the traitorous rebels felt? It is irrelevant to their illegal, immoral, idiotic actions. Kinda like your posts.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on! You don't get to decide the truth.

You’re no historian, and a disgrace of an American.


I think I have asked before, but is English your second language? .....

I think I told you before that I have a greater facility with, and knowledge of, English than you ever will. This is also likely true of any other language.

Then why is it that many of your posts need translation to make any sense whatsoever?

You have weak reading comprehension skills.
And BTW, this dingy is clearly just stirring up shit for votes.

All of these soldiers she talking about are long what the fuck is she bringing all this shit up for? What fucking difference does it make? They will never know.

Stupid bitch.

Because their descendants are alive, and they DO know.

They ceded “all the right, title and claim” to that territory, ya fucking moron. South Carolina couldn’t even legally set foot on it other than to serve civil or criminal processes so that fugitives couldn’t hide there. That you still can’t understand that after getting thoroughly bitchslapped on this subject proves you’re fucked in the head beyond all repair.

You just admitted that SC retained legal jurisdiction, dumb fuck. And the government of SC cannot set foot on anyone's private property in SC without a warrant. How was Ft Sumter any different? The bottom line is that it wasn't. Ft Sumter was just another piece of property within the borders of SC that happened to be owned by the federal government.

For your next trick you will claim there no difference between "no evidence" and "no damages."
Fucking moron, that's not legal jurisdiction.


For your next trick you will claim there no difference between "no evidence" and "no damages."

Jones had no evidence to prove damages. That's why her case was thrown out due to lack of merit.

That is exactly what legal jurisdiction is: SC can enforce its laws on the property. End of story.

You said it was because of lack of evidence. Now you're trying another weasel.

Fucking moron, South Carolina can enforce no laws on Federal territory. Dayum! As unbelievable as it is … you're actually getting dumber. :ack-1:
I said federal "property," moron. All the laws of SC are enforceable on federal property within the borders of SC.
It’s federally owned property on federal territory. South Carolina has no legal jurisdiction there. They ceded ”ALL the right, title and claim.”
You should already know, but being a Marine, I guess you expect the Navy to deliver you wherever you need to go!

Sorry! I retired from teaching. I suggest you enroll in a good history of the Civil War and Reconstruction at your local university.
In other words you are a bald faced liar. South Carolina fired the first shot and did so BEFORE Lincoln even called up the Militia, in fact Fort Sumter was the reason he called up the Militia.

Why did we need a militia when we had a standing Army?

Trying to discuss history with your level of understanding is like trying to teach nuclear physics to a three year-old.

the standing army was only 16000 men dumb ass.

To defend one fort? That would seem more than sufficient.
Dumb ass you claim to know history and make an idiotic comment about the small standing army at the time of the start of the civil war? In order to prosecute the war Lincoln needed to call up the militia as the army was only 16000 men and spread all over the Country and territories. He did NOT call up the Militia UNTIL after the fort was attacked. He tried to talk to the south UNTIL the South attacked the federal Government.

Don't your grandchildren have some crayons for you to eat? You sure are cranky!
In other words you are a bald faced liar. South Carolina fired the first shot and did so BEFORE Lincoln even called up the Militia, in fact Fort Sumter was the reason he called up the Militia.

Why did we need a militia when we had a standing Army?

Trying to discuss history with your level of understanding is like trying to teach nuclear physics to a three year-old.

the standing army was only 16000 men dumb ass.

To defend one fort? That would seem more than sufficient.
Dumb ass you claim to know history and make an idiotic comment about the small standing army at the time of the start of the civil war? In order to prosecute the war Lincoln needed to call up the militia as the army was only 16000 men and spread all over the Country and territories. He did NOT call up the Militia UNTIL after the fort was attacked. He tried to talk to the south UNTIL the South attacked the federal Government.

Don't your grandchildren have some crayons for you to eat? You sure are cranky!
You made an stupid claim and got called on it grow a pair and accept that you are wrong.
Why did we need a militia when we had a standing Army?

Trying to discuss history with your level of understanding is like trying to teach nuclear physics to a three year-old.

the standing army was only 16000 men dumb ass.

To defend one fort? That would seem more than sufficient.
Dumb ass you claim to know history and make an idiotic comment about the small standing army at the time of the start of the civil war? In order to prosecute the war Lincoln needed to call up the militia as the army was only 16000 men and spread all over the Country and territories. He did NOT call up the Militia UNTIL after the fort was attacked. He tried to talk to the south UNTIL the South attacked the federal Government.

Don't your grandchildren have some crayons for you to eat? You sure are cranky!
You made an stupid claim and got called on it grow a pair and accept that you are wrong.

You first.
the standing army was only 16000 men dumb ass.

To defend one fort? That would seem more than sufficient.
Dumb ass you claim to know history and make an idiotic comment about the small standing army at the time of the start of the civil war? In order to prosecute the war Lincoln needed to call up the militia as the army was only 16000 men and spread all over the Country and territories. He did NOT call up the Militia UNTIL after the fort was attacked. He tried to talk to the south UNTIL the South attacked the federal Government.

Don't your grandchildren have some crayons for you to eat? You sure are cranky!
You made an stupid claim and got called on it grow a pair and accept that you are wrong.

You first.
I am not wrong in this thread, South Carolina started the Civil War.
South Carolina fired on troops representing the Republic, the Perpetual Union. South Carolina had joined under the same conditions, voluntarily, as did all the other states. All understood their engagement in the enterprise of a new nation. If they wanted to separate themselves from their oath and allegiance, they could have taken the approach taken at the inception of the country; hold legal assemblies and seek accord. Try to change the Constitution. Instead, they chose arms and rebellion.
America defended itself against a domestic menace.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
the civil war was NOT Miss history at it's finest, and if you think it was, you're a fcuikiong racist loser.
Having lived in Mississippi, I have to wonder what do Mississippians consider their finest moments in history if not the civil war. Hopefully, it wasn't the introduction of slavery in the early 1700's, the lynchings, race riots, miscegenation laws, the KKK, the Mississippi sterilization law, segregation, or the suppression of black voting. Surely there must be something Mississippians can be proud of.
They elected a good candidate to the United States Senate. They vote Republican. They voted for Wallace in 1968. They oppose abortion. They have a long military tradition, including defending their state from invasion when they belonged to the CSA. Their youth say’s “yessir...nossir...yes ma’ ma’am.” They are strong supporters of the NRA.
South Carolina fired on troops representing the Republic, the Perpetual Union. South Carolina had joined under the same conditions, voluntarily, as did all the other states. All understood their engagement in the enterprise of a new nation. If they wanted to separate themselves from their oath and allegiance, they could have taken the approach taken at the inception of the country; hold legal assemblies and seek accord. Try to change the Constitution. Instead, they chose arms and rebellion.
America defended itself against a domestic menace.
The federal government would have forced them to stay. They volunteered to come in. Free will dictates that they may leave.
Does anyone here really think that Union troops were fighting to end slavery or gave a fat rats ass about black slaves? They were fighting to stop Southern secession.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
The Confederates must have been some seriously defective inbreds to get their asses whupped by a buncha foreign ESL mutts!
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
the civil war was NOT Miss history at it's finest, and if you think it was, you're a fcuikiong racist loser.
Having lived in Mississippi, I have to wonder what do Mississippians consider their finest moments in history if not the civil war. Hopefully, it wasn't the introduction of slavery in the early 1700's, the lynchings, race riots, miscegenation laws, the KKK, the Mississippi sterilization law, segregation, or the suppression of black voting. Surely there must be something Mississippians can be proud of.
They elected a good candidate to the United States Senate. They vote Republican. They voted for Wallace in 1968. They oppose abortion. They have a long military tradition, including defending their state from invasion when they belonged to the CSA. Their youth say’s “yessir...nossir...yes ma’ ma’am.” They are strong supporters of the NRA.
And strong supporters of the Klan.
You told him to learn history when he stated a historical fact the South started the war when they fired on the fort. Lincoln hadn't even called up the Militia at that point.
The problem with your post is that it's not a fact. Lincoln started the war. Lincoln invaded Virginia.
Wrong as usual the unprovoked attack on Federal troops at Fort Sumter started the war at that point Lincoln had not even called up the Militia. He was still trying to TALK to the States leaving the Union.
The simple fact of the matter is, the north wanted to free the slaves and the south didn't. The civil war was inevitable at that point.

Well, except for that little fact that Lincoln didn't even want to free the slaves, and when he did, he was powerless to do so in the South. The Emancipation Proclamation was a major disappointment to abolitionists everywhere.
Why was the Emancipation Proclamation a major disappointment to abolitionists?
Because it never freed a single slave. Only those in territory held by the Union Army. Slavery existed in Delaware until the 13th Amendment was passed.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
the civil war was NOT Miss history at it's finest, and if you think it was, you're a fcuikiong racist loser.
Having lived in Mississippi, I have to wonder what do Mississippians consider their finest moments in history if not the civil war. Hopefully, it wasn't the introduction of slavery in the early 1700's, the lynchings, race riots, miscegenation laws, the KKK, the Mississippi sterilization law, segregation, or the suppression of black voting. Surely there must be something Mississippians can be proud of.
They elected a good candidate to the United States Senate. They vote Republican. They voted for Wallace in 1968. They oppose abortion. They have a long military tradition, including defending their state from invasion when they belonged to the CSA. Their youth say’s “yessir...nossir...yes ma’ ma’am.” They are strong supporters of the NRA.
And strong supporters of the Klan.
Really? Hmmmm. So Northern cities welcomed Catholic’s and Jews with open arms? What was the “Know Nothing Party” and where was it’s political strength?
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
the civil war was NOT Miss history at it's finest, and if you think it was, you're a fcuikiong racist loser.
Having lived in Mississippi, I have to wonder what do Mississippians consider their finest moments in history if not the civil war. Hopefully, it wasn't the introduction of slavery in the early 1700's, the lynchings, race riots, miscegenation laws, the KKK, the Mississippi sterilization law, segregation, or the suppression of black voting. Surely there must be something Mississippians can be proud of.
They elected a good candidate to the United States Senate. They vote Republican. They voted for Wallace in 1968. They oppose abortion. They have a long military tradition, including defending their state from invasion when they belonged to the CSA. Their youth say’s “yessir...nossir...yes ma’ ma’am.” They are strong supporters of the NRA.
And strong supporters of the Klan.
Really? Hmmmm. So Northern cities welcomed Catholic’s and Jews with open arms? What was the “Know Nothing Party” and where was it’s political strength?
I have often pointed out how much Trumpies remind me of the Know Nothings. Your rhetoric is IDENTICAL. It's amazing how similar it is. Except instead of picking on all the Non-English immigrants (Irish, German, Italian, Polish, Catholics, etc.), the focus of you modern day Know Nothings is on brown and black people.

Did you know the official name of the Know Nothing party was The American Party? I've often thought Trump should start a new American Party to make the circle complete.

Then we can all wave bye-bye to you as you sink into obsolescence like the original.

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