She’s Right About Civil War

Why are you putting words in my mouth that I did not say?
You told him to learn history when he stated a historical fact the South started the war when they fired on the fort. Lincoln hadn't even called up the Militia at that point.
The problem with your post is that it's not a fact. Lincoln started the war. Lincoln invaded Virginia.
Wrong as usual the unprovoked attack on Federal troops at Fort Sumter started the war at that point Lincoln had not even called up the Militia. He was still trying to TALK to the States leaving the Union.
The simple fact of the matter is, the north wanted to free the slaves and the south didn't. The civil war was inevitable at that point.

.... The Emancipation Proclamation was a major disappointment to abolitionists everywhere.

No, it wasn’t. Quite the contrary.
You DENY that the South seized federal Property mobilized an army BEFORE the North and attacked Fort Sumter?

Why are you putting words in my mouth that I did not say?
You told him to learn history when he stated a historical fact the South started the war when they fired on the fort. Lincoln hadn't even called up the Militia at that point.
The problem with your post is that it's not a fact. Lincoln started the war. Lincoln invaded Virginia.
Wrong as usual the unprovoked attack on Federal troops at Fort Sumter started the war at that point Lincoln had not even called up the Militia. He was still trying to TALK to the States leaving the Union.
It was definitely provoked. Trespassing is provocation. Intruding on SC territorial waters in an attempt to resupply the Fort is even more egregious provocation. You're spewing Lincoln cult horseshit. know nothing about this topic. And it's funny watching you struggle so much to come up with excuses for the Con-federacy starting a war they couldn't finish.....
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
In America, it is illegal and unconstitutional to write your own constitution. And the same was true back then.
The left would give anything to re-write our Constitution. They don't respect it and that's a fact.
Who is it who wants to ignore the 1st? the 4th? the 5th? the 6th?
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
In America, it is illegal and unconstitutional to write your own constitution. And the same was true back then.
The left would give anything to re-write our Constitution. They don't respect it and that's a fact.
Who is it who wants to ignore the 1st? the 4th? the 5th? the 6th?
You want to begin at the 1st? You don't believe in it, not with the intent it was written. Anyone that criticized your golden boy Obungo was deemed a racist.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
In America, it is illegal and unconstitutional to write your own constitution. And the same was true back then.
The left would give anything to re-write our Constitution. They don't respect it and that's a fact.
Who is it who wants to ignore the 1st? the 4th? the 5th? the 6th?
You want to begin at the 1st? You don't believe in it, not with the intent it was written. Anyone that criticized your golden boy Obungo was deemed a racist.
”Anyone that criticized your golden boy Obungo was deemed a racist.”

^^^ also covered by the First Amendment.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
In America, it is illegal and unconstitutional to write your own constitution. And the same was true back then.
The left would give anything to re-write our Constitution. They don't respect it and that's a fact.
Who is it who wants to ignore the 1st? the 4th? the 5th? the 6th?
You want to begin at the 1st? You don't believe in it, not with the intent it was written. Anyone that criticized your golden boy Obungo was deemed a racist.
”Anyone that criticized your golden boy Obungo was deemed a racist.”

^^^ also covered by the First Amendment.
Rights come with responsibility. Deeming anyone a "racist" that criticizes your golden boy is abuse of rights. You become the boy that cried wolf. After a while no one takes you seriously except for the like minded loons.
Sure you are the “smartest” in the room. Just ask you! It really is quite evident you lick at the shaft and swallow ejaculate of tDRUMP. You are so overly “smart.”
What is really to bad, that the victors of T he Civil War never really did what they should have done. After kicking those traitor’s asses, take all their land and give it to those they enslaved. A fitting judgement.
Lying stinking southern scum they would have starved if they didn’t have someone other than themselves doing the work. The lazy f*cks.
But tell us one more time how “very” educated you are!
And by the way your icon you use is a picture of a token hero. The one dressed in a military uniform. He never once saw action. Just like you, it is all in you feeble mind.

What the hell are you talking about?

Th comments were 100% true about how Confederate soldiers felt about the war. Why else would they be involved if they did not have a dog in that fight?

I received my history degree from a university well-known for professors with extensive research and writings on the Civil War. I am sorry that you went with the high school version.

Who the fuck asked you how the traitorous rebels felt? It is irrelevant to their illegal, immoral, idiotic actions. Kinda like your posts.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on! You don't get to decide the truth.

You’re no historian, and a disgrace of an American.

I probably knew more history by 6th grade than you currently possess. If you are so smart, how did you come up with a fucked up sentence like that in reply?

I think I have asked before, but is English your second language? If not you sure seem to struggle at times putting together a coherent thought of more than one sentence.
In America, it is illegal and unconstitutional to write your own constitution. And the same was true back then.
The left would give anything to re-write our Constitution. They don't respect it and that's a fact.
Who is it who wants to ignore the 1st? the 4th? the 5th? the 6th?
You want to begin at the 1st? You don't believe in it, not with the intent it was written. Anyone that criticized your golden boy Obungo was deemed a racist.
”Anyone that criticized your golden boy Obungo was deemed a racist.”

^^^ also covered by the First Amendment.
Rights come with responsibility. Deeming anyone a "racist" that criticizes your golden boy is abuse of rights. You become the boy that cried wolf. After a while no one takes you seriously except for the like minded loons.
Nope, that’s not an abuse of rights. First and foremost, your First Amendment right to free speech protects you from the government, not from private citizens. Private citizens also have a First Amendment right to free speech to call anyone they want, a racist.

It’s rather odd how often you numbnuts fail to grasp that simple concept.
The left would give anything to re-write our Constitution. They don't respect it and that's a fact.
Who is it who wants to ignore the 1st? the 4th? the 5th? the 6th?
You want to begin at the 1st? You don't believe in it, not with the intent it was written. Anyone that criticized your golden boy Obungo was deemed a racist.
”Anyone that criticized your golden boy Obungo was deemed a racist.”

^^^ also covered by the First Amendment.
Rights come with responsibility. Deeming anyone a "racist" that criticizes your golden boy is abuse of rights. You become the boy that cried wolf. After a while no one takes you seriously except for the like minded loons.
Nope, that’s not an abuse of rights. First and foremost, your First Amendment right to free speech protects you from the government, not from private citizens. Private citizens also have a First Amendment right to free speech to call anyone they want, a racist.

It’s rather odd how often you numbnuts fail to grasp that simple concept.
You're confused, as are most of you on the left. Calling anyone a "racist" is slander and abuse of the right of free speech. Go ahead and do it, but you lose my respect and the respect of all rational thinking people. This is the very reason the democrat party today is only catering to the losers and freaks in society.
Who is it who wants to ignore the 1st? the 4th? the 5th? the 6th?
You want to begin at the 1st? You don't believe in it, not with the intent it was written. Anyone that criticized your golden boy Obungo was deemed a racist.
”Anyone that criticized your golden boy Obungo was deemed a racist.”

^^^ also covered by the First Amendment.
Rights come with responsibility. Deeming anyone a "racist" that criticizes your golden boy is abuse of rights. You become the boy that cried wolf. After a while no one takes you seriously except for the like minded loons.
Nope, that’s not an abuse of rights. First and foremost, your First Amendment right to free speech protects you from the government, not from private citizens. Private citizens also have a First Amendment right to free speech to call anyone they want, a racist.

It’s rather odd how often you numbnuts fail to grasp that simple concept.
You're confused, as are most of you on the left. Calling anyone a "racist" is slander and abuse of the right of free speech. Go ahead and do it, but you lose my respect and the respect of all rational thinking people. This is the very reason the democrat party today is only catering to the losers and freaks in society.

How adorable. You say that as though anyone gives a shit about your respect. Regardless, I knew you still wouldn’t understand and you demonstrate you still don’t. Prolly never will.

You want to begin at the 1st? You don't believe in it, not with the intent it was written. Anyone that criticized your golden boy Obungo was deemed a racist.
”Anyone that criticized your golden boy Obungo was deemed a racist.”

^^^ also covered by the First Amendment.
Rights come with responsibility. Deeming anyone a "racist" that criticizes your golden boy is abuse of rights. You become the boy that cried wolf. After a while no one takes you seriously except for the like minded loons.
Nope, that’s not an abuse of rights. First and foremost, your First Amendment right to free speech protects you from the government, not from private citizens. Private citizens also have a First Amendment right to free speech to call anyone they want, a racist.

It’s rather odd how often you numbnuts fail to grasp that simple concept.
You're confused, as are most of you on the left. Calling anyone a "racist" is slander and abuse of the right of free speech. Go ahead and do it, but you lose my respect and the respect of all rational thinking people. This is the very reason the democrat party today is only catering to the losers and freaks in society.

How adorable. You say that as though anyone gives a shit about your respect. Regardless, I knew you still wouldn’t understand and you demonstrate you still don’t. Prolly never will.

Thanks for proving my point. You and your pals don't give a shit about being respected, and I agree. All you care about is maintaining and holding onto power and destroying any American that gets in your way. Brett Kavanaugh was the latest example.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
the civil war was NOT Miss history at it's finest, and if you think it was, you're a fcuikiong racist loser.
Why are you putting words in my mouth that I did not say?
You told him to learn history when he stated a historical fact the South started the war when they fired on the fort. Lincoln hadn't even called up the Militia at that point.
The problem with your post is that it's not a fact. Lincoln started the war. Lincoln invaded Virginia.
Wrong as usual the unprovoked attack on Federal troops at Fort Sumter started the war at that point Lincoln had not even called up the Militia. He was still trying to TALK to the States leaving the Union.
The simple fact of the matter is, the north wanted to free the slaves and the south didn't. The civil war was inevitable at that point.

Well, except for that little fact that Lincoln didn't even want to free the slaves, and when he did, he was powerless to do so in the South. The Emancipation Proclamation was a major disappointment to abolitionists everywhere.
Why was the Emancipation Proclamation a major disappointment to abolitionists?
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
In America, it is illegal and unconstitutional to write your own constitution. And the same was true back then.

Of course, it was also illegal when the Founding Fathers did it. Just sayin' . . .
You told him to learn history when he stated a historical fact the South started the war when they fired on the fort. Lincoln hadn't even called up the Militia at that point.
The problem with your post is that it's not a fact. Lincoln started the war. Lincoln invaded Virginia.
Wrong as usual the unprovoked attack on Federal troops at Fort Sumter started the war at that point Lincoln had not even called up the Militia. He was still trying to TALK to the States leaving the Union.
The simple fact of the matter is, the north wanted to free the slaves and the south didn't. The civil war was inevitable at that point.

Well, except for that little fact that Lincoln didn't even want to free the slaves, and when he did, he was powerless to do so in the South. The Emancipation Proclamation was a major disappointment to abolitionists everywhere.
Why was the Emancipation Proclamation a major disappointment to abolitionists?

Because it only "freed" slaves in states Lincoln didn't actually control at the time. It was a political ploy, and they knew it.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
the civil war was NOT Miss history at it's finest, and if you think it was, you're a fcuikiong racist loser.
Having lived in Mississippi, I have to wonder what do Mississippians consider their finest moments in history if not the civil war. Hopefully, it wasn't the introduction of slavery in the early 1700's, the lynchings, race riots, miscegenation laws, the KKK, the Mississippi sterilization law, segregation, or the suppression of black voting. Surely there must be something Mississippians can be proud of.
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#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
the civil war was NOT Miss history at it's finest, and if you think it was, you're a fcuikiong racist loser.
Having lived in Mississippi, I have to wonder what do Mississippians consider their finest moments in history if not the civil war. Hopefully, it wasn't the introduction of slavery in the early 1700's, the lynchings, race riots, miscegenation laws, the KKK, the Mississippi sterilization law, segregation, or the suppression of black voting. Surely there must be something Mississippians can be proud of.
I came here to work at Ole Miss. I'm sure the governor and state legislative "leaders" are committed to serving all equally. Hyde-Smith really didn't have any qualifications to be a senator beyond the Governor thinking she could beat the local tea party darling, McDaniel, which she handily did. I don't think she's a racist so much as just not having much experience as a public servant. the State is much less economically progressive now. There's a tea party faction that runs the legislature openly distaining any corporate influence ... despite the state's economic life depending on agricultural corporate exports overseas. And the state legislature's majority is those tea party folks.

I think Ole Miss believed, and believes, that it's finest moment was becoming a University that serves all people in Mississippi who can attend.

I tried to explain how and why the State's political divisions are based on race. But it wasn't the gop that initially said the state had to have minority majority districts. And until the last ten years or so, there were white democrats. But they are few and far between today. And they may all live on my block! (joke)
Lincoln as president of all of the United states of America was aware that the south had constitutional protection for its use of slavery.
Lincoln said" that slavery was a moral a social & a political wrong.
as the south was using there slaves to keep the home front going while the army was fighting,& using slaves in other ways to assist the war,
freeing the slaves would give the union forces an advantage.
Lincoln figured that constitutional protection of slavery could be overridden by sanctioned war powers of the presidency.
Lincolns main goal was to preserve the union of the UNITED states.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
If the South wanted to be left alone, why did they start the war by firing on a U.S. Federal installation that was doing nothing to them?
That "federal installation" was within the boundaries of South Carolina. The troops there were trespassing on Carolina territory. Shooting trespassers has always been acknowledge by international law as perfectly legal and legitimate.
WRONG when South Carolina JOINED the UNION they ceded the property to the FEDERAL Government it no longer belonged to South Carolina. If the South were not bent on STARTING the war they would have negotiated the forts return rather then attack the troops in the fort. At that time Lincoln had NOT even raised the Militia he was trying to talk to the South.
They donated the property. They did not give up legal jurisdiction.

They ceded “all the right, title and claim” to that territory, ya fucking moron. South Carolina couldn’t even legally set foot on it other than to serve civil or criminal processes so that fugitives couldn’t hide there. That you still can’t understand that after getting thoroughly bitchslapped on this subject proves you’re fucked in the head beyond all repair.

You just admitted that SC retained legal jurisdiction, dumb fuck. And the government of SC cannot set foot on anyone's private property in SC without a warrant. How was Ft Sumter any different? The bottom line is that it wasn't. Ft Sumter was just another piece of property within the borders of SC that happened to be owned by the federal government.

For your next trick you will claim there no difference between "no evidence" and "no damages."

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