She’s Right About Civil War

Slavery was way life in South that most people in the North did not understand.
Yeah, people as property is hard to understand.
What I mean is people in the North did not understand that the economy in the South and a way of life that was older than the nation would collapse.

Abolitionists believe once slaves were free they would become productive members of society even-thou they had no way to support themselves, no money, no land, no education, and for the most part no skills. I'm not condoning slavery. I'm saying in the North there was no thought given as what would happen to slaves once freed and terrible retribution white southerns would lay upon them for over a hundred years. I believe much of the racial problems in the South grew out of the injustices and punishment that were laid on Whites during Reconstruction.
I see red text now that you CHANGED IT, ass wipe.

But you're still in the TOILET. What ELSE was the reason if it wasn't JUST SLAVERY.


I did not change a God-blessed thing you fucking moron!

Several posters have listed numerous reasons on this thread. Why didn't you read them? Was the thought of trolling me giving you a boner?
Yes you did change it, now you're a fucking liar.

Go pound sand, asshole.

How did I fucking change it?

This is from post #130: Slavery was part of the cause, but only simpletons say that it was the only cause.

This is from post #132: Slavery was part of the cause, but only simpletons say that it was the only cause

How is post #132 any different from where it was quoted in post #130? I guess putting it in bold red, larger font confused that lonely brain cell of yours?

Now, kiss my ass and go fuck yourself, you ignorant piece of shit!

Read Flopper's post #136
Whatever... liar... go pound sand.

Man, I knew the AF was full of pussies, but I didn't think you were one until now!

You falsely accuse me of lying and then double down on it AFTER I proved you wrong.

What a scum bag! Is your username your actual IQ?
You didn't prove shit. I read your post and it was all normal. Then you went back and changed it.

You're a filthy cock suckin' liar and shit stain. You got no honor, probably why you insult the military, you little piece of shit faggot sissy.
The simple fact of the matter is, the north wanted to free the slaves and the south didn't. The civil war was inevitable at that point.
Except that is a fairy tale and far from factual.
Oh? Then pray tell... what was the civil war about... what direction the moon rose?

I don't know what history books you've been reading, but it was about SLAVERY, period.

So you are intent on proving that your knowledge of history is at an elementary school level?
Still waiting for you to explain how claiming South Carolina fired on Fort Sumter and started the war is wrong.

You should already know, but being a Marine, I guess you expect the Navy to deliver you wherever you need to go!

Sorry! I retired from teaching. I suggest you enroll in a good history of the Civil War and Reconstruction at your local university.
In other words you are a bald faced liar. South Carolina fired the first shot and did so BEFORE Lincoln even called up the Militia, in fact Fort Sumter was the reason he called up the Militia.
  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
Except that is a fairy tale and far from factual.
Oh? Then pray tell... what was the civil war about... what direction the moon rose?

I don't know what history books you've been reading, but it was about SLAVERY, period.

So you are intent on proving that your knowledge of history is at an elementary school level?
Still waiting for you to explain how claiming South Carolina fired on Fort Sumter and started the war is wrong.

You should already know, but being a Marine, I guess you expect the Navy to deliver you wherever you need to go!

Sorry! I retired from teaching. I suggest you enroll in a good history of the Civil War and Reconstruction at your local university.
In other words you are a bald faced liar. South Carolina fired the first shot and did so BEFORE Lincoln even called up the Militia, in fact Fort Sumter was the reason he called up the Militia.
Yeah he's got LYING down pat.
I did not change a God-blessed thing you fucking moron!

Several posters have listed numerous reasons on this thread. Why didn't you read them? Was the thought of trolling me giving you a boner?
Yes you did change it, now you're a fucking liar.

Go pound sand, asshole.

How did I fucking change it?

This is from post #130: Slavery was part of the cause, but only simpletons say that it was the only cause.

This is from post #132: Slavery was part of the cause, but only simpletons say that it was the only cause

How is post #132 any different from where it was quoted in post #130? I guess putting it in bold red, larger font confused that lonely brain cell of yours?

Now, kiss my ass and go fuck yourself, you ignorant piece of shit!

Read Flopper's post #136
Whatever... liar... go pound sand.

Man, I knew the AF was full of pussies, but I didn't think you were one until now!

You falsely accuse me of lying and then double down on it AFTER I proved you wrong.

What a scum bag! Is your username your actual IQ?
You didn't prove shit. I read your post and it was all normal. Then you went back and changed it.

You're a filthy cock suckin' liar and shit stain. You got no honor, probably why you insult the military, you little piece of shit faggot sissy.

Show me where I changed it you chair force reject!

Get someone else on this thread to agree with you! Oh, you can't do that, can you?

You have some great insults! Do you practice them by looking in your mirror?
Except that is a fairy tale and far from factual.
Oh? Then pray tell... what was the civil war about... what direction the moon rose?

I don't know what history books you've been reading, but it was about SLAVERY, period.

So you are intent on proving that your knowledge of history is at an elementary school level?
Still waiting for you to explain how claiming South Carolina fired on Fort Sumter and started the war is wrong.

You should already know, but being a Marine, I guess you expect the Navy to deliver you wherever you need to go!

Sorry! I retired from teaching. I suggest you enroll in a good history of the Civil War and Reconstruction at your local university.
In other words you are a bald faced liar. South Carolina fired the first shot and did so BEFORE Lincoln even called up the Militia, in fact Fort Sumter was the reason he called up the Militia.

Why did we need a militia when we had a standing Army?

Trying to discuss history with your level of understanding is like trying to teach nuclear physics to a three year-old.
Yes you did change it, now you're a fucking liar.

Go pound sand, asshole.

How did I fucking change it?

This is from post #130: Slavery was part of the cause, but only simpletons say that it was the only cause.

This is from post #132: Slavery was part of the cause, but only simpletons say that it was the only cause

How is post #132 any different from where it was quoted in post #130? I guess putting it in bold red, larger font confused that lonely brain cell of yours?

Now, kiss my ass and go fuck yourself, you ignorant piece of shit!

Read Flopper's post #136
Whatever... liar... go pound sand.

Man, I knew the AF was full of pussies, but I didn't think you were one until now!

You falsely accuse me of lying and then double down on it AFTER I proved you wrong.

What a scum bag! Is your username your actual IQ?
You didn't prove shit. I read your post and it was all normal. Then you went back and changed it.

You're a filthy cock suckin' liar and shit stain. You got no honor, probably why you insult the military, you little piece of shit faggot sissy.

Show me where I changed it you chair force reject!

Get someone else on this thread to agree with you! Oh, you can't do that, can you?

You have some great insults! Do you practice them by looking in your mirror?
You're a liar... own it... jackass... I know the truth.
Oh? Then pray tell... what was the civil war about... what direction the moon rose?

I don't know what history books you've been reading, but it was about SLAVERY, period.

So you are intent on proving that your knowledge of history is at an elementary school level?
Still waiting for you to explain how claiming South Carolina fired on Fort Sumter and started the war is wrong.

You should already know, but being a Marine, I guess you expect the Navy to deliver you wherever you need to go!

Sorry! I retired from teaching. I suggest you enroll in a good history of the Civil War and Reconstruction at your local university.
In other words you are a bald faced liar. South Carolina fired the first shot and did so BEFORE Lincoln even called up the Militia, in fact Fort Sumter was the reason he called up the Militia.
Yeah he's got LYING down pat.

I haven't lied about a thing, Mister " My Ass Rides In Navy Equipment" .

Both you assholes just don't like being proven that you had an inferior education or didn't remember what you were taught.
How did I fucking change it?

This is from post #130: Slavery was part of the cause, but only simpletons say that it was the only cause.

This is from post #132: Slavery was part of the cause, but only simpletons say that it was the only cause

How is post #132 any different from where it was quoted in post #130? I guess putting it in bold red, larger font confused that lonely brain cell of yours?

Now, kiss my ass and go fuck yourself, you ignorant piece of shit!

Read Flopper's post #136
Whatever... liar... go pound sand.

Man, I knew the AF was full of pussies, but I didn't think you were one until now!

You falsely accuse me of lying and then double down on it AFTER I proved you wrong.

What a scum bag! Is your username your actual IQ?
You didn't prove shit. I read your post and it was all normal. Then you went back and changed it.

You're a filthy cock suckin' liar and shit stain. You got no honor, probably why you insult the military, you little piece of shit faggot sissy.

Show me where I changed it you chair force reject!

Get someone else on this thread to agree with you! Oh, you can't do that, can you?

You have some great insults! Do you practice them by looking in your mirror?
You're a liar... own it... jackass... I know the truth.

The truth is you have an IQ of 007.
Slavery was fundamental to Southern economics. Such being the case, it is absurd to think that slavery was less than fundamental to the cause of the war to preserve the Perpetual Union. Of course, it was not alone as a cause, but it was the main source of the problem.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
Scholars argue over the causes of the war but there is little disagreement as to how it started. Early in the morning of April 12, 1861, Confederate guns around the harbor opened fire on Fort Sumter and thus began America's bloodiest war.

I disagree. Scholars have almost unanimously agreed that Slavery was the primary cause. Even Dennis Prager and his laughable "prager university" have stopped fighting the "state's rights" cause. You have some vocal morons who continue to promote the "state's right" nonsense; that's all.

Someone's arguing that the Union fired the first shot? Classic.... makes you want to shake your head does it not?
Scholars of the civil war history argue today about the causes of the war. There are many. Abolitionists saw it as a war to free slaves. Southerners saw it as war to preserve their way of life. The Union military saw it as necessary to preserve the military might of the nation. The Supreme Court saw secession as an illegal act that had to be stopped. Financiers believed the war was about the trade. Many Southerns saw the war as necessary to prevent the lost of their rights. Lincoln believe the war was necessary to maintain the Union.

Not to make a big deal of it but who is/are the "scholars" in 2018 who still thinks it's about State's rights outside of the State's right to enslave a race of people? Just a few names.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
If the South wanted to be left alone, why did they start the war by firing on a U.S. Federal installation that was doing nothing to them?
That "federal installation" was within the boundaries of South Carolina. The troops there were trespassing on Carolina territory. Shooting trespassers has always been acknowledge by international law as perfectly legal and legitimate.
WRONG when South Carolina JOINED the UNION they ceded the property to the FEDERAL Government it no longer belonged to South Carolina. If the South were not bent on STARTING the war they would have negotiated the forts return rather then attack the troops in the fort. At that time Lincoln had NOT even raised the Militia he was trying to talk to the South.
They donated the property. They did not give up legal jurisdiction.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
Scholars argue over the causes of the war but there is little disagreement as to how it started. Early in the morning of April 12, 1861, Confederate guns around the harbor opened fire on Fort Sumter and thus began America's bloodiest war.

I disagree. Scholars have almost unanimously agreed that Slavery was the primary cause. Even Dennis Prager and his laughable "prager university" have stopped fighting the "state's rights" cause. You have some vocal morons who continue to promote the "state's right" nonsense; that's all.

Someone's arguing that the Union fired the first shot? Classic.... makes you want to shake your head does it not?
Scholars of the civil war history argue today about the causes of the war. There are many. Abolitionists saw it as a war to free slaves. Southerners saw it as war to preserve their way of life. The Union military saw it as necessary to preserve the military might of the nation. The Supreme Court saw secession as an illegal act that had to be stopped. Financiers believed the war was about the trade. Many Southerns saw the war as necessary to prevent the lost of their rights. Lincoln believe the war was necessary to maintain the Union.

Not to make a big deal of it but who is/are the "scholars" in 2018 who still thinks it's about State's rights outside of the State's right to enslave a race of people? Just a few names.
Lot's of them do, dumbass.
Why don't you go find yourself a good history of the Civil War and answer that question you have that should have been answered by your high school history teacher?
You DENY that the South seized federal Property mobilized an army BEFORE the North and attacked Fort Sumter?

Why are you putting words in my mouth that I did not say?
You told him to learn history when he stated a historical fact the South started the war when they fired on the fort. Lincoln hadn't even called up the Militia at that point.
The problem with your post is that it's not a fact. Lincoln started the war. Lincoln invaded Virginia.
Wrong as usual the unprovoked attack on Federal troops at Fort Sumter started the war at that point Lincoln had not even called up the Militia. He was still trying to TALK to the States leaving the Union.
It was definitely provoked. Trespassing is provocation. Intruding on SC territorial waters in an attempt to resupply the Fort is even more egregious provocation. You're spewing Lincoln cult horseshit.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
If the South wanted to be left alone, why did they start the war by firing on a U.S. Federal installation that was doing nothing to them?
That "federal installation" was within the boundaries of South Carolina. The troops there were trespassing on Carolina territory. Shooting trespassers has always been acknowledge by international law as perfectly legal and legitimate.
WRONG when South Carolina JOINED the UNION they ceded the property to the FEDERAL Government it no longer belonged to South Carolina. If the South were not bent on STARTING the war they would have negotiated the forts return rather then attack the troops in the fort. At that time Lincoln had NOT even raised the Militia he was trying to talk to the South.
They donated the property. They did not give up legal jurisdiction.

They ceded “all the right, title and claim” to that territory, ya fucking moron. South Carolina couldn’t even legally set foot on it other than to serve civil or criminal processes so that fugitives couldn’t hide there. That you still can’t understand that after getting thoroughly bitchslapped on this subject proves you’re fucked in the head beyond all repair.

That is not a theory. It may be a contention. It is certainly ridiculous.

Obviously, you were there. The U.S. has never done things like that. Ever hear of the USS Maine?
Letter upon letter of locals as well as from those in the military exist today to confirm who,where and when the first shots were fired. There is also the the inconveience of the battle dates. The civil war was an invasion of the north by the south. Most of your early civil war battles were located in the north. It took a long while to put the battle feild in the south. To understand the civil war one must map out the battles and add dates. It is easy to see who the early agressor and winner was. The south was winning for a long time.
What the hell are you talking about?

Th comments were 100% true about how Confederate soldiers felt about the war. Why else would they be involved if they did not have a dog in that fight?

I received my history degree from a university well-known for professors with extensive research and writings on the Civil War. I am sorry that you went with the high school version.

Who the fuck asked you how the traitorous rebels felt? It is irrelevant to their illegal, immoral, idiotic actions. Kinda like your posts.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on! You don't get to decide the truth.

You’re no historian, and a disgrace of an American.

I probably knew more history by 6th grade than you currently possess. ....

Look at that, wrong again. Your record is still perfect.
What the hell are you talking about?

Th comments were 100% true about how Confederate soldiers felt about the war. Why else would they be involved if they did not have a dog in that fight?

I received my history degree from a university well-known for professors with extensive research and writings on the Civil War. I am sorry that you went with the high school version.

Who the fuck asked you how the traitorous rebels felt? It is irrelevant to their illegal, immoral, idiotic actions. Kinda like your posts.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on! You don't get to decide the truth.

You’re no historian, and a disgrace of an American.


I think I have asked before, but is English your second language? .....

I think I told you before that I have a greater facility with, and knowledge of, English than you ever will. This is also likely true of any other language.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
In America, it is illegal and unconstitutional to write your own constitution. And the same was true back then.
The left would give anything to re-write our Constitution. They don't respect it and that's a fact.
Oh? Then pray tell... what was the civil war about... what direction the moon rose?

I don't know what history books you've been reading, but it was about SLAVERY, period.

So you are intent on proving that your knowledge of history is at an elementary school level?
Still waiting for you to explain how claiming South Carolina fired on Fort Sumter and started the war is wrong.

You should already know, but being a Marine, I guess you expect the Navy to deliver you wherever you need to go!

Sorry! I retired from teaching. I suggest you enroll in a good history of the Civil War and Reconstruction at your local university.
In other words you are a bald faced liar. South Carolina fired the first shot and did so BEFORE Lincoln even called up the Militia, in fact Fort Sumter was the reason he called up the Militia.

Why did we need a militia when we had a standing Army?

Trying to discuss history with your level of understanding is like trying to teach nuclear physics to a three year-old.

the standing army was only 16000 men dumb ass.

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