She’s Right About Civil War

So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
When, really, they were only defending the right to own other human beings as property. Very sad. And we memorialize their propagandist , lying, evil leaders with statues? Embarrassing.

What about the 5 Union States that were exempt from the Emancipation Proclamation because they were Slave States?

Why was West Virginia admitted to the Union in 1863 as a Slave State?

Why did Lincoln want to free the slaves and then ship all of their asses
to Central American?

You have your homework assignment. Get back to me?
These men were comrades who fought and died shoulder to shoulder. I can respect that. Plus they were Americans.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
In America, it is illegal and unconstitutional to write your own constitution. And the same was true back then.
All of our states have Constitutions,
Tear down Confederate statues? Attempt to rewrite history? After communism took over Russia...St. Petersburg became Leningrad...Volgrad became Stalingrad...History was rewritten and millions died.

oh brother....

We should put the tributes to Southern garbage into a museum or Historic park where they belong; agreed. Those that wish to view them would be free to do so.

I prefer the historic park where birds can shit on them. It would both be fitting and probably increase the value of the "art".
So would it be OK to say put a statue of Martin Luther King in a park for birds to shit on them?

I'm sure there are statues of MLK in a great many parks.
I'm sure birds shit on them as well.
I'm perfectly okay with it as birds will do what they do and having a statue of MLK in a public park is a good thing.

The difference is that for the traitors from the South, bird shit on their statues is quite appropriate and probably raises their value. The same isn't true of the statues of MLK.
They felt they had a right to leave the Union. Traitors? No. This question was left unresolved at the 1787 Convention.

It was answered in 1865
Th comments were 100% true about how Confederate soldiers felt about the war. Why else would they be involved if they did not have a dog in that fight?

I received my history degree from a university well-known for professors with extensive research and writings on the Civil War. I am sorry that you went with the high school version.

Who the fuck asked you how the traitorous rebels felt? It is irrelevant to their illegal, immoral, idiotic actions. Kinda like your posts.

What's the old saying; "I don't agree with what you say but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it?"

I guess the Confederacy had the equivalent of "I don't own slaves but I will fight to the death for your right to own them?"
Again you refuse to put yourself in the historical context of that time. If you were born on a plantation to wealthy white parents in would support slavery as an institution.

You were not born on a plantation to wealthy white parents...yet you still support the underpinnings of slavery as your hatred of racial minorities is something you wear like a badge of honor.
I have no hatred of racial minorities.

Biggest load of BS ever written on this board.
Tear down Confederate statues? Attempt to rewrite history? After communism took over Russia...St. Petersburg became Leningrad...Volgrad became Stalingrad...History was rewritten and millions died.

oh brother....

We should put the tributes to Southern garbage into a museum or Historic park where they belong; agreed. Those that wish to view them would be free to do so.

I prefer the historic park where birds can shit on them. It would both be fitting and probably increase the value of the "art".
So would it be OK to say put a statue of Martin Luther King in a park for birds to shit on them?

I'm sure there are statues of MLK in a great many parks.
I'm sure birds shit on them as well.
I'm perfectly okay with it as birds will do what they do and having a statue of MLK in a public park is a good thing.

The difference is that for the traitors from the South, bird shit on their statues is quite appropriate and probably raises their value. The same isn't true of the statues of MLK.
Quote by George Orwell: “Who controls the past controls the future. Who ...”
Revisionist history is a danger.
Quote by George Orwell: “Who controls the past controls the future. Who ...”
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
In America, it is illegal and unconstitutional to write your own constitution. And the same was true back then.
Heaven forbid the US Government should have to follow the one we have.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
This is why they push revisionist history. They know idiots like you will believe it.
Lincoln said he would preserve the Union even if it didn’t free a single slave.
Abraham Lincoln's Letter to Horace Greeley
I agree. There is no doubt Lincoln believed slavery was wrong and he did intend to free the slaves, however he had something even more important on his plate, saving the nation.
There is a theory Fort Sumter was staged. I am not saying it is true, but it may be possible.
Conspiracy theory #14,571. Most conspiracy theories are possible as long you are willing to ignore what is commonly accepted as fact.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics

Look dude, no matter how much you wish you could own another human being, your side lost and that is now illegal..

Just get over it and move on
Not taking about slavery snowflake. Talking about the attitude of the soldier in the Army of the Confederate States of America.
They were dupes of the plantation owners and big cotton money just like you are 2 rich GOP assholes, super duper. Conservative voters are dumb that way...
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
I have felt for many years that this Nation has grown apart. The NorthEast tends to be very Liberal and invasive in local affairs. The Federal Courts are made up of people from the North very few from the South. Money is controled from DC by people from the North. There is a long list of things that we take and don't like. So it could be a good idea that we split. How about any takers?
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
If the South wanted to be left alone, why did they start the war by firing on a U.S. Federal installation that was doing nothing to them?
See the Nullification Crisis 1832. Lincoln had already stated that secession would not be allowed. Andrew Jackson asked for a force bill in 1832 so the South could expect said same. Also, the South was not being left alone. Northern members of Congress, in order to protect wealthy industrialist, had pushed for tariffs that would have been detrimental to southern planters.
Not really. The south was concerned that the balance of power in the US Senate was about to be turned against them as the country moved westward and each new territory and freshly minted State was taking the anti-slavery route. Until that point, the South had always had a balanced number in the Senate to counter the efforts of the north to do away with slavery. It was a stalemate they - [the south] - wanted to turn to their own advantage and when the raids in Kansas started, it was only a matter of time before the South decided to go to war.

Most people understood that the entire economy of the south was predicated on agriculture and depended upon slave labor and the efforts of the north to remove the right of states to hold slaves likely seemed like an act of aggression, but it was not. It was simply the right of free men exercising their liberty and the south did not like it.

They should have tried harder to come to a reasonable compromise. Secession was not a reasonable response.
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All I've ever heard the Civil War when I lived down South, was the "War of Northern Aggression."
That’s the truth of how Southerners felt and do feel. CNN trying to call out the Senator for revisionist history. That’s simply not true. She is right.

Well it is CNN, right? Nothing coming from that cesspool has an ounce of credibility. I'd trust the National Enquirer before I would CNN.
But of course you are totally brainwashed functional moron. You believe the rich pay too much in taxes, Hillary is a criminal etc etc who needs evidence or courtroom. Who cares about due process... Your party and you are a joke a bad joke.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
If the South wanted to be left alone, why did they start the war by firing on a U.S. Federal installation that was doing nothing to them?
See the Nullification Crisis 1832. Lincoln had already stated that secession would not be allowed. Andrew Jackson asked for a force bill in 1832 so the South could expect said same. Also, the South was not being left alone. Northern members of Congress, in order to protect wealthy industrialist, had pushed for tariffs that would have been detrimental to southern planters.
Not really. The south was concerned that the balance of power in the US Senate was about to be turned against them as the country moved westward and each new territory and freshly minted State was taking the anti-slavery route. Until that point, the South had always had a balanced number in the Senate to counter the efforts of the north to do away with slavery. It was a stalemate the wanted to turn to their own advantage and when the raids in Kansas started, it was only a matter of time before the South decided to go to war.

Most people understood that the entire economy of the south was predicated on agriculture and depended upon slave labor and the efforts of the north to remove the right of states to hold slaves likely seemed like an act of aggression, but it was not. It was simply the right of free men exercising their liberty and the south did not like it.

They should have tried harder to come to a reasonable compromise. Secession was not a reasonable response.
Conservative support of slavery was a disgrace just like what you believe today... Give everything to the rich and corporations, they are your friend s LOL. Blame the poor.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics

Look dude, no matter how much you wish you could own another human being, your side lost and that is now illegal..

Just get over it and move on
You need to put yourself in the times. The Supreme Court had already ruled in Dred Scott v. Samford 1857 that slaves were only property and had no rights as citizens or human beings. Not saying it’s right, just saying that’s how it was.
We have whole new list of not happy of things the North is forcing on the South. We are not happy campers.
It figures you would disagree. Inconvenient truths suck, don't they?

What the hell are you talking about?

Th comments were 100% true about how Confederate soldiers felt about the war. Why else would they be involved if they did not have a dog in that fight?

I received my history degree from a university well-known for professors with extensive research and writings on the Civil War. I am sorry that you went with the high school version.

Who the fuck asked you how the traitorous rebels felt? It is irrelevant to their illegal, immoral, idiotic actions. Kinda like your posts.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on! You don't get to decide the truth.

You’re no historian, and a disgrace of an American.

I probably knew more history by 6th grade than you currently possess. If you are so smart, how did you come up with a fucked up sentence like that in reply?

I think I have asked before, but is English your second language? If not you sure seem to struggle at times putting together a coherent thought of more than one sentence.

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