She’s Right About Civil War

It was also to destroy State's Rights, and make the Federal Government of the North dominant.
Very true. Most people of the time felt it would be resolved as the earlier Nullification Crisis had been.
Slavery was just one of many causes of the war.
In general, the causes of the war was growing difference in the cultures in the North and South.
  • In the South farming was king. The North was rapidly moving away from farming in favor of industry.
  • Since the Constitution was first written there had been arguments about how much power the states should have versus how much power the federal government should have. The South was a champion of states rights. Every action of the Union that encroached on the rights of the states was a step toward succession.
  • The expansion of the United States westward shifted the power between the North and the South. Southern states began to fear they would lose so much power that they would lose all their rights.
  • Slavery was way life in South that most people in the North did not understand. The growing abolitionist movement in the north made the South fearful that their way of life would come to an end.
  • The fight over Kansas entering the union which ended with it entering the Union as a free state sent a message that war was inevitable.
  • The election of Lincoln became the final straw. Abraham Lincoln was a member of the new anti-slavery Republican Party. He managed to get elected without even being on the ballot in ten of the southern states. The South felt that Lincoln was against slavery and also against the South.
  • The final act that sealed the fate of the nation was Secession.

So what caused the war?
Lots of stuff.
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It's really ridiculous to claim that the war wasn't about slavery. The reason the South seceded was because an anti-slavery President has been elected.
You DENY that the South seized federal Property mobilized an army BEFORE the North and attacked Fort Sumter?

Why are you putting words in my mouth that I did not say?
You told him to learn history when he stated a historical fact the South started the war when they fired on the fort. Lincoln hadn't even called up the Militia at that point.
The problem with your post is that it's not a fact. Lincoln started the war. Lincoln invaded Virginia.
Wrong as usual the unprovoked attack on Federal troops at Fort Sumter started the war at that point Lincoln had not even called up the Militia. He was still trying to TALK to the States leaving the Union.
The simple fact of the matter is, the north wanted to free the slaves and the south didn't. The civil war was inevitable at that point.
Except that is a fairy tale and far from factual.
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
#1) The Confederate States had ceceded from the Union, wrote a constitution and sent diplomats abroad.
#2) The North invaded the South.
#3) The Federal Army had whole units of immigrants who did not speak English. If you had a bunch of Germans marching through your would think them as foreign invaders.
#4) When a confederate POW was asked by a Union officer, “ Why are you fighting this war soldier?” The confederate answered, “Because your down here.”
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland' - CNNPolitics
Scholars argue over the causes of the war but there is little disagreement as to how it started. Early in the morning of April 12, 1861, Confederate guns around the harbor opened fire on Fort Sumter and thus began America's bloodiest war.

I disagree. Scholars have almost unanimously agreed that Slavery was the primary cause. Even Dennis Prager and his laughable "prager university" have stopped fighting the "state's rights" cause. You have some vocal morons who continue to promote the "state's right" nonsense; that's all.

Someone's arguing that the Union fired the first shot? Classic.... makes you want to shake your head does it not?
Why are you putting words in my mouth that I did not say?
You told him to learn history when he stated a historical fact the South started the war when they fired on the fort. Lincoln hadn't even called up the Militia at that point.
The problem with your post is that it's not a fact. Lincoln started the war. Lincoln invaded Virginia.
Wrong as usual the unprovoked attack on Federal troops at Fort Sumter started the war at that point Lincoln had not even called up the Militia. He was still trying to TALK to the States leaving the Union.
The simple fact of the matter is, the north wanted to free the slaves and the south didn't. The civil war was inevitable at that point.
Except that is a fairy tale and far from factual.
Oh? Then pray tell... what was the civil war about... what direction the moon rose?

I don't know what history books you've been reading, but it was about SLAVERY, period.
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
When, really, they were only defending the right to own other human beings as property. Very sad. And we memorialize their propagandist , lying, evil leaders with statues? Embarrassing.
Read the story from a Confederate soldier. Educate yourself.
"Co. Aytch" by Sam R. Watkins - Full Text Free Book
And here is a lovely letter home from a Nazi soldier:

A German Soldier’s Letter (1943)
  • Thanks
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.... Talking about the attitude of the soldier in the Army of the Confederate States of America.

Illogical, irrelevant, illegal.

It figures you would disagree. Inconvenient truths suck, don't they?

What the hell are you talking about?

Th comments were 100% true about how Confederate soldiers felt about the war. Why else would they be involved if they did not have a dog in that fight?

I received my history degree from a university well-known for professors with extensive research and writings on the Civil War. I am sorry that you went with the high school version.

Who the fuck asked you how the traitorous rebels felt? It is irrelevant to their illegal, immoral, idiotic actions. Kinda like your posts.

What's the old saying; "I don't agree with what you say but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it?"

I guess the Confederacy had the equivalent of "I don't own slaves but I will fight to the death for your right to own them?"
Illogical, irrelevant, illegal.

It figures you would disagree. Inconvenient truths suck, don't they?

What the hell are you talking about?

Th comments were 100% true about how Confederate soldiers felt about the war. Why else would they be involved if they did not have a dog in that fight?

I received my history degree from a university well-known for professors with extensive research and writings on the Civil War. I am sorry that you went with the high school version.

Who the fuck asked you how the traitorous rebels felt? It is irrelevant to their illegal, immoral, idiotic actions. Kinda like your posts.

What's the old saying; "I don't agree with what you say but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it?"

I guess the Confederacy had the equivalent of "I don't own slaves but I will fight to the death for your right to own them?"

More like “I’m an illiterate dumbass who will go in any direction I’m pushed just like all the other farm animals.”

It’s much easier to teach an animal to attack than to think.
Illogical, irrelevant, illegal.

It figures you would disagree. Inconvenient truths suck, don't they?

What the hell are you talking about?

Th comments were 100% true about how Confederate soldiers felt about the war. Why else would they be involved if they did not have a dog in that fight?

I received my history degree from a university well-known for professors with extensive research and writings on the Civil War. I am sorry that you went with the high school version.

Who the fuck asked you how the traitorous rebels felt? It is irrelevant to their illegal, immoral, idiotic actions. Kinda like your posts.

What's the old saying; "I don't agree with what you say but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it?"

I guess the Confederacy had the equivalent of "I don't own slaves but I will fight to the death for your right to own them?"
That's our history... like it or not... and you can't rewrite it.
Illogical, irrelevant, illegal.

It figures you would disagree. Inconvenient truths suck, don't they?

What the hell are you talking about?

Th comments were 100% true about how Confederate soldiers felt about the war. Why else would they be involved if they did not have a dog in that fight?

I received my history degree from a university well-known for professors with extensive research and writings on the Civil War. I am sorry that you went with the high school version.

Who the fuck asked you how the traitorous rebels felt? It is irrelevant to their illegal, immoral, idiotic actions. Kinda like your posts.

What's the old saying; "I don't agree with what you say but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it?"

I guess the Confederacy had the equivalent of "I don't own slaves but I will fight to the death for your right to own them?"
Again you refuse to put yourself in the historical context of that time. If you were born on a plantation to wealthy white parents in would support slavery as an institution.
Tear down Confederate statues? Attempt to rewrite history? After communism took over Russia...St. Petersburg became Leningrad...Volgrad became Stalingrad...History was rewritten and millions died.
It figures you would disagree. Inconvenient truths suck, don't they?

What the hell are you talking about?

Th comments were 100% true about how Confederate soldiers felt about the war. Why else would they be involved if they did not have a dog in that fight?

I received my history degree from a university well-known for professors with extensive research and writings on the Civil War. I am sorry that you went with the high school version.

Who the fuck asked you how the traitorous rebels felt? It is irrelevant to their illegal, immoral, idiotic actions. Kinda like your posts.

What's the old saying; "I don't agree with what you say but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it?"

I guess the Confederacy had the equivalent of "I don't own slaves but I will fight to the death for your right to own them?"
Again you refuse to put yourself in the historical context of that time. If you were born on a plantation to wealthy white parents in would support slavery as an institution.

You were not born on a plantation to wealthy white parents...yet you still support the underpinnings of slavery as your hatred of racial minorities is something you wear like a badge of honor.
Tear down Confederate statues? Attempt to rewrite history? After communism took over Russia...St. Petersburg became Leningrad...Volgrad became Stalingrad...History was rewritten and millions died.

oh brother....

We should put the tributes to Southern garbage into a museum or Historic park where they belong; agreed. Those that wish to view them would be free to do so.

I prefer the historic park where birds can shit on them. It would both be fitting and probably increase the value of the "art".
Tear down Confederate statues? Attempt to rewrite history? After communism took over Russia...St. Petersburg became Leningrad...Volgrad became Stalingrad...History was rewritten and millions died.

oh brother....

We should put the tributes to Southern garbage into a museum or Historic park where they belong; agreed. Those that wish to view them would be free to do so.

I prefer the historic park where birds can shit on them. It would both be fitting and probably increase the value of the "art".
Just like the communist who took over Soviet Union or Taliban that blew up Buddhist monuments, or Isis that destroyed Christian monuments. Why how Orwellian of you. Your racist hatred of whites exposes you. So would it be OK to say put a statue of Martin Luther King in a park for birds to shit on them?
Tear down Confederate statues? Attempt to rewrite history? After communism took over Russia...St. Petersburg became Leningrad...Volgrad became Stalingrad...History was rewritten and millions died.

oh brother....

We should put the tributes to Southern garbage into a museum or Historic park where they belong; agreed. Those that wish to view them would be free to do so.

I prefer the historic park where birds can shit on them. It would both be fitting and probably increase the value of the "art".
So would it be OK to say put a statue of Martin Luther King in a park for birds to shit on them?

I'm sure there are statues of MLK in a great many parks.
I'm sure birds shit on them as well.
I'm perfectly okay with it as birds will do what they do and having a statue of MLK in a public park is a good thing.

The difference is that for the traitors from the South, bird shit on their statues is quite appropriate and probably raises their value. The same isn't true of the statues of MLK.
So the confederate soldier felt they were defending their nation.
When, really, they were only defending the right to own other human beings as property. Very sad. And we memorialize their propagandist , lying, evil leaders with statues? Embarrassing.

What about the 5 Union States that were exempt from the Emancipation Proclamation because they were Slave States?

Why was West Virginia admitted to the Union in 1863 as a Slave State?

Why did Lincoln want to free the slaves and then ship all of their asses
to Central American?

You have your homework assignment. Get back to me?
Tear down Confederate statues? Attempt to rewrite history? After communism took over Russia...St. Petersburg became Leningrad...Volgrad became Stalingrad...History was rewritten and millions died.

oh brother....

We should put the tributes to Southern garbage into a museum or Historic park where they belong; agreed. Those that wish to view them would be free to do so.

I prefer the historic park where birds can shit on them. It would both be fitting and probably increase the value of the "art".
So would it be OK to say put a statue of Martin Luther King in a park for birds to shit on them?

I'm sure there are statues of MLK in a great many parks.
I'm sure birds shit on them as well.
I'm perfectly okay with it as birds will do what they do and having a statue of MLK in a public park is a good thing.

The difference is that for the traitors from the South, bird shit on their statues is quite appropriate and probably raises their value. The same isn't true of the statues of MLK.
They felt they had a right to leave the Union. Traitors? No. This question was left unresolved at the 1787 Convention.
Tear down Confederate statues? Attempt to rewrite history? After communism took over Russia...St. Petersburg became Leningrad...Volgrad became Stalingrad...History was rewritten and millions died.

oh brother....

We should put the tributes to Southern garbage into a museum or Historic park where they belong; agreed. Those that wish to view them would be free to do so.

I prefer the historic park where birds can shit on them. It would both be fitting and probably increase the value of the "art".
So would it be OK to say put a statue of Martin Luther King in a park for birds to shit on them?

I'm sure there are statues of MLK in a great many parks.
I'm sure birds shit on them as well.
I'm perfectly okay with it as birds will do what they do and having a statue of MLK in a public park is a good thing.

The difference is that for the traitors from the South, bird shit on their statues is quite appropriate and probably raises their value. The same isn't true of the statues of MLK.
Quote by George Orwell: “Who controls the past controls the future. Who ...”
Revisionist history is a danger.
Quote by George Orwell: “Who controls the past controls the future. Who ...”
What the hell are you talking about?

Th comments were 100% true about how Confederate soldiers felt about the war. Why else would they be involved if they did not have a dog in that fight?

I received my history degree from a university well-known for professors with extensive research and writings on the Civil War. I am sorry that you went with the high school version.

Who the fuck asked you how the traitorous rebels felt? It is irrelevant to their illegal, immoral, idiotic actions. Kinda like your posts.

What's the old saying; "I don't agree with what you say but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it?"

I guess the Confederacy had the equivalent of "I don't own slaves but I will fight to the death for your right to own them?"
Again you refuse to put yourself in the historical context of that time. If you were born on a plantation to wealthy white parents in would support slavery as an institution.

You were not born on a plantation to wealthy white parents...yet you still support the underpinnings of slavery as your hatred of racial minorities is something you wear like a badge of honor.
I have no hatred of racial minorities. See my post on the Comintern. You just validated it.

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