She's Still Screaming

I can see how she'd be more comfortable with a Monarchy.

What is it about the Clintons and Obama when they go overseas? Do they fell so comfy with their globalist sycophants that they express their true anti-American beliefs?

Donald Trump saved this country by winning. Anything else he accomplishes is icing on the cake.

They are Americans and there is nothing "anti-American about what they do. They are just against the destruction of the United States of America. We find ourselves in a predicament that resulted from the failure of the electoral-college system.
The EC performed exactly as intended. We are in a predicament because of the Left's hatred for Donald Trump, not because of the EC.

It's not only "the left" (whoever that is) who can't stand trump. Hint: his behavior, conduct in office, and his bigotry against whole groups of other people and total disrespect for others, his narcissism, his childishness, and his determination to drag the U.S. into the gutter have a lot to do with it. He's tried so hard to be Public Enemy No. 1, and he has succeeded.
It's only the left that hates Trump. You're deluding yourself into believing you're part of mainstream America. You're an hysterical freak.

What is "mainstream America"? Not everyone is from the gutter class. Most of us possess a good understanding of what is right and what is wrong. He does not. His supporters do not.
You and your ilk are the ones who do not understand right and wrong. There's nothing right about flooding this country with illegal aliens.

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