*Ships Insurance Should Be On The Hook*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. So that ship that took out the bridge in Philadelphia needs to pony up its INSURANCE.
2. Accident or on purpose that ship needs to be made to pay for damages.
3. This is a monumental event, very costly, and those behind this event should be putting into the, kitty.
4. If it breaks that, insurance company, then, its ok.

Sorry bout that,

1. So that ship that took out the bridge in Philadelphia needs to pony up its INSURANCE.
2. Accident or on purpose that ship needs to be made to pay for damages.
3. This is a monumental event, very costly, and those behind this event should be putting into the, kitty.
4. If it breaks that, insurance company, then, its ok.

breaking lloyds of london would have slightly deleterious effects on the global economy. no doubt in my mond they will be declared "too big to fail."

now, please remind me of why the insurance companies are bailed out after every major disaster?
ow, please remind me of why the insurance companies are bailed out after every major disaster?

Because corporations are blameless for anything, and share holders are entitled to big dividends and profits. Only little people should pay for stuff. We know this because the technocrats say so. You can't have free markets if you let big corporations lose money and go bankrupt, according to right wingers. What needs to happen is a lot of workers need to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week for 25 cents an hour until this thing is rebuilt, and the govt. should guarantee the companies building it get a 2,000% return per year on the contracts.
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Sorry bout that,

1. So that ship that took out the bridge in Philadelphia needs to pony up its INSURANCE.
2. Accident or on purpose that ship needs to be made to pay for damages.
3. This is a monumental event, very costly, and those behind this event should be putting into the, kitty.
4. If it breaks that, insurance company, then, its ok.

The insurance company should and will pay out, up to what the policy coverage is limited to on the shipping company's policy.

Unfortunately, that takes time to settle.

The govt doesn't have the time to wait for the settlement before clearing and rebuilding, thus the govt funding, for now....which should be reimbursed later.
The insurance company should and will pay out, up to what the policy coverage is limited to on the shipping company's policy.

Unfortunately, that takes time to settle.

The govt doesn't have the time to wait for the settlement before clearing and rebuilding, thus the govt funding, for now....which should be reimbursed later.

Usually on something this big the companies will just file bankruptcy, stiff everybody, and open up under a different name the next day. It's a tradition, started by big 'free market' fans like J.P.Morgan and all the railroads he routinely bankrupted for decades.
Because corporations are blameless for anything, and share holders are entitled to big dividends and profits. Only little people should pay for stuff. We know this because the technocrats say so. You can't have free markets if you let big corporations lose money and go bankrupt, according to right wingers. What needs to happen is a lot of workers need to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week for 25 cents an hour until this thing is rebuilt, and the govt. should guarantee the companies building it get a 2,000% return per year on the contracts.
i have heard those guys. they sound more like con men than technocrats.
The very fact that the handlers for Piss Pot rushed out the news that all Americans would pay for an act of terrorism is itself a red flag telling you that the incident was another False one .
ridiculous. have you ever been on a ship's crew?

why would the captain of a foreign vessel, or the pilot, one of the best paid blue collar jobs anywhere , risk his lifetime union job for a few political points that biden is not making?

lloyds should eventually pay but they are in no rush to do so.
lloyds should eventually pay but they are in no rush to do so.
You miss the point entirely .
Namely , the Piss Pot Crime Syndicate claimed they would pay all costs before even a preliminary investigation had been set up .

Nobody even openly disussed who lawfully represented liability .
In that respect it mirrors the great 9/11 Insurance Scam in a key way .
breaking lloyds of london would have slightly deleterious effects on the global economy. no doubt in my mond they will be declared "too big to fail."

now, please remind me of why the insurance companies are bailed out after every major disaster?

The insurance companies will pay, and it will not impact their balance sheets.
US Government will pick up the tab and get reimbursed later.

"the potential losses from the bridge collapse did not seem large enough to do long-term damage to any insurers or reinsurers. “It should not affect their balance sheets,”

Because corporations are blameless for anything, and share holders are entitled to big dividends and profits. Only little people should pay for stuff. We know this because the technocrats say so. You can't have free markets if you let big corporations lose money and go bankrupt, according to right wingers. What needs to happen is a lot of workers need to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week for 25 cents an hour until this thing is rebuilt, and the govt. should guarantee the companies building it get a 2,000% return per year on the contracts.
Ding ding ding!

It's what Republicans believe.
Because corporations are blameless for anything, and share holders are entitled to big dividends and profits. Only little people should pay for stuff. We know this because the technocrats say so. You can't have free markets if you let big corporations lose money and go bankrupt, according to right wingers.

I was with you until right here. Democrats by and large are no different. Obama being among the worse offenders.
Any insurance policy has a liability cap.

Exhaust that and then sue for negligence and bankrupt the comapny or whomever was responsible.

We have bodies. This shit is serious.
I was with you until right here. Democrats by and large are no different. Obama being among the worse offenders.

Never said otherwise. Over 300 of the country's biggest corporations openly supported the Democrat street thug gang BLM, they support mass immigration, and of course off-shoring and labor racketeering with hostile regimes like Red China. Now they're into nuclear proliferation for terrorist regimes and Russian expansionism.
The insurance companies will pay, and it will not impact their balance sheets.
US Government will pick up the tab and get reimbursed later.

"the potential losses from the bridge collapse did not seem large enough to do long-term damage to any insurers or reinsurers. “It should not affect their balance sheets,”

that is probably the way this should work. the insurer (probably lloyds) will eventually pay. but we will have a few years of court dates and negotiations .

in a more perfect version of capitalism governments could let the market fix this.

we need alternate modes (rail, coastal shipping) and freeways,

one thing the insurers could help with is the safety regulation and crew licensing challenges involving foreign vessels. if incidents like this cost them enough , they will respond.

real world. the east coast is too densely populated to close down a major harbor and interstate system.
I was with you until right here. Democrats by and large are no different. Obama being among the worse offenders.
pk, you may remember that many democrats took to the streets about obama's policies towards big business and wall st.

i did not detect any significant change in policy on these issues in 2017-2020, in fact, i might describe the trump policy of deregulation as restoration of the conditions which led, rather inevitably, to the 2008 crash.
pk, you may remember that many democrats took to the streets about obama's policies towards big business and wall st.

No, I don't. Some did protest but I have no idea what all their political affiliations were.

I know despite completely and totally bending over for Wall Street, Obama was still re-elected.

i did not detect any significant change in policy on these issues in 2017-2020, in fact, i might describe the trump policy of deregulation as restoration of the conditions which led, rather inevitably, to the 2008 crash.

Sure. I'm not making any attempt in defending that.

The deregulation BTW was bipartisan. Signed off by Clinton.
No, I don't. Some did protest but I have no idea what all their political affiliations were.

I know despite completely and totally bending over for Wall Street, Obama was still re-elected.

Sure. I'm not making any attempt in defending that.

The deregulation BTW was bipartisan. Signed off by Clinton.

oh yes. bell clinton was a piece of work with a policy of "triangulation" that cost al gore (actual one issue environmentalists prefer nader, a guy with a record of more than talk) and did not translate well to the electorate of 2016.

but. several reforms were emplaced in the wake of the "great recession" dodd frank was a weak recognition that regulation was necessary and ms warren pushed through a few consumer protections. even that is too much for "conservatives"

at the very least, who is protecting our 401 ks and mutual funds from the obvious insider trading on "djt"
Lots of investigation requiring first. Act of terror from hacking in? The US GOVT itself could be resonsible? In order to create more and more daily chaos. GOVT may have caused this “accident”. Like the Housing bust, Russian collusion, Flu launch, Kennedy shooting etc.

Probably we may never find out, again. But trust in them, sayeth the deep state for profit DEM Commee Obiden klan.
Lots of investigation requiring first. Act of terror from hacking in? The US GOVT itself could be resonsible? In order to create more and more daily chaos. GOVT may have caused this “accident”. Like the Housing bust, Russian collusion, Flu launch, Kennedy shooting etc.

Probably we may never find out, again. But trust in them, sayeth the deep state for profit DEM Commee Obiden klan.
"daily chaos" do you have more "daily chaos than you did 4 years ago. and the "daily chaos was relatibely calm until trump 2024 launched.

and, by the way, trump had 4 years to see, declassify, and publish the facts on all of those events, including the legal responsibility to release the jfk files.

is that what he had at mar a lago?" lololololololol

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