Shirley Sherrod: An interesting Timeline of events (wow its not fox new's fault)

The more i look into this,the more i feel we have all been duped. I think this White House fired her over possibly appearing on Glenn Beck's show. In the end i feel it was all about this White House's irrational hatred for Glenn Beck and not Racism. It looks like they tried to use the race angle to fire her but of course that ended up blowing up in their face. Something is definitely wrong with this picture. This whole thing was likely orchestrated by this White House to fire her for possibly appearing on Glenn Beck's show. That's my take anyway. I really do hope someone in the Media pursues this angle.

I agree... A couple weeks ago? I posted a list...Here it is again...

THE LEFT Hates MOST <pdf
CNN’s State of the Union, host Candy CROWLEY: Well, as you know, this weekend, NAACP said that the tea — there are racist elements in the tea party.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY): I am not interested in getting into that debate.



the tea party wants the NAACP to denounce racism?

yes, his SOURCE was the one that edited the video

He said he forgot about the speech

until last week, when the NAACP denounced what

it called "racist elements" of the "tea party"


Angry at the NAACP's move...


and the NAACP was right about the racists. they commended tea party for agreeing there are racist elements within.

so this whole thing started with a right wing media guy being upset and angry at truth.
uh, not the truth
there were INFILTRATORS trying to get their racist crap into the tea party

Agreed. There is still a 'Bounty Of Sorts' out there payable by Breitbart for evidence of rascism ephitets and being spit upon as claimed by Pelosi and John Lewis.

And interesting that when it rears it's ugly head? They are expelled?
The more i look into this,the more i feel we have all been duped. I think this White House fired her over possibly appearing on Glenn Beck's show. In the end i feel it was all about this White House's irrational hatred for Glenn Beck and not Racism. It looks like they tried to use the race angle to fire her but of course that ended up blowing up in their face. Something is definitely wrong with this picture. This whole thing was likely orchestrated by this White House to fire her for possibly appearing on Glenn Beck's show. That's my take anyway. I really do hope someone in the Media pursues this angle.

I agree... A couple weeks ago? I posted a list...Here it is again...

THE LEFT Hates MOST <pdf

Yea people need to look past what the MSM is telling them. It looks like this White House orchestrated the whole thing. Why did they mention Glenn Beck at all while firing her? I think they tried to use the race angle to fire her but it backfired miserably on them. Their irrational hatred for Glenn Beck is really what this whole thing was probably about in the end. Remember all their boasting about "Controlling the Media?" Well they did control it but it still backfired on them. Ooh sweet justice. I don't think race had anything to do with this. Just another corrupt MSM lie in the end. We've been duped again.
He said he forgot about the speech

until last week, when the NAACP denounced what

it called "racist elements" of the "tea party"


Angry at the NAACP's move...


and the NAACP was right about the racists. they commended tea party for agreeing there are racist elements within.

so this whole thing started with a right wing media guy being upset and angry at truth.
uh, not the truth
there were INFILTRATORS trying to get their racist crap into the tea party

Agreed. There is still a 'Bounty Of Sorts' out there payable by Breitbart for evidence of rascism ephitets and being spit upon as claimed by Pelosi and John Lewis.

And interesting that when it rears it's ugly head? They are expelled?

still ignoring the elephant in the room?


Wingnut Noise Machine & Racists Elements in Tea Party Exposed!

This is mainly a media story.

It is a story about how these days, instead of acting outright racist, racist elements within the conservative movement have gone into the media, where they now dedicate huge resources to exposing reverse racism under every rock, bed, and statement that is critical of white racism. With these conservative media types, to point out that any racism on the part of whites exists, exposes others to charges of being the 'real' racists, with accusations of reverse racism.

Context is everything here. The racists on the right (and their dupes), have based all their arguments on a contextual framework that demands ignoring the reality of how this all came about.

The initial motivation for the airing of the edited and deceptive video was a response to perceived racism by the NAACP. The NAACP's supposed racism? It was their charge that the tea party had not denounced the racist elements within the tea party. The irony here is that the NAACP later congratulated the tea party for getting rid of a racist element within, but this was not good enough for the wingnut noise machine. The anger and warped motivations on the part of conservative racists keeps them focused on the bogeyman under the bed, rather than the reality on the ground.


In an interview Wednesday, Breitbart said he first learned of Sherrod's speech in April, when a source he declined to name sent him a DVD copy of it. But the DVD did not work. He said he forgot about the speech until last week, when the NAACP denounced what it called "racist elements" of the "tea party" movement.

Angry at the NAACP's move, Breitbart said he contacted the source again asking for copies of the speech and obtained two edited clips over the weekend.

Read more: Who Tipped Off Shirley Sherrod Last Week? – UPDATE - Swampland -


July 20, 2010
NAACP Statement on the Resignation of Shirley Sherrod

July 18, 2010
The NAACP Commends the National Federation of Tea Parties for Expelling the Tea Party Express

July 13, 2010
NAACP DELEGATES UNANIMOUSLY PASS TEA PARTY AMENDMENT's first report on Sherrod reported her statements made in the clip, but gave no indication that it might have been taken out of context. It reported that Fox was "seeking a response from both the NAACP and the USDA," but not that they had attempted to find the full version of the tape or contact Sherrod herself.

Hannity called Sherrod's remarks "just the latest in a series of racial incidents," called for the NAACP to be "held to account" to repudiate Sherrod
Hmmm...I have difficulty believing that the White House is competent enough to have planned the whole thing from the beginning (never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity).

They overreacted and went into blame mode. It's their M.O., and the likeliest scenario, imo.
Hmmm...I have difficulty believing that the White House is competent enough to have planned the whole thing from the beginning (never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity).

They overreacted and went into blame mode. It's their M.O., and the likeliest scenario, imo.

They've done it too many damned times...but yet the Statists still circle the wagons and make excuses.
The more i look into this,the more i feel we have all been duped. I think this White House fired her over possibly appearing on Glenn Beck's show. In the end i feel it was all about this White House's irrational hatred for Glenn Beck and not Racism. It looks like they tried to use the race angle to fire her but of course that ended up blowing up in their face. Something is definitely wrong with this picture. This whole thing was likely orchestrated by this White House to fire her for possibly appearing on Glenn Beck's show. That's my take anyway. I really do hope someone in the Media pursues this angle.

I agree... A couple weeks ago? I posted a list...Here it is again...

THE LEFT Hates MOST <pdf

Yea people need to look past what the MSM is telling them. It looks like this White House orchestrated the whole thing. Why did they mention Glenn Beck at all while firing her? I think they tried to use the race angle to fire her but it backfired miserably on them. Their irrational hatred for Glenn Beck is really what this whole thing was probably about in the end. Remember all their boasting about "Controlling the Media?" Well they did control it but it still backfired on them. Ooh sweet justice. I don't think race had anything to do with this. Just another corrupt MSM lie in the end. We've been duped again.

Same thing when a buddy of Obama's in Acedemia got arrested...which brought us the now infamous Beer Summit.
Hmmm...I have difficulty believing that the White House is competent enough to have planned the whole thing from the beginning (never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity).

They overreacted and went into blame mode. It's their M.O., and the likeliest scenario, imo.

Oh i have no problems believing this White House orchestrated the whole thing. I think they just fed the MSM their bogus Racism story and as usual the MSM ran with it. I think they tried to use the video footage to justify firing her. It really was probably all about her possibly appearing on Glenn Beck's show though. Why else would they have mentioned that to her while they were firing her? This White House does have a weird irrational hatred for Glenn Beck. I think they just duped us all. The MSM only eats up White House talking points and can no longer really be trusted. They ate up the Race story and ran with it. This White House knew they would. It all backfired on them though which is pretty hilarious to me. This was all about Beck and not Racism in my opinion.
Hmmm...I have difficulty believing that the White House is competent enough to have planned the whole thing from the beginning (never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity).

They overreacted and went into blame mode. It's their M.O., and the likeliest scenario, imo.
Hanlon's Razor

Hmmm...I have difficulty believing that the White House is competent enough to have planned the whole thing from the beginning (never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity).

They overreacted and went into blame mode. It's their M.O., and the likeliest scenario, imo.

Oh i have no problems believing this White House orchestrated the whole thing. I think they just fed the MSM their bogus Racism story and as usual the MSM ran with it. I think they tried to use the video footage to justify firing her. It really was probably all about her possibly appearing on Glenn Beck's show though. Why else would they have mentioned that to her while they were firing her? This White House does have a weird irrational hatred for Glenn Beck. I think they just duped us all. The MSM only eats up White House talking points and can no longer really be trusted. They ate up the Race story and ran with it. This White House knew they would. It all backfired on them though which is pretty hilarious to me. This was all about Beck and not Racism in my opinion.

And what of the calls to 'Control The Internet'? Calls to get RID of Fox? Calls to regulate 'Talk Radio' under guise of 'Fairness'?

Face it? These people are having their collective asses handed to them...and all they want to do is propose to silence their detractors.

It's so damned transparent.
This is mainly a media story.

It is a story about how these days, instead

of acting outright racist, racist elements

within the conservative movement have gone into

the media, where they now dedicate huge

resources to exposing reverse racism under every

rock, bed, and statement that is critical of

white racism. With these conservative media

types, to point out that any racism on the part

of whites exists, exposes others to charges of

being the 'real' racists, with accusations of

reverse racism.

Context is everything here. The racists on the

right (and their dupes), have based all their

arguments on a contextual framework that demands

ignoring the reality of how this all came about.

The initial motivation for the airing of the

edited and deceptive video was a response to

perceived racism by the NAACP. The NAACP's

supposed racism? It was their charge that the

tea party had not denounced the racist elements

within the tea party. The irony

here is that the NAACP later congratulated the

tea party for getting rid of a racist element

within, but this was not good enough for the

wingnut noise machine.
The anger and

warped motivations on the part of conservative

racists keeps them focused on the bogeyman under

the bed, rather than the reality on the ground.


In an interview Wednesday,

Breitbart said he first learned of Sherrod's

speech in April, when a source he declined to

name sent him a DVD copy of it. But the DVD did

not work. He said he forgot about the speech

until last week, when the NAACP denounced what

it called "racist elements" of the "tea party"


Angry at the NAACP's move, Breitbart said he

contacted the source again asking for copies of

the speech and obtained two edited clips over

the weekend.

Read more:

Who Tipped Off Shirley

Sherrod Last Week? &#8211; UPDATE - Swampland -

yes, his SOURCE was the one that edited the video

Bigotbart's word is not credible.

Why won't he name the "source?" Why doesn't FOX Gossip Channel demand he name the "source?" Why doesn't the "source" come forward?

I say there was no source and Bigotbart is the editor, and FOX knows he is the editor, as long as the source remains unnamed!!!!
Last edited:
This is mainly a media story.

It is a story about how these days, instead

of acting outright racist, racist elements

within the conservative movement have gone into

the media, where they now dedicate huge

resources to exposing reverse racism under every

rock, bed, and statement that is critical of

white racism. With these conservative media

types, to point out that any racism on the part

of whites exists, exposes others to charges of

being the 'real' racists, with accusations of

reverse racism.

Context is everything here. The racists on the

right (and their dupes), have based all their

arguments on a contextual framework that demands

ignoring the reality of how this all came about.

The initial motivation for the airing of the

edited and deceptive video was a response to

perceived racism by the NAACP. The NAACP's

supposed racism? It was their charge that the

tea party had not denounced the racist elements

within the tea party. The irony

here is that the NAACP later congratulated the

tea party for getting rid of a racist element

within, but this was not good enough for the

wingnut noise machine.
The anger and

warped motivations on the part of conservative

racists keeps them focused on the bogeyman under

the bed, rather than the reality on the ground.


In an interview Wednesday,

Breitbart said he first learned of Sherrod's

speech in April, when a source he declined to

name sent him a DVD copy of it. But the DVD did

not work. He said he forgot about the speech

until last week, when the NAACP denounced what

it called "racist elements" of the "tea party"


Angry at the NAACP's move, Breitbart said he

contacted the source again asking for copies of

the speech and obtained two edited clips over

the weekend.

Read more:

Who Tipped Off Shirley

Sherrod Last Week? &#8211; UPDATE - Swampland -

yes, his SOURCE was the one that edited the video

Bigotbart's word is not credible.

Why won't he name the "source?" Why doesn't FOX Gossip Channel demand he name the "source?" Why doesn't the "source" come forward?

I say there was no source and Bigotbart is the editor, and FOX knows he is the editor, as long as the source remains unnamed!!!!
i cant, no more than you can prove the opposite
so you can knock off you dramatic bullshit already\
When will it be time to blame dat BOOOOOOOOOOSH? This White House has lost it. They're becoming a bit of a joke at this point.
yes, his SOURCE was the one that edited the video

Bigotbart's word is not credible.

Why won't he name the "source?" Why doesn't FOX Gossip Channel demand he name the "source?" Why doesn't the "source" come forward?

I say there was no source and Bigotbart is the editor, and FOX knows he is the editor, as long as the source remains unnamed!!!!
i cant, no more than you can prove the opposite
so you can knock off you dramatic bullshit already\
You can pontificate that the unnamed "source" edited the video, but I can't say that as long as Bigotbart is COVERING UP for the "source" then Bigotbart becomes the source.

Why would he cover for a dishonest source? As long as he covers for this dishonest "source" he allows this "source" to pedal his lies to other media outlets. It is Bigotbart's duty as a "journalist" to out this dishonest "source." The only logical reason to cover for a dishonest source is if Bigotbart is the editor.
Uhhhh...Journalists do protect their sources.

Deep Throat, anyone?

i don't know if fox running with the story on the 19th before she was fired influenced Vilsak's decision on sherrod's firing/resigning or not....

i don't know if contacting the naacp on this made the naacp aware of the situation and coming out with their statement requesting her to resign or not....

What i do know is that did run with their article on the 19th BEFORE she was fired and that DID contact both the naacp and the usda for a response on the video they and breitbart were showing on the net.

And if's running with the story online on feb 19th and requesting responses did influence the decisions and statements made by the naacp and the usda, then SHAME on the usda and the naacp.

that's my stance.

The USDA was informed by Mrs. Sherrod herself on Thursday July 15th. FOXNation is not responsible for informing those who had the power to fire her....end of story.
When will it be time to blame dat BOOOOOOOOOOSH? This White House has lost it. They're becoming a bit of a joke at this point.

And a sad twisted one. Interesting that when Bammy was running? That the mantra was regaining Respect around the world that was LOST by Booosh!?

Hell? I tired of reading that mantra in so many places by the Leftists...that were so worried that WE aren't liked?

Substitute 'Like' now with uproareous Laughter.

After the Official "Apology Tour 2009" by this regime? Seems the Joke is on Obama... We are less respected and being laughed at.

Just look at the behaviour of the despots? Our Allies?

Way to go Bammy. Respect is earned by doing the right thing. Welcome to your legacy Mr. President. It is being built under muted chuckles by your supposed 'friends'...While embarrassing the people YOU are supposed to represent.

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