Shirley Sherrod: An interesting Timeline of events (wow its not fox new's fault)

And why it was so important for Dan Rather to go down like a rock and cbs's rating with it, after their fiasco, and not FOX is also beyond reason and is hypocrisy at its best imho.

I know, I know....this is falling upon deaf ears.... sad though, very sad.
And why it was so important for Dan Rather to go down like a rock and cbs's rating with it, after their fiasco, and not FOX is also beyond reason and is hypocrisy at its best imho.

I know, I know....this is falling upon deaf ears.... sad though, very sad.

Hey---I'll freak out or something if you want me too. :cool:
And why it was so important for Dan Rather to go down like a rock and cbs's rating with it, after their fiasco, and not FOX is also beyond reason and is hypocrisy at its best imho.

I know, I know....this is falling upon deaf ears.... sad though, very sad.
If it were comparable. Dan Rather knowingly committed journalistic fraud. I cannot see any evidence in this thread that Fox News is responsible for any of the charges you guys are leveling at them for being a deliberate character assassination.

But you guys are spinning so damn fast you're cutting rock better than any drill BP has.
The Obama White House demands a woman be fired over a speculative news story????

And demands that firing post-haste - within mere hours in fact???

And some liberals in here are blaming the reporting of the story and not the reactionary Obama administration's demands for her resignation based soley on the speculative outcomes of that speculative story??????

How completely and utterly bereft of common sense and any semblance of rightful judgement...

i am on record, in this very thread i believe, that i think what the agriculture secretary and administration did was very wrong, and the agri secretary should be fired for firing her, because in THIS COUNTRY, we are presumed innocent, until PROVEN guilty....

Barney Frank didn't resign when he was accused and neither did jefferson(i think that was his name....the guy with the money in the freezer) until he was convicted....and these were actual accusations of crimes vs prejudice....

yet with this woman, they used their power to intimidate her in to resigning without hearing her out? that ain;t kosher in my book!

That is not True. In this country only the Judicial System has to to prove guilt before giving sentence. It is common as well as human nature to presume guilt before proven innocent. People are fired all the time based on perception. Some are fought but most go on unnoticed by the majority. This firing just happened to involve 2 major players that made the assumption otherwise it would not have gotten near the attention.
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what's more shocking to me is that a media outlet has the power to ERASE every cache, google, bing, yahoo....etc, that is out there dated February 19th and replace it with a completely different article dated feb 20th, or as in yahoo cache's case, remove all content when you click on 2/19's article in cache all together....the search shows the article as the 19th's on the search page, and when you click to go in to the cache of brings to no where, blank page that says you entered the wrong information for the cache of such article....

SCARY STUFF when the media can change the truth and real live History of their actions....

if it were not for some websites that copied the article like the one I was able to link above that does have published february 19, 2010, Fox's rewrite of History would be recorded as the original history of their actions....

like I have said, scary scary scary stuff....the way the media can manipulate and deceive us by a swipe of the keypad.....

and I am not saying other news medias can't do this either, because I am pretty certain they can....we live in 1984...the book is alive....

You are overstating what has happened. Over many years of reading news and commentary on the internet, I've seen smaller articles from AP, reuters, yahoo news, newspaper and radio sites, etc. appear first as a smaller article which is then updated and redated/timed as more details have become available. It is helpful if they put a revised notation, but that is not consistently done. Fox added additional paragraphs to an existing story as the story unfolded. I would have preferred that they keep the original time/date stamp and include the additional content under an updated notation, but I also understand that the internet is a dynamic medium in which content is constantly being updated.

None of this gives the Obama Administration a pass for firing an employee without due process. The real story is this part of the Fracas. Focusing on what and when Fox reported the story is a diversionary tactic aimed at deflecting attention from the truly horrible incompetence of the White House.

what's in this for you? why are you so dead set on defending FOX on this....? Just curious....
because i'm sick of the fucking "FAUX NEWS" bullshit
grow the fuck up and stop expecting everything in a liberal slant

I haven't called them faux news, EVER....

nice language!

TRUTH IS TRUTH Dive....saying they did not report on this until AFTER she resigned is simply a lie.

Fox News did not report anything on this story on air until O'Reilly's 8pm show Monday night. Fox News did report on this online on on Monday, July 19. I don't know what time because the only link to this is a message board and the time stamp on it is 6:15pm. Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer

PPV put a link to a tweet from someone at Fox Nation at 10:36am on July 19 and that tweet linked to a FoxNews story dated July 20. I just tried linking to the tweet page again and now it says it doesn't exist. I believe it originally linked to the July 19 story. If that is true, then FoxNews online had the story up Monday morning.

Breitbart put the video online Monday, July 19 in the morning. Someone commented on the Breitbart video on Fox Nation at 1:41pm.

Fox saying they didn't report on it until after she resigns is only half true and blatantly dishonest, imo. From everything I've read they did do a report on it before her resignation via online but did not do any report on it via on air until O'Reilly's show July 19. The July 19 report (the link I posted above) only reports on the situation and does not have Fox asking for her resignation. For the WH to spin it as such or to spin it that Fox somehow plays a part in her resignation is a flat out lie.

Regardless of when Fox reported on it (on air or via on line), the the WH - or someone within the organization - got hold of the story from Breitbart's blog and demanded Sherrod's resignation based on that. They did not even bother getting her side of the story.

The NAACP claims they were 'snookered' by Fox and Breitbart. The entire video was filmed by the NAACP and they were in possession of it so . . . . how could they possibly have been 'snookered' by Fox or Breitbart?
Translation of being Snookered by Breitbart and Fox: They are congenitally unable to accept responsibility for their actions and must always have a boogie man on the right to blame.

In this instance, Breitbart and Fox are pinch hitting for Bush. If the White House could find the thinnest pretext to blame the latter, they would happily do so.

i don't know if fox running with the story on the 19th before she was fired influenced Vilsak's decision on sherrod's firing/resigning or not....

i don't know if contacting the naacp on this made the naacp aware of the situation and coming out with their statement requesting her to resign or not....

What i do know is that did run with their article on the 19th BEFORE she was fired and that DID contact both the naacp and the usda for a response on the video they and breitbart were showing on the net.

And if's running with the story online on feb 19th and requesting responses did influence the decisions and statements made by the naacp and the usda, then SHAME on the usda and the naacp.

that's my stance.
The original fox story was a report on a story on Big Government, which indicated that the video segments were clips of an event, and that they were causing a controversy.

That is straight reporting without editorializing.
The original fox story was a report on a story on Big Government, which indicated that the video segments were clips of an event, and that they were causing a controversy.

That is straight reporting without editorializing. was...(though they did contact the naacp and the usda on it for their response which could have given those 2 some heat)

then WHY do you think Foxnews WIPED IT OUT COMPLETELY with all reference and caches to it, is the bigger question....? WHY would they do that for this straight up story as you say? WHY rewrite their own history on it? What were they ashamed of or scared of....?
Translation of being Snookered by Breitbart and Fox: They are congenitally unable to accept responsibility for their actions and must always have a boogie man on the right to blame.

In this instance, Breitbart and Fox are pinch hitting for Bush. If the White House could find the thinnest pretext to blame the latter, they would happily do so.

Yup. And that this entire thread is revolving around Fox's lie saying they didn't report on it on July 19 when in fact they did is nothing but a distraction from the real story . . . the WH/administration jumping to conclusions without all the facts, again. Fox did not cause this woman to be forced to resign. Someone in the WH did.

Here's a video of Sherrod talking to Anderson Cooper. She gives Obama a pass (I'm not sure if I believe her or not) but someone in that admin was after her. Starts at about 1:20.

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Video: Shirley Sherrod talks with Obama - Blogs
It sucks when someone can snooker you into a quick response that exposes you for what you are. It's preferable to either admit who you are or be smart enough to not get snookered. Obama and the NAACP did neither.
The original fox story was a report on a story on Big Government, which indicated that the video segments were clips of an event, and that they were causing a controversy.

That is straight reporting without editorializing. was...(though they did contact the naacp and the usda on it for their response which could have given those 2 some heat)

then WHY do you think Foxnews WIPED IT OUT COMPLETELY with all reference and caches to it, is the bigger question....? WHY would they do that for this straight up story as you say? WHY rewrite their own history on it? What were they ashamed of or scared of....?

They didn't wipe it out completely. If I'm recalling correctly, I'll have to check after I've had some coffee - the original text is there, and they added more info as the story developed.
Translation of being Snookered by Breitbart and Fox: They are congenitally unable to accept responsibility for their actions and must always have a boogie man on the right to blame.

In this instance, Breitbart and Fox are pinch hitting for Bush. If the White House could find the thinnest pretext to blame the latter, they would happily do so.

Yup. And that this entire thread is revolving around Fox's lie saying they didn't report on it on July 19 when in fact they did is nothing but a distraction from the real story . . . the WH/administration jumping to conclusions without all the facts, again. Fox did not cause this woman to be forced to resign. Someone in the WH did.

Here's a video of Sherrod talking to Anderson Cooper. She gives Obama a pass (I'm not sure if I believe her or not) but someone in that admin was after her. Starts at about 1:20.

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Video: Shirley Sherrod talks with Obama - Blogs

if the posters here had not come out and DENIED that posted this story about brietbart and sherrod on the 19th, and if Foxnews had not rewriten and replaced their reported 2/19 article and all cache's i would have no dog in this fight.
Translation of being Snookered by Breitbart and Fox: They are congenitally unable to accept responsibility for their actions and must always have a boogie man on the right to blame.

In this instance, Breitbart and Fox are pinch hitting for Bush. If the White House could find the thinnest pretext to blame the latter, they would happily do so.

Yup. And that this entire thread is revolving around Fox's lie saying they didn't report on it on July 19 when in fact they did is nothing but a distraction from the real story . . . the WH/administration jumping to conclusions without all the facts, again. Fox did not cause this woman to be forced to resign. Someone in the WH did.

Here's a video of Sherrod talking to Anderson Cooper. She gives Obama a pass (I'm not sure if I believe her or not) but someone in that admin was after her. Starts at about 1:20.

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Video: Shirley Sherrod talks with Obama - Blogs

if the posters here had not come out and DENIED that posted this story about brietbart and sherrod on the 19th, and if Foxnews had not rewriten and replaced their reported 2/19 article and all cache's i would have no dog in this fight.

just neg rep their asses :lol:
The problem is that there are multiple fox entities. posted the original short version some time on 7/19, either late am or early pm.

Foxnation - a discussion forum, picked it up and the discussion started at 1:41pm.

The actual news programs on Fox (Bret Baer's, Shep Smith's) did not cover the story until the 20th.

The Opinion programs, (i.e., Hannity, O'Reilly) covered the story the evening of the 19th.

The only claim I heard anyone on Fox make is that Bret Baer said his program didn't cover the story until the 20th.
I have read many of this woman's past comments besides the ones in this video and i have concluded that she is a racist. She should not have been given that job in the first place. She is clearly overly preoccupied with Race-Baiting. I know the corrupt Liberal Media creeps over at CNN and NBC are spinning that she's some kind of victimized "Hero" but i'm not buying that. The Liberal Media lies. That's just a fact. I actually support the White House firing this woman. Race shouldn't have anything to do with doing your job. This White House is catching heat from the usual suspects so now they're desperately trying to blame Fox News and Breitbart for their own incompetent handling of this incident. This President has a very nasty habit of blaming everyone else for his own incompetence. As far as this woman being a victimized "Hero" goes though,just go back and read many of her past comments besides the ones in this video. She is a bigot in my opinion.
Btw,Glenn Beck was actually one of the few in the Media who defended this woman right from the beginning. The Hopey Changey sheep are just a bunch of uninformed screeching loons at this point. Look what they've done to our nation with all their constant Race-Baiting stuff. They have divided our nation so much. It's time to give the Dems the boot. Hopefully this will begin in 2010.
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Her subsequent comments and accusations on Media Matters prove she is part of the racial hustling cabal.

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