Shiva-Kali: Consumer Goods Dharma


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a mock-dialogue between Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and Kali (Hindu goddess of female rage and anarchy) regarding the proliferation of hardware tools as consumerism 'items' and its impact on the psychology of danger-accessibility, weapons 'normalization,' and tools/technology prioritization.

Such a dialogue is symbolic of our modern commerce age of goods-driven culture (e.g., Crate & Barrel, Toys 'R Us, The Home Depot, RadioShack, etc.).

Shiva carries the trishula/trident weapon (a three-pronged staff signifying authority and flexibility), while Kali wields the scimitar (a curved blade meant to signify simple lethality). Shiva here is referencing the social value of the modern kitchen-blender (a convenient electric device) while Kali is referencing the psychological appeal of the Indian boti (a basic and rustic manual device).

I wonder who would appreciate such a 'consumerism-ornamentation' dialogue more, U.S. President Donald Trump or First Lady Melania Trump. Sometimes I worry that President Trump is too out of touch with the everyday needs of the American people to effectively apply his experiences in consumerism culture (e.g., Atlantic City).

Signing off,


SHIVA: Do you realize how easy it is to purchase dangerous hardware now?
KALI: Yes, anyone can pick up a chainsaw from a Home Depot store...
SHIVA: At least there are conveniences such as the home kitchen-blender.
KALI: I remember the popularity of yesteryear's manually-worked Indian kitchen-boti.
SHIVA: Kitchen items have evolved, and soon we'll get 'smart-blenders' or something!
KALI: I think there's already something like that; consumerism is rather 'creative.'
SHIVA: Thankfully, I wield a flexible trident-weapon to manage all social 'changes.'
KALI: Well, my scimitar-weapon represents focus and humility in times of change!
SHIVA: Is it 'proper' for consumerism to make dangerous items readily available?
KALI: There are parental-controls on cable-boxes and content-warnings on video-games.
SHIVA: Yes, but kids buy water-guns and costumes of warriors from Toys 'R Us.
KALI: Halloween and summer-toy shopping are symbolic of consumerism consciousness!
SHIVA: In that case, Americans should consider all kinds of parental supervision.
KALI: Furthermore, there should be more political talk about the right to purchase guns!
SHIVA: My trident is like a kitchen-blender, since it's both simple and advanced...
KALI: My scimitar is like a kitchen-boti, since it's both pure and precise.
SHIVA: Thinking about weapons, toys, hardware-tech, kitchen-goods, etc. makes me hungry.
KALI: Well, I'm sure President Trump is a fan of chopsticks!



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