Shiva-Sandman: Modernism Beast (Trojan War)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a mock-dialogue between Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and the Marvel Comics character Sandman (fictional supervillain who shape-shifts and makes weapons-on-the-fly since he's made entirely of sand!).

The dialogue concerns the 'parametrics' of the Trojan War and why the modern age celebrates archaeology-oriented war-minded pedestrian historianship such as the history-dramatization film Troy.

Does modernization come hand-in-hand with calamity-paranoia?

Signing off,



SHIVA: I'm a fan of the film Troy!
SANDMAN: Many modern historians are fascinated by the Trojan War.
SHIVA: Maybe that's because 'modernism' is 'linked' to 'strength-meditation.'
SANDMAN: Yes, Orwellian storytelling certainly seems to suggest just that.
SHIVA: I wield a trident-weapon signifying control over anarchy.
SANDMAN: I can shape-shift and make weapons-on-the-fly, so my enemies know fear.
SHIVA: Much of Orwellian storytelling involves a paranoia regarding tools/technology.
SANDMAN: Much of modern technology can be characterized as 'mobile technology.'
SHIVA: Yes, wireless phones, virtual networking, video-conferencing (etc.) are trophies.
SANDMAN: The Trojan War saw countless troops mobilized for honor in warfare!
SHIVA: It was the Trojan Horse that saw the downfall of the great Troy --- a basic structure.
SANDMAN: Since the modern age appreciates Netflix, why not re-sculpt the Trojan Horse?
SHIVA: Yes, mobility and trophies are signposts of modernism imagination.
SANDMAN: The Gulf War employed 'smart weapons.'
SHIVA: Biochemical warfare is the new 'danger.'
SANDMAN: Yes, biochemical weapons have replaced nuclear weapons in 'ostracism.'
SHIVA: I think people will remember the film Troy as a symbol of 'modernism academics.'
SANDMAN: Perhaps wireless technologies create curiosity about intermittent cacophony.
SHIVA: Maybe my trident-weapon will be 'replaced' by sonic-guns!
SANDMAN: Maybe the Trojan Horse will never be replaced by my 'sand-astrology'!



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