Shiva's Finland: A Capitalism Escape?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Imagine Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) settles down in Finland (since that nation offers worldly-tranquility and boasts welcoming folklore) and is approached by the Pennywise (the demonic fictional clown from Stephen King's iconic pedestrian-horror novel It) who interrogates him about the wisdom of settling down in a politically cool country in the modern age marked by much globalization intrigue

How can we coordinate globalization-politics (e.g., European Union, NATO, etc.) with 'naturalism metaphysics'?


SHIVA: I'm so happy about moving to Finland (I've lived in India for too long now).
PENNYWISE: Why the move, Lord Shiva?
SHIVA: I need a change, and Finland offers much 'clarity.'
PENNYWISE: Finland was the first Nordic state to join the European Union (in 1999).
SHIVA: That is interesting, but I was referring to Finland's charming culture and appreciation of pedestrians.
PENNYWISE: Well, Finnish folklore is quite colorful (e.g., Vainamoinen).
SHIVA: Yes, Vainamoinen is a bold and colorful adventurer depicted by multiple Finnish artists/storytellers.
PENNYWISE: Helsinki represents a mixing of both Eastern and Western influences.
SHIVA: Why are you pestering me, Pennywise?
PENNYWISE: I want to know why in the age of Wall Street and TrumpUSA, you want to 'fish in Finland'!
SHIVA: Every mind deserves a calm repose...
PENNYWISE: Trump is dealing with Sunni-Shia complications in Syria and Iran as well as NASDAQ.
SHIVA: I'm sure globalization-politics is generating sufficient 'intrigue' for America and Europe...
PENNYWISE: Why are you retreating then?
SHIVA: Why do you ask? Are you implying that politics offers thinkers no room for 'escape'?
PENNYWISE: I'm saying this is a time of chess, not checkers...
SHIVA: I disagree. What about Facebook?
PENNYWISE: I'm sure social networking websites signify a modern interest in recreation...
SHIVA: Well then, let the 'winds of consumerism' create ample TV (allowing me to...meditate!).
PENNYWISE: Alright. Enjoy!



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