SHOCK CLAIM–> VIDEO Shows Keith Ellison Physically Abusing Woman, Screaming “F*cking Bitch!”

Yo, Freak Pelosi said: Keith Maurice Ellison (Muhammad) is a Muslim, he can do what he wants to women, it`s a Muslim thing, hahaha giggle, SICK!!!!!
If a Republican did this, the left would be screaming for his head:

Karen Monahan is an organizer for the far left Sierra Club.

This weekend Karen warned that she was going to break her silence and share a story about a very powerful man who abused her.

On Saturday Karen’s son Austin posted this report on Facebook describing the abuse his mother endured from Democrat Party leader Keith Ellison.

Austin describes seeing video of HORRIFIC abuse by Keith Ellison.

Austin Monahan describes seeing video of Keith Ellison –Screaming “f*cking bitch!” and dragging his mother off a bed by her feet!
The shock was going to the site and finding no video.
Supposedly the video and the messages are on the mother's computer. That seems odd, not the messages but the video
If a Republican did this, the left would be screaming for his head:

Karen Monahan is an organizer for the far left Sierra Club.

This weekend Karen warned that she was going to break her silence and share a story about a very powerful man who abused her.

On Saturday Karen’s son Austin posted this report on Facebook describing the abuse his mother endured from Democrat Party leader Keith Ellison.

Austin describes seeing video of HORRIFIC abuse by Keith Ellison.

Austin Monahan describes seeing video of Keith Ellison –Screaming “f*cking bitch!” and dragging his mother off a bed by her feet!

Ellison is a Muslim. Abusing women is just part of his culture....

It's illegal to criticize Muslims...
Why claim to have a video but not release it?

You're counting on the lying fuck media to cover this up.

Post the video to to Facebook and every other site when you tell the story, then nothing can be covered up.

To claim to have a video but not produce it is just bullshit.

When the video is released, you'll lie to cover it up. When you can't cover it up, you'll lie that Trump caused it.
If a video exists and substantiates their claims, he should be thrown out of office and prosecuted. There is no excuse for domestic violence.
Why claim to have a video but not release it?

You're counting on the lying fuck media to cover this up.

Post the video to to Facebook and every other site when you tell the story, then nothing can be covered up.

To claim to have a video but not produce it is just bullshit.

When the video is released, you'll lie to cover it up. When you can't cover it up, you'll lie that Trump caused it.

You are a fucking moron. How they hell will I cover up video released on social media?
Why claim to have a video but not release it?

It's not the son's to release.

If someone had abused my mother you can bet I would be revealing the video no matter what, if the fuck who did it was still alive, which would be doubtful had I witnessed it myself.

If the son released the video on Facebook, the video would be instantly deleted and his account banned. Facebook does not allow information that harms the party or party rulers.
If a video exists and substantiates their claims, he should be thrown out of office and prosecuted. There is no excuse for domestic violence.

At first I thought this was an attempt to sabotage Ellison's AG bid...but he abruptly decided not to seek reelection and why would anyone claim to have a vid if they didn't? They have to know people will demand to see it for proof
Why claim to have a video but not release it?

You're counting on the lying fuck media to cover this up.

Post the video to to Facebook and every other site when you tell the story, then nothing can be covered up.

To claim to have a video but not produce it is just bullshit.

When the video is released, you'll lie to cover it up. When you can't cover it up, you'll lie that Trump caused it.

You are a fucking moron. How they hell will I cover up video released on social media?

You'll lie that it's a fake. You'll lie that it is "edited." You'll lie that BUT TRUMP.
Why claim to have a video but not release it?

You're counting on the lying fuck media to cover this up.

Post the video to to Facebook and every other site when you tell the story, then nothing can be covered up.

To claim to have a video but not produce it is just bullshit.

When the video is released, you'll lie to cover it up. When you can't cover it up, you'll lie that Trump caused it.

You are a fucking moron. How they hell will I cover up video released on social media?

You'll lie that it's a fake. You'll lie that it is "edited." You'll lie that BUT TRUMP.

Yep, you are a brain dead moron.

Put your head back up Trump's ass and wait for the next list of talking points.
If a video exists and substantiates their claims, he should be thrown out of office and prosecuted. There is no excuse for domestic violence.

A democrat? And a Muslim? Not a fucking chance that will happen.

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