Shocked. Indignant. Outraged.

1. "Why does it seem that the only time the American government expresses shock, dismay and horror, it is over the conduct of its soldiers on the battlefield?

2. ...crude homemade video that emerged in January apparently depicting a Marine sniper team in Afghanistan urinating on the corpses of some Taliban fighters. The press jumped on the incident like it was Abu Ghraib all over again, and the highest leaders in the land came out in fire-breathing condemnation.

3. “Deplorable … reprehensible,” President Obama said through his spokesman. “I condemn it in the strongest possible terms,” said Leon Panetta, the defense secretary. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed “total dismay.” Civilian and military leaders promised the guilty soldiers would be found out and punished to the full.

4. Why was everyone so upset? ...The biggest reason is that they are deathly afraid of offending Muslims. U.S. leaders continue to hope, against all evidence, that avoiding offense will solve problems.

5. Their man in Afghanistan, President Hamid Karzai, called the soldiers’ act “simply inhuman.” Is Karzai an authority on moral and ethical conduct? He said he was “deeply disturbed” and that the incident was “condemnable in the strongest possible terms.”

6. But where is his condemnation for Talibani atrocities far worse than this?... Clearly the ones in the driver’s seat—dictating to both Afghan and U.S. leaders about what is an appropriate response—are radical Muslims.

7. Taliban leaders in Pakistan called the marines’ conduct “barbaric” and claimed, “No religion that follows a holy text would accept such conduct. This inhuman act reveals their real face to the world.”

a. Behold: a sermon from the Taliban about what is barbaric and inhuman. They have never condemned the torture, beheading or murder of a single non-Muslim. They have murdered thousands of civilians with roadside bombs. They execute people without trial for crimes like laughing at soldiers. They hang the dead bodies of defectors from lampposts to serve as a public warning. And we are supposed to listen to them condemn these marines?

8. Are Hamid Karzai or American leaders “deeply disturbed” by the Taliban’s sanction of polygamous “marriage” that allows old men to rape young girls? What about the Taliban commander ordering that an 18-year-old girl who fled her abusive in-laws be punished by having her nose and ears cut off? Who is condemning these acts “in the strongest possible terms”?

a. The Taliban deliberately assassinate civilians by the hundreds. They exploit children not just as soldiers but as suicide bombers, strapping explosives to them and sending them to their deaths. They consider anyone who is actively trying to rebuild Afghanistan—doctors, teachers, construction workers—worthy of death.

b. The New York Times has reported that insurgents in Afghanistan kill twice as many civilians as they do uniformed government or coalition forces.

9. America’s leaders have allowed their moral standard to be skewed out of all proportion by extremists whose goal is to use every ounce of leverage possible to cripple America.

10. It is political correctness run amok: dismissing Muslim evils as irrelevant—after all, who are we to judge them?—while viewing Western actions through a distorted but harshly exacting moral lens."
Shocked. Indignant. Outraged. - by the Philadelphia Church of God
Because the war itself expresses our opinion of the enemy. If they were great guys, WE WOULDN'T BE THERE.

Uh, we are PAYING afghanis to be security for our troops.
2 days ago, 2 officers were shot and killed execution style, some afghan walked up behind them and shot them both in the back of the food in a mess was found to contain overwhelming amounts of chlorine....

Karzai, has done squat to try and quell any of this, maybe hes on his meds becasue this is him, hes a weasel.

I think we are beyond apologies. In fact I think its time we received one.

Last time we tried to put pressure on Karzai,...

"KABUL -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai is traveling to Beijing today with a government delegation that includes the ministers of foreign affairs, defense, mines, and investment...."
Karzai Visits China With Ministers, Natural Gas Development Plans

Diplomacy not the strong suit of the Obama administration....

....but then, what is?

karzai needs a new sugar daddy, we already let him rig his election so the Chinese ( or Russians) are a perfect....
Far as I'm concerned, the sooner we're outta that shithole country the better. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by staying one more minute.
1. "Why does it seem that the only time the American government expresses shock, dismay and horror, it is over the conduct of its soldiers on the battlefield?

2. ...crude homemade video that emerged in January apparently depicting a Marine sniper team in Afghanistan urinating on the corpses of some Taliban fighters. The press jumped on the incident like it was Abu Ghraib all over again, and the highest leaders in the land came out in fire-breathing condemnation.

3. “Deplorable … reprehensible,” President Obama said through his spokesman. “I condemn it in the strongest possible terms,” said Leon Panetta, the defense secretary. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed “total dismay.” Civilian and military leaders promised the guilty soldiers would be found out and punished to the full.

4. Why was everyone so upset? ...The biggest reason is that they are deathly afraid of offending Muslims. U.S. leaders continue to hope, against all evidence, that avoiding offense will solve problems.

5. Their man in Afghanistan, President Hamid Karzai, called the soldiers’ act “simply inhuman.” Is Karzai an authority on moral and ethical conduct? He said he was “deeply disturbed” and that the incident was “condemnable in the strongest possible terms.”

6. But where is his condemnation for Talibani atrocities far worse than this?... Clearly the ones in the driver’s seat—dictating to both Afghan and U.S. leaders about what is an appropriate response—are radical Muslims.

7. Taliban leaders in Pakistan called the marines’ conduct “barbaric” and claimed, “No religion that follows a holy text would accept such conduct. This inhuman act reveals their real face to the world.”

a. Behold: a sermon from the Taliban about what is barbaric and inhuman. They have never condemned the torture, beheading or murder of a single non-Muslim. They have murdered thousands of civilians with roadside bombs. They execute people without trial for crimes like laughing at soldiers. They hang the dead bodies of defectors from lampposts to serve as a public warning. And we are supposed to listen to them condemn these marines?

8. Are Hamid Karzai or American leaders “deeply disturbed” by the Taliban’s sanction of polygamous “marriage” that allows old men to rape young girls? What about the Taliban commander ordering that an 18-year-old girl who fled her abusive in-laws be punished by having her nose and ears cut off? Who is condemning these acts “in the strongest possible terms”?

a. The Taliban deliberately assassinate civilians by the hundreds. They exploit children not just as soldiers but as suicide bombers, strapping explosives to them and sending them to their deaths. They consider anyone who is actively trying to rebuild Afghanistan—doctors, teachers, construction workers—worthy of death.

b. The New York Times has reported that insurgents in Afghanistan kill twice as many civilians as they do uniformed government or coalition forces.

9. America’s leaders have allowed their moral standard to be skewed out of all proportion by extremists whose goal is to use every ounce of leverage possible to cripple America.

10. It is political correctness run amok: dismissing Muslim evils as irrelevant—after all, who are we to judge them?—while viewing Western actions through a distorted but harshly exacting moral lens."
Shocked. Indignant. Outraged. - by the Philadelphia Church of God
Because the war itself expresses our opinion of the enemy. If they were great guys, WE WOULDN'T BE THERE.

Uh, we are PAYING afghanis to be security for our troops.
And when did THIS begin? And why did last until until now? Perhaps the DIVERSION to Iraq prevented us from being OUT by now.
Because the war itself expresses our opinion of the enemy. If they were great guys, WE WOULDN'T BE THERE.

Uh, we are PAYING afghanis to be security for our troops.
And when did THIS begin? And why did last until until now? Perhaps the DIVERSION to Iraq prevented us from being OUT by now.

We have been paying afghanis to be security for our troops ever since we got there.
Far as I'm concerned, the sooner we're outta that shithole country the better. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by staying one more minute.

I haven't missed Somalia. Have you missed Somalia?
1. "Why does it seem that the only time the American government expresses shock, dismay and horror, it is over the conduct of its soldiers on the battlefield?

2. ...crude homemade video that emerged in January apparently depicting a Marine sniper team in Afghanistan urinating on the corpses of some Taliban fighters. The press jumped on the incident like it was Abu Ghraib all over again, and the highest leaders in the land came out in fire-breathing condemnation.

3. “Deplorable … reprehensible,” President Obama said through his spokesman. “I condemn it in the strongest possible terms,” said Leon Panetta, the defense secretary. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed “total dismay.” Civilian and military leaders promised the guilty soldiers would be found out and punished to the full.

4. Why was everyone so upset? ...The biggest reason is that they are deathly afraid of offending Muslims. U.S. leaders continue to hope, against all evidence, that avoiding offense will solve problems.

5. Their man in Afghanistan, President Hamid Karzai, called the soldiers’ act “simply inhuman.” Is Karzai an authority on moral and ethical conduct? He said he was “deeply disturbed” and that the incident was “condemnable in the strongest possible terms.”

6. But where is his condemnation for Talibani atrocities far worse than this?... Clearly the ones in the driver’s seat—dictating to both Afghan and U.S. leaders about what is an appropriate response—are radical Muslims.

7. Taliban leaders in Pakistan called the marines’ conduct “barbaric” and claimed, “No religion that follows a holy text would accept such conduct. This inhuman act reveals their real face to the world.”

a. Behold: a sermon from the Taliban about what is barbaric and inhuman. They have never condemned the torture, beheading or murder of a single non-Muslim. They have murdered thousands of civilians with roadside bombs. They execute people without trial for crimes like laughing at soldiers. They hang the dead bodies of defectors from lampposts to serve as a public warning. And we are supposed to listen to them condemn these marines?

8. Are Hamid Karzai or American leaders “deeply disturbed” by the Taliban’s sanction of polygamous “marriage” that allows old men to rape young girls? What about the Taliban commander ordering that an 18-year-old girl who fled her abusive in-laws be punished by having her nose and ears cut off? Who is condemning these acts “in the strongest possible terms”?

a. The Taliban deliberately assassinate civilians by the hundreds. They exploit children not just as soldiers but as suicide bombers, strapping explosives to them and sending them to their deaths. They consider anyone who is actively trying to rebuild Afghanistan—doctors, teachers, construction workers—worthy of death.

b. The New York Times has reported that insurgents in Afghanistan kill twice as many civilians as they do uniformed government or coalition forces.

9. America’s leaders have allowed their moral standard to be skewed out of all proportion by extremists whose goal is to use every ounce of leverage possible to cripple America.

10. It is political correctness run amok: dismissing Muslim evils as irrelevant—after all, who are we to judge them?—while viewing Western actions through a distorted but harshly exacting moral lens."
Shocked. Indignant. Outraged. - by the Philadelphia Church of God
Because the war itself expresses our opinion of the enemy. If they were great guys, WE WOULDN'T BE THERE.

grasp reality much? .try ...
1. "Why does it seem that the only time the American government expresses shock, dismay and horror, it is over the conduct of its soldiers on the battlefield?

2. ...crude homemade video that emerged in January apparently depicting a Marine sniper team in Afghanistan urinating on the corpses of some Taliban fighters. The press jumped on the incident like it was Abu Ghraib all over again, and the highest leaders in the land came out in fire-breathing condemnation.

3. “Deplorable … reprehensible,” President Obama said through his spokesman. “I condemn it in the strongest possible terms,” said Leon Panetta, the defense secretary. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed “total dismay.” Civilian and military leaders promised the guilty soldiers would be found out and punished to the full.

4. Why was everyone so upset? ...The biggest reason is that they are deathly afraid of offending Muslims. U.S. leaders continue to hope, against all evidence, that avoiding offense will solve problems.

5. Their man in Afghanistan, President Hamid Karzai, called the soldiers’ act “simply inhuman.” Is Karzai an authority on moral and ethical conduct? He said he was “deeply disturbed” and that the incident was “condemnable in the strongest possible terms.”

6. But where is his condemnation for Talibani atrocities far worse than this?... Clearly the ones in the driver’s seat—dictating to both Afghan and U.S. leaders about what is an appropriate response—are radical Muslims.

7. Taliban leaders in Pakistan called the marines’ conduct “barbaric” and claimed, “No religion that follows a holy text would accept such conduct. This inhuman act reveals their real face to the world.”

a. Behold: a sermon from the Taliban about what is barbaric and inhuman. They have never condemned the torture, beheading or murder of a single non-Muslim. They have murdered thousands of civilians with roadside bombs. They execute people without trial for crimes like laughing at soldiers. They hang the dead bodies of defectors from lampposts to serve as a public warning. And we are supposed to listen to them condemn these marines?

8. Are Hamid Karzai or American leaders “deeply disturbed” by the Taliban’s sanction of polygamous “marriage” that allows old men to rape young girls? What about the Taliban commander ordering that an 18-year-old girl who fled her abusive in-laws be punished by having her nose and ears cut off? Who is condemning these acts “in the strongest possible terms”?

a. The Taliban deliberately assassinate civilians by the hundreds. They exploit children not just as soldiers but as suicide bombers, strapping explosives to them and sending them to their deaths. They consider anyone who is actively trying to rebuild Afghanistan—doctors, teachers, construction workers—worthy of death.

b. The New York Times has reported that insurgents in Afghanistan kill twice as many civilians as they do uniformed government or coalition forces.

9. America’s leaders have allowed their moral standard to be skewed out of all proportion by extremists whose goal is to use every ounce of leverage possible to cripple America.

10. It is political correctness run amok: dismissing Muslim evils as irrelevant—after all, who are we to judge them?—while viewing Western actions through a distorted but harshly exacting moral lens."
Shocked. Indignant. Outraged. - by the Philadelphia Church of God

We would have to have an honest watchdog press to show the other side of war.

We don't have that.

Muslims commit war-crimes by the bushel and nobody is outraged.

A couple US servicemen are told to burn a few books and Obama calls for court-martials.

Obama is giving our enemies a license to kill.

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