Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

Shocker Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care - Sarah Jean Seman

Seventy-five percent (75%) say individuals should have the right to choose between different types of health insurance including some that cost more and cover just about all medical procedures and some that cost less while covering only major medical procedures. Just 10% disagree, while slightly more (15%) are undecided.

Even more (83%) believe individuals should have the right to choose between different types of health insurance including some with high deductibles and lower premiums and others with lower deductibles and higher premiums. Only six percent (6%) oppose this kind of choice, while 10% are not sure.

Support for these choices is little changed in nearly two years of regular tracking.

Most voters (76%) also believe that employers and individuals should be allowed to buy health insurance plans across state lines, something that is not allowed under the new health care law. That’s the highest level of support measured since April.


Can't wait to hear Frankie flapping his oversized lips about those "Junk Plans" that nobody said anything about before they screwed Obama over.


But the AFA (Obamacare) was built on the principle of SINGLE PAYER.... Republicans countered on the deal and what was made of it was what we have today.

What isn't yet seen is what America will do next.

The Left is banking on Americans mad at the broken system of Healthcare we are in currently.
The Right is banking on Americans wanting what we had in the past.

America's next move is the real topic.

Just like the Dream Act..Republicans won't agree to bills unless they can manipulate them and make them "bad". Then they can say, "haha, what a failure".

Funny thing is, they didn't account for what that failure would drive.
No, it's cheap and THERE because of Obamacare, fool.

It was always there. And always cheap you dumb son-of-a-bitch.

It's amazing that you think something as complex as health care can be fixed by one stupid sorry federal law (that is going to get gutted here where the SCOTUS rules the subsides unconstitutional).

Teacher my ass.

If you treated students the way you treat others, their parents would have burned your sorry ass at the stake.
Didn't think of that, did you? Like all Americans, you get no good news about O-Care. On Fox, of course But I've NEVER seen a story on a person helped. Tell me about the librul media...idiot.

How much do you watch Fox News ?

I don't.

And yet you keep flapping your oversized lips about how we all get our info from Fox.

Fuck you.
[While I've found you to be pretty straightforward.....does your analysis weight the individual contributions according to the census of those who utilize it ?

If you're talking about plan-level enrollment numbers, that sort of information isn't available.

Nor is it necessary relevant--the markets expanded so much this year, in terms of competing insurers as well as product lines, that ignoring new entrants misses a huge part of the story. Namely, that competition is working. Lots of places have had new competitors enter the market with products cheaper than their rivals. Exactly the kind of behavior markets are supposed to invoke.

The end result being that when you look at a point in the market (the benchmark premium is obviously the most relevant because the subsidies are tied to it, but you could also look at average or median premiums in each metal tier, etc) you find that the markets have stabilized remarkably quickly. Premium growth overall is very low.
[While I've found you to be pretty straightforward.....does your analysis weight the individual contributions according to the census of those who utilize it ?

If you're talking about plan-level enrollment numbers, that sort of information isn't available.

Nor is it necessary relevant--the markets expanded so much this year, in terms of competing insurers as well as product lines, that ignoring new entrants misses a huge part of the story. Namely, that competition is working. Lots of places have had new competitors enter the market with products cheaper than their rivals. Exactly the kind of behavior markets are supposed to invoke.

The end result being that when you look at a point in the market (the benchmark premium is obviously the most relevant because the subsidies are tied to it, but you could also look at average or median premiums in each metal tier, etc) you find that the markets have stabilized remarkably quickly. Premium growth overall is very low.

Not the numbers I've seen.

The spreadsheets you discuss seem to be different from what I am using.

I've always been for more competition in insurance (I keep asking why there wasn't more know full good and well it was the government holding it up).

But the plans are more expensive than what they used to be for many.

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