Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

The government fvcks up everything it touches.
Go back to your little god Ayn Rand you mental infant.

The truth is unbearable for you, isn't it?
The truth is all I deal in, unlike you little morons still sucking on Ayn Rand's cock.

The truth has emanated from your keyboard since you joined this forum.
Yes it has. You got one right, but didn't mean to.
That was a typo. It should have said "NOT emanated."
Go back to your little god Ayn Rand you mental infant.

The truth is unbearable for you, isn't it?
The truth is all I deal in, unlike you little morons still sucking on Ayn Rand's cock.

The truth has emanated from your keyboard since you joined this forum.
Yes it has. You got one right, but didn't mean to.
That was a typo. It should have said "NOT emanated."
Yeah dumbshit, I know.
I think the Libtards are very confused about the ACA.

The only choice you have is which terrible and expensive plan to get.

All heath care plans increased in price because of the added government requirements. Before you had a choice if you wanted to participate in a plan that included the additional requirements, now, thanks to that idiot Obama and the filthy ass government, you have no choice. What ever happen to the concept of freedom?

Obama thinks the American people are too stupid to determine what they require in an insurance plan.

There 21 additional taxes on the American people because of the ACA that also added to the cost of health care in the US. Libtards loves their taxes, don't they?

There are several million shitheads in the US that are now getting subsides from the government because they are too sorry to pay for their own health care and that is also a tremendous burden on the cost of heath care for the paying customers.

ACA is a terrible burden on the American people and it was never a good plan and that is why Obama and the government had to lie about it.

What is really inconceivable is that a bunch of really stupid and corrupt Democrats voted for it.

Bad government!
BS. Costs bending DOWN already. Geniuses like you were the chumps who had scam plans and 500k bankruptcies a year back in the good old days. That means they lost everything. No more. Unless they've been totally screwed by Pub economic policies, defended to the death by the GOP and brainwashed function morons like you...

Any actual ARGUMENT? FACT.

They have been provided about three times.

You are the one who lacks an argument.

What is so funny is that this is lost on you.

You are about two posts from going on my ignore list.
Perfect, Pubtroll. Anyway, your "proofs" were BS PREDICTIONS that DIDN"T happen duh.

They were not predictions, moron.

What I showed you was a lib prediction that was not backed up by what really happened.

You are a Grade A moron.

Teacher my ass.
Sure, Pubtroll. lol

Keep turning out that data...moron.

It is good that someone with your limited abilities can come to a board like this and not get to worked up over being outed as one of the more stupid people to grace the face of the earth.
Of course they want to choose their own health care.
As long as someone else is paying for it.
If you receive your health insurance and care paid for by someone else, employer or otherwise THEN THEY should be able to choose what health insurance and care you get.
If you do not like it then go and buy your own health insurance and care.
Already showed where bronze plans are going up.

Where is your data ?

The increases in bronze plans going into this year are extremely modest. (Data on every single plan sold last year and every single plan sold this year for the 37 states using is readily available--if you're good with Excel you can do some pretty easy comparisons of what's happened to premiums.)

The average bronze plan premium rose 2.5% this year. The median bronze premium went up 3.4%. The cheapest bronze plan available in a rating area rose, on average, 2.2%.

Of course, that's just a straight look across all the rating areas served by the 37 states using You could also weight those rating areas by their enrollment last year, so as to get a better sense of what most shoppers are experiencing.

If you do that, you find the weighted average premium increase for bronze plans is 1.4%. The median bronze is going up 0.1%. And the floor (the cheapest bronze in a rating area) is going up 6%.

This is compared to the pre-ACA norm of annual double digit increases in the individual market.
Already showed where bronze plans are going up.

Where is your data ?

The increases in bronze plans going into this year are extremely modest. (Data on every single plan sold last year and every single plan sold this year for the 37 states using is readily available--if you're good with Excel you can do some pretty easy comparisons of what's happened to premiums.)

The average bronze plan premium rose 2.5% this year. The median bronze premium went up 3.4%. The cheapest bronze plan available in a rating area rose, on average, 2.2%.

Of course, that's just a straight look across all the rating areas served by the 37 states using You could also weight those rating areas by their enrollment last year, so as to get a better sense of what most shoppers are experiencing.

If you do that, you find the weighted average premium increase for bronze plans is 1.4%. The median bronze is going up 0.1%. And the floor (the cheapest bronze in a rating area) is going up 6%.

This is compared to the pre-ACA norm of annual double digit increases in the individual market.

Sorry, the article I link in post 422 says that isn't the case.

I am always willing to admit that such data can be selective.

I could not see it in the article....does not mean it isn't there.
Your other proof was from 4/2014. This one's headline fails to say "some" bronze plans as it does in the article, and that the AVERAGE is less than 5% fer chrissake. Total misleading Pubcrappe. Give it up, dupe. We now have the ACTUAL rates, dingbat. It didn't happen. You're a total duped waste of time. I'd call YOU a liar but you obviously are out of your tiny mind lol...
Your other proof was from 4/2014. This one's headline fails to say "some" bronze plans as it does in the article, and that the AVERAGE is less than 5% fer chrissake. Total misleading Pubcrappe. Give it up, dupe. We now have the ACTUAL rates, dingbat. It didn't happen. You're a total duped waste of time. I'd call YOU a liar but you obviously are out of your tiny mind lol...

You are fast becoming a bigger asshole than you were.

First.....4/14 is not two and a half years ago....but you are not man enough to admit you are either a liar or are to fucking lazy to put 2 and 2 together.

Second....I showed you that article as a prediction from some government asskisser who predicted what would happen.....followed by a report that says he was WRONG.

You are way too stupid.
Jeebus, don't you EVER get sick of defending your pure bs propaganda, dupe? They're BOTH bs predictions and lies as you present them.
Jeebus, don't you EVER get sick of defending your pure bs propaganda, dupe? They're BOTH bs predictions and lies as you present them.

You've been wrong on your statements about the articles I posted for over 10 pages.

You are a small man.

Next, the second link I provided was a report.

That was it.

If you've got evidence to the contrary, please provide it.

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