Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

That is an opinion since in the real world there is no way to know, but you don't live in the real world now do you.

And learn how to quote properly. That isn't it.

The UCLA Economists did a lot more research on it than your you did by just posing you biased Libtard opinion.

It has always been a mystery why the rest of the world got out of the depression much faster than the US. It was because of FDRs government interference in the recovery market. The government fvcks up everything it touches.

Just like Canada recovered the recession caused by the US housing/credit failure by not doing a stupid Obama like "stimulus" package that was a failure.
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Well that makes just about everything Welfare then now doesn't it? Yep, you have the mind of a child, a stupid one.

The whole purpose of that filthy bill was to provide free or subsidized health insurance to all the shitheads that are too sorry to provide their own and want somebody else to pay for it.

It was not even about health care for the indigent because prior to Obamacare there were plenty of free or reduced cost health care for those that really needed it and couldn't afford it.

It was about establishing another stupid high cost government entitlement monstrosity to further the welfare state.

If it was so good the administration wouldn't have had to lie about it. If it was so good the American people would have embraced it.

However, it failed. It gave out the subsidies to the shitheads but at a tremendous cost in taxes, insurance premiums, co payments and deductibles.

Maybe next time you voted for Democrat maybe you should ask him or her if they would sign a pledge to at least read a bill before voting for it. You think you can do that?
Your situation was not as dire as you led me to believe lol...

Franco: "Your life is wonderful because of Obama, and you love Obamacare. You're just too stupid to know how happy you are. Good thing I came along to force it on you and then explain that you're so blissful that rainbows are shooting out of your asshole."

And don't y'all ever forget it, and start believing you know more about the state of your own life than Franco and his Messiah do.
Sorry you live in a red state. They'll come along.

Spoken like the close minded bigot that you are.
^^ Functional idiot Pubtroll. Sorry you miss actual news...
we get to choose our own health plan..

show me where there's a single plan designed for us.

the idiot ACA/Birthers just make up crap as they the go.

I think the Libtards are very confused about the ACA.

The only choice you have is which terrible and expensive plan to get.

All heath care plans increased in price because of the added government requirements. Before you had a choice if you wanted to participate in a plan that included the additional requirements, now, thanks to that idiot Obama and the filthy ass government, you have no choice. What ever happen to the concept of freedom?

Obama thinks the American people are too stupid to determine what they require in an insurance plan.

There 21 additional taxes on the American people because of the ACA that also added to the cost of health care in the US. Libtards loves their taxes, don't they?

There are several million shitheads in the US that are now getting subsides from the government because they are too sorry to pay for their own health care and that is also a tremendous burden on the cost of heath care for the paying customers.

ACA is a terrible burden on the American people and it was never a good plan and that is why Obama and the government had to lie about it.

What is really inconceivable is that a bunch of really stupid and corrupt Democrats voted for it.

Bad government!
BS. Costs bending DOWN already. Geniuses like you were the chumps who had scam plans and 500k bankruptcies a year back in the good old days. That means they lost everything. No more. Unless they've been totally screwed by Pub economic policies, defended to the death by the GOP and brainwashed function morons like you...
That is an opinion since in the real world there is no way to know, but you don't live in the real world now do you.

And learn how to quote properly. That isn't it.

The UCLA Economists did a lot more research on it than your you did by just posing you biased Libtard opinion.

It has always been a mystery why the rest of the world got out of the depression much faster than the US. It was because of FDRs government interference in the recovery market. The government fvcks up everything it touches.

Just like Canada recovered the recession caused by the US housing/credit failure by not doing a stupid Obama like "stimulus" package that was a failure.
^^Pubcrappe alternate history. Pubs started the corrupt Great WORLD Depression TWICE. First one Hoover did nothing until FDR had nothing to work with. Other countries were not so affected, like Canada in 2008, when they didn't take part in the Booshie toxic asset circus. You are a brainwashed functional moron. Thank god Dems got in fast this time. IDIOT.
Well that makes just about everything Welfare then now doesn't it? Yep, you have the mind of a child, a stupid one.

The whole purpose of that filthy bill was to provide free or subsidized health insurance to all the shitheads that are too sorry to provide their own and want somebody else to pay for it.

It was not even about health care for the indigent because prior to Obamacare there were plenty of free or reduced cost health care for those that really needed it and couldn't afford it.

It was about establishing another stupid high cost government entitlement monstrosity to further the welfare state.

If it was so good the administration wouldn't have had to lie about it. If it was so good the American people would have embraced it.

However, it failed. It gave out the subsidies to the shitheads but at a tremendous cost in taxes, insurance premiums, co payments and deductibles.

Maybe next time you voted for Democrat maybe you should ask him or her if they would sign a pledge to at least read a bill before voting for it. You think you can do that?

Except they used to have to go on welfare and lose assets to get Medicaid . Now they can work and get Medicaid(except in mindless Red states, of course) , or be able to afford insurance, even with prexisting. You already WERE paying for all of them, just in the stupidest, most expensive, hateful way, functional shyttehead. Now they can pay something and get preventive care and pay something. It's called INTELLIGENCE, something Rush or Beck or etc have driven out of your brain, hater dupe.
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BS. Costs bending DOWN already. Geniuses like you were the chumps who had scam plans and 500k bankruptcies a year back in the good old days. That means they lost everything. No more. Unless they've been totally screwed by Pub economic policies, defended to the death by the GOP and brainwashed function morons like you...

I don't know what planet you are living but here on earth cost are not going down.

Premiums, deductibles and co payments are astronomical for what you get.

The only people benefiting from the stupid ACA are the greedy shitheads that get the subsidizes. Everybody else is paying for it.

I had pre Obamacare insurance for 40 years and it worked fined. Obama and the stupid Democrats has told a lot of lies about how terrible health insurance was but many of those lies got busted. The Obama administration has done nothing but told lies about Obamacare since the bill was passed.

The government needs to stay out of the business of social engineering because they always fvck things up and Obamacare is a great example.

Americans Using Less Health Care But Spending More Despite Obamacare Promises - US News

Despite Obamacare Promises, Health Costs Up
Health care prices jumped as use of costly services fell.
Well that makes just about everything Welfare then now doesn't it? Yep, you have the mind of a child, a stupid one.

The whole purpose of that filthy bill was to provide free or subsidized health insurance to all the shitheads that are too sorry to provide their own and want somebody else to pay for it.

It was not even about health care for the indigent because prior to Obamacare there were plenty of free or reduced cost health care for those that really needed it and couldn't afford it.

It was about establishing another stupid high cost government entitlement monstrosity to further the welfare state.

If it was so good the administration wouldn't have had to lie about it. If it was so good the American people would have embraced it.

However, it failed. It gave out the subsidies to the shitheads but at a tremendous cost in taxes, insurance premiums, co payments and deductibles.

Maybe next time you voted for Democrat maybe you should ask him or her if they would sign a pledge to at least read a bill before voting for it. You think you can do that?

Except they used to have to go on welfare and lose assets to get Medicaid . Now they can work and get Medicaid(except in mindless Red states, of course) , or be able to afford insurance, even with prexisting. You already WERE paying for all of them, just in the stupidest, most expensive, hateful way, functional shyttehead. Now they can pay something and get preventive care and pay something. It's called INTELLIGENCE, something Rush or Beck or etc have driven out of your brain, hater dupe.

A new entitlement is a new entitlement and there are tremendous cost associated with it no matter how it is administered.

With the filthy ass Obamcare the cost of the subsidizes and new government mandates (in the pool) are generated with higher premiums, higher co payments and higher deductibles for the paying customers, including the new 21 taxes.

Right now the stupid Federal government is mostly covering the cost (with taxpayer's money) by raiding Medicare and borrowing money from the Chinese but eventually (if we don't go bankrupt first) the people paying the premiums will be paying for 100% of the subsidies, which is a very shiity thing to do to working people.

This whole program is nothing more Obama's "reparations" he talked about before becoming President.

Why anybody would be so stupid as to vote for a dickhead that supported Obamacare is absolutely astonishing.
BS. Costs bending DOWN already. Geniuses like you were the chumps who had scam plans and 500k bankruptcies a year back in the good old days. That means they lost everything. No more. Unless they've been totally screwed by Pub economic policies, defended to the death by the GOP and brainwashed function morons like you...

I don't know what planet you are living but here on earth cost are not going down.

Premiums, deductibles and co payments are astronomical for what you get.

The only people benefiting from the stupid ACA are the greedy shitheads that get the subsidizes. Everybody else is paying for it.

I had pre Obamacare insurance for 40 years and it worked fined. Obama and the stupid Democrats has told a lot of lies about how terrible health insurance was but many of those lies got busted. The Obama administration has done nothing but told lies about Obamacare since the bill was passed.

The government needs to stay out of the business of social engineering because they always fvck things up and Obamacare is a great example.

Americans Using Less Health Care But Spending More Despite Obamacare Promises - US News

Despite Obamacare Promises, Health Costs Up
Health care prices jumped as use of costly services fell.
BENDING down, dingbat. Though in blue states that already HAD good insurance reg's, they ARE coming down.

You were lucky.

we get to choose our own health plan..

show me where there's a single plan designed for us.

the idiot ACA/Birthers just make up crap as they the go.

I think the Libtards are very confused about the ACA.

The only choice you have is which terrible and expensive plan to get.

All heath care plans increased in price because of the added government requirements. Before you had a choice if you wanted to participate in a plan that included the additional requirements, now, thanks to that idiot Obama and the filthy ass government, you have no choice. What ever happen to the concept of freedom?

Obama thinks the American people are too stupid to determine what they require in an insurance plan.

There 21 additional taxes on the American people because of the ACA that also added to the cost of health care in the US. Libtards loves their taxes, don't they?

There are several million shitheads in the US that are now getting subsides from the government because they are too sorry to pay for their own health care and that is also a tremendous burden on the cost of heath care for the paying customers.

ACA is a terrible burden on the American people and it was never a good plan and that is why Obama and the government had to lie about it.

What is really inconceivable is that a bunch of really stupid and corrupt Democrats voted for it.

Bad government!
BS. Costs bending DOWN already. Geniuses like you were the chumps who had scam plans and 500k bankruptcies a year back in the good old days. That means they lost everything. No more. Unless they've been totally screwed by Pub economic policies, defended to the death by the GOP and brainwashed function morons like you...

Already showed where bronze plans are going up.

Where is your data ?

Haven't seen any yet.

Why don't you cut with the talking points.

You are full of crap.
Your situation was not as dire as you led me to believe lol...

Franco: "Your life is wonderful because of Obama, and you love Obamacare. You're just too stupid to know how happy you are. Good thing I came along to force it on you and then explain that you're so blissful that rainbows are shooting out of your asshole."

And don't y'all ever forget it, and start believing you know more about the state of your own life than Franco and his Messiah do.
Sorry you live in a red state. They'll come along.

Spoken like the close minded bigot that you are.
^^ Functional idiot Pubtroll. Sorry you miss actual news...

Moronic Obama dick sucker.......I'll bet those cows run scared.
we get to choose our own health plan..

show me where there's a single plan designed for us.

the idiot ACA/Birthers just make up crap as they the go.

I think the Libtards are very confused about the ACA.

The only choice you have is which terrible and expensive plan to get.

All heath care plans increased in price because of the added government requirements. Before you had a choice if you wanted to participate in a plan that included the additional requirements, now, thanks to that idiot Obama and the filthy ass government, you have no choice. What ever happen to the concept of freedom?

Obama thinks the American people are too stupid to determine what they require in an insurance plan.

There 21 additional taxes on the American people because of the ACA that also added to the cost of health care in the US. Libtards loves their taxes, don't they?

There are several million shitheads in the US that are now getting subsides from the government because they are too sorry to pay for their own health care and that is also a tremendous burden on the cost of heath care for the paying customers.

ACA is a terrible burden on the American people and it was never a good plan and that is why Obama and the government had to lie about it.

What is really inconceivable is that a bunch of really stupid and corrupt Democrats voted for it.

Bad government!
BS. Costs bending DOWN already. Geniuses like you were the chumps who had scam plans and 500k bankruptcies a year back in the good old days. That means they lost everything. No more. Unless they've been totally screwed by Pub economic policies, defended to the death by the GOP and brainwashed function morons like you...

we get to choose our own health plan..

show me where there's a single plan designed for us.

the idiot ACA/Birthers just make up crap as they the go.

I think the Libtards are very confused about the ACA.

The only choice you have is which terrible and expensive plan to get.

All heath care plans increased in price because of the added government requirements. Before you had a choice if you wanted to participate in a plan that included the additional requirements, now, thanks to that idiot Obama and the filthy ass government, you have no choice. What ever happen to the concept of freedom?

Obama thinks the American people are too stupid to determine what they require in an insurance plan.

There 21 additional taxes on the American people because of the ACA that also added to the cost of health care in the US. Libtards loves their taxes, don't they?

There are several million shitheads in the US that are now getting subsides from the government because they are too sorry to pay for their own health care and that is also a tremendous burden on the cost of heath care for the paying customers.

ACA is a terrible burden on the American people and it was never a good plan and that is why Obama and the government had to lie about it.

What is really inconceivable is that a bunch of really stupid and corrupt Democrats voted for it.

Bad government!
BS. Costs bending DOWN already. Geniuses like you were the chumps who had scam plans and 500k bankruptcies a year back in the good old days. That means they lost everything. No more. Unless they've been totally screwed by Pub economic policies, defended to the death by the GOP and brainwashed function morons like you...

Already showed where bronze plans are going up.

Where is your data ?

Haven't seen any yet.

Why don't you cut with the talking points.

You are full of crap.
Look at this link and on the left side you can click on your State:
Maine health insurance exchange Obamacare enrollment

You can check how your own States are doing on costs and how many providers now on the State increased providers by 1, so now there are a whole 3 insurance companies with various plans on the exchange, that's actually a 33% increase in Insurance plans available to choose from...which is so so few insurance companies but we never ever had insurance companies wanting to come up here with our State's insurance rules I suppose, and there is not much competition, though still improving greatly:

In Maine, costs for the average silver plan went down by 0.8%, and in Portland, the largest city in the State where most people in Maine live, Insurance rates on the Exchange went down 4%....

So, Insurance rates for some State exchanges HAVE GONE DOWN.... mine being one of them.
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we get to choose our own health plan..

show me where there's a single plan designed for us.

the idiot ACA/Birthers just make up crap as they the go.

I think the Libtards are very confused about the ACA.

The only choice you have is which terrible and expensive plan to get.

All heath care plans increased in price because of the added government requirements. Before you had a choice if you wanted to participate in a plan that included the additional requirements, now, thanks to that idiot Obama and the filthy ass government, you have no choice. What ever happen to the concept of freedom?

Obama thinks the American people are too stupid to determine what they require in an insurance plan.

There 21 additional taxes on the American people because of the ACA that also added to the cost of health care in the US. Libtards loves their taxes, don't they?

There are several million shitheads in the US that are now getting subsides from the government because they are too sorry to pay for their own health care and that is also a tremendous burden on the cost of heath care for the paying customers.

ACA is a terrible burden on the American people and it was never a good plan and that is why Obama and the government had to lie about it.

What is really inconceivable is that a bunch of really stupid and corrupt Democrats voted for it.

Bad government!
BS. Costs bending DOWN already. Geniuses like you were the chumps who had scam plans and 500k bankruptcies a year back in the good old days. That means they lost everything. No more. Unless they've been totally screwed by Pub economic policies, defended to the death by the GOP and brainwashed function morons like you...

Already showed where bronze plans are going up.

Where is your data ?

Haven't seen any yet.

Why don't you cut with the talking points.

You are full of crap.
Look at this link and on the left side you can click on your State:
Maine health insurance exchange Obamacare enrollment

You can check how your own States are doing on costs and how many providers now on the State increased providers by 1, so now there are a whole 3 insurance companies with various plans on the exchange, that's actually a 33% increase in Insurance plans available to choose from...which is so so few insurance companies but we never ever had insurance companies wanting to come up here with our State's insurance rules I suppose, and there is not much competition, though still improving greatly:

In Maine, costs for the average silver plan went down by 0.8%, and in Portland, the largest city in the State where most people in Maine live, Insurance rates on the Exchange went down 4%....

So, Insurance rates for some State exchanges HAVE GONE DOWN.... mine being one of them.

How about data on the bronze plans in Maine ?

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