Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

we get to choose our own health plan..

show me where there's a single plan designed for us.

the idiot ACA/Birthers just make up crap as they the go.

I think the Libtards are very confused about the ACA.

The only choice you have is which terrible and expensive plan to get.

All heath care plans increased in price because of the added government requirements. Before you had a choice if you wanted to participate in a plan that included the additional requirements, now, thanks to that idiot Obama and the filthy ass government, you have no choice. What ever happen to the concept of freedom?

Obama thinks the American people are too stupid to determine what they require in an insurance plan.

There 21 additional taxes on the American people because of the ACA that also added to the cost of health care in the US. Libtards loves their taxes, don't they?

There are several million shitheads in the US that are now getting subsides from the government because they are too sorry to pay for their own health care and that is also a tremendous burden on the cost of heath care for the paying customers.

ACA is a terrible burden on the American people and it was never a good plan and that is why Obama and the government had to lie about it.

What is really inconceivable is that a bunch of really stupid and corrupt Democrats voted for it.

Bad government!
BS. Costs bending DOWN already. Geniuses like you were the chumps who had scam plans and 500k bankruptcies a year back in the good old days. That means they lost everything. No more. Unless they've been totally screwed by Pub economic policies, defended to the death by the GOP and brainwashed function morons like you...

Already showed where bronze plans are going up.

Where is your data ?

Haven't seen any yet.

Why don't you cut with the talking points.

You are full of crap.
Look at this link and on the left side you can click on your State:
Maine health insurance exchange Obamacare enrollment

You can check how your own States are doing on costs and how many providers now on the State increased providers by 1, so now there are a whole 3 insurance companies with various plans on the exchange, that's actually a 33% increase in Insurance plans available to choose from...which is so so few insurance companies but we never ever had insurance companies wanting to come up here with our State's insurance rules I suppose, and there is not much competition, though still improving greatly:

In Maine, costs for the average silver plan went down by 0.8%, and in Portland, the largest city in the State where most people in Maine live, Insurance rates on the Exchange went down 4%....

So, Insurance rates for some State exchanges HAVE GONE DOWN.... mine being one of them.

How about data on the bronze plans in Maine ?
I don't know about bronze, it did not mention it in the statistics because silver plans are what need to be purchased if you are poor...NOT the bronze plans
The thing is, if your are somewhat poor....let's say the family making about $45k gross with 1 child, and somewhere about $35k gross for a household of 2, the bronze plan is NOT the way to go....

The ACA only comes in with the ''cost sharing reduction'' supplemental, if they take out a silver plan, the bronze plan, which they would think is the ''cheaper plan'' is a huge mistake on their part...

ONLY with a silver plan, the gvt helps pay a good portion of the high deductibles and the out of pocket expenses on the plan, with 20%/80% coverage, in addition to the subsidy help for premiums....making a silver plan the way to go.
we get to choose our own health plan..

show me where there's a single plan designed for us.

the idiot ACA/Birthers just make up crap as they the go.

I think the Libtards are very confused about the ACA.

The only choice you have is which terrible and expensive plan to get.

All heath care plans increased in price because of the added government requirements. Before you had a choice if you wanted to participate in a plan that included the additional requirements, now, thanks to that idiot Obama and the filthy ass government, you have no choice. What ever happen to the concept of freedom?

Obama thinks the American people are too stupid to determine what they require in an insurance plan.

There 21 additional taxes on the American people because of the ACA that also added to the cost of health care in the US. Libtards loves their taxes, don't they?

There are several million shitheads in the US that are now getting subsides from the government because they are too sorry to pay for their own health care and that is also a tremendous burden on the cost of heath care for the paying customers.

ACA is a terrible burden on the American people and it was never a good plan and that is why Obama and the government had to lie about it.

What is really inconceivable is that a bunch of really stupid and corrupt Democrats voted for it.

Bad government!
BS. Costs bending DOWN already. Geniuses like you were the chumps who had scam plans and 500k bankruptcies a year back in the good old days. That means they lost everything. No more. Unless they've been totally screwed by Pub economic policies, defended to the death by the GOP and brainwashed function morons like you...

Any actual ARGUMENT? FACT.
You never answered....why'd you lie about leaving the board....surely you must have more going on in your life than arguing with strangers on the Intenet...don't you?

Is this all you have going in your "life". If so...that IS sad.
Go back to your little god Ayn Rand you mental infant.

Of course that Karl Marx bullshit you spout always works out so well, doesn't it?
Yes, it does, since he mostly wrote of Capitalism, but you wouldn't know that now would you my little economic infant?

As for Socialist nations, there are many and they can and do work just fine. Marx was a big fan of capitalism, since it builds what you need for socialism. Also something you don't know.
Go back to your little god Ayn Rand you mental infant.

Of course that Karl Marx bullshit you spout always works out so well, doesn't it?
Yes, it does, since he mostly wrote of Capitalism, but you wouldn't know that now would you my little economic infant?

As for Socialist nations, there are many and they can and do work just fine. Marx was a big fan of capitalism, since it builds what you need for socialism. Also something you don't know.

Actually they don't work that well. The relatively more capitalistic US had twice the post WWIi economic growth of the welfare countries in Europe. Of course we know what happen to the big daddy of Socialism in the Soviet Union, don't we? They went bankrupted. Go check out the economy of Cuba and North Korea if you are so dumb as to think Socialism works.

Even bastions of socialism like Sweden and China have retreated from socialism.

Socialism has never worked very well at all and it sure as hell ain't working here in the US. This idea that Obama had to turn the US into a socialist paradise has pretty well been a disaster with the lowest workforce participation since 1979 , the highest number of people on welfare ever, the highest taxes ever and a decrease in the amount of spendable income for American families since he has become President.

We need a little more Any Rand and a lot less Barack Obama.

You really have to be a dumb fvck to think that wealth is somehow created by using the filthy ass government to steal money from one person and giving it to another. Of course you Libtards are pretty well known for being dumb fvcks so it is not surprising that you don't get it right.
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we get to choose our own health plan..

show me where there's a single plan designed for us.

the idiot ACA/Birthers just make up crap as they the go.

I think the Libtards are very confused about the ACA.

The only choice you have is which terrible and expensive plan to get.

All heath care plans increased in price because of the added government requirements. Before you had a choice if you wanted to participate in a plan that included the additional requirements, now, thanks to that idiot Obama and the filthy ass government, you have no choice. What ever happen to the concept of freedom?

Obama thinks the American people are too stupid to determine what they require in an insurance plan.

There 21 additional taxes on the American people because of the ACA that also added to the cost of health care in the US. Libtards loves their taxes, don't they?

There are several million shitheads in the US that are now getting subsides from the government because they are too sorry to pay for their own health care and that is also a tremendous burden on the cost of heath care for the paying customers.

ACA is a terrible burden on the American people and it was never a good plan and that is why Obama and the government had to lie about it.

What is really inconceivable is that a bunch of really stupid and corrupt Democrats voted for it.

Bad government!
BS. Costs bending DOWN already. Geniuses like you were the chumps who had scam plans and 500k bankruptcies a year back in the good old days. That means they lost everything. No more. Unless they've been totally screwed by Pub economic policies, defended to the death by the GOP and brainwashed function morons like you...

Any actual ARGUMENT? FACT.

They have been provided about three times.

You are the one who lacks an argument.

What is so funny is that this is lost on you.

You are about two posts from going on my ignore list.
we get to choose our own health plan..

show me where there's a single plan designed for us.

the idiot ACA/Birthers just make up crap as they the go.

I think the Libtards are very confused about the ACA.

The only choice you have is which terrible and expensive plan to get.

All heath care plans increased in price because of the added government requirements. Before you had a choice if you wanted to participate in a plan that included the additional requirements, now, thanks to that idiot Obama and the filthy ass government, you have no choice. What ever happen to the concept of freedom?

Obama thinks the American people are too stupid to determine what they require in an insurance plan.

There 21 additional taxes on the American people because of the ACA that also added to the cost of health care in the US. Libtards loves their taxes, don't they?

There are several million shitheads in the US that are now getting subsides from the government because they are too sorry to pay for their own health care and that is also a tremendous burden on the cost of heath care for the paying customers.

ACA is a terrible burden on the American people and it was never a good plan and that is why Obama and the government had to lie about it.

What is really inconceivable is that a bunch of really stupid and corrupt Democrats voted for it.

Bad government!
BS. Costs bending DOWN already. Geniuses like you were the chumps who had scam plans and 500k bankruptcies a year back in the good old days. That means they lost everything. No more. Unless they've been totally screwed by Pub economic policies, defended to the death by the GOP and brainwashed function morons like you...

Any actual ARGUMENT? FACT.

They have been provided about three times.

You are the one who lacks an argument.

What is so funny is that this is lost on you.

You are about two posts from going on my ignore list.
Perfect, Pubtroll. Anyway, your "proofs" were BS PREDICTIONS that DIDN"T happen duh.
How long before Big Brother begins imprisoning Citizens for not having Health Care? What a country. What a country.
It's shocking so many Sheeple still believe Big Brother gives a shit about Freedom & Liberty. I mean, what's in it for him? Freedom & Liberty has to go. DUH!
The government fvcks up everything it touches.
Go back to your little god Ayn Rand you mental infant.

The truth is unbearable for you, isn't it?
The truth is all I deal in, unlike you little morons still sucking on Ayn Rand's cock.

The truth has emanated from your keyboard since you joined this forum.
Yes it has. You got one right, but didn't mean to.

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