Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

ACTUALLY, ACA HAS lowered bankruptcies, despite bs from 4/2013. The real problem is the long term ruin of the non-rich under Reaganism. People can't save anymore. Undoubtedly too, you could pay in installments like you could do before. Remain calm. At least no more $280k bills...


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 =
1 = 404
1 = Clipboard01.jpg image
2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez The White House
3 =
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis BEA
4 =
4 = FRB Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--September 18 2014
5/6 = Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider
ACTUALLY, ACA HAS lowered bankruptcies, despite bs from 4/2013. The real problem is the long term ruin of the non-rich under Reaganism. People can't save anymore. Undoubtedly too, you could pay in installments like you could do before. Remain calm. At least no more $280k bills...

Actually, I showed you it had not.....

You, on the other hand (at least you are consistent) showed nothing.

Then you wondered off into some other rant.

Let's get back to the topic at hand.....

Obamcare is a mess..

Loved this one.....

Key Study On Obamacare 2015 Premium Rates Is Out And You Won t Believe What s Going To Happen - Forbes

Mr. Ungar wraps his lips around Obama's ass all the time. Here he is blathering about the net increases....he hides the fact that increases are dampened as people step down in plans.

From his article:

When was the last time we saw insurance premiums experience an annual increase of less than 5 percent? I cannot remember such a time and doubt that you can either.

But wait.....

There's more......

Report Obamacare Bronze Plans to Go Up at Least 14

Up 15% for the Bronze plans......

tsk tsk.......
SOME are. How bout cutting the crappe? You PROVED bankruptcies wouldn't go down with a conservative prediction from 4/2010? GIVE ME A BREAK LOL...
SOME are. How bout cutting the crappe? You PROVED bankruptcies wouldn't go down with a conservative prediction from 4/2010? GIVE ME A BREAK LOL...

I provided some information that supports my claim. That's all I did Frankie.

Unlike you, I allow that I could be wrong.

I don't allow that you are not a moron.

Now, why don't you go back to providing some good information on all the good Obummercare has done.

And show me how the BRONZE plans have not gone up 15%.

That's all you need to do Frankie.

That....and suck on it.
SOME are. How bout cutting the crappe? You PROVED bankruptcies wouldn't go down with a conservative prediction from 4/2010? GIVE ME A BREAK LOL...

I provided some information that supports my claim. That's all I did Frankie.

Unlike you, I allow that I could be wrong.

I don't allow that you are not a moron.

Now, why don't you go back to providing some good information on all the good Obummercare has done.

And show me how the BRONZE plans have not gone up 15%.

That's all you need to do Frankie.

That....and suck on it.

Yeah but you're a confirmed liar....

So let's bet....
Romney leave the board.
Obama wins....I leave.
A deal ?

How can anyone trust you?
SOME are. How bout cutting the crappe? You PROVED bankruptcies wouldn't go down with a conservative prediction from 4/2010? GIVE ME A BREAK LOL...

I provided some information that supports my claim. That's all I did Frankie.

Unlike you, I allow that I could be wrong.

I don't allow that you are not a moron.

Now, why don't you go back to providing some good information on all the good Obummercare has done.

And show me how the BRONZE plans have not gone up 15%.

That's all you need to do Frankie.

That....and suck on it.
YOUR link says only some will go up that far. Thus, PROVEN. The average is under 5%. From YOUR link.
SOME are. How bout cutting the crappe? You PROVED bankruptcies wouldn't go down with a conservative prediction from 4/2010? GIVE ME A BREAK LOL...

I provided some information that supports my claim. That's all I did Frankie.

Unlike you, I allow that I could be wrong.

I don't allow that you are not a moron.

Now, why don't you go back to providing some good information on all the good Obummercare has done.

And show me how the BRONZE plans have not gone up 15%.

That's all you need to do Frankie.

That....and suck on it.
YOUR link says only some will go up that far. Thus, PROVEN. The average is under 5%. From YOUR link.

Which link Frankie.....???

The one I provided on the 14% increase does not say anything about 5%. Are you drinking or did you forget your smart pills.
SOME are. How bout cutting the crappe? You PROVED bankruptcies wouldn't go down with a conservative prediction from 4/2010? GIVE ME A BREAK LOL...

I provided some information that supports my claim. That's all I did Frankie.

Unlike you, I allow that I could be wrong.

I don't allow that you are not a moron.

Now, why don't you go back to providing some good information on all the good Obummercare has done.

And show me how the BRONZE plans have not gone up 15%.

That's all you need to do Frankie.

That....and suck on it.

Yeah but you're a confirmed liar....

So let's bet....
Romney leave the board.
Obama wins....I leave.
A deal ?

How can anyone trust you?

Why would I expect anyone to trust me ?

Or you ?

Or do you take the words of the cons on this board ?

I provided information that supports my claim.

Take it up with them.

You need to graduate from the third grade and move on.
Actually, your links didn't fit their headlines. Pretty typical.

Please point out which ones.

I'd be happy to correct them.

Or were you lying.....again.

BTW: I am still awaiting your links. The ones that disprove mine.

Having trouble ?
SOME are. How bout cutting the crappe? You PROVED bankruptcies wouldn't go down with a conservative prediction from 4/2010? GIVE ME A BREAK LOL...

I provided some information that supports my claim. That's all I did Frankie.

Unlike you, I allow that I could be wrong.

I don't allow that you are not a moron.

Now, why don't you go back to providing some good information on all the good Obummercare has done.

And show me how the BRONZE plans have not gone up 15%.

That's all you need to do Frankie.

That....and suck on it.

Yeah but you're a confirmed liar....

So let's bet....
Romney leave the board.
Obama wins....I leave.
A deal ?

How can anyone trust you?

Why would I expect anyone to trust me ?

Or you ?

Or do you take the words of the cons on this board ?

I provided information that supports my claim.

Take it up with them.

You need to graduate from the third grade and move on.

You provided information? I quoted you as saying you'd leave the board...why did you lie?
SOME are. How bout cutting the crappe? You PROVED bankruptcies wouldn't go down with a conservative prediction from 4/2010? GIVE ME A BREAK LOL...

I provided some information that supports my claim. That's all I did Frankie.

Unlike you, I allow that I could be wrong.

I don't allow that you are not a moron.

Now, why don't you go back to providing some good information on all the good Obummercare has done.

And show me how the BRONZE plans have not gone up 15%.

That's all you need to do Frankie.

That....and suck on it.

Yeah but you're a confirmed liar....

So let's bet....
Romney leave the board.
Obama wins....I leave.
A deal ?

How can anyone trust you?

Why would I expect anyone to trust me ?

Or you ?

Or do you take the words of the cons on this board ?

I provided information that supports my claim.

Take it up with them.

You need to graduate from the third grade and move on.

You provided information? I quoted you as saying you'd leave the board...why did you lie?

You asked about trust.

Do you think any cons trust you ?
SOME are. How bout cutting the crappe? You PROVED bankruptcies wouldn't go down with a conservative prediction from 4/2010? GIVE ME A BREAK LOL...

I provided some information that supports my claim. That's all I did Frankie.

Unlike you, I allow that I could be wrong.

I don't allow that you are not a moron.

Now, why don't you go back to providing some good information on all the good Obummercare has done.

And show me how the BRONZE plans have not gone up 15%.

That's all you need to do Frankie.

That....and suck on it.
YOUR link says only some will go up that far. Thus, PROVEN. The average is under 5%. From YOUR link.

Cat got your tongue ?
Sounds like what people want is something like Medicare, where they are covered across state lines and they get to choose most any doctor they want....

My husband and I have NEVER had a real choice in our plans because we always get insurance thru our employers, and were always limited to the 3 plans or so, our employer chose to offer us... it would be great if we actually had a real choice in health care coverage but I don't see that ever happening or employers ever being that generous in their offerings of insurance policy choices...20 years ago we might have had a wider selection of plans, maybe 6 to choose from, but it was still NOT much of a selection to choose from....
You've always had a choice to go outside your employer. With the advent of obamacare, now you don't. Yet another choice taken away from the citizen.
SOME are. How bout cutting the crappe? You PROVED bankruptcies wouldn't go down with a conservative prediction from 4/2010? GIVE ME A BREAK LOL...

I provided some information that supports my claim. That's all I did Frankie.

Unlike you, I allow that I could be wrong.

I don't allow that you are not a moron.

Now, why don't you go back to providing some good information on all the good Obummercare has done.

And show me how the BRONZE plans have not gone up 15%.

That's all you need to do Frankie.

That....and suck on it.

Yeah but you're a confirmed liar....

So let's bet....
Romney leave the board.
Obama wins....I leave.
A deal ?

How can anyone trust you?

Why would I expect anyone to trust me ?

Or you ?

Or do you take the words of the cons on this board ?

I provided information that supports my claim.

Take it up with them.

You need to graduate from the third grade and move on.

You provided information? I quoted you as saying you'd leave the board...why did you lie?

You asked about trust.

Do you think any cons trust you ?

No, I asked why you lied.
Your situation was not as dire as you led me to believe lol...

Franco: "Your life is wonderful because of Obama, and you love Obamacare. You're just too stupid to know how happy you are. Good thing I came along to force it on you and then explain that you're so blissful that rainbows are shooting out of your asshole."

And don't y'all ever forget it, and start believing you know more about the state of your own life than Franco and his Messiah do.
You said it never happened ONCE, liar, and it happened a lot. That's the kind of dignified person the system used to kill. NOW people can can get care without becoming a parasite. Except in some mindless a-hole red states.
WHERE DID I SAY "You said it never happened ONCE"?????
YOU didn't read a thing I wrote did you? I said it happened...ONCE!!! ONCE because the odds of a woman age 37 that refused Medicaid that had a foot amputated and then died in 2010 is astronomical!
With 69,071 diabetic deaths out of 2,515,458 deaths.. that is 2.7%!
Now out of the 69,071 deaths in 2010:
how many were 37 years old?
How many refused Medicaid?
How many had foot amputated?

You see but idiots like YOU make it sound like it happens ALL the time!!!
Post 321, dumbass.:
"E) NOT ONE doctor ever did what Hussein quoted:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Partly because it’s not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they are taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance.
But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000. Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed."

ARE YOU as big an idiot as is Hussein???
Since when does a family practice physician do amputations?
That is why I said NOT Doctor ever did what Hussein said:
A) Hussein said "we pay family doctor to treat diabetes the family doctor gets a pittance!
How f...king dumb both you and Hussein is!
B) Hussein then stupidly went to say "But that same doctor ENDS up getting their foot amputated..." IDIOTS the family doctor doesn't do the surgery!

But see that's what Hussein SAID!

See idiots like you and Hussein just don't understand shit!
I'll repeat again... family physician treating diabetes does NOT do surgeries much less amputations!
Do you comprehend how DUMB you and Hussein are to even make such a stupid ignorant statement!
People without insurance don't have a family doctor, dingbat. They have an ER when things get out of hand. Great job, Pubbies! And he didn't say the family doctor did the surgery duh.

Idiot Obama SAID:
"But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000. Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed."
A) Does the doctor end up getting their foot amputated and does the doctor charge himself for the amputation?
B) Assuming the family doctor that's been treating the diabetic suggests amputation...the family doctor doesn't do it!
C) $30,000,$40,000,$50,000 for amputation is totally out of whack for a surgeon FEE Dummy!
HERE are the facts as to what a SURGEON makes for an amputation dumb shit!!!
Obama was quickly attacked by doctor organizations for getting his numbers wrong. According to an article from HealthLeaders Media, the American College of Surgeons noted in a statement that Medicare actually reimburses surgeons between $740 and $1,140 for a leg amputation — and private insurers tend to have similar rates.
But Obama’s numbers were not made up: According to the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, a foot or leg amputation costs between $30,000 and $60,000 in initial hospital costs, plus between $43,000 and $60,000 in costs for follow-up care over the next three years.
Costs of Amputation - Diabetes Self-Management

The point idiot Obama said was "that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000. Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed."
The idiot in chief said the surgeon is reimbursed!
Reimbursed for how much idiot? Between $740 to $1,140! NOT "$30,000, $40,000, $50,000. !!!

Hussein purposely blew this number UP for the effect... NOT once dealing with the reality!
AND idiots like you continue to perpetuate this ignorance!
Your situation was not as dire as you led me to believe lol...

Franco: "Your life is wonderful because of Obama, and you love Obamacare. You're just too stupid to know how happy you are. Good thing I came along to force it on you and then explain that you're so blissful that rainbows are shooting out of your asshole."

And don't y'all ever forget it, and start believing you know more about the state of your own life than Franco and his Messiah do.
Sorry you live in a red state. They'll come along.
I provided some information that supports my claim. That's all I did Frankie.

Unlike you, I allow that I could be wrong.

I don't allow that you are not a moron.

Now, why don't you go back to providing some good information on all the good Obummercare has done.

And show me how the BRONZE plans have not gone up 15%.

That's all you need to do Frankie.

That....and suck on it.

Yeah but you're a confirmed liar....

So let's bet....
Romney leave the board.
Obama wins....I leave.
A deal ?

How can anyone trust you?

Why would I expect anyone to trust me ?

Or you ?

Or do you take the words of the cons on this board ?

I provided information that supports my claim.

Take it up with them.

You need to graduate from the third grade and move on.

You provided information? I quoted you as saying you'd leave the board...why did you lie?

You asked about trust.

Do you think any cons trust you ?

No, I asked why you lied.

You asked "How can anyone trust you ?"

Or can't you read your own posts ?

Look at the thread, stupid.

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