Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

Then you get a subsidy until it comes back up. You're welcome.
A subsidy? From whom? Certainly not the "Marketplace".
$79,000 AGI is the magic number. And that's BEFORE any additional taxes due on the 1040 INCLUDING the vouchers paid during the year on the 1040ES.
Try maintaining a household AND keeping a kid in college on that bullshit. PLUS paying $1,200/month ACA premiums. :slap:
Or maybe you live in a red state with no Medicaid, in which case it's the old Pub screw job. Good luck.
Oh, I live in a "Red" State all right... stoopid fuk. :slap:

Red rural areas also have had a problem with ACA, strangely.

Medicaid wise, sounds like a problem. One thing would be a good SS ID card to keep the illegals off, which Pubs fight to the death.
Or maybe you live in a red state with no Medicaid, in which case it's the old Pub screw job. Good luck.
Oh, I live in a "Red" State all right... stoopid fuk. :slap:

That's pretty red alright. I'm guessing that the humans, not the animals, live in the blue parts?

The humans you want to see killed off?
Yep. Humanity is a disease. The ones pretending to be human are even worse. They love red.
Or maybe you live in a red state with no Medicaid, in which case it's the old Pub screw job. Good luck.
Oh, I live in a "Red" State all right... stoopid fuk. :slap:

That's pretty red alright. I'm guessing that the humans, not the animals, live in the blue parts?
I'm guessing you suck hind tit in life. :slap:
The dupes are always guessing, 99% wrong.
Not a surprising statement coming from PantyHose's bed partner.

Or are you his bed pan? :dunno:
Or maybe you live in a red state with no Medicaid, in which case it's the old Pub screw job. Good luck.
Oh, I live in a "Red" State all right... stoopid fuk. :slap:

That's pretty red alright. I'm guessing that the humans, not the animals, live in the blue parts?
I'm guessing you suck hind tit in life. :slap:
The dupes are always guessing, 99% wrong.
Being generous tonight I see? So be it.
You said it never happened ONCE, liar, and it happened a lot. That's the kind of dignified person the system used to kill. NOW people can can get care without becoming a parasite. Except in some mindless a-hole red states.
WHERE DID I SAY "You said it never happened ONCE"?????
YOU didn't read a thing I wrote did you? I said it happened...ONCE!!! ONCE because the odds of a woman age 37 that refused Medicaid that had a foot amputated and then died in 2010 is astronomical!
With 69,071 diabetic deaths out of 2,515,458 deaths.. that is 2.7%!
Now out of the 69,071 deaths in 2010:
how many were 37 years old?
How many refused Medicaid?
How many had foot amputated?

You see but idiots like YOU make it sound like it happens ALL the time!!!
Post 321, dumbass.:
"E) NOT ONE doctor ever did what Hussein quoted:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Partly because it’s not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they are taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance.
But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000. Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed."

ARE YOU as big an idiot as is Hussein???
Since when does a family practice physician do amputations?
That is why I said NOT Doctor ever did what Hussein said:
A) Hussein said "we pay family doctor to treat diabetes the family doctor gets a pittance!
How f...king dumb both you and Hussein is!
B) Hussein then stupidly went to say "But that same doctor ENDS up getting their foot amputated..." IDIOTS the family doctor doesn't do the surgery!

But see that's what Hussein SAID!

See idiots like you and Hussein just don't understand shit!
I'll repeat again... family physician treating diabetes does NOT do surgeries much less amputations!
Do you comprehend how DUMB you and Hussein are to even make such a stupid ignorant statement!
Or maybe you live in a red state with no Medicaid, in which case it's the old Pub screw job. Good luck.
Oh, I live in a "Red" State all right... stoopid fuk. :slap:

That's pretty red alright. I'm guessing that the humans, not the animals, live in the blue parts?

The humans you want to see killed off?
Yep. Humanity is a disease. The ones pretending to be human are even worse. They love red.

There you go! It must feel good to let it out, to lay honest claim to the disdain for humanity that anchors your ideology.
Or maybe you live in a red state with no Medicaid, in which case it's the old Pub screw job. Good luck.
Oh, I live in a "Red" State all right... stoopid fuk. :slap:

That's pretty red alright. I'm guessing that the humans, not the animals, live in the blue parts?
I'm guessing you suck hind tit in life. :slap:
The dupes are always guessing, 99% wrong.
Not a surprising statement coming from PantyHose's bed partner.

Or are you his bed pan? :dunno:
Unlike you little morons we don't have a reach-around crew, but when he says the sky is blue I'm honest enough to agree and not deny it just because Fox told me to.
Or maybe you live in a red state with no Medicaid, in which case it's the old Pub screw job. Good luck.
Oh, I live in a "Red" State all right... stoopid fuk. :slap:

That's pretty red alright. I'm guessing that the humans, not the animals, live in the blue parts?

The humans you want to see killed off?
Yep. Humanity is a disease. The ones pretending to be human are even worse. They love red.

There you go! It must feel good to let it out, to lay honest claim to the disdain for humanity that anchors your ideology.
You got one part right, it is my ideology. Most humans only hate certain others humans while I hate them all. Clear now?
Red rural areas also have had a problem with ACA, strangely.

Medicaid wise, sounds like a problem. One thing would be a good SS ID card to keep the illegals off, which Pubs fight to the death.
Of course, then they speak Spanish in the ER and get care at ridiculous expense to all. Pass the godamn IMMIGRATION BILL, Boehner.
Regarding Medicaid in Illinois... a recent audit revealed fully one-half of all Illinois Medicaid recipients to be ineligible.

Half of Illinois Medicaid enrollees reviewed found ineligible Illinois Policy An independent government watchdog

The result? The audit was halted and future action denied.

The Caucus Blog of the Illinois House Republicans Democrats 8217 block bill to reverse Quinn Medicaid backpedal
BTW, it looks like the "Illinois Policy Institute" is a bunch of RW blowhards. Shocking.

New Report Sheds Some Light On The Illinois Policy Institute s Big-Money Funders Progress Illinois

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