Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

Regarding Medicaid in Illinois... a recent audit revealed fully one-half of all Illinois Medicaid recipients to be ineligible.

Half of Illinois Medicaid enrollees reviewed found ineligible Illinois Policy An independent government watchdog

The result? The audit was halted and future action denied.

The Caucus Blog of the Illinois House Republicans Democrats 8217 block bill to reverse Quinn Medicaid backpedal
BTW, it looks like the "Illinois Policy Institute" is a bunch of RW blowhards. Shocking.

New Report Sheds Some Light On The Illinois Policy Institute s Big-Money Funders Progress Illinois
They deal in facts. You, in fact, deal in bullshit.

Here - have a taste of the bitch-slap. :slap:
With preventive care, doctor's advice, checkups, there is NO WAY diabetes should kill ANYWHERE near that many. Answer: WAY TOO MANY.

The bottom line, shit for brains, is that Obamacare is screwing the majority of Americans. I don't benefit from higher premiums and astronomically higher deductibles.
Maybe in you idiot red state. In blue states, we already had good insurance not scams for chumps. And it will only get better.

Yeah, the Bronze plans are going up 15%.

Enjoy your Obamacrapp.

You seem to feast on it.

Here is some more....

"You can keep your doctor if you like him or her."
There's an easy fix for that, but you won't like since you'd have to share with others.

You mean I will be looted for the benefit of parasites.

Right, I won't like that. I don't consider that a solution to the problem of being looted for the benefit of parasites.
You already were, stupid. Now they can get jobs and pay something AND get preventive care.

Why is it costing me more under Obamacare than it did previously? How did I benefit?
GUARANTEED, no cutoffs, free checkups and testing, annual cap at end of deductible- just like the last time you asked. AND cost curve bending DOWN.

The cost curve is bending way up, moron. I had a $30 copay for my checkups. Now I have a 13,000 deductible. Drugs are also way more expensive.

My "cutoff" was half a million dollars. If you need that more medical care than that, then you need to die.

There's nothing "guaranteed" about it.

Don't blow the fairy tale for Franco.....

Well, I can only expect you'll get the usual repertoire of replys..

Read the sig.....
With preventive care, doctor's advice, checkups, there is NO WAY diabetes should kill ANYWHERE near that many. Answer: WAY TOO MANY.

The bottom line, shit for brains, is that Obamacare is screwing the majority of Americans. I don't benefit from higher premiums and astronomically higher deductibles.
Maybe in you idiot red state. In blue states, we already had good insurance not scams for chumps. And it will only get better.

The only idiot in this is you.

Red State ?

What is that exactly ?

Is Wisconsin red ?
Do you get a car from your job? How about a house? Or a school for your kid? No you say, so why would you get healthcare from a job? When you lose the job you don't lose the others, at least not right away eh?

I don't have to buy a car from a government agency. I also don't have to subsidize low cost cars for parasites by paying extra for the one I buy.

Obamadoesn'tcare is basically this:

I have an old car that isn't fancy, but is paid off and still runs. One day I come out of my house to find a tow truck hauling my car away and a brand new Mercedes sedan in my driveway. I ask the driver what's going on, and he tells me that the president has decided that my car is sub-par because it doesn't have a moon roof and I have to replace it. I look at my shiny new car and notice there is a price tag on the window, along with a legal notice that I am required to pay $85,000 for the new car. Outraged, I do some research and find out that not only am I forced to buy the new Mercedes, I also have to subsidize everyone who makes less than I do so they can have one, and the price is really $125,000. The kicker is, they claim it's all for my own good.

misrepresent the PPACA all you want. Your whine is going nowhere. Grow up and move on

How is it incorrect? Tell you what, I'll point out for you where it is. Instead of a new Mercedes, the car is a Yugo with a hole cut in the roof, an aftermarket stereo with massive, ugly speakers in the back seat, 22 inch rims, a trailer hitch on the back, and a winch on the front. And the price is still $85,000.
please. stop acting like you've read the law and/or the Court decision
----- you have not. guarantee

1. Does the law force a lot of people to lose their existing plans and doctors?

2. Does the law force a lot of people to buy new plans that are more expensive and cover things they don't need?

3. Does the law force a lot of people to subsidize the cost of health insurance for other people?

If it does, where am I wrong? If it does not, please explain why you think so.
You said it never happened ONCE, liar, and it happened a lot. That's the kind of dignified person the system used to kill. NOW people can can get care without becoming a parasite. Except in some mindless a-hole red states.
WHERE DID I SAY "You said it never happened ONCE"?????
YOU didn't read a thing I wrote did you? I said it happened...ONCE!!! ONCE because the odds of a woman age 37 that refused Medicaid that had a foot amputated and then died in 2010 is astronomical!
With 69,071 diabetic deaths out of 2,515,458 deaths.. that is 2.7%!
Now out of the 69,071 deaths in 2010:
how many were 37 years old?
How many refused Medicaid?
How many had foot amputated?

You see but idiots like YOU make it sound like it happens ALL the time!!!
Post 321, dumbass.:
"E) NOT ONE doctor ever did what Hussein quoted:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Partly because it’s not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they are taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance.
But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000. Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed."

ARE YOU as big an idiot as is Hussein???
Since when does a family practice physician do amputations?
That is why I said NOT Doctor ever did what Hussein said:
A) Hussein said "we pay family doctor to treat diabetes the family doctor gets a pittance!
How f...king dumb both you and Hussein is!
B) Hussein then stupidly went to say "But that same doctor ENDS up getting their foot amputated..." IDIOTS the family doctor doesn't do the surgery!

But see that's what Hussein SAID!

See idiots like you and Hussein just don't understand shit!
I'll repeat again... family physician treating diabetes does NOT do surgeries much less amputations!
Do you comprehend how DUMB you and Hussein are to even make such a stupid ignorant statement!
People without insurance don't have a family doctor, dingbat. They have an ER when things get out of hand. Great job, Pubbies! And he didn't say the family doctor did the surgery duh.
With preventive care, doctor's advice, checkups, there is NO WAY diabetes should kill ANYWHERE near that many. Answer: WAY TOO MANY.

The bottom line, shit for brains, is that Obamacare is screwing the majority of Americans. I don't benefit from higher premiums and astronomically higher deductibles.
Maybe in you idiot red state. In blue states, we already had good insurance not scams for chumps. And it will only get better.

The only idiot in this is you.

Red State ?

What is that exactly ?

Is Wisconsin red ?
Your backwoods area is lol.
Does any conservative or liberal on this thread want Government completely out of our Health Care?





Only out of it up to the point after "I get my help" from the government.

(I realize these are uncomfortable questions for you all....but try to answer honestly, at what point should gvt not be involved in our health care?)
I don't have to buy a car from a government agency. I also don't have to subsidize low cost cars for parasites by paying extra for the one I buy.

Obamadoesn'tcare is basically this:

I have an old car that isn't fancy, but is paid off and still runs. One day I come out of my house to find a tow truck hauling my car away and a brand new Mercedes sedan in my driveway. I ask the driver what's going on, and he tells me that the president has decided that my car is sub-par because it doesn't have a moon roof and I have to replace it. I look at my shiny new car and notice there is a price tag on the window, along with a legal notice that I am required to pay $85,000 for the new car. Outraged, I do some research and find out that not only am I forced to buy the new Mercedes, I also have to subsidize everyone who makes less than I do so they can have one, and the price is really $125,000. The kicker is, they claim it's all for my own good.

misrepresent the PPACA all you want. Your whine is going nowhere. Grow up and move on

How is it incorrect? Tell you what, I'll point out for you where it is. Instead of a new Mercedes, the car is a Yugo with a hole cut in the roof, an aftermarket stereo with massive, ugly speakers in the back seat, 22 inch rims, a trailer hitch on the back, and a winch on the front. And the price is still $85,000.
please. stop acting like you've read the law and/or the Court decision
----- you have not. guarantee

1. Does the law force a lot of people to lose their existing plans and doctors?

2. Does the law force a lot of people to buy new plans that are more expensive and cover things they don't need?

3. Does the law force a lot of people to subsidize the cost of health insurance for other people?

If it does, where am I wrong? If it does not, please explain why you think so.
1. Only substandard plans. Just like before, you have to check what your doctor takes. That's the way insurers were going anyway. Give it a year, for Pubs and crony insurers to start cooperating..
2. EVERYONE is covered for EVERYTHING. That's how this WORKS. DOESN"T add to cost, which is bending down.
3. You ALREADY were, just in the stupidest way possible.
Obamadoesn'tcare is basically this:

I have an old car that isn't fancy, but is paid off and still runs. One day I come out of my house to find a tow truck hauling my car away and a brand new Mercedes sedan in my driveway. I ask the driver what's going on, and he tells me that the president has decided that my car is sub-par because it doesn't have a moon roof and I have to replace it. I look at my shiny new car and notice there is a price tag on the window, along with a legal notice that I am required to pay $85,000 for the new car. Outraged, I do some research and find out that not only am I forced to buy the new Mercedes, I also have to subsidize everyone who makes less than I do so they can have one, and the price is really $125,000. The kicker is, they claim it's all for my own good.

misrepresent the PPACA all you want. Your whine is going nowhere. Grow up and move on

How is it incorrect? Tell you what, I'll point out for you where it is. Instead of a new Mercedes, the car is a Yugo with a hole cut in the roof, an aftermarket stereo with massive, ugly speakers in the back seat, 22 inch rims, a trailer hitch on the back, and a winch on the front. And the price is still $85,000.
please. stop acting like you've read the law and/or the Court decision
----- you have not. guarantee

1. Does the law force a lot of people to lose their existing plans and doctors?

2. Does the law force a lot of people to buy new plans that are more expensive and cover things they don't need?

3. Does the law force a lot of people to subsidize the cost of health insurance for other people?

If it does, where am I wrong? If it does not, please explain why you think so.
1. Only substandard plans. Just like before, you have to check what your doctor takes. That's the way insurers were going anyway. Give it a year, for Pubs and crony insurers to start cooperating..

"Substandard"? By whose accounting? I am perfectly capable of deciding what health insurance plan is good enough for me, and I assume most other people are as well. We do not need a nanny government to tell us that a 10 year old car is not good enough any more and we have to buy a new, more expensive one.

2. EVERYONE is covered for EVERYTHING. That's how this WORKS. DOESN"T add to cost, which is bending down.

Really? In what way are overall costs "bending down"? A mere handful have signed up thus far. How are they lowering costs for everyone?

3. You ALREADY were, just in the stupidest way possible.

In the voluntary way, which is the most superior way. This way is stupid.
"Substandard"? By whose accounting? I am perfectly capable of deciding what health insurance plan is good enough for me, and I assume most other people are as well.

That's the core of all of this. Their ambition is to take away our freedom to decide for ourselves what we value - to force conformity by law.
With preventive care, doctor's advice, checkups, there is NO WAY diabetes should kill ANYWHERE near that many. Answer: WAY TOO MANY.

The bottom line, shit for brains, is that Obamacare is screwing the majority of Americans. I don't benefit from higher premiums and astronomically higher deductibles.
Maybe in you idiot red state. In blue states, we already had good insurance not scams for chumps. And it will only get better.

The only idiot in this is you.

Red State ?

What is that exactly ?

Is Wisconsin red ?
Your backwoods area is lol.

In other words, you are a bigot. Thanks for sharing.

Won't answer the question. Thanks for pointing out that you simply like to crap on your keyboard and see what shows up when you hit send.

You could never define a "scam plan" or a "junk plan" because we'd skewer you with examples that show you are wrong and narrow minded.

Of course.

You make good use of the word dupe ?

Is that your middle name ?
Obamadoesn'tcare is basically this:

I have an old car that isn't fancy, but is paid off and still runs. One day I come out of my house to find a tow truck hauling my car away and a brand new Mercedes sedan in my driveway. I ask the driver what's going on, and he tells me that the president has decided that my car is sub-par because it doesn't have a moon roof and I have to replace it. I look at my shiny new car and notice there is a price tag on the window, along with a legal notice that I am required to pay $85,000 for the new car. Outraged, I do some research and find out that not only am I forced to buy the new Mercedes, I also have to subsidize everyone who makes less than I do so they can have one, and the price is really $125,000. The kicker is, they claim it's all for my own good.

misrepresent the PPACA all you want. Your whine is going nowhere. Grow up and move on

How is it incorrect? Tell you what, I'll point out for you where it is. Instead of a new Mercedes, the car is a Yugo with a hole cut in the roof, an aftermarket stereo with massive, ugly speakers in the back seat, 22 inch rims, a trailer hitch on the back, and a winch on the front. And the price is still $85,000.
please. stop acting like you've read the law and/or the Court decision
----- you have not. guarantee

1. Does the law force a lot of people to lose their existing plans and doctors?

2. Does the law force a lot of people to buy new plans that are more expensive and cover things they don't need?

3. Does the law force a lot of people to subsidize the cost of health insurance for other people?

If it does, where am I wrong? If it does not, please explain why you think so.
1. Only substandard plans. Just like before, you have to check what your doctor takes. That's the way insurers were going anyway. Give it a year, for Pubs and crony insurers to start cooperating..
2. EVERYONE is covered for EVERYTHING. That's how this WORKS. DOESN"T add to cost, which is bending down.
3. You ALREADY were, just in the stupidest way possible.
Does any conservative or liberal on this thread want Government completely out of our Health Care?





Only out of it up to the point after "I get my help" from the government.

(I realize these are uncomfortable questions for you all....but try to answer honestly, at what point should gvt not be involved in our health care?)


There are some things that are legitimately the role of government....the state or county government. Do I want the feds completely out.

With preventive care, doctor's advice, checkups, there is NO WAY diabetes should kill ANYWHERE near that many. Answer: WAY TOO MANY.

The bottom line, shit for brains, is that Obamacare is screwing the majority of Americans. I don't benefit from higher premiums and astronomically higher deductibles.
Maybe in you idiot red state. In blue states, we already had good insurance not scams for chumps. And it will only get better.

The only idiot in this is you.

Red State ?

What is that exactly ?

Is Wisconsin red ?
Your backwoods area is lol.

In other words, you are a bigot. Thanks for sharing.

Won't answer the question. Thanks for pointing out that you simply like to crap on your keyboard and see what shows up when you hit send.

You could never define a "scam plan" or a "junk plan" because we'd skewer you with examples that show you are wrong and narrow minded.

Of course.

You make good use of the word dupe ?

Is that your middle name ?

Seriously, if I'm a 25 year old man in good health and want to pay $100/month or less for a plan that covers catastrophic illness, why should I be forced to pay $800/month or more for a plan that covers Viagra and birth control pills?
I don't have to buy a car from a government agency. I also don't have to subsidize low cost cars for parasites by paying extra for the one I buy.

Obamadoesn'tcare is basically this:

I have an old car that isn't fancy, but is paid off and still runs. One day I come out of my house to find a tow truck hauling my car away and a brand new Mercedes sedan in my driveway. I ask the driver what's going on, and he tells me that the president has decided that my car is sub-par because it doesn't have a moon roof and I have to replace it. I look at my shiny new car and notice there is a price tag on the window, along with a legal notice that I am required to pay $85,000 for the new car. Outraged, I do some research and find out that not only am I forced to buy the new Mercedes, I also have to subsidize everyone who makes less than I do so they can have one, and the price is really $125,000. The kicker is, they claim it's all for my own good.

misrepresent the PPACA all you want. Your whine is going nowhere. Grow up and move on

How is it incorrect? Tell you what, I'll point out for you where it is. Instead of a new Mercedes, the car is a Yugo with a hole cut in the roof, an aftermarket stereo with massive, ugly speakers in the back seat, 22 inch rims, a trailer hitch on the back, and a winch on the front. And the price is still $85,000.
please. stop acting like you've read the law and/or the Court decision
----- you have not. guarantee

1. Does the law force a lot of people to lose their existing plans and doctors?

2. Does the law force a lot of people to buy new plans that are more expensive and cover things they don't need?

3. Does the law force a lot of people to subsidize the cost of health insurance for other people?

If it does, where am I wrong? If it does not, please explain why you think so.

Despite Frankie's does not cover everything. There is a reason there are different plans.

What is so gross is that it covers a lot of stupid stuff which answers your question 3.
The bottom line, shit for brains, is that Obamacare is screwing the majority of Americans. I don't benefit from higher premiums and astronomically higher deductibles.
Maybe in you idiot red state. In blue states, we already had good insurance not scams for chumps. And it will only get better.

The only idiot in this is you.

Red State ?

What is that exactly ?

Is Wisconsin red ?
Your backwoods area is lol.

In other words, you are a bigot. Thanks for sharing.

Won't answer the question. Thanks for pointing out that you simply like to crap on your keyboard and see what shows up when you hit send.

You could never define a "scam plan" or a "junk plan" because we'd skewer you with examples that show you are wrong and narrow minded.

Of course.

You make good use of the word dupe ?

Is that your middle name ?

Seriously, if I'm a 25 year old man in good health and want to pay $100/month or less for a plan that covers catastrophic illness, why should I be forced to pay $800/month or more for a plan that covers Viagra and birth control pills?

Answer: So people like Frankie can sponge off of you.

The way I see it is that if I have to pay for someone's healthcare...I get a say in how they conduct themselves.

If I pay for Billy's healthcare.....

Billy can't smoke (or else all bets are off)

Billy can't drink (or else all bets are off).

Billy better not be overweight (because I will legislate that he exercise).

Billy better have good blood results (because I will legislate that he change his lifestyle).

That's what I think should happen.

You want're going to get the entire package.

That or you don't get it.

And I don't care if you die quickly or not.
Maybe in you idiot red state. In blue states, we already had good insurance not scams for chumps. And it will only get better.

The only idiot in this is you.

Red State ?

What is that exactly ?

Is Wisconsin red ?
Your backwoods area is lol.

In other words, you are a bigot. Thanks for sharing.

Won't answer the question. Thanks for pointing out that you simply like to crap on your keyboard and see what shows up when you hit send.

You could never define a "scam plan" or a "junk plan" because we'd skewer you with examples that show you are wrong and narrow minded.

Of course.

You make good use of the word dupe ?

Is that your middle name ?

Seriously, if I'm a 25 year old man in good health and want to pay $100/month or less for a plan that covers catastrophic illness, why should I be forced to pay $800/month or more for a plan that covers Viagra and birth control pills?

Answer: So people like Frankie can sponge off of you.

The way I see it is that if I have to pay for someone's healthcare...I get a say in how they conduct themselves.

If I pay for Billy's healthcare.....

Billy can't smoke (or else all bets are off)

Billy can't drink (or else all bets are off).

Billy better not be overweight (because I will legislate that he exercise).

Billy better have good blood results (because I will legislate that he change his lifestyle).

That's what I think should happen.

You want're going to get the entire package.

That or you don't get it.

And I don't care if you die quickly or not.

It's the golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rules, and Obama sycophants don't think about what it means to let the government (read taxpayers) pay for healthcare. That means that government (read taxpayers) will also make the rules about healthcare. They think that they are going to get everything for free, when the truth is approximately 180 degrees in the other direction.
With preventive care, doctor's advice, checkups, there is NO WAY diabetes should kill ANYWHERE near that many. Answer: WAY TOO MANY.

The bottom line, shit for brains, is that Obamacare is screwing the majority of Americans. I don't benefit from higher premiums and astronomically higher deductibles.
Maybe in you idiot red state. In blue states, we already had good insurance not scams for chumps. And it will only get better.

The only idiot in this is you.

Red State ?

What is that exactly ?

Is Wisconsin red ?
Your backwoods area is lol.

In other words, you are a bigot. Thanks for sharing.

Won't answer the question. Thanks for pointing out that you simply like to crap on your keyboard and see what shows up when you hit send.

You could never define a "scam plan" or a "junk plan" because we'd skewer you with examples that show you are wrong and narrow minded.

Of course.

You make good use of the word dupe ?

Is that your middle name ?
We have more cows than people here, and most of my friends are hater dupes lol. see sig, last line. Political functional morons, like you. Junk plans caused 500k people WITH INSURANCE to go bankrupt and lose everything every year before ACA.
The bottom line, shit for brains, is that Obamacare is screwing the majority of Americans. I don't benefit from higher premiums and astronomically higher deductibles.
Maybe in you idiot red state. In blue states, we already had good insurance not scams for chumps. And it will only get better.

The only idiot in this is you.

Red State ?

What is that exactly ?

Is Wisconsin red ?
Your backwoods area is lol.

In other words, you are a bigot. Thanks for sharing.

Won't answer the question. Thanks for pointing out that you simply like to crap on your keyboard and see what shows up when you hit send.

You could never define a "scam plan" or a "junk plan" because we'd skewer you with examples that show you are wrong and narrow minded.

Of course.

You make good use of the word dupe ?

Is that your middle name ?
We have more cows than people here, and most of my friends are hater dupes lol. see sig, last line. Political functional morons, like you. Junk plans caused 500k people WITH INSURANCE to go bankrupt and lose everything every year before ACA.
If I had to pay $1200/MO and the pay then pay a $13000 deductible, I would be bankrupt. So how is Obama care any better?
The bottom line, shit for brains, is that Obamacare is screwing the majority of Americans. I don't benefit from higher premiums and astronomically higher deductibles.
Maybe in you idiot red state. In blue states, we already had good insurance not scams for chumps. And it will only get better.

The only idiot in this is you.

Red State ?

What is that exactly ?

Is Wisconsin red ?
Your backwoods area is lol.

In other words, you are a bigot. Thanks for sharing.

Won't answer the question. Thanks for pointing out that you simply like to crap on your keyboard and see what shows up when you hit send.

You could never define a "scam plan" or a "junk plan" because we'd skewer you with examples that show you are wrong and narrow minded.

Of course.

You make good use of the word dupe ?

Is that your middle name ?
We have more cows than people here, and most of my friends are hater dupes lol. see sig, last line. Political functional morons, like you. Junk plans caused 500k people WITH INSURANCE to go bankrupt and lose everything every year before ACA.

Besides having a limited vocabulary, you are liar and an asshole.

ACA is not going to eliminate medical bankruptcies. In fact, it may not lower them at all.......

Will Obamacare end medical bankruptcies Probably not. - The Washington Post

You still don't have an example of a junk plan.

And let's look at medical bankruptcies......average was around 17 grand (a good used sedan) and most often it was just not medical bills.

One way to lower bankruptcies....make it harder. People are getting off to easy.

Like you.

You want to debate...debate.

You want spout bullshit like you always do......don't change a thing.

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