SHOCKING: Did Anyone see Joy Reid defend an LGBTQ book about rape and incest against Mom's For Liberty?

This is absolutely shocking.

Moms for Liberty has a problem with children being exposed to a book about rape and incest, and Joy Reid defends the book saying "Why should YOU get to decide what children should be able to read".

She then aggressively and constantly dissuades the issue while the Moms for Liberty rep continues to ask how rape, dildos, and incest are acceptable in a public school. Joy Reid says its about "context" (Harvard anyone?) and says "I'll answer your question" but then never does and continually interrupts and makes fallicy after fallicy.

You can disagree with people on policy, or even moral issues.. but Joy Reid is truly an evil individual here. She will not denounce a graphic, pornographic book about rape and incest, and instead attacks the people who speak against it and want it out of elementary/high school libraries.

I'm not surprised his link doesn't mention the book's title.
Which doesn't address why you are in this thread deflecting, from the very beginning.

But hey, you ARE a progressive. That's what progressives do.
There's nothing to deflect from. We're mocking the COWARD OP who can't even name the book he's whining is offending his tiny ears.
A vote for DeSanaontonious by the braindead.

ps, the amusing thing is I'd agree the book is not appropriate for a school library, but you're too dishonest to communicate with.
not if there isn’t pornographic, detailed sexual acts being graphically described.
The Bible glorifies the rape, torture, kidnapping and murder of children among other repulsive content.

So you want it banned, right?
Is this Joy Reid’s burner account?
You're Joy Reid?

Trolling us then?
Are you going to refuse to denounce exposing smut to kids now too?
You're the one who wants to ban the Bible, Joy.
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It’s exactly what Reid did throughout the segment I saw.

Golfing must deep down desire for kids to read smut and be sexualized by the state. It’s disgusting and perverted
Will banning the Bible end the rape, torture, kidnapping and murder of children?
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Yeah but never calls it good and warns about it! Oh and YOU certainly don't want kids reading it.
The Bible glorifies the rape, torture, kidnapping and murder of children, and those who commit these deeds.

You approve of this?
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Actually, it doesn't condemn it.

Incest: Abraham was fucking Sarah, who was his half sister. That's when he wasn't pimping her out to Kings to get more goodies.

Human Sacrifice: God clearly endorsed Jephthah's sacrifice of his daughter, because he gave him victories before and after the murder.

Genocide - God not only endorsed genocide of the various people's of Canaan, but he demanded complete genocide of the Amalekites. Saul lost favor because even though he happily killed women and children, for some reason, God was upset he didn't kill the Amalekites' cattle.

Slavery - God is down with slavery. Never calls it bad once in the bible

Cannibalism- God is down with Cannibalism.

And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat. Leviticus 26:29

And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons andof thy daughters. Deuteronomy 28:53

And toward her young one that cometh out from between her feet, and toward her children which she shall bear: for she shall eat them.
Deuteronomy 28:57

I absolutely want kids learning about the Bible, but not in the Sunday School, let's just take the nice passages and Disney them up.

Nope. I want them to see what savages the ancient Hebrews were, so we stop looking to them as a source of morality.
And this is only the tip of the iceberg; far from the worst content.
I put some lube on and got him on his knees, And I began to slide in from him from behind. I pulled out of him and kissed him while he masturbated. He asked me to turn over while he slipped a condom on himself. This was my ass. And I was struggling to imagine someone inside me. He got on top and slowly inserted himself into me. It is the worst pain I think I have ever felt in my life. Eventually I felt a mix of pleasure with the pain.”

Explain why that should be in kid school libraries.

So you feel this book, and the Bible, should be banned.
It’s perverted, disgusting smut in any context.

I’m not sure where your attraction to sexualizing children comes from, but it’s very creepy and disgusting to the rest of us.

Just because you may have perverted impulses doesn’t mean you have to try to normalize it to make yourself feel better.

But wow.. you’d be a bad parent or adult to have your child read this.
I don't agree with you that the Bible should be banned.

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