SHOCKING: Did Anyone see Joy Reid defend an LGBTQ book about rape and incest against Mom's For Liberty?

Oh? What facts are you presenting. Like Reid you have merely deflected from the actual issue.

The fact she is a talking head doing what she is paid to do and what brings her ratings.

I do not know a damn thing about the book they are fighting over as I have never read it and do not have any children that are not adults.
The fact she is a talking head doing what she is paid to do and what brings her ratings.

I do not know a damn thing about the book they are fighting over as I have never read it and do not have any children that are not adults.

Which doesn't address why you are in this thread deflecting, from the very beginning.

But hey, you ARE a progressive. That's what progressives do.
Whatever makes you happy little buddy, I am just glad I was able to give your life a little meaning this morning! :beer:

No, you amuse me. I enjoy bitchslapping your ass.

This is absolutely shocking.

Moms for Liberty has a problem with children being exposed to a book about rape and incest, and Joy Reid defends the book saying "Why should YOU get to decide what children should be able to read".

She then aggressively and constantly dissuades the issue while the Moms for Liberty rep continues to ask how rape, dildos, and incest are acceptable in a public school. Joy Reid says its about "context" (Harvard anyone?) and says "I'll answer your question" but then never does and continually interrupts and makes fallicy after fallicy.

You can disagree with people on policy, or even moral issues.. but Joy Reid is truly an evil individual here. She will not denounce a graphic, pornographic book about rape and incest, and instead attacks the people who speak against it and want it out of elementary/high school libraries.

First both interviewer and interviewee do their part of deflecting premises they don't want to answer. Since it's the interviewee who has to answer questions and the interviewer isn't I have more sympathy for Reed.

Having said that, Reed misses a point about halfway. She says that maybe this speaks to some kids. To which the mom remarks, that that would mean the reader has been abused. (Paraphrasing ) Although that's an iffy assumption, I would ask isn't that a good thing? Maybe it would make the kid feel less alone in his trauma, maybe God forbid will give the courage to speak up.

The point is this. These aren't children's books they're written for teens. Teens who you can't nor should protect from subjects that are uncomfortable.

As a side note. If the point is not to expose a kid to rape and incest, maybe get rid of the bible.

I happen to agree with Joy. And a question the interviewee avoids like the plague. Why is "a mom for liberty" qualified to tell other moms what they're kids can and cannot read?

By the way might not be the best teachers of morality. Moms for Liberty faces growing challenges amid Florida sex scandal
First both interviewer and interviewee do their part of deflecting premises they don't want to answer. Since it's the interviewee who has to answer questions and the interviewer isn't I have more sympathy for Reed.

Having said that, Reed misses a point about halfway. She says that maybe this speaks to some kids. To which the mom remarks, that that would mean the reader has been abused. (Paraphrasing ) Although that's an iffy assumption, I would ask isn't that a good thing? Maybe it would make the kid feel less alone in his trauma, maybe God forbid will give the courage to speak up.

The point is this. These aren't children's books they're written for teens. Teens who you can't nor should protect from subjects that are uncomfortable.

As a side note. If the point is not to expose a kid to rape and incest, maybe get rid of the bible.

I happen to agree with Joy. And a question the interviewee avoids like the plague. Why is "a mom for liberty" qualified to tell other moms what they're kids can and cannot read?

By the way might not be the best teachers of morality. Moms for Liberty faces growing challenges amid Florida sex scandal

No, YOU miss the point. There is no place for sexually explicit material in grade school libraries. That is a tactic of pedophiles called sexualization, and it enables them to rape children.
Yeah but never calls it good and warns about it! Oh and YOU certainly don't want kids reading it.

Actually, it doesn't condemn it.

Incest: Abraham was fucking Sarah, who was his half sister. That's when he wasn't pimping her out to Kings to get more goodies.

Human Sacrifice: God clearly endorsed Jephthah's sacrifice of his daughter, because he gave him victories before and after the murder.

Genocide - God not only endorsed genocide of the various people's of Canaan, but he demanded complete genocide of the Amalekites. Saul lost favor because even though he happily killed women and children, for some reason, God was upset he didn't kill the Amalekites' cattle.

Slavery - God is down with slavery. Never calls it bad once in the bible

Cannibalism- God is down with Cannibalism.

And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat. Leviticus 26:29

And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons andof thy daughters. Deuteronomy 28:53

And toward her young one that cometh out from between her feet, and toward her children which she shall bear: for she shall eat them.
Deuteronomy 28:57

I absolutely want kids learning about the Bible, but not in the Sunday School, let's just take the nice passages and Disney them up.

Nope. I want them to see what savages the ancient Hebrews were, so we stop looking to them as a source of morality.
No, YOU miss the point. There is no place for sexually explicit material in grade school libraries. That is a tactic of pedophiles called sexualization, and it enables them to rape children.
Go right ahead find me anything that supports that premise?

You find the bible in ANY library. Ever read the damn thing?

As I said. It's a book about coming of age of a minority YOU don't like. It deals with subjects you don't like. Like being LGBTQ and the problems that entails.

Saying reading a book sexualizes kids is ridiculous. You guys all act like it takes a book to make teenagers interested in sex and sexuality. Are you guys kidding me?

This whole groomer thing is blatant culture war BS. It marginalizes an already marginalized group of people so you can demonize Democrats.
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Interesting, Joy is arguing for the rights of parents to make decisions concerning their children. Moms for liberty is the usual censorship argument that hides under the pretend concern covers that the sky is falling. My mom was always looking for my books lol but she thought like this MFL person thinks. Life is too complex and trying to control it is often the wrong path and often leads to bad endings.
It was in mine. Of course, the nuns kept us away from the really juicy stuff, like Jephthah chopping up his 12 year old daughter and burning her as a sacrifice to God.
Why are you comparing a religious school with public schools?

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