Shocking moment California cops tackle teens to the ground during massive 200-person brawl caused by two girls 'fist fighting' as mall is shut down

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Another Jane Goodall Classic™, to be sure! Sporting events, fast food restaurants, movie theaters, airports, shopping malls — all made unsafe by these uncivilized people. Scott Adams really needs to be apologized to.

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Another Jane Goodall Classic™, to be sure! Sporting events, fast food restaurants, movie theaters, airports, shopping malls — all made unsafe by these uncivilized people. Scott Adams really needs to be apologized to.


Did they attack your Capitol?
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Another Jane Goodall Classic™, to be sure! Sporting events, fast food restaurants, movie theaters, airports, shopping malls — all made unsafe by these uncivilized people. Scott Adams really needs to be apologized to.

Disgusting, but not surprising in light of who were involved.
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I wonder what they will charge the police with, "disobeying a direct order to stand down"
"interfering with a criminal's right to acquire that which they want but dont need"
Another Jane Goodall Classic™, to be sure! Sporting events, fast food restaurants, movie theaters, airports, shopping malls — all made unsafe by these uncivilized people. Scott Adams really needs to be apologized to.

What did they call it when kids used to spontaneously dance in public places?
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A flash mob (or flashmob) is a group of people that assembles suddenly in a public place, performs for a brief time, then quickly disperses, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and/or artistic expression. Flash mobs may be organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails.
The police chief has commended his officers for the professional manner in which they handled the riot.

Some people suggest that cops get extra pay (combat pay) when forced to deal with certain groups.
Did they attack your Capitol?
Yes you loons did and Clinton pardoned the ones responsible.
Did they attack your Capitol?
The way it seems in all of this violence is that they would have done a thousand times worse to the capitol building than those men and women doing time on trumped of charges.
My local birdcage liner liked to use the expression, "high-spirited yoots," to describe hordes of Black teens making mayhem.

Not that that phenomenon occurred with any regularity.
A flash mob (or flashmob) is a group of people that assembles suddenly in a public place, performs for a brief time, then quickly disperses, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and/or artistic expression. Flash mobs may be organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails.
They rob stores en masse

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