SHOCKING: Moments Ago Joe Scarborough Lied and Claimed Four Policemen Died on Jan 6

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Joe Scarborough is used to lying. Recall Lori Klausutis who was found dead in his Florida office when he was US Rep. Many people didn't believe him then and know better than to believe him now.

[The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) of Washington, DC, web site show the last officer who died in the line of duty was Keith Williams who died on June 4, 2020.]

People begged and pleaded with police to give Boyland CPR, but the police ignored these calls

about 1/4 century ago, a national law was passed that all ere's (emergency response employees) were to be trained in CPR

as such, they are required to perform CPR when needed

Joe Scarborough is used to lying. Recall Lori Klausutis who was found dead in his Florida office when he was US Rep. Many people didn't believe him then and know better than to believe him now.

[The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) of Washington, DC, web site show the last officer who died in the line of duty was Keith Williams who died on June 4, 2020.]

Get used to it,.the electioin is aroiund the corner, you ain't seen notbhing yet. These Useful Idiots would.rsther have WWIII break.out and two millioin dead americans fightjng it over seeing their Party lose an electioin. If we.still.have aany sense in society, surely people.see this. Don't take prescriptions, opinions or advice from these people. On all sides really.
I used to enjoy watching Mr. S. and his female sidekick until they both went berserk after the 2016 election.

Nothing he says today should shock viewers.

After all, he's on MSNBC -- the home of the DNC, as Jay Leno once joked.
People begged and pleaded with police to give Boyland CPR, but the police ignored these calls

about 1/4 century ago, a national law was passed that all ere's (emergency response employees) were to be trained in CPR

as such, they are required to perform CPR when needed

Was it even possible, in the middle of a stampede and riot, if the accusation they begged for is true?
Trump lickspittles can't honestly confront the reality that approximately 1,000 Trump goons have been convicted or pleaded guilty in the assault on outnumbered police at the Capitol on January 6 as the Loser pleasured himself for hours watching them.

The Loser's hatred for America's democratic elections that he loses results in his hatred for America's justice system.

The Loser's fawning lickspittles just grovel and follow.
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Joe Scarborough is used to lying. Recall Lori Klausutis who was found dead in his Florida office when he was US Rep. Many people didn't believe him then and know better than to believe him now.

[The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) of Washington, DC, web site show the last officer who died in the line of duty was Keith Williams who died on June 4, 2020.]

Scarborough was talking about Sicknick and several officers who committed suicide in the days following Jan 6.

Sicknick was a healthy 40 yr old cop who died the day after he was attacked on Jan 6 both by physical beatings and chemical spray

While suicide is not uncommon among police officers that this occurred just after Jan 6 points to the strong possibility that Jan 6 caused it.

How many suicides just before Jan 6 among CP officers?

How many since. But four within days…

So yeah. Joe has a point
Joe Scarborough is used to lying. Recall Lori Klausutis who was found dead in his Florida office when he was US Rep. Many people didn't believe him then and know better than to believe him now.

[The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) of Washington, DC, web site show the last officer who died in the line of duty was Keith Williams who died on June 4, 2020.]

I’m sure he meant “as a result of”. :rolleyes-41:
From the May 29th insurrection at the White House….POTUS was sent to WH bunker by Secret Service. INSURRECTION.


At least 60 Secret Service members injured during protests near White House​

WASHINGTON - More than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C.

The uprisings overflowed from Lafayette Park and continued near the White House on Saturday night and early into Sunday morning. Protesters in the area had taken to the streets since Friday to condemn police brutality.

Some demonstrators repeatedly attempted to knock over security barriers and vandalized six Secret Service vehicles, the agency said in a statement on Sunday.

Related: Protesters start fires near the White House, police fire tear gas into crowd

Protesters threw bricks, rocks, bottles, fireworks and other items at officers and some Secret Service personnel were also "directly physically assaulted as they were kicked, punched and exposed to bodily fluids," the statement added.

How was 5/29 NOT an insurrection and J6 was?
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If you pearl clutch over J6 and ignore 529, you are simply a partisan Democrat. The math is not tough.

Fuck your fake outrage and LIES over J6. You TDS afflicted putas should see a shrink.
Joe Scarborough is used to lying. Recall Lori Klausutis who was found dead in his Florida office when he was US Rep. Many people didn't believe him then and know better than to believe him now.

[The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) of Washington, DC, web site show the last officer who died in the line of duty was Keith Williams who died on June 4, 2020.]

Didn't Joe pretend to be a Republican?
Scarborough was talking about Sicknick and several officers who committed suicide in the days following Jan 6.

Sicknick was a healthy 40 yr old cop who died the day after he was attacked on Jan 6 both by physical beatings and chemical spray

While suicide is not uncommon among police officers that this occurred just after Jan 6 points to the strong possibility that Jan 6 caused it.

How many suicides just before Jan 6 among CP officers?

How many since. But four within days…

So yeah. Joe has a point
Sicknick died of a stroke you lying scum piece of fucking shit.

But, you're a dimocrap. The lowest form of life on Earth

Yea a healthy LEO died of a stroke at 40 the day after being attacked on Jan 6

He was beaten and sprayed with chemicals. Couldn’t be related at all right?

People of all ages, ALL AGES, die from strokes. ALL THE TIME.

You're a lying piece of shit. And stupid. And a scumbag.

It's not that you pull this shit once in a while, your entire existence in here is based on lying. All lies, all the time.

dimocraps are scum
We almost lost our Democracy on 529.

Isnt it weird the Biden cult never says anything about 529, the President being sent to a bunker, and over 60 secret service agents injured.

Weird, huh?

You people called Trump BUNKER BOY to make fun of him for following Secret Service directions.

Weird you do not make fun of elected officials on J6 who felt threatened.

Why is that? Is it because you are simply partisan and tribal lying bags of garbage?

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