Shocking News from the World of Feminism: Men Won’t Hire Females


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
All is proceeding as foretold.

Human resources study shows a stunning unintended backlash to the ‘Me Too’ movement.

“There were men who specifically said I will not hire a woman going forward,” he explained.

“Those who said they would hire a woman said they would not travel with one, and they, more importantly they would not engage in activities after business hours,” Taylor added.

“And you know oftentimes, that’s when the relationships are built,” he continued, “after hours dinners with clients, et cetera, trips, I’m a lawyer for example, and you know, you’re the associate, and the partner won’t travel with you for fear that it could be perceived, or he could be subject to a sexual harassment claim.”
Where I work (an auto assembly plant), we have over 1500 employees. We have about 35% of them are women. Then we have the staff (managers, leaders, etc.); which consists of 20 of 50 of them are women. We even have a woman General Manager. And she was hired by a male Corporate manager.

Although, the place is promptly men; women here are able to run their jobs with efficiency and knowledge.

Whoever says a woman can't do a man's job are not only risible; but vacuous. I have seen many women in my day; that can do much better in a man's world.

Tbh, those days where a woman is stuck in the kitchen are over. Way over.
Where I work (an auto assembly plant), we have over 1500 employees. We have about 35% of them are women. Then we have the staff (managers, leaders, etc.); which consists of 20 of 50 of them are women. We even have a woman General Manager.

Although, the place is promptly men; women here are able to run their jobs with efficiency and knowledge.

Whoever says a woman can't do a man's job are not only risible; but vacuous. I have seen many women in my day; that can do much better in a man's world.

Tbh, those days where a woman is stuck in the kitchen are over. Way over.
It’s nothing about ability of the job, it’s about ability to destroy your career with a simple accusation.
Where I work (an auto assembly plant), we have over 1500 employees. We have about 35% of them are women. Then we have the staff (managers, leaders, etc.); which consists of 20 of 50 of them are women. We even have a woman General Manager. And she was hired by a male Corporate manager.

Although, the place is promptly men; women here are able to run their jobs with efficiency and knowledge.

Whoever says a woman can't do a man's job are not only risible; but vacuous. I have seen many women in my day; that can do much better in a man's world.

Tbh, those days where a woman is stuck in the kitchen are over. Way over.
It's not about ability.

It is about the threat of false accusations
Where I work (an auto assembly plant), we have over 1500 employees. We have about 35% of them are women. Then we have the staff (managers, leaders, etc.); which consists of 20 of 50 of them are women. We even have a woman General Manager.

Although, the place is promptly men; women here are able to run their jobs with efficiency and knowledge.

Whoever says a woman can't do a man's job are not only risible; but vacuous. I have seen many women in my day; that can do much better in a man's world.

Tbh, those days where a woman is stuck in the kitchen are over. Way over.
It’s nothing about ability of the job, it’s sbout ability to destroy your career with a simple accusation.

I stand corrected.

As far as I know, no women in our workplace has been harassed by men. I am not saying, it doesn't happen. I am just saying, maybe some women still live under a "cloud of suspicion". Or they have not yet come forward.
Where I work (an auto assembly plant), we have over 1500 employees. We have about 35% of them are women. Then we have the staff (managers, leaders, etc.); which consists of 20 of 50 of them are women. We even have a woman General Manager. And she was hired by a male Corporate manager.

Although, the place is promptly men; women here are able to run their jobs with efficiency and knowledge.

Whoever says a woman can't do a man's job are not only risible; but vacuous. I have seen many women in my day; that can do much better in a man's world.

Tbh, those days where a woman is stuck in the kitchen are over. Way over.
It's not about ability.

It is about the threat of false accusations

Yes, and thank you! I just commented again.
Where I work (an auto assembly plant), we have over 1500 employees. We have about 35% of them are women. Then we have the staff (managers, leaders, etc.); which consists of 20 of 50 of them are women. We even have a woman General Manager.

Although, the place is promptly men; women here are able to run their jobs with efficiency and knowledge.

Whoever says a woman can't do a man's job are not only risible; but vacuous. I have seen many women in my day; that can do much better in a man's world.

Tbh, those days where a woman is stuck in the kitchen are over. Way over.
The point is not that a woman can not do any job. The point is that too many are worried that if you have dinner with a woman coworker it could be misconstrued. If you have drinks with others and one or more happens to be a woman accusations could be made.

I can see why traveling with a woman where you might be alone for a period of time could be a bit of a concern to any man. There have been a number of false accusations. Who is to say it could not happen to you.
All is proceeding as foretold.

Human resources study shows a stunning unintended backlash to the ‘Me Too’ movement.

“There were men who specifically said I will not hire a woman going forward,” he explained.

“Those who said they would hire a woman said they would not travel with one, and they, more importantly they would not engage in activities after business hours,” Taylor added.

“And you know oftentimes, that’s when the relationships are built,” he continued, “after hours dinners with clients, et cetera, trips, I’m a lawyer for example, and you know, you’re the associate, and the partner won’t travel with you for fear that it could be perceived, or he could be subject to a sexual harassment claim.”

I can understand the reluctance now. Go to your employer and tell them another man grabbed your ass, a few questions might be asked. But go to your employer as a woman and accuse a guy you're competing against or don't like of grabbing you and though there might be nothing to it, after some polite interviews, you will be asked to leave, for the good of the company to avoid bad image. A Supreme Court Justice almost had his life's career ruined and in fact had his public image soiled just on the word of a woman whom everyone admits, her story was a bit crazy, untenable and without a single supporting fact, even after going the extra mile of trying to help her prove it.
Where I work (an auto assembly plant), we have over 1500 employees. We have about 35% of them are women. Then we have the staff (managers, leaders, etc.); which consists of 20 of 50 of them are women. We even have a woman General Manager. And she was hired by a male Corporate manager.

Although, the place is promptly men; women here are able to run their jobs with efficiency and knowledge.

Whoever says a woman can't do a man's job are not only risible; but vacuous. I have seen many women in my day; that can do much better in a man's world.

Tbh, those days where a woman is stuck in the kitchen are over. Way over.

No one is saying they can't do the job.

Men are now thinking they don't want to hire them, particularly at the executive level, for fear of being falsely accused of sexual assault by some ambitious woman.
All is proceeding as foretold.

Human resources study shows a stunning unintended backlash to the ‘Me Too’ movement.

“There were men who specifically said I will not hire a woman going forward,” he explained.

“Those who said they would hire a woman said they would not travel with one, and they, more importantly they would not engage in activities after business hours,” Taylor added.

“And you know oftentimes, that’s when the relationships are built,” he continued, “after hours dinners with clients, et cetera, trips, I’m a lawyer for example, and you know, you’re the associate, and the partner won’t travel with you for fear that it could be perceived, or he could be subject to a sexual harassment claim.”

I can understand the reluctance now. Go to your employer and tell them another man grabbed your ass, a few questions might be asked. But go to your employer as a woman and accuse a guy you're competing against or don't like of grabbing you and though there might be nothing to it, after some polite interviews, you will be asked to leave, for the good of the company to avoid bad image. A Supreme Court Justice almost had his life's career ruined and in fact had his public image soiled just on the word of a woman whom everyone admits, her story was a bit crazy, untenable and without a single supporting fact, even after going the extra mile of trying to help her prove it.
Yep. And the Left mock Pence for his never being alone with another woman not his wife.
All is proceeding as foretold.

Human resources study shows a stunning unintended backlash to the ‘Me Too’ movement.

“There were men who specifically said I will not hire a woman going forward,” he explained.

“Those who said they would hire a woman said they would not travel with one, and they, more importantly they would not engage in activities after business hours,” Taylor added.

“And you know oftentimes, that’s when the relationships are built,” he continued, “after hours dinners with clients, et cetera, trips, I’m a lawyer for example, and you know, you’re the associate, and the partner won’t travel with you for fear that it could be perceived, or he could be subject to a sexual harassment claim.”

I can understand the reluctance now. Go to your employer and tell them another man grabbed your ass, a few questions might be asked. But go to your employer as a woman and accuse a guy you're competing against or don't like of grabbing you and though there might be nothing to it, after some polite interviews, you will be asked to leave, for the good of the company to avoid bad image. A Supreme Court Justice almost had his life's career ruined and in fact had his public image soiled just on the word of a woman whom everyone admits, her story was a bit crazy, untenable and without a single supporting fact, even after going the extra mile of trying to help her prove it.

Larry Elder the radio host had that happen to him. He had a law practice that specialized in Head Hunting lawyers for corporations....a woman who worked for him left, but was under a non competition agreement....her lawyer contacted Elder and told him if he didn't release her from the non competition document she was going to accuse him of sexual harrassment.....unfortunately for her, Elder was more than ready to deal with the accusation and it didn't go anywhere...
Where I work (an auto assembly plant), we have over 1500 employees. We have about 35% of them are women. Then we have the staff (managers, leaders, etc.); which consists of 20 of 50 of them are women. We even have a woman General Manager. And she was hired by a male Corporate manager.

Although, the place is promptly men; women here are able to run their jobs with efficiency and knowledge.

Whoever says a woman can't do a man's job are not only risible; but vacuous. I have seen many women in my day; that can do much better in a man's world.

Tbh, those days where a woman is stuck in the kitchen are over. Way over.
Big deal we have known that for a long time. They don't make good cops most of the time. Some have the aggressiveness but not the size, some men also.
They use this fake as bs statistic numbers because the sell it as " women aren't hired" or they are paid lower blah blah, mean while the real reasons women are in the short bus line is because
1. Many stay at home with their kids / some until school age some their first year etc. So that changes the numbers right there.

2. Many women have no interest in jobs that are mainly male jobs, that makes the numbers lower

That's only two for now there are a few other reasons, but I can't think of them at the moment lol.

All is proceeding as foretold.

Human resources study shows a stunning unintended backlash to the ‘Me Too’ movement.

“There were men who specifically said I will not hire a woman going forward,” he explained.

“Those who said they would hire a woman said they would not travel with one, and they, more importantly they would not engage in activities after business hours,” Taylor added.

“And you know oftentimes, that’s when the relationships are built,” he continued, “after hours dinners with clients, et cetera, trips, I’m a lawyer for example, and you know, you’re the associate, and the partner won’t travel with you for fear that it could be perceived, or he could be subject to a sexual harassment claim.”

I can understand the reluctance now. Go to your employer and tell them another man grabbed your ass, a few questions might be asked. But go to your employer as a woman and accuse a guy you're competing against or don't like of grabbing you and though there might be nothing to it, after some polite interviews, you will be asked to leave, for the good of the company to avoid bad image. A Supreme Court Justice almost had his life's career ruined and in fact had his public image soiled just on the word of a woman whom everyone admits, her story was a bit crazy, untenable and without a single supporting fact, even after going the extra mile of trying to help her prove it.

Sure. It's pretty obvious. Once you start giving women the power with the assumption of "Why would they lie?" and believe attack is such a personal trauma for them (because it can be in some cases, though guys are attacked all the time and usually don't suffer so) that dramatic things can happen just on their accusal alone, some women thus empowered are going to find it a too-temping sword of power not to wield for personal gain. Which is why with accusation MUST COME PROOF, or at least strong supporting evidence on which to base decisions such as ending a man's career and livelihood!

To do less is to say that we are so biased against guys as to assume they are guilty at the start and deserve it, and that men have gotten away with it in the past for so long that now it is time to "get even" regardless of who you hurt.
All is proceeding as foretold.

Human resources study shows a stunning unintended backlash to the ‘Me Too’ movement.

“There were men who specifically said I will not hire a woman going forward,” he explained.

“Those who said they would hire a woman said they would not travel with one, and they, more importantly they would not engage in activities after business hours,” Taylor added.

“And you know oftentimes, that’s when the relationships are built,” he continued, “after hours dinners with clients, et cetera, trips, I’m a lawyer for example, and you know, you’re the associate, and the partner won’t travel with you for fear that it could be perceived, or he could be subject to a sexual harassment claim.”

I can understand the reluctance now. Go to your employer and tell them another man grabbed your ass, a few questions might be asked. But go to your employer as a woman and accuse a guy you're competing against or don't like of grabbing you and though there might be nothing to it, after some polite interviews, you will be asked to leave, for the good of the company to avoid bad image. A Supreme Court Justice almost had his life's career ruined and in fact had his public image soiled just on the word of a woman whom everyone admits, her story was a bit crazy, untenable and without a single supporting fact, even after going the extra mile of trying to help her prove it.
Yep. And the Left mock Pence for his never being alone with another woman not his wife.
Yes. He refuses to let himself be lied about so the left calls him a pervert.
Even before this, a woman worked in the same department as my son. None of the men even spoke to her alone. They always took a witness or two. They never asked her to go to lunch. She eventually quit. Men have been starting to protect themselves for a while now.
I had a female employee claim that another male employee sexually assaulted her when they went out on a date outside of work. We called law enforcement and they wanted her to give a statement, rape kit, etc. She said "No I just want him fired." Which is basically all she wanted, I found out later she was after his job. I did not fire him and I did not fire her in which management and HR concurred. She continued to work there under a new boss in another dept. She claimed sexual harassment there to.... on another male. Yes, those women exist.

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