"Shocking" Poll finds Lying Lizzy Cheekbones leads St. Hillary the Inevitable

When you read the YouGov memorandum, you find this gem:

The results show that, after likely caucus goers and primary voters learn about ElizabethWarren’s biography and issue positions, not only do a stunning 79% say they want her torun, but, in both states, Warren ends up leading all other potential Democratic candidatesin a head-to-head ballot question.

Folks, this is a classic push poll. It was paid for by Moore-On.org, so that should not be surprising.

What is a push poll?

I'll give you an example:

Q: If it was discovered that Hillary Clinton throws puppies into rush hour traffic, and Elizabeth Warren cures cancer patients with the laying on of hands, who would you be more likely to vote for?

Read the memo here: New Polls in IA and NH Show Big Opening for Elizabeth Warren

You can see they front-loaded the rubes with Warren-friendly propaganda.
Gee that never happens.
It happens all the time, on the Left and Right. Push polls are a favorite campaign tactic.

The point is, the OP's conclusions about Hillary Clinton's chances based on this push poll are flawed. But what does one expect from a poster who thinks making a caricature of someone's name is the height of wit?
When you read the YouGov memorandum, you find this gem:

The results show that, after likely caucus goers and primary voters learn about ElizabethWarren’s biography and issue positions, not only do a stunning 79% say they want her torun, but, in both states, Warren ends up leading all other potential Democratic candidatesin a head-to-head ballot question.

Folks, this is a classic push poll. It was paid for by Moore-On.org, so that should not be surprising.

What is a push poll?

I'll give you an example:

Q: If it was discovered that Hillary Clinton throws puppies into rush hour traffic, and Elizabeth Warren cures cancer patients with the laying on of hands, who would you be more likely to vote for?

Read the memo here: New Polls in IA and NH Show Big Opening for Elizabeth Warren

You can see they front-loaded the rubes with Warren-friendly propaganda.
Gee that never happens.
It happens all the time, on the Left and Right. Push polls are a favorite campaign tactic.

The point is, the OP's conclusions about Hillary Clinton's chances based on this push poll are flawed.
They're not entirely based on this poll. And the poll was created for a reason. No one can deny there is a huge move to draft Fauxcohontas to run She plays really well to the same Ivy League coasters that went ape shit for Obama.
They're not entirely based on this poll. And the poll was created for a reason.

And that reason is to create a false sense of Warren's popularity by zealots who want her to run.

That is the entire purpose of push polls. To get the rube herd to move in a specific direction, not to observe where they are going.

The published results of such polls are pure propaganda not to be taken with even a grain of salt.
They're not entirely based on this poll. And the poll was created for a reason.

And that reason is to create a false sense of Warren's popularity by zealots who want her to run.

That is the entire purpose of push polls. To get the rube herd to move in a specific direction, not to observe where they are going.

The published results of such polls are pure propaganda not to be taken with even a grain of salt.
But they indicate support somewhere. N Ot the results, the fact that someone paid to commission the poll to begin with.
As I've been saying for quite sometime now, Hillary will not be the Dem nominee in 2016. She's older than Methuselah, has more baggage than JFK and LGA combined and her vote for Iraq War and absence from the Daily Prog 2 Minute Hate on the Rich makes her a "Conservative" by modern Democrat (Communist) standards.

She's not getting the nomination

Shock poll Warren leads Clinton in Iowa N.H. WashingtonExaminer.com

"Populist groups cheering "Run Warren Run," today released 2016 election polls from Iowa and New Hampshire showing Sen. Elizabeth Warren ahead of dominant Democrat Hillary Clinton.

The YouGov poll of likely Democratic voters for MoveOn.org and Democracy for America also found that 79 percent want Warren and majorities support her anti-Wall Street positions.

Warren has said she doesn't plan to challenge Clinton, though several others have indicated that they are looking at a bid, including Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt"

Oh, did I mention that St. Hillary the Inevitable's husband took repeated trips to his friend Epstein's Lolita Island where 16 sex slaves were kept?

Lol, you get my vote for best thread title of the year so far.
They're not entirely based on this poll. And the poll was created for a reason.

And that reason is to create a false sense of Warren's popularity by zealots who want her to run.

That is the entire purpose of push polls. To get the rube herd to move in a specific direction, not to observe where they are going.

The published results of such polls are pure propaganda not to be taken with even a grain of salt.
But they indicate support somewhere. N Ot the results, the fact that someone paid to commission the poll to begin with.
Push polls indicate support by the people who paid for the poll, nothing more.

It only takes one person to pay for a poll.

So this "shocking" poll is as utterly meaningless as it gets. Pure, unadulterated propaganda. Only a fool would draw any conclusions from it.
Lol, you get my vote for best thread title of the year so far.
Yes, it takes a comic genius to make fun of someone's name. Those indian jokes just never get tired. And yet he was somehow outsmarted by a pile of bullshit.

Clinton must be terrified by intellectual heavyweights like you guys.
They're not entirely based on this poll. And the poll was created for a reason.

And that reason is to create a false sense of Warren's popularity by zealots who want her to run.

That is the entire purpose of push polls. To get the rube herd to move in a specific direction, not to observe where they are going.

The published results of such polls are pure propaganda not to be taken with even a grain of salt.
But they indicate support somewhere. N Ot the results, the fact that someone paid to commission the poll to begin with.
Push polls indicate support by the people who paid for the poll, nothing more.

It only takes one person to pay for a poll.

So this "shocking" poll is as utterly meaningless as it gets. Pure, unadulterated propaganda. Only a fool would draw any conclusions from it.
The conclusion is lots of people want Warren to run. I'll bet she will.
When you read the YouGov memorandum, you find this gem:

The results show that, after likely caucus goers and primary voters learn about ElizabethWarren’s biography and issue positions, not only do a stunning 79% say they want her torun, but, in both states, Warren ends up leading all other potential Democratic candidatesin a head-to-head ballot question.

Folks, this is a classic push poll. It was paid for by Moore-On.org, so that should not be surprising.

What is a push poll?

I'll give you an example:

Q: If it was discovered that Hillary Clinton throws puppies into rush hour traffic, and Elizabeth Warren cures cancer patients with the laying on of hands, who would you be more likely to vote for?

Read the memo here: New Polls in IA and NH Show Big Opening for Elizabeth Warren

You can see they front-loaded the rubes with Warren-friendly propaganda.
Gee that never happens.
It happens all the time, on the Left and Right. Push polls are a favorite campaign tactic.

The point is, the OP's conclusions about Hillary Clinton's chances based on this push poll are flawed. But what does one expect from a poster who thinks making a caricature of someone's name is the height of wit?

Didn't the GOP equivalent show that Ron Paul was going to win in 2008?
They're not entirely based on this poll. And the poll was created for a reason.

And that reason is to create a false sense of Warren's popularity by zealots who want her to run.

That is the entire purpose of push polls. To get the rube herd to move in a specific direction, not to observe where they are going.

The published results of such polls are pure propaganda not to be taken with even a grain of salt.
But they indicate support somewhere. N Ot the results, the fact that someone paid to commission the poll to begin with.
Push polls indicate support by the people who paid for the poll, nothing more.

It only takes one person to pay for a poll.

So this "shocking" poll is as utterly meaningless as it gets. Pure, unadulterated propaganda. Only a fool would draw any conclusions from it.
The conclusion is lots of people want Warren to run. I'll bet she will.
The conclusion is those who paid for the poll want Warren to run, and will use dishonest tactics to promote her.
Fauxahontas' rising profile is an indicator of the battle royale underway between the Clintons and the Obamas.

Obama's worst fear is that Hillary is elected and has a successful Presidency (if she listens to Bubbah and works with the Republicans in Congress). Bill's a moderate. Obama doesn't want a moderate agenda to supplant his Prog one.
They're not entirely based on this poll. And the poll was created for a reason.

And that reason is to create a false sense of Warren's popularity by zealots who want her to run.

That is the entire purpose of push polls. To get the rube herd to move in a specific direction, not to observe where they are going.

The published results of such polls are pure propaganda not to be taken with even a grain of salt.
But they indicate support somewhere. N Ot the results, the fact that someone paid to commission the poll to begin with.
Push polls indicate support by the people who paid for the poll, nothing more.

It only takes one person to pay for a poll.

So this "shocking" poll is as utterly meaningless as it gets. Pure, unadulterated propaganda. Only a fool would draw any conclusions from it.
The conclusion is lots of people want Warren to run. I'll bet she will.
The conclusion is those who paid for the poll want Warren to run, and will use dishonest tactics to promote her.
As opposed to Hillary?
Clinton hasn't a chance... remember? She was almost appointed POTUS before the nominations were even held.. then the far left wackaloon brigade threw her under the bus in lieu of the current dud who aside from showing an uncanny knack for self promotion, hadn't done shit in his entre life other than hang out in the faculty lounge. Warren? why not... she'll loose.
When you read the YouGov memorandum, you find this gem:

The results show that, after likely caucus goers and primary voters learn about ElizabethWarren’s biography and issue positions, not only do a stunning 79% say they want her torun, but, in both states, Warren ends up leading all other potential Democratic candidatesin a head-to-head ballot question.

Folks, this is a classic push poll. It was paid for by Moore-On.org, so that should not be surprising.

What is a push poll?

I'll give you an example:

Q: If it was discovered that Hillary Clinton throws puppies into rush hour traffic, and Elizabeth Warren cures cancer patients with the laying on of hands, who would you be more likely to vote for?

Read the memo here: New Polls in IA and NH Show Big Opening for Elizabeth Warren

You can see they front-loaded the rubes with Warren-friendly propaganda.
Gee that never happens.
It happens all the time, on the Left and Right. Push polls are a favorite campaign tactic.

The point is, the OP's conclusions about Hillary Clinton's chances based on this push poll are flawed. But what does one expect from a poster who thinks making a caricature of someone's name is the height of wit?

Sucks when English isn't your first language.

Not sure how you read the OP and came away with the idea that this poll somehow retroactively made me think Hillary wasn't getting the nomination
Lol, you get my vote for best thread title of the year so far.
Yes, it takes a comic genius to make fun of someone's name. Those indian jokes just never get tired. And yet he was somehow outsmarted by a pile of bullshit.

Clinton must be terrified by intellectual heavyweights like you guys.

^ Hates wimmen

Injuns too
And that reason is to create a false sense of Warren's popularity by zealots who want her to run.

That is the entire purpose of push polls. To get the rube herd to move in a specific direction, not to observe where they are going.

The published results of such polls are pure propaganda not to be taken with even a grain of salt.
But they indicate support somewhere. N Ot the results, the fact that someone paid to commission the poll to begin with.
Push polls indicate support by the people who paid for the poll, nothing more.

It only takes one person to pay for a poll.

So this "shocking" poll is as utterly meaningless as it gets. Pure, unadulterated propaganda. Only a fool would draw any conclusions from it.
The conclusion is lots of people want Warren to run. I'll bet she will.
The conclusion is those who paid for the poll want Warren to run, and will use dishonest tactics to promote her.
As opposed to Hillary?
I have little doubt every 2016 candidate will be backed by over zealous supporters who will conduct their own push polls.

Bush supporters got particularly ugly with their push polls in South Carolina against John McCain.

It's part of the political landscape. The trick is to not be such a rube as to be taken in by them.

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