Shocking! Violent Thugs destroy public property in Denver

I love the double standard on display here.

What double standard? Both events aren't the same. It's not apples and oranges. It's more like red apples vs green apples.

Crowd disorder and rioting isn't just for white sports fans in America. International soccer events see it too. Major concerts see it.

Comparing white fans rioting after a sports game to a Ferguson riot isn't the same. It's more comparable to the violence you might see after a huge rap concert or event like Freaknik. Violence that comes out of an intoxicated crowd in a celebratory mood....which turns negative. Tactically that's far different than one that comes from a hostile, angry but sober crowd which is usually politically motivated. Like the anti immigrant Nazi movement that's growing in Europe right now. That's not the same as, say, a riot after a Manchester U game.

You were in the military. Though you'd grasp that. That a skirmish may look the same....but they're often very different based on what caused them and what the motive is. Anyone with any background in human conflict knows that silly.

They're both morally wrong. But to say they are the same is ignorant.
Breaking news the stupidity level is on the rise and reaching dangerous levels.
"Comparing white fans rioting after a sports game to a Ferguson riot isn't the same."

In a way, I sort of disagree, BOTH feel they have an excuse to riot, that they have a RIGHT to riot, destroy property, and act like animals. NO, YOU DON'T - not for ANY reason!

Whether it's the fact that your team won some stupid championship or YOU feel someone has done you wrong. There are alternate avenues to express yourself and alternate methods to register your protest without engaging in violence, inflicting the consequences/results of your perceived right to So onto innocent people.

I would have used a bean bag to shoot some asshole from off the top of a police car while he celebrates his team's win just as fast as I would someone on top of the car protesting some individual being shot and killed by the cops. I would lock your ass up for breaking a storefront window just as fast for either reason. I would put you in jail for setting fire to a business just as fast for either reason.

You may NOT lose your damn mind and inflict damage - even if YOU think you are justified in doing it - for any reason! PERIOD! We have to stop declaring their are different rules for the same crime under different circumstances. THE LAW IS THE LAW - OBEY THE DAMN LAW...ENFORCE THE DAMN LAW...EQUALLY.
this HTML class. Value is https://m.facebook.c

12 arrested...Thugs, Animals. Oh wait, we only use those terms for minorities who protest and object to oppression and abuse. As you were...

PC police strikes again!
a thug is a thug is a thug, no matter the color of one's skin. It is only the left who draw conclusions based on color. thumbs down on a stupid attempt to be funny. Stupid fk.
"Comparing white fans rioting after a sports game to a Ferguson riot isn't the same."

In a way, I sort of disagree, BOTH feel they have an excuse to riot, that they have a RIGHT to riot, destroy property, and act like animals. NO, YOU DON'T - not for ANY reason!

Whether it's the fact that your team won some stupid championship or YOU feel someone has done you wrong. There are alternate avenues to express yourself and alternate methods to register your protest without engaging in violence, inflicting the consequences/results of your perceived right to So onto innocent people.

I would have used a bean bag to shoot some asshole from off the top of a police car while he celebrates his team's win just as fast as I would someone on top of the car protesting some individual being shot and killed by the cops. I would lock your ass up for breaking a storefront window just as fast for either reason. I would put you in jail for setting fire to a business just as fast for either reason.

You may NOT lose your damn mind and inflict damage - even if YOU think you are justified in doing it - for any reason! PERIOD! We have to stop declaring their are different rules for the same crime under different circumstances. THE LAW IS THE LAW - OBEY THE DAMN LAW...ENFORCE THE DAMN LAW...EQUALLY.
a thug is a thug no matter the color or reason.
"Comparing white fans rioting after a sports game to a Ferguson riot isn't the same."

In a way, I sort of disagree, BOTH feel they have an excuse to riot, that they have a RIGHT to riot, destroy property, and act like animals. NO, YOU DON'T - not for ANY reason!

Whether it's the fact that your team won some stupid championship or YOU feel someone has done you wrong. There are alternate avenues to express yourself and alternate methods to register your protest without engaging in violence, inflicting the consequences/results of your perceived right to So onto innocent people.

I would have used a bean bag to shoot some asshole from off the top of a police car while he celebrates his team's win just as fast as I would someone on top of the car protesting some individual being shot and killed by the cops. I would lock your ass up for breaking a storefront window just as fast for either reason. I would put you in jail for setting fire to a business just as fast for either reason.

You may NOT lose your damn mind and inflict damage - even if YOU think you are justified in doing it - for any reason! PERIOD! We have to stop declaring their are different rules for the same crime under different circumstances. THE LAW IS THE LAW - OBEY THE DAMN LAW...ENFORCE THE DAMN LAW...EQUALLY.

Oh yes I agree. I think the OP point is how we react and comment on them. A comparison might be....a 21 year old girl celebrating her birthday who gets wasted and has sex with 2 different guys in one night just...because. Stupid dumb intoxicated youth. But a 30 year old woman....sober....who sleeps with 2 guys in 1 day just because she's mad at her fiancee and wants to piss him off? Thats a whore.

Same actions. Far different circumstances. BOTH ARE WRONG. But society sees them different. Different shades of wrong. As i said...not apples vs oranges. Green apples vs red apples.
I love the double standard on display here.

What double standard? Both events aren't the same. It's not apples and oranges. It's more like red apples vs green apples.

Crowd disorder and rioting isn't just for white sports fans in America. International soccer events see it too. Major concerts see it.

Comparing white fans rioting after a sports game to a Ferguson riot isn't the same. It's more comparable to the violence you might see after a huge rap concert or event like Freaknik. Violence that comes out of an intoxicated crowd in a celebratory mood....which turns negative. Tactically that's far different than one that comes from a hostile, angry but sober crowd which is usually politically motivated. Like the anti immigrant Nazi movement that's growing in Europe right now. That's not the same as, say, a riot after a Manchester U game.

You were in the military. Though you'd grasp that. That a skirmish may look the same....but they're often very different based on what caused them and what the motive is. Anyone with any background in human conflict knows that silly.

They're both morally wrong. But to say they are the same is ignorant.
Right....I'm loving your double standard.
I love the double standard on display here.

What double standard? Both events aren't the same. It's not apples and oranges. It's more like red apples vs green apples.

Crowd disorder and rioting isn't just for white sports fans in America. International soccer events see it too. Major concerts see it.

Comparing white fans rioting after a sports game to a Ferguson riot isn't the same. It's more comparable to the violence you might see after a huge rap concert or event like Freaknik. Violence that comes out of an intoxicated crowd in a celebratory mood....which turns negative. Tactically that's far different than one that comes from a hostile, angry but sober crowd which is usually politically motivated. Like the anti immigrant Nazi movement that's growing in Europe right now. That's not the same as, say, a riot after a Manchester U game.

You were in the military. Though you'd grasp that. That a skirmish may look the same....but they're often very different based on what caused them and what the motive is. Anyone with any background in human conflict knows that silly.

They're both morally wrong. But to say they are the same is ignorant.
Right....I'm loving your double standard.

Explain. I gave examples of mine.

A riot at a rap concert isn't the same as a riot like Ferguson. I see those as different.

A double standard is different rules for EXACTLY the same thing. America you're probably a 3 or 4. In Afghanistan you'd be a solid 5.5. That's a double standard. But judging how you look in a prom dress vs a Halloween costume is not the same thing.
A riot at a rap concert isn't the same as a riot like Ferguson. I see those as different.
In Ferguson the "riot" was over abusive Government behavior ...these whites are rioting because of their Hooligan culture of entitlement
Blacks are much better at rioting then whites
whites are great at oppressing folks until they can't take it anymore...then when those folks protest accuse them of being bad people because of their skin color
A riot at a rap concert isn't the same as a riot like Ferguson. I see those as different.
In Ferguson the "riot" was over abusive Government behavior ...these whites are rioting because of their Hooligan culture of entitlement

Yes that's my point.

A drunken, happy celebratory event....where a small segment turns not the same as a sober, angry group usually motivated by political events.

Football win riot. Rap concert riot. Soccer riots. Heavy metal concert riot. Freaknik riots. Those are one type.

Baltimore and Ferguson #BLM riots. European right wing anti immigration riots. Seattle style white anarchist riots. Another type.

Can you not see the difference????
A riot at a rap concert isn't the same as a riot like Ferguson. I see those as different.
In Ferguson the "riot" was over abusive Government behavior ...these whites are rioting because of their Hooligan culture of entitlement
yeah the death of thug who beat up a store owner and a cop and resisted arrest. Yeah, that abusive.But you're probably ok with the old white fart in Oregon who got shot right? Are you that kind of hypocrite?
Apparently the OP has forgotten about the riots in Detroit and Chicago when they Pistons and Bulls won the NBA.

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