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Shogun: A question

Sure, Arabs can call themselves whatever they want to call themselves. Jews used to call themselves Palestinians...J. Post used to be called the Palestinian Post. The non-Jewish Europeans used to refer to the European Jews as Palestinians.

You really should pick up a book once in a while, Soggy. Perhaps you wouldn't sound like the moron you are.

The people that refer to themselves as Palestinians now are for the most part of Arabic background.

IIRC, Palestinian is a corruption of Philistine which referred to the Sea People...stateless raiders along the coastal areas of the middle-East.

There was no state called Palestine, there was a region called Palestine historically...which included a mixture of ethnic and religious backgrounds. The current bunch that calls themselves Palestinians have no more claim on Israel than anyone else does...less in fact, since Israel was GIVEN to the Jews as the spoils of war.

And you really should put DOWN the deep fried food once in a while, ravir... it's fucking with your brain.

Regardless of what nomenclature you want to use in order to disregard them the FACT remains that there was a muslim people ON THE LAND before jews came in and decided to re-canaanize the land. There really is no way around this. Sure, sure.. you can invalidate whatever you want to with laughable vocabulary but, hey, that is the kind of thing racists hellbent on their own manifest destiny resrt to.

I've posted historic maps of palestine. There really is no way around this either. You can deny it all you want... but you come off sounding about as bright as a holocaust denier.

But hey, if YOU have evidence other than bbq sauce on your lips and the funk of grease on your clothes then whip that shit out. IM WAITING.
Muslim? Who cares...that isn't what the Arabs are claiming themselves as...they are claiming they are the only ethnic group with a claim to the land. They are incorrect.

OOOOH! A Map! Even better, a historic map based on legend and drawn 1,000 years later. That proves exactly what? Certainly not that Jews weren't also living on that land at the time.

Why don't you go over there and take them some uniforms so they can settle the issue fair and square for the millionth time. Oh, wait...they're cowards, I keep forgetting.

Who cares? Apparerntly THEY do, jabba. Indeed, they ARE called palestinians. news Flash in the event that you've not peaked outside a mcdonalds since ray crock opened the first store.

Hell, nothing says INCORRECT like a population self identifying as palis! Just ask some fat bitch from America! Her major may have been BBQ sauce but she minored in Kosher Dick Sucking!

Indeed, a map... which, to date, is more evidence than you've mustered... now, I said MUSTERED, not MUSTARD... .DOWN, girl... DOWN.. Actually, fat girl, what it proves is that there was a dominant muslim population on the land prior to the creation of israel; WHICH IS THE ENTIRE PREMISE OF FAT JEW DAVE'S ARGUMENT. I know, I know... you didn't catch all those details this close to lunch time.

Uniforms are not the cause or solution, fat girl. A single state of Palisrael where democracy and equality mean more than ethnic team jersey wearing zionist and their antisemite tornado alarm is. After all, thats what we do here in an ACTUAL western democracy so...

but, far be it for your fat ass to comprehend this idea as anything less than jooooo hating antesemitism.

Wow, you really are retarded. I guess I shouldn't be so hard on you.

Nothing you've posted in this thread answers any of the questions David posed...about a mythological Palestinian nation. You've failed on all counts...you look even stupider than PubicInfinity.
Wow, you really are retarded. I guess I shouldn't be so hard on you.

Nothing you've posted in this thread answers any of the questions David posed...about a mythological Palestinian nation. You've failed on all counts...you look even stupider than PubicInfinity.

Oh, it answers his zionism, alright. You are too stupid from all that grease you've consumed to know better.

Trust me... your opinion of who is STUPIDER is about as significant as your allergy to evidence.

.....still waiting, fat girl.....
So, in other words, you can't answer the questions. Alright. Next? Anyone? Can anyone answer these questions?

I don't have to read the pussy's reply to know he can't answer that question! Is there anyone on this board that writes more posts but says less than him? Don't think so. I mean Sunni, Yukon and 9/11 Insider come close. My guess is he is a 4 foot pimple face 30 yr old living in his parent's basement! He is one worthless son of a bitch on internet steroids!
Sure, Arabs can call themselves whatever they want to call themselves. Jews used to call themselves Palestinians...J. Post used to be called the Palestinian Post. The non-Jewish Europeans used to refer to the European Jews as Palestinians.

You really should pick up a book once in a while, Soggy. Perhaps you wouldn't sound like the moron you are.

The people that refer to themselves as Palestinians now are for the most part of Arabic background.

IIRC, Palestinian is a corruption of Philistine which referred to the Sea People...stateless raiders along the coastal areas of the middle-East.

There was no state called Palestine, there was a region called Palestine historically...which included a mixture of ethnic and religious backgrounds. The current bunch that calls themselves Palestinians have no more claim on Israel than anyone else does...less in fact, since Israel was GIVEN to the Jews as the spoils of war.

Its true, back before Israel was created the only people that called themselves Palestinians were the Jews. If you called an Arab a Palestinian was fighting words back then!
These are honest questions and I'm hoping you'll answer it with facts instead of your usual flaming rhetoric.

Can you name me one King, President, or Prime Minister of Palestine that pre-dates World War 1?

What was the official language? What was its currency? Who were its people? What was its official religion? What was its flag or coat of arms? What kind of food did they have? When was the independent country of Palestine founded? (again pre-WWI)

You see, I can research any country or former civilization that no longer exists, such as Babylon, Assyria, Prussia, and I can find answers to these questions. I cannot, for the life of me, find these answers to Palestine other than before it was called Palestine and when it was called Israel.

Again, if you can answer these questions, or if anyone can answer these questions, then I will withdraw my support for Israel.

Thank you.

Before WW1, Palestine as well as the rest of Muslim nations were under the Ottoman Empire. It's after the collapse of the Ottomans, nation states like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and the rest of Muslim-Arab nations came to exist. Before the collapse of the ottomans, they were all belonged to the Ottomans. They came later to exist according to the Sykes-Picot plans and borders. The case for Palestine is the same case for the rest of the Muslim-Arab nations; they were people who claimed independence and nationhood after WW1.

You do realize also that during the Ottoman reign over Paletine, the population of Palestine was at its lowest ever. That the majority of Arabs came after the Ottoman fell and during the British White Paper days, where the Brits restricted all Jewish immigration, but let all Arab immigration without any restrictions.
Sure, Arabs can call themselves whatever they want to call themselves. Jews used to call themselves Palestinians...J. Post used to be called the Palestinian Post. The non-Jewish Europeans used to refer to the European Jews as Palestinians.

You really should pick up a book once in a while, Soggy. Perhaps you wouldn't sound like the moron you are.

The people that refer to themselves as Palestinians now are for the most part of Arabic background.

IIRC, Palestinian is a corruption of Philistine which referred to the Sea People...stateless raiders along the coastal areas of the middle-East.

There was no state called Palestine, there was a region called Palestine historically...which included a mixture of ethnic and religious backgrounds. The current bunch that calls themselves Palestinians have no more claim on Israel than anyone else does...less in fact, since Israel was GIVEN to the Jews as the spoils of war.

Its true, back before Israel was created the only people that called themselves Palestinians were the Jews. If you called an Arab a Palestinian was fighting words back then!
Have you ever seen Soggy admit to being wrong? He's avoided it twice today with me, once on this thread and once on the one where I pointed out his racist remark about Jews.
But it sure DOES say a lot about arabs being indigenous PRE-ISRAEL.

Israel wasn't created in 1948 you idiot. Israel was created over 4,000 years ago.

You REALLY think there were no muslims on that land prior to ww1?

Of course there were. There were Ottoman (Turkish) Muslims there. They were defeated in World War 1 and went back Turkey. I am not denying the existence of Muslims in Israel. I am denying that they are ethnically indigenous to Israel. None of your links have proven that they are.

yea, dude... PALESTINE sure was created as a JEWISH state!

Yes. It was.

British Mandate of Palestine

The preamble of the Palestine mandate declared: Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

Wanna try again, Sho?

and no, "illegal arab immigration" isn't "well known" so I guess the only thing you can "SAY" is to provide a source for such. so, by all means, show us how quickly you leap to the jewish virtual library as a, :lol:, source.

I don't have to. I can cite several others.

The Smoking Gun: Arab Immigration into Palestine, 1922-1931 - Middle East Quarterly

Illegal Arab immigration into "Palestine" - part of Oslo

Elder of Ziyon: Arab immigration into Palestine, 1922-1931

MidEast Web - Population of Palestine

On and on and on. There are close to 600,000 websites.

illegal arab immigration palestine - Google Search

One or two could be a bit biased, sure. But 600,000?
Sure, Arabs can call themselves whatever they want to call themselves. Jews used to call themselves Palestinians...J. Post used to be called the Palestinian Post. The non-Jewish Europeans used to refer to the European Jews as Palestinians.

You really should pick up a book once in a while, Soggy. Perhaps you wouldn't sound like the moron you are.

The people that refer to themselves as Palestinians now are for the most part of Arabic background.

IIRC, Palestinian is a corruption of Philistine which referred to the Sea People...stateless raiders along the coastal areas of the middle-East.

There was no state called Palestine, there was a region called Palestine historically...which included a mixture of ethnic and religious backgrounds. The current bunch that calls themselves Palestinians have no more claim on Israel than anyone else does...less in fact, since Israel was GIVEN to the Jews as the spoils of war.

Its true, back before Israel was created the only people that called themselves Palestinians were the Jews. If you called an Arab a Palestinian was fighting words back then!

This is sorta a 3rd grade question here, but...

Does anyone wonder why Arabs are called "Arabs?"


Because they are people who are ethnically indigenous to Arabia.

Arabian Peninsula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is sorta a 3rd grade question here, but...

Does anyone wonder why Arabs are called "Arabs?"
You better lower that grade level if you are directing that question as Shogun! 3rd grade questions go over his head!

If Arab Muslims want to claim Jerusalem as their capital, then I say we claim Riyadh as ours. I also say the next rocket fired at Israel means a rocket fired at Riyadh. I'm sure the Arab Muslims would love that.
at one point neither country existed.....in fact at one point no countries existed....

he who can take the land and hold the land gets the land......

the un created both nations in the 40's.....the palis tried to take everything... they lost...twice....they are a biger failure than the french....

This is sorta a 3rd grade question here, but...

Does anyone wonder why Arabs are called "Arabs?"
You better lower that grade level if you are directing that question as Shogun! 3rd grade questions go over his head!

If Arab Muslims want to claim Jerusalem as their capital, then I say we claim Riyadh as ours. I also say the next rocket fired at Israel means a rocket fired at Riyadh. I'm sure the Arab Muslims would love that.

clearly, you've got it in your brain that you can just CLAIM whatever you want regardless of everyone else.

after all.. NOTHING says "exclusively jewish" quite like a fucking muslim temple on the exact location where your kind want to build a temple of solomon..

But hey, reach for violence, jew,... it's ONLY the type of shit you demonize arabs for. Like I said.. your time is a coming.
at one point neither country existed.....in fact at one point no countries existed....

he who can take the land and hold the land gets the land......

the un created both nations in the 40's.....the palis tried to take everything... they lost...twice....they are a biger failure than the french....


well, I mean.. if WAR is the criteria you repspect I guess we should have said Fuck Poland too, eh? Hell, if israel weren't hiding behind the pant leg of America at every turn you'd see just how stupid your fucking statement is.

but dont worry... Russia is teaming up with Iran to help you figure this out.
So, in other words, you can't answer the questions. Alright. Next? Anyone? Can anyone answer these questions?

I don't have to read the pussy's reply to know he can't answer that question! Is there anyone on this board that writes more posts but says less than him? Don't think so. I mean Sunni, Yukon and 9/11 Insider come close. My guess is he is a 4 foot pimple face 30 yr old living in his parent's basement! He is one worthless son of a bitch on internet steroids!

of COURSE you don't have to read my post, jew... if it's behind your aparthied wall it doesn't count!

typical, really.

But please, show us how you demonize that which you know nothing about.. LORD FUCKING KNOWS this isn't reflective of your standard outlook on non-jews.

Sure, Arabs can call themselves whatever they want to call themselves. Jews used to call themselves Palestinians...J. Post used to be called the Palestinian Post. The non-Jewish Europeans used to refer to the European Jews as Palestinians.

You really should pick up a book once in a while, Soggy. Perhaps you wouldn't sound like the moron you are.

The people that refer to themselves as Palestinians now are for the most part of Arabic background.

IIRC, Palestinian is a corruption of Philistine which referred to the Sea People...stateless raiders along the coastal areas of the middle-East.

There was no state called Palestine, there was a region called Palestine historically...which included a mixture of ethnic and religious backgrounds. The current bunch that calls themselves Palestinians have no more claim on Israel than anyone else does...less in fact, since Israel was GIVEN to the Jews as the spoils of war.

Its true, back before Israel was created the only people that called themselves Palestinians were the Jews. If you called an Arab a Palestinian was fighting words back then!

says a zionist jew whose sum total evidential input amounts to full color diagrams showing good little goyim how to suck jewish dick... Say, when are you going to provide some evidence like I have?


silly me.. evidence MUST be antisemitic!
These are honest questions and I'm hoping you'll answer it with facts instead of your usual flaming rhetoric.

Can you name me one King, President, or Prime Minister of Palestine that pre-dates World War 1?

What was the official language? What was its currency? Who were its people? What was its official religion? What was its flag or coat of arms? What kind of food did they have? When was the independent country of Palestine founded? (again pre-WWI)

You see, I can research any country or former civilization that no longer exists, such as Babylon, Assyria, Prussia, and I can find answers to these questions. I cannot, for the life of me, find these answers to Palestine other than before it was called Palestine and when it was called Israel.

Again, if you can answer these questions, or if anyone can answer these questions, then I will withdraw my support for Israel.

Thank you.

Before WW1, Palestine as well as the rest of Muslim nations were under the Ottoman Empire. It's after the collapse of the Ottomans, nation states like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and the rest of Muslim-Arab nations came to exist. Before the collapse of the ottomans, they were all belonged to the Ottomans. They came later to exist according to the Sykes-Picot plans and borders. The case for Palestine is the same case for the rest of the Muslim-Arab nations; they were people who claimed independence and nationhood after WW1.

You do realize also that during the Ottoman reign over Paletine, the population of Palestine was at its lowest ever. That the majority of Arabs came after the Ottoman fell and during the British White Paper days, where the Brits restricted all Jewish immigration, but let all Arab immigration without any restrictions.


of course not, jew... but don't let that keep you from riding your post-holocaust PR campaign.
at one point neither country existed.....in fact at one point no countries existed....

he who can take the land and hold the land gets the land......

the un created both nations in the 40's.....the palis tried to take everything... they lost...twice....they are a biger failure than the french....


well, I mean.. if WAR is the criteria you repspect I guess we should have said Fuck Poland too, eh? Hell, if israel weren't hiding behind the pant leg of America at every turn you'd see just how stupid your fucking statement is.

but dont worry... Russia is teaming up with Iran to help you figure this out.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck......every country has their country due to war....the palis had their country in the 40's and gambled it and lost....twice.....

ya like the arab nations aren't sucking at the tit of america.....
Sure, Arabs can call themselves whatever they want to call themselves. Jews used to call themselves Palestinians...J. Post used to be called the Palestinian Post. The non-Jewish Europeans used to refer to the European Jews as Palestinians.

You really should pick up a book once in a while, Soggy. Perhaps you wouldn't sound like the moron you are.

The people that refer to themselves as Palestinians now are for the most part of Arabic background.

IIRC, Palestinian is a corruption of Philistine which referred to the Sea People...stateless raiders along the coastal areas of the middle-East.

There was no state called Palestine, there was a region called Palestine historically...which included a mixture of ethnic and religious backgrounds. The current bunch that calls themselves Palestinians have no more claim on Israel than anyone else does...less in fact, since Israel was GIVEN to the Jews as the spoils of war.

Its true, back before Israel was created the only people that called themselves Palestinians were the Jews. If you called an Arab a Palestinian was fighting words back then!
Have you ever seen Soggy admit to being wrong? He's avoided it twice today with me, once on this thread and once on the one where I pointed out his racist remark about Jews.

WHY, praytel, would anyone admit to being wrong when THEY are the ONLY ones to post evidence? Did you miss how I keep calling your fat ass out to post evidence counter to mine? Do I need to wrap the request up in a fucking slice of cheese to keep your attention?

WOW! HOLY SHIT! You mean zionist JEWS insist that only JEWS have ever laid claim to the land, sans any sort of fucking evidence, in order to validate their racist ZIONISM!?!?!?!

HOLY FUCK! That just BLOWS the proverbial MIND!



Come on, you fat bitch, you called me out for being a racist so PROVE that the premise of my two statements is false. SHOW ME ALL THOSE JEWS invading Germany and freeing holocaust victims... SHOW ME ALL THE BLACK SOLDIERS THAT TURNED THE TIDE OF THE CIVIL WAR.

Or, just sit there and be an angry fat bitch with more donuts than evidence.
LOL! How many blow up dolls have you destroyed this year when they refused to put out for you Soggy?

No one ever said only Jews have made claims to the land in question. Must be that empty mind of yours imagining things again.

You've posted a few wikipedia links that you take as gospel...hardly convincing evidence. All your evidence is always something that only reinforces your own stupid thoughts.

Only a racist would make the claim that Jews can never get anything done without the white boys to help them...and that is exactly what you said.

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