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Shogun: A question

Israel wasn't created in 1948 you idiot. Israel was created over 4,000 years ago.

you are absolutely, JEWliciously wrong, jew boy. There was no israel in 1919. You'd be fucking retarded to claim otherwise. And, just so you know, burning bush mythologies don't dole out land. sorry, jew.

Of course there were. There were Ottoman (Turkish) Muslims there. They were defeated in World War 1 and went back Turkey. I am not denying the existence of Muslims in Israel. I am denying that they are ethnically indigenous to Israel. None of your links have proven that they are.

to the contrary, my evidence proves that the land was muslim controlled during the entire ottoman rule up until zionists started pulling strings in Europe. I don't really care if you can't debate this, dude. Hell, your one track jewish brain is probably in shock that history doesn't revise itself for your zionist sake. I know I know.. history IS antisemitic that way.


Yes. It was.

British Mandate of Palestine

The preamble of the Palestine mandate declared: Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.


How SELECTIVE of you, jew! Did you stop reading after "jewish people"?

Wanna try again, Sho?

right after you clarify what "EXISTING NON-JEWISH COMMUNITIES" means!


I don't have to. I can cite several others.

HA! indeed! Let's go by each one, shall we?

The Middle East Forum, a think tank, seeks to define and promote American interests in the Middle East. It defines U.S. interests to include fighting radical Islam, whether terroristic or lawful; working for Palestinian acceptance of Israel; improving the management of U.S. democracy efforts; reducing energy dependence on the Middle East; more robustly asserting U.S. interests vis--vis Saudi Arabia; and countering the Iranian threat. The Forum also works to improve Middle East studies in North America.
The Smoking Gun: Arab Immigration into Palestine, 1922-1931 - Middle East Quarterly

... fIENDISH.net ....eretzyisroel.org/~jkatz/immigration-oslo.]Illegal Arab immigration into "Palestine" - part of Oslo

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2007/11/arab-immigration-into-palestine-1922.html]Elder of Ziyon: Arab immigration into Palestine, 1922-1931

The goal of the present is to examine the claims in the light of the best available statistical data, without supporting the contentions of either side, and without any intention either to denigrate from the tragedy of Palestinian refugees or to use the data to question Jewish claims to Palestine. The moral claims of the sides should not depend on percentages of population. In practice, I am aware that the data on this page have been used to support various partisan claims. That is precisely the sort of abuse that this material is intended to fight. The major conclusion is "The nature of the data do not permit precise conclusions about the Arab population of Palestine in Ottoman and British times" Anyone who pretends otherwise is deliberately misleading you. We can reach some general conclusions - Palestine was not empty when Zionists started arriving, there was some Arab immigration as well etc. But we cannot give a precise number in any case, and even if we could, it would not constitute evidence to back any moral claims.
MidEast Web - Population of Palestine

On and on and on. There are close to 600,000 websites.

Well, I suggest you find the 599,997 that A) say what you think they should say and B) and not LAUGHABLE BLOGS or outright biased JEWISH sources. Did you really think I would not check links and totally eviscerate your half assed sources, dude? Hell, Did I rely on a FUCKING BLOG to bluff up my sources?

One or two could be a bit biased, sure. But 600,000?


so you KNEW they were biased... Say, fatboy, why didn't you post the ones that weren't biased? Gosh, I WONDER....


Sure, Arabs can call themselves whatever they want to call themselves. Jews used to call themselves Palestinians...J. Post used to be called the Palestinian Post. The non-Jewish Europeans used to refer to the European Jews as Palestinians.

You really should pick up a book once in a while, Soggy. Perhaps you wouldn't sound like the moron you are.

The people that refer to themselves as Palestinians now are for the most part of Arabic background.

IIRC, Palestinian is a corruption of Philistine which referred to the Sea People...stateless raiders along the coastal areas of the middle-East.

There was no state called Palestine, there was a region called Palestine historically...which included a mixture of ethnic and religious backgrounds. The current bunch that calls themselves Palestinians have no more claim on Israel than anyone else does...less in fact, since Israel was GIVEN to the Jews as the spoils of war.

Its true, back before Israel was created the only people that called themselves Palestinians were the Jews. If you called an Arab a Palestinian was fighting words back then!

This is sorta a 3rd grade question here, but...

Does anyone wonder why Arabs are called "Arabs?"


Because they are people who are ethnically indigenous to Arabia.

Arabian Peninsula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

riiiiight.. because Arabs who claim to live outside of ARABIA don't count, right AMERICAN JEW?

hell, in that case YOU are EGYPTIAN then, eh jew? After all, YOUR people didn't originate from the promised land, eh? Not without doing to Canaan what you are now doing to Palestine, yes?



at one point neither country existed.....in fact at one point no countries existed....

he who can take the land and hold the land gets the land......

the un created both nations in the 40's.....the palis tried to take everything... they lost...twice....they are a biger failure than the french....


well, I mean.. if WAR is the criteria you repspect I guess we should have said Fuck Poland too, eh? Hell, if israel weren't hiding behind the pant leg of America at every turn you'd see just how stupid your fucking statement is.

but dont worry... Russia is teaming up with Iran to help you figure this out.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck......every country has their country due to war....the palis had their country in the 40's and gambled it and lost....twice.....

ya like the arab nations aren't sucking at the tit of america.....

Again, then I guess we should have just given the Nazis their spoils of war, eh stupid? oh wait.. THAT was different, right?

and no, the arab nation don't suck the sweet mana that allows secret nukes, open faced racism and protection to hide behind from Iran so.. I guess this is another one of your failed assumptions falling on it's face.
LOL! How many blow up dolls have you destroyed this year when they refused to put out for you Soggy?

No one ever said only Jews have made claims to the land in question. Must be that empty mind of yours imagining things again.

You've posted a few wikipedia links that you take as gospel...hardly convincing evidence. All your evidence is always something that only reinforces your own stupid thoughts.

Only a racist would make the claim that Jews can never get anything done without the white boys to help them...and that is exactly what you said.

BLOW UP DOLLS? is that the best you can come up with, fat bitch? HA! If thats all you got then it's pretty clear why you keep avoiding posting evidence regarding the two statement you called out.

And yes, go ask your fat buddy David about who claims what land. And given that you have yet to post SHIT for evidence I guess you don't really get to criticise wiki articles, eh? But hey, if you HAD anything to offer you'd have done so by now so... I guess it's back to drive thru with you, eh chuck of stupid?

Hey, the history speaks for itself. If you can provide evidence that D-day was actually a jewish operation then be my guest. Hell, how many times have we heard the Jpost begging for American intervention regarding Iran? What is JEWS or WHITE dudes losing their lives to fight hitler? By all means, quote me, bitch. I know damn well what i said and you know damn well that you don't ahve a historic leg to stand on debating it.

come on, lardass... prove me wrong.. I TRIPLE dog dare you with sugar and chocolate on top.. and lord fucing knows how much you like sugar and chocolate!


You better lower that grade level if you are directing that question as Shogun! 3rd grade questions go over his head!

If Arab Muslims want to claim Jerusalem as their capital, then I say we claim Riyadh as ours. I also say the next rocket fired at Israel means a rocket fired at Riyadh. I'm sure the Arab Muslims would love that.

clearly, you've got it in your brain that you can just CLAIM whatever you want regardless of everyone else.

after all.. NOTHING says "exclusively jewish" quite like a fucking muslim temple on the exact location where your kind want to build a temple of solomon..

But hey, reach for violence, jew,... it's ONLY the type of shit you demonize arabs for. Like I said.. your time is a coming.

Uh actually their mosque is on top of the ruins of the Second Temple.


See the walls? Those are the walls to the ruins of our Second Temple. But hey, don't let the facts get in the way of your argument, Showy-boy. Please, by all means, continue to make up your own version of history. Next you're going to tell me that Islam pre-dates Judaism, right? :lol:
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after all.. NOTHING says "exclusively jewish" quite like a fucking muslim temple on the exact location where your kind want to build a temple of solomon..

and only a raging anti-semite or an imbecile wouldn't know that that WAS the Temple of Solomon..... and the Arabs built a mosque over our holy of holies...where Abraham took Isaac. THAT IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN PEOPLE LOSE WARS. And then the Arabs lost. Funny how that works.

Damn you're either incredibly stupid or purely malignant.............. or both.

I vote both.
after all.. NOTHING says "exclusively jewish" quite like a fucking muslim temple on the exact location where your kind want to build a temple of solomon..

and only a raging anti-semite or an imbecile wouldn't know that that WAS the Temple of Solomon..... and the Arabs built a mosque over our holy of holies...where Abraham took Isaac. THAT IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN PEOPLE LOSE WARS. And then the Arabs lost. Funny how that works.

Damn you're either incredibly stupid or purely malignant.............. or both.

I vote both.

Both has my vote as well. What a fucking moron. Next he'll tell me that Jesus invented Buddhism.
after all.. NOTHING says "exclusively jewish" quite like a fucking muslim temple on the exact location where your kind want to build a temple of solomon..

and only a raging anti-semite or an imbecile wouldn't know that that WAS the Temple of Solomon..... and the Arabs built a mosque over our holy of holies...where Abraham took Isaac. THAT IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN PEOPLE LOSE WARS. And then the Arabs lost. Funny how that works.

Damn you're either incredibly stupid or purely malignant.............. or both.

I vote both.

no shit there USED to be a temple of solomon there. Does that invalidate the temple that IS there now?

yea, jill, tell me all about the product of losing wars while your pet nation hides, quivering, behind America for the sake of racist zionism. It really doesn't shock me that you, of ALL PEOPLE HERE, would be in favor of razing a muslim holy sight for the sake of a jewish one.

SHOCKER, lemme tellya. But hey, scream ironic antisemitism while also hoping for the jewish exclusivity that you know damn well you wouldn't stand for in a WHITE AMERICAN.

after all.. NOTHING says "exclusively jewish" quite like a fucking muslim temple on the exact location where your kind want to build a temple of solomon..

and only a raging anti-semite or an imbecile wouldn't know that that WAS the Temple of Solomon..... and the Arabs built a mosque over our holy of holies...where Abraham took Isaac. THAT IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN PEOPLE LOSE WARS. And then the Arabs lost. Funny how that works.

Damn you're either incredibly stupid or purely malignant.............. or both.

I vote both.

Both has my vote as well. What a fucking moron. Next he'll tell me that Jesus invented Buddhism.

I realize you feel validated now that the princess has shown up but maybe you should be putting more effort into combing thorugh your, uh, 600k sources for the non-blogs and jewish websites...
If Arab Muslims want to claim Jerusalem as their capital, then I say we claim Riyadh as ours. I also say the next rocket fired at Israel means a rocket fired at Riyadh. I'm sure the Arab Muslims would love that.

clearly, you've got it in your brain that you can just CLAIM whatever you want regardless of everyone else.

after all.. NOTHING says "exclusively jewish" quite like a fucking muslim temple on the exact location where your kind want to build a temple of solomon..

But hey, reach for violence, jew,... it's ONLY the type of shit you demonize arabs for. Like I said.. your time is a coming.

Uh actually their mosque is on top of the ruins of the Second Temple.


See the walls? Those are the walls to the ruins of our Second Temple. But hey, don't let the facts get in the way of your argument, Showy-boy. Please, by all means, continue to make up your own version of history. Next you're going to tell me that Islam pre-dates Judaism, right? :lol:

We all know that temple mount was build on the OLD location of your jewish temple. Do you feel that you need to assume that this is not common knowledge in order to score a point? :lol:

So, tell me, fatass, do you have the balls to call for the razing of that muslim structure? Certainly, if you hve that kind of conviction you might want to move there because israel is going to need a LOT of meat fodder after..

Actually, Canaan predates your claim to that land, jew. Again, you are from EGYPT, remember?

Shogun, are you ever going to answer my original questions?

the original questions? Oh, you mean the ones where you assume that it takes a natioal fucking anthem to validate an indegenous population?


Hey, is this the kind of question your jewsites suggest asking? I mean, lord fucking knows how populations don't matter as long as they don't have... a state ice cream flavor!

clearly, you've got it in your brain that you can just CLAIM whatever you want regardless of everyone else.

after all.. NOTHING says "exclusively jewish" quite like a fucking muslim temple on the exact location where your kind want to build a temple of solomon..

But hey, reach for violence, jew,... it's ONLY the type of shit you demonize arabs for. Like I said.. your time is a coming.

Uh actually their mosque is on top of the ruins of the Second Temple.


See the walls? Those are the walls to the ruins of our Second Temple. But hey, don't let the facts get in the way of your argument, Showy-boy. Please, by all means, continue to make up your own version of history. Next you're going to tell me that Islam pre-dates Judaism, right? :lol:

We all know that temple mount was build on the OLD location of your jewish temple. Do you feel that you need to assume that this is not common knowledge in order to score a point? :lol:

So, tell me, fatass, do you have the balls to call for the razing of that muslim structure? Certainly, if you hve that kind of conviction you might want to move there because israel is going to need a LOT of meat fodder after..

Actually, Canaan predates your claim to that land, jew. Again, you are from EGYPT, remember?


Actually the ancient Mesopotamians immigrated into Israel. And before the Canaanintes settled the land, they invaded and destroyed another civilization. You see, that's what happens, little boy. There's war and when one side wins, that side gets to keep the land and do whatever it wants with it. Such as building a nice basement for you to live in while your parents pay the mortgage.
Shogun, are you ever going to answer my original questions?
That's a joke, right? He can't even address them.

Given how much YOU avoid supporting your accusations are you sure you really need to still be posting in this thread, chunk o' lard?

Isn't it amazing how he attacks people's weight instead of addressing the posts? He thinks that by attacking people, he's going to hurt their feelings. Meanwhile, we're all here just laughing at his feeble attempts.


Uh actually their mosque is on top of the ruins of the Second Temple.


See the walls? Those are the walls to the ruins of our Second Temple. But hey, don't let the facts get in the way of your argument, Showy-boy. Please, by all means, continue to make up your own version of history. Next you're going to tell me that Islam pre-dates Judaism, right? :lol:

We all know that temple mount was build on the OLD location of your jewish temple. Do you feel that you need to assume that this is not common knowledge in order to score a point? :lol:

So, tell me, fatass, do you have the balls to call for the razing of that muslim structure? Certainly, if you hve that kind of conviction you might want to move there because israel is going to need a LOT of meat fodder after..

Actually, Canaan predates your claim to that land, jew. Again, you are from EGYPT, remember?


Actually the ancient Mesopotamians immigrated into Israel. And before the Canaanintes settled the land, they invaded and destroyed another civilization. You see, that's what happens, little boy. There's war and when one side wins, that side gets to keep the land and do whatever it wants with it. Such as building a nice basement for you to live in while your parents pay the mortgage.

Which is exactly the point. LOTS of people have lived there; it has never been the sole posession of jews regardless of what your burning bush myth says. So, again, when you keep VALIDATING the destruction of indegenous people.. well... perhaps you should take a lesson from your own holy book, jew: nothing is new under the sun. If you can conquer then you can be conquered.

And, do you really want to talk about basements you sad fatboy? hell, if anyone wears the dunce cap around here it's your silly jewish ass time and again.. Hell, maybe you can go make another poll in the flame zone.. to lose. again.

That's a joke, right? He can't even address them.

Given how much YOU avoid supporting your accusations are you sure you really need to still be posting in this thread, chunk o' lard?

Isn't it amazing how he attacks people's weight instead of addressing the posts? He thinks that by attacking people, he's going to hurt their feelings. Meanwhile, we're all here just laughing at his feeble attempts.



Ive already addressed your posts, tubs. WITHOUT having to use biased sources from jewish blogs even!

That's a joke, right? He can't even address them.

Given how much YOU avoid supporting your accusations are you sure you really need to still be posting in this thread, chunk o' lard?

Isn't it amazing how he attacks people's weight instead of addressing the posts? He thinks that by attacking people, he's going to hurt their feelings. Meanwhile, we're all here just laughing at his feeble attempts.


It's natural for him. In real life he's a recluse and can only talk to people if he thinks he's better than they are...in most cases he can only approach the grossly obese or the mentally retarded.

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