Shooting at Chabad of Poway Synagogue

Because you are bashing Jews which is allowed and not Muslims which is not allowed.
Allowed? Not allowed? Those only apply if you’re a right winger. But they hate gays even more than they hate Jews and Muslims and blacks and Hispanics.
Fake news.
Really? You don’t think they hate gays more than they hate Muslims, blacks, Hispanics, and Jews?
I don't hate gays, I am just repulsed by them and sick of hearing about them constantly.

I know what you feel. Because I’m repulsed by racists and homophobes but I don’t hate them. They simply disgust me.
As a racist homosexual, do you not see your conflict of interest?
He hates Trump, and hates Israel.

Sound familiar ?
All too familiar – it sounds like yet another conservative wrongfully accusing an entire class of persons for the act of one person.

It sounds like a conservative seeking to further divide the American people.

It sounds like a conservative attempting to foment discord and conflict for some perceived partisan gain.

Yes, sadly, it’s very familiar.
What color is the sky in your world?
He hates Trump, and hates Israel.

Sound familiar ?
All too familiar – it sounds like yet another conservative wrongfully accusing an entire class of persons for the act of one person.

It sounds like a conservative seeking to further divide the American people.

It sounds like a conservative attempting to foment discord and conflict for some perceived partisan gain.

Yes, sadly, it’s very familiar.
You must truly be insane. The guy is a Trump hater, and all of them are liberals.
He hates Trump, and hates Israel.

Sound familiar ?
All too familiar – it sounds like yet another conservative wrongfully accusing an entire class of persons for the act of one person.

It sounds like a conservative seeking to further divide the American people.

It sounds like a conservative attempting to foment discord and conflict for some perceived partisan gain.

Yes, sadly, it’s very familiar.
What color is the sky in your world?
Racist. ;)
Because you are bashing Jews which is allowed and not Muslims which is not allowed.
Allowed? Not allowed? Those only apply if you’re a right winger. But they hate gays even more than they hate Jews and Muslims and blacks and Hispanics.

If I’m wrong, correct me. But I’m pretty sure they hate the gays the most.
I’m pretty sure gays hate conservatives more than conservatives hate gays .. the way Pete Buttigieg has attacked pence for no reason at all proves it
Well Buttigieg doesn’t put laws in place to hurt people. Pence passed laws in Indiana that attempted to ruin the lives of 280,000 gays that live there.
Only reason that’s OK with Republicans is because they hate gays the very most.
The law made something hurt?? Lol what?? Haha
Thanks for showing everybody think you are.
You said something hurt.. your words.. what hurt?
did anyone on CNN/MSNBC mention that the shooter may have been wearing a red hat? and that when they get more information {like in a few weeks} they will let us know if the culprit was wearing a red hat.,.....kinda like the russian hoax

Do you think you're clever? I hate to disappoint you, but you have become a cliche.
There are people right IN this thread claiming he was inspired by Trump and supported Trump.

Is there any evidence he was not? The issue and my comment challenged the sort of mockery to which I responded, and there is no doubt that Trump's hate and fear rhetoric is dangerous.
I haven’t seen any evidence that the murderer is another right winger. But the odds are that he probably is. But that’s just from the odds.

Can you show some sympathy for all the African-Americans shot this weekend and towns run by democrats ?? Just show you acknowledge them
Oh shit oh shit oh shit!!!!! I have friends who go there!

Whew! Just called them, they are ok.

So when Notre Dame went up in flames you Mega Trolled a thread with ZERO sympathy, when 200 Christians got blown up by Islamic Terrorists on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka you did not give a CRAP oh but but but a Jew gets shot in a Synagogue and you have FEELING.

You can Report my post if you want I do not give a crap, what I post about you is the truth it's what you are it's WHO you are in EVERY thread when Christians get murdered or when a Christian symbol is destroyed.

Why should WE care then about some Synagogue getting shot up and ONE Jew getting shot by some mentally ill maniac when your crowd ignore and/or LAUGH at 200 Christians getting blown up on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka.
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I don't support this crap, I'm against senseless violence.

Why should I get an infraction, exactly?
There were even Mods calling it good, when far worse massacres were practiced upon Palestinians, by Israel.
Because you are bashing Jews which is allowed and not Muslims which is not allowed.

I've never seen pro-genocidal remarks,, and pro-Massacre events here against Jews, by far-Right forum members, with anti-Jewish views.

There's however, a clear record here of genocidal remarks, and pro-Massacre events here against Muslims, by Zionist forum members, with anti-Muslim views.

Every leftist on this forum wants to eradicate the white man from the face of the earth, as penance for the sins of his ancestors. They just dont have the balls to take direct action, so they support immigration and open borders policies to eventually breed us out. They will deny it of course but it's as plain as the nose on my face what their intentions are.

THAT is what motivates paranoid extremist white boys to take action like what happened today and last month in Christchurch. Brendan Tarant attacked the replacers, the invaders, the breeders and today's jackass went after the ones he thinks are pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Neither of them did anything but do harm to the cause of right wing nationalism.


Yes, well these massacres against Jews smell awfully Gefilte Fishy, why do they help stomp out the far-Right, and anti-Semitism?

Why are there more of these mass-shootings against Jews, than Muslims?

When something like 90% of the USA is pro-Jewish, and about 50% of the USA is anti-Muslim?

These are the questions, that should be asked, about these "Odd coincidences"?

300 million people in the USA, it stands to reason that occasionally one of them will do something crazy. Especially when you've got the media and the left egging them on. This attack definitely will benefit the left and they will definitely milk it for all it's worth but that doesn't mean it was staged. It was most likely real.

Of course the Leftists will AGAIN use ANOTHER tragedy committed by a mentally ill maniac, they will USE it like they USED the others to:

A - Attempt to TAKE your guns off you and/or at least SEVERELY limit your guns and AGAIN attempt to CRAP on your Second Amendment.

B - Attempt to Shut Down ANY points of view that are Anti-Leftist Agenda.

C - Continue their RACIST Campaign of Blame Whitey/Hate Whitey, ALL Whites are Evil, ALL Whites are White Supremacists, ALL Whites are Nazi's, ALL White's HAVE to be STOPPED etc

D - INSIST that ALL Whites are GUILTY of a crime committed by ONE mentally ill maniac because you are White you share COLLECTIVE GUILT and IF you do not agree then that just illustrate you are a Nazi Bigot KKK Supporter or whatever.
and there is no doubt that Trump's hate and fear rhetoric is dangerous

The ONLY "hate and fear" is being spread by Democrats.

The "hate" thing isn't working for you guys anymore. Democrats ooze hate

Do you have any evidence to support your claim? Hate and fear mongering is a rhetorical tool used by demagogues to influence the biddable. Real hate is rare, and as the man once said,

While seeking revenge, dig two graves - one for yourself.

Read more at: Douglas Horton Quotes
Oh shit oh shit oh shit!!!!! I have friends who go there!

Whew! Just called them, they are ok.

So when Notre Dame went up in flames you Mega Trolled a thread with ZERO sympathy, when 200 Christians got blown up by Islamic Terrorists on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka you did not give a CRAP oh but but but a Jew gets shot in a Synagogue and you have FEELING.

You can Report my post if you want I do not give a crap, what I post about you is the truth it's what you are it's WHO you are in EVERY thread when Christians get murdered or when a Christian symbol is destroyed.

Why should WE care then about some Synagogue getting shot up and ONE Jew getting shot by some mentally ill maniac when your crowd ignore and/or LAUGH at 200 Christians getting blown up on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka.
Notre Dame Cathedral fire cause: "Computer glitch" may be behind Notre Dame Cathedral fire, rector says today - live updates - CBS News

Another upset person. That's ok, this synogogue shooting upset me too....looks like this THUG also set fire to the mosque in Escondido....IMO he's probably INCEL.
Because you are bashing Jews which is allowed and not Muslims which is not allowed.

I've never seen pro-genocidal remarks,, and pro-Massacre events here against Jews, by far-Right forum members, with anti-Jewish views.

There's however, a clear record here of genocidal remarks, and pro-Massacre events here against Muslims, by Zionist forum members, with anti-Muslim views.

Every leftist on this forum wants to eradicate the white man from the face of the earth, as penance for the sins of his ancestors. They just dont have the balls to take direct action, so they support immigration and open borders policies to eventually breed us out. They will deny it of course but it's as plain as the nose on my face what their intentions are.

THAT is what motivates paranoid extremist white boys to take action like what happened today and last month in Christchurch. Brendan Tarant attacked the replacers, the invaders, the breeders and today's jackass went after the ones he thinks are pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Neither of them did anything but do harm to the cause of right wing nationalism.


Yes, well these massacres against Jews smell awfully Gefilte Fishy, why do they help stomp out the far-Right, and anti-Semitism?

Why are there more of these mass-shootings against Jews, than Muslims?

When something like 90% of the USA is pro-Jewish, and about 50% of the USA is anti-Muslim?

These are the questions, that should be asked, about these "Odd coincidences"?

300 million people in the USA, it stands to reason that occasionally one of them will do something crazy. Especially when you've got the media and the left egging them on. This attack definitely will benefit the left and they will definitely milk it for all it's worth but that doesn't mean it was staged. It was most likely real.

Of course the Leftists will AGAIN use ANOTHER tragedy committed by a mentally ill maniac, they will USE it like they USED the others to:

A - Attempt to TAKE your guns off you and/or at least SEVERELY limit your guns and AGAIN attempt to CRAP on your Second Amendment.

B - Attempt to Shut Down ANY points of view that are Anti-Leftist Agenda.

“There are crimes of passion and crimes of logic. The boundary between them is not clearly defined”
― Albert Camus, The Rebel

Oh shit oh shit oh shit!!!!! I have friends who go there!

Whew! Just called them, they are ok.

So when Notre Dame went up in flames you Mega Trolled a thread with ZERO sympathy, when 200 Christians got blown up by Islamic Terrorists on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka you did not give a CRAP oh but but but a Jew gets shot in a Synagogue and you have FEELING.

You can Report my post if you want I do not give a crap, what I post about you is the truth it's what you are it's WHO you are in EVERY thread when Christians get murdered or when a Christian symbol is destroyed.

Why should WE care then about some Synagogue getting shot up and ONE Jew getting shot by some mentally ill maniac when your crowd ignore and/or LAUGH at 200 Christians getting blown up on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka.
Notre Dame Cathedral fire cause: "Computer glitch" may be behind Notre Dame Cathedral fire, rector says today - live updates - CBS News

Another upset person. That's ok, this synogogue shooting upset me too....looks like this THUG also set fire to the mosque in Escondido....IMO he's probably INCEL.

He made a statement that he is Anti-Donald Trump, it is posted in this thread, no idea if he's an INCEL he is though mentally not all there. Myself I do not know about this crazy crowd in America who think they are making some STATEMENT that is going to HELP or whatever by shooting up a Synagogue or a Mosque, to me they MUST themselves be Self-Hating Whites because considering Jews and Muslims are the predominately PROTECTED MINORITY that NOBODY at least IN PUBLIC is allowed to CRITICISE and at ALL times IN PUBLIC must lick their buttocks 24/7 ONLY a Self-Hating White would target either Jews OR Muslims because they should KNOW that ALL White's are going to be told it is ALL White's Collective Guilt and ONLY Non-Leftist Whites are THEN going to be targeted by the Communists favourite THUG ORGANISATIONS the SPLC and the other THUG ORGANISATION like it that I better NOT post the name of because it would result in Mega WHINING.
Oh shit oh shit oh shit!!!!! I have friends who go there!

Whew! Just called them, they are ok.

So when Notre Dame went up in flames you Mega Trolled a thread with ZERO sympathy, when 200 Christians got blown up by Islamic Terrorists on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka you did not give a CRAP oh but but but a Jew gets shot in a Synagogue and you have FEELING.

You can Report my post if you want I do not give a crap, what I post about you is the truth it's what you are it's WHO you are in EVERY thread when Christians get murdered or when a Christian symbol is destroyed.

Why should WE care then about some Synagogue getting shot up and ONE Jew getting shot by some mentally ill maniac when your crowd ignore and/or LAUGH at 200 Christians getting blown up on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka.
Notre Dame Cathedral fire cause: "Computer glitch" may be behind Notre Dame Cathedral fire, rector says today - live updates - CBS News

Another upset person. That's ok, this synogogue shooting upset me too....looks like this THUG also set fire to the mosque in Escondido....IMO he's probably INCEL.

He made a statement that he is Anti-Donald Trump, it is posted in this thread, no idea if he's an INCEL he is though mentally not all there. Myself I do not know about this crazy crowd in America who think they are making some STATEMENT that is going to HELP or whatever by shooting up a Synagogue or a Mosque, to me they MUST themselves be Self-Hating Whites because considering Jews and Muslims are the predominately PROTECTED MINORITY that NOBODY at least IN PUBLIC is allowed to CRITICISE and at ALL times IN PUBLIC must lick their buttocks 24/7 ONLY a Self-Hating White would target either Jews OR Muslims because they should KNOW that ALL White's are going to be told it is ALL White's Collective Guilt and ONLY Non-Leftist Whites are THEN going to be targeted by the Communists favourite THUG ORGANISATIONS the SPLC and the other THUG ORGANISATION like it that I better NOT post the name of because it would result in Mega WHINING.
Of course he's mentally unstable....just look at pictures of him. You can tell by his skin color.

But I must confess....your rant is very much like his.....he didn't thing donnie was pro-white enough....while you whine about how whites have it so bad....victimhood. I'm sure he felt he was a victim for being white also.
You don't history so good, do you.

(Protip: Jews killed Christ.)

Even if this horseshit would be true, the people who did this have been dead for around 2,000 years. You are beyond stupid. Why should anyone continue to be attacked over something that went down 2,000 years ago?

I "history" very good. I have a B.A. in it, which involved passing both written and oral comps. Good grief. Learn English, please.

BTW, Miss "History Major" -

Mark 15:

6 Now it was the custom at the festival to release a prisoner whom the people requested. 7 A man called Barabbas was in prison with the insurrectionists who had committed murder in the uprising. 8 The crowd came up and asked Pilate to do for them what he usually did.

9 “Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews?” asked Pilate,10 knowing it was out of self-interest that the chief priests had handed Jesus over to him. 11 But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas instead.

12 “What shall I do, then, with the one you call the king of the Jews?” Pilate asked them.

13 “Crucify him!” they shouted.

14 “Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate.

But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!”

15 Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.


You fucking idiot, even if you would be correct, which you are not, the people who did this have been dead for 2,000 years! What are you carrying on about?

The text is literally in front of your face and you deny it. Too funny. You are THEE quintessential leftist. Well done.

The Nuns taught us that Jesus died for OUR sins and because of our sinfulness we all participated in the murder of Christ; but Christ rose and saved us from our sin. Had the mob at the time not done what they did we'd still be hell bound but it did not stop them being responsible for their part (through sinfulness).

So every time you commit a sin you are responsible for Christ's death!!

I'm glad that he has forgiven me and I am humbled by His sacrifice, but I still can't help considering you an idiot. It was the Romans who put Jesus to death. Now go hate on the Italians, Spanish, Gauls, Britons, Greeks and anyone else who was a part of the Roman Empire.



Oh look, another smoothbrain who can't read a thread.

personal attack deleted

And if you BOTHERED to read the whole conversation you would see that I don't hate Jews or Romans for that matter. But that doesn't mean I ignore or deny history. So I'll say this again:

Just because a couple of Roman soldiers actually carried out the act it doesn't make the Jews any less culpable. If a wife pays someone to murder her husband, and they get caught, they are BOTH charged with murder. The wife doesn't escape responsibility just because she didn't physically commit the act. It was Jews who arrested Christ. It was Jews who arraigned him in a kangaroo court. It was Jews who then drug him to Pontius Pilate and demanded he be executed.

Now, you can stick your fingers in your ears, stomp your feet, and call me all the names you like - it doesn't change history. The Romans would not have killed Christ were it not for the demands of the Jews. This is clearly evidenced in Matthew 27:24 -

When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. "I am innocent of this man's blood," he said. "It is your responsibility!"

For a supposed Catholic you're pretty ignorant of Scripture.
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Just because a couple of Roman soldiers actually carried out the act it doesn't make the Jews any less culpable. If a wife pays someone to murder her husband, and they get caught, they are BOTH charged with murder
Yet you keep saying THE JEWS killed Him. It is YOU who isn't getting it.

Here's the thing. He died WILLINGLY for YOU.

He said He WILLINGLY laid down His earthly life FOR YOU.

He said, "Do you not think I could summon 10,000 Angel's? But He didn't. He died BECAUSE YOU ARE A SINNER and without His sacrifice you'd have no future. Every minute you reject this understanding, you spit on His sacrifice.

But I see you're making a little progress. You are now able to admit the gentiles (Romans) killed Him too.

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