Shooting at Chabad of Poway Synagogue

Seems like a strange question for you of all people to ask. Besides, even an ignoramus must have some inkling of the mythology of the greedy, manipulative Jew stereotype.

White supremacists, do I need to say, Tree of Life Synagogue, Charlottesville? And now this, all done by white supremacists.

Penny you haven't one leg to stand on. YOU believe the very same things they do. The very same. "Jews will never replace us" and all of it. The entire board is calling you out on it, basically.

So why? We have few Jews in the US, why are they not attacking blacks and brown skinned Hispanics (which most are Christian- I guess that is why).

Muslims and Jews they attack, why??

Penny you are asking me to defend the beliefs of people whose beliefs I find insane. BUT YOU DO NOT. You are being called out as frequently posting crap about the Jews. In fact you believe many of the same things that these Charlottesville folks do. SO YOU EXPLAIN IT TO ME, since you are closer to their thinking than I am.

Can you understand that. Penny?

I can't. All whites yelling in Charlottesville, Jews will not replace us, and blood and soil. Newsflash to the stupid white nationalists, perhaps a few Jews were fighting in the civil war, but I imagine they were on the Union side of things. Republicans are the biggest Israel backers, and yet they despise Jews individually.

What? No way Penny!! The DemoKKKrats hated blacks, Jews and us (Catholics). No way did Republicans as a mob do so. A big chunk of the Union Army was Catholic.

While precise statistics on Catholic service in the Civil War are unknown, the vast majority of the Irish and thus Catholic community sided with the Union over the Confederacy. While the Irish devotion to the Union cause can largely be attributed to circumstance of settlement rather than conviction, there were leaders among the Irish Catholic episcopate that loudly championed the Federal Cause. Archbishop Hughes of New York rallied Catholic northerners to his side, calling for the national flag to be displayed at churches, and advocating conscription, a practice that would prove to be unpopular with the Irish Catholic working class. Archbishop Hughes defended the draft, saying it was "not cruel…this is mercy…this is humanity." He believed that "anything that will put an end to their drenching with blood the whole surface of the county, that will be humanity." He also went on a diplomatic mission to Europe to ensure neutrality among the papal and Catholic majority nations.

Among the laity, Thomas Francis Meagher, a former Irish revolutionary leader who escaped execution by the British Empire, helped organize several ethnic Irish Union regiments into the famed "Irish Brigade." Although the Federal government was reluctant to organize ethnic brigades, it relented in order to encourage immigrant enlistment and thwart British attempts to aid the Confederacy. The Irish Brigade consisted of the 63rd, 69th, and 88th, New York regiments, along with the 28th Massachusetts from Boston, and the 116th Pennsylvania from Philadelphia. The Brigade served with distinction in combat, losing over half of its numbers at both Antietam and Fredericksburg. Further casualties at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg reduced its size to mere regimental strength. By 1864, the Irish Brigade was disbanded, but not before winning the praise of the northern public and encouraging the enlistment of many more Irish Americans.

Not all Catholics were as eager for war as was Meagher and his Irish Brigade. Among German Catholics, support for the Union cause was more ambivalent than in the Irish community. While there were German Union soldiers of all faiths, the most devoted German immigrants to the Union cause were the "Forty-Eighters." They were political refugees from the failed revolutions in Germany of 1848 who strongly supported abolitionist Republicans, leaned towards liberal Protestantism or even agnosticism, and viewed Catholics with suspicion. German Catholics subsequently failed to organize for the northern war effort in large numbers. Among Irish Catholics, many of the working class were suspicious of conscription and felt they had been pulled into a "rich man's war but a poor man's fight." Many participated in the draft riots in New York City from July 13-16, 1863, which killed hundreds of people, wounded thousands, destroyed millions of dollars in property, and led to race-based lynchings in which scores of African- Americans became victims.

Yet the overwhelming majority of Catholics in the north supported the Union war effort, if for no other reason than to prove the loyalty of their Church and ethnicity to their adopted homeland. Along with the thousands of soldiers that fought in the ranks were hundreds of priests who ministered to the troops and Catholic Sisters who assisted as nurses and sanitary workers. Catholic soldiers were at a religious disadvantage compared to the Protestant comrades, as the church lacked enough priests to both serve in the army and minister to the congregations at home. Nevertheless, Catholic priests heard confession, comforted the men, and celebrated Mass prior to battle. More than eight different orders of nuns served the soldiers during the war. Before the organization of the American Red Cross, nuns were among the most organized and experienced nurses available to serve the army. Catholic sisters were praised for their assistance to all soldiers, North and South, Catholic or Protestant. When observing this ministry, a Protestant doctor remarked to a Catholic bishop that "there must be some wonderful unity in Catholicity which nothing can destroy, not even the passions of war."

Indeed, it was this unity of the Catholic Church which proved unique among American Christianity. While Protestant denominations split over theological and sectional lines, the Catholic Church stood as the only major church which remained united during the war, even if its congregants fought on opposite sides. While the Civil War brought violence and destruction to the nation on a horrific scale, it did provide the Catholic Church in America, and its largely immigrant community, a means to show the "better angels of our nature" and the loyalty and Christian sense of duty of its parishioners; a service and devotion which continues to the present day.

Onward catholic soldiers: The catholic church during the american civil war

White supremacists, do I need to say, Tree of Life Synagogue, Charlottesville? And now this, all done by white supremacists.

Penny you haven't one leg to stand on. YOU believe the very same things they do. The very same. "Jews will never replace us" and all of it. The entire board is calling you out on it, basically.

So why? We have few Jews in the US, why are they not attacking blacks and brown skinned Hispanics (which most are Christian- I guess that is why).

Muslims and Jews they attack, why??

Penny you are asking me to defend the beliefs of people whose beliefs I find insane. BUT YOU DO NOT. You are being called out as frequently posting crap about the Jews. In fact you believe many of the same things that these Charlottesville folks do. SO YOU EXPLAIN IT TO ME, since you are closer to their thinking than I am.

Can you understand that. Penny?

I can't. All whites yelling in Charlottesville, Jews will not replace us, and blood and soil. Newsflash to the stupid white nationalists, perhaps a few Jews were fighting in the civil war, but I imagine they were on the Union side of things. Republicans are the biggest Israel backers, and yet they despise Jews individually.

What? No way Penny!! The DemoKKKrats hated blacks, Jews and us (Catholics). No way did Republicans as a mob do so. A big chunk of the Union Army was Catholic.

While precise statistics on Catholic service in the Civil War are unknown, the vast majority of the Irish and thus Catholic community sided with the Union over the Confederacy. While the Irish devotion to the Union cause can largely be attributed to circumstance of settlement rather than conviction, there were leaders among the Irish Catholic episcopate that loudly championed the Federal Cause. Archbishop Hughes of New York rallied Catholic northerners to his side, calling for the national flag to be displayed at churches, and advocating conscription, a practice that would prove to be unpopular with the Irish Catholic working class. Archbishop Hughes defended the draft, saying it was "not cruel…this is mercy…this is humanity." He believed that "anything that will put an end to their drenching with blood the whole surface of the county, that will be humanity." He also went on a diplomatic mission to Europe to ensure neutrality among the papal and Catholic majority nations.

Among the laity, Thomas Francis Meagher, a former Irish revolutionary leader who escaped execution by the British Empire, helped organize several ethnic Irish Union regiments into the famed "Irish Brigade." Although the Federal government was reluctant to organize ethnic brigades, it relented in order to encourage immigrant enlistment and thwart British attempts to aid the Confederacy. The Irish Brigade consisted of the 63rd, 69th, and 88th, New York regiments, along with the 28th Massachusetts from Boston, and the 116th Pennsylvania from Philadelphia. The Brigade served with distinction in combat, losing over half of its numbers at both Antietam and Fredericksburg. Further casualties at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg reduced its size to mere regimental strength. By 1864, the Irish Brigade was disbanded, but not before winning the praise of the northern public and encouraging the enlistment of many more Irish Americans.

Not all Catholics were as eager for war as was Meagher and his Irish Brigade. Among German Catholics, support for the Union cause was more ambivalent than in the Irish community. While there were German Union soldiers of all faiths, the most devoted German immigrants to the Union cause were the "Forty-Eighters." They were political refugees from the failed revolutions in Germany of 1848 who strongly supported abolitionist Republicans, leaned towards liberal Protestantism or even agnosticism, and viewed Catholics with suspicion. German Catholics subsequently failed to organize for the northern war effort in large numbers. Among Irish Catholics, many of the working class were suspicious of conscription and felt they had been pulled into a "rich man's war but a poor man's fight." Many participated in the draft riots in New York City from July 13-16, 1863, which killed hundreds of people, wounded thousands, destroyed millions of dollars in property, and led to race-based lynchings in which scores of African- Americans became victims.

Yet the overwhelming majority of Catholics in the north supported the Union war effort, if for no other reason than to prove the loyalty of their Church and ethnicity to their adopted homeland. Along with the thousands of soldiers that fought in the ranks were hundreds of priests who ministered to the troops and Catholic Sisters who assisted as nurses and sanitary workers. Catholic soldiers were at a religious disadvantage compared to the Protestant comrades, as the church lacked enough priests to both serve in the army and minister to the congregations at home. Nevertheless, Catholic priests heard confession, comforted the men, and celebrated Mass prior to battle. More than eight different orders of nuns served the soldiers during the war. Before the organization of the American Red Cross, nuns were among the most organized and experienced nurses available to serve the army. Catholic sisters were praised for their assistance to all soldiers, North and South, Catholic or Protestant. When observing this ministry, a Protestant doctor remarked to a Catholic bishop that "there must be some wonderful unity in Catholicity which nothing can destroy, not even the passions of war."

Indeed, it was this unity of the Catholic Church which proved unique among American Christianity. While Protestant denominations split over theological and sectional lines, the Catholic Church stood as the only major church which remained united during the war, even if its congregants fought on opposite sides. While the Civil War brought violence and destruction to the nation on a horrific scale, it did provide the Catholic Church in America, and its largely immigrant community, a means to show the "better angels of our nature" and the loyalty and Christian sense of duty of its parishioners; a service and devotion which continues to the present day.

Onward catholic soldiers: The catholic church during the american civil war

If liberals couldn't lie they would have nothing.
We have Jews in the House and Senate, why do Republicans only have 1 in the House. It was a white supremacist, same ones in Charlottesville, same one that shot up the other synagogue. Now are you fond of Jerry Nadler or Soros? I can name a lot of Jews you right wing nuts put down.

Are you a white supremacist? I assume you are, so why do most hate Jews so much? to kill them?

You're obsessed with the Jews and we have the posts to prove it here, Penny. So shut up, really.

So why do white supremacists want to kill Jews and hate Jews??

Seems like a strange question for you of all people to ask. Besides, even an ignoramus must have some inkling of the mythology of the greedy, manipulative Jew stereotype.

White supremacists, do I need to say, Tree of Life Synagogue, Charlottesville? And now this, all done by white supremacists.
Sri Lanka church killings...Neonazis are only a small group of scum. The real big killers are on the left or fanatical Isis types.


I see you are in denial.
You're obsessed with the Jews and we have the posts to prove it here, Penny. So shut up, really.

So why do white supremacists want to kill Jews and hate Jews??

Seems like a strange question for you of all people to ask. Besides, even an ignoramus must have some inkling of the mythology of the greedy, manipulative Jew stereotype.

White supremacists, do I need to say, Tree of Life Synagogue, Charlottesville? And now this, all done by white supremacists.
Sri Lanka church killings...Neonazis are only a small group of scum. The real big killers are on the left or fanatical Isis types.


I see you are in denial.
See my post about lying.
You're obsessed with the Jews and we have the posts to prove it here, Penny. So shut up, really.

So why do white supremacists want to kill Jews and hate Jews??

Seems like a strange question for you of all people to ask. Besides, even an ignoramus must have some inkling of the mythology of the greedy, manipulative Jew stereotype.

White supremacists, do I need to say, Tree of Life Synagogue, Charlottesville? And now this, all done by white supremacists.
Sri Lanka church killings...Neonazis are only a small group of scum. The real big killers are on the left or fanatical Isis types.


I see you are in denial.

About what? :08621::50:
White supremacists, do I need to say, Tree of Life Synagogue, Charlottesville? And now this, all done by white supremacists.

Penny you haven't one leg to stand on. YOU believe the very same things they do. The very same. "Jews will never replace us" and all of it. The entire board is calling you out on it, basically.

So why? We have few Jews in the US, why are they not attacking blacks and brown skinned Hispanics (which most are Christian- I guess that is why).

Muslims and Jews they attack, why??

Penny you are asking me to defend the beliefs of people whose beliefs I find insane. BUT YOU DO NOT. You are being called out as frequently posting crap about the Jews. In fact you believe many of the same things that these Charlottesville folks do. SO YOU EXPLAIN IT TO ME, since you are closer to their thinking than I am.

Can you understand that. Penny?

I can't. All whites yelling in Charlottesville, Jews will not replace us, and blood and soil. Newsflash to the stupid white nationalists, perhaps a few Jews were fighting in the civil war, but I imagine they were on the Union side of things. Republicans are the biggest Israel backers, and yet they despise Jews individually.

What? No way Penny!! The DemoKKKrats hated blacks, Jews and us (Catholics). No way did Republicans as a mob do so. A big chunk of the Union Army was Catholic.

While precise statistics on Catholic service in the Civil War are unknown, the vast majority of the Irish and thus Catholic community sided with the Union over the Confederacy. While the Irish devotion to the Union cause can largely be attributed to circumstance of settlement rather than conviction, there were leaders among the Irish Catholic episcopate that loudly championed the Federal Cause. Archbishop Hughes of New York rallied Catholic northerners to his side, calling for the national flag to be displayed at churches, and advocating conscription, a practice that would prove to be unpopular with the Irish Catholic working class. Archbishop Hughes defended the draft, saying it was "not cruel…this is mercy…this is humanity." He believed that "anything that will put an end to their drenching with blood the whole surface of the county, that will be humanity." He also went on a diplomatic mission to Europe to ensure neutrality among the papal and Catholic majority nations.

Among the laity, Thomas Francis Meagher, a former Irish revolutionary leader who escaped execution by the British Empire, helped organize several ethnic Irish Union regiments into the famed "Irish Brigade." Although the Federal government was reluctant to organize ethnic brigades, it relented in order to encourage immigrant enlistment and thwart British attempts to aid the Confederacy. The Irish Brigade consisted of the 63rd, 69th, and 88th, New York regiments, along with the 28th Massachusetts from Boston, and the 116th Pennsylvania from Philadelphia. The Brigade served with distinction in combat, losing over half of its numbers at both Antietam and Fredericksburg. Further casualties at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg reduced its size to mere regimental strength. By 1864, the Irish Brigade was disbanded, but not before winning the praise of the northern public and encouraging the enlistment of many more Irish Americans.

Not all Catholics were as eager for war as was Meagher and his Irish Brigade. Among German Catholics, support for the Union cause was more ambivalent than in the Irish community. While there were German Union soldiers of all faiths, the most devoted German immigrants to the Union cause were the "Forty-Eighters." They were political refugees from the failed revolutions in Germany of 1848 who strongly supported abolitionist Republicans, leaned towards liberal Protestantism or even agnosticism, and viewed Catholics with suspicion. German Catholics subsequently failed to organize for the northern war effort in large numbers. Among Irish Catholics, many of the working class were suspicious of conscription and felt they had been pulled into a "rich man's war but a poor man's fight." Many participated in the draft riots in New York City from July 13-16, 1863, which killed hundreds of people, wounded thousands, destroyed millions of dollars in property, and led to race-based lynchings in which scores of African- Americans became victims.

Yet the overwhelming majority of Catholics in the north supported the Union war effort, if for no other reason than to prove the loyalty of their Church and ethnicity to their adopted homeland. Along with the thousands of soldiers that fought in the ranks were hundreds of priests who ministered to the troops and Catholic Sisters who assisted as nurses and sanitary workers. Catholic soldiers were at a religious disadvantage compared to the Protestant comrades, as the church lacked enough priests to both serve in the army and minister to the congregations at home. Nevertheless, Catholic priests heard confession, comforted the men, and celebrated Mass prior to battle. More than eight different orders of nuns served the soldiers during the war. Before the organization of the American Red Cross, nuns were among the most organized and experienced nurses available to serve the army. Catholic sisters were praised for their assistance to all soldiers, North and South, Catholic or Protestant. When observing this ministry, a Protestant doctor remarked to a Catholic bishop that "there must be some wonderful unity in Catholicity which nothing can destroy, not even the passions of war."

Indeed, it was this unity of the Catholic Church which proved unique among American Christianity. While Protestant denominations split over theological and sectional lines, the Catholic Church stood as the only major church which remained united during the war, even if its congregants fought on opposite sides. While the Civil War brought violence and destruction to the nation on a horrific scale, it did provide the Catholic Church in America, and its largely immigrant community, a means to show the "better angels of our nature" and the loyalty and Christian sense of duty of its parishioners; a service and devotion which continues to the present day.

Onward catholic soldiers: The catholic church during the american civil war


Fallacy I see, it was the North verses South in the 1800's, and still is today.
So why do white supremacists want to kill Jews and hate Jews??

Seems like a strange question for you of all people to ask. Besides, even an ignoramus must have some inkling of the mythology of the greedy, manipulative Jew stereotype.

White supremacists, do I need to say, Tree of Life Synagogue, Charlottesville? And now this, all done by white supremacists.
Sri Lanka church killings...Neonazis are only a small group of scum. The real big killers are on the left or fanatical Isis types.


I see you are in denial.

About what? :08621::50:
White supremacists, do I need to say, Tree of Life Synagogue, Charlottesville? And now this, all done by white supremacists.
Seems like a strange question for you of all people to ask. Besides, even an ignoramus must have some inkling of the mythology of the greedy, manipulative Jew stereotype.

White supremacists, do I need to say, Tree of Life Synagogue, Charlottesville? And now this, all done by white supremacists.
Sri Lanka church killings...Neonazis are only a small group of scum. The real big killers are on the left or fanatical Isis types.


I see you are in denial.

About what? :08621::50:
White supremacists, do I need to say, Tree of Life Synagogue, Charlottesville? And now this, all done by white supremacists.

Not my issue.
Seems like a strange question for you of all people to ask. Besides, even an ignoramus must have some inkling of the mythology of the greedy, manipulative Jew stereotype.

White supremacists, do I need to say, Tree of Life Synagogue, Charlottesville? And now this, all done by white supremacists.
Sri Lanka church killings...Neonazis are only a small group of scum. The real big killers are on the left or fanatical Isis types.


I see you are in denial.

About what? :08621::50:
White supremacists, do I need to say, Tree of Life Synagogue, Charlottesville? And now this, all done by white supremacists.
Prove it, while you stop lying.
Why do white supremacists hate Jews so much??

Why do leftists (like you) do so as well? Y'all must have some kind of reasons, amirite?

So spell them out already! I grew up with a bunch of Jewish friends and :fu:as far as I'm concerned.

We have Jews in the House and Senate, why do Republicans only have 1 in the House. It was a white supremacist, same ones in Charlottesville, same one that shot up the other synagogue. Now are you fond of Jerry Nadler or Soros? I can name a lot of Jews you right wing nuts put down.

Are you a white supremacist? I assume you are, so why do most hate Jews so much? to kill them?

You're obsessed with the Jews and we have the posts to prove it here, Penny. So shut up, really.

So why do white supremacists want to kill Jews and hate Jews??
Because they perceive Jews as a ‘threat.’

This variation of rightwing bigotry – white supremacists – believe, incorrectly, that Jews ‘control’ the government and ‘control’ the financial system.

White supremacists attempt to propagate the lie that with this ‘control’ Jews will manipulate government and the markets to their advantage and to the disadvantage of white Christians.

For example, it’s common for white supremacists to refer to the Federal government as ‘ZOG’: Zionist occupied government – an idiotic reference to the lie that Jews ‘control the Federal government.’

Needless to say, this ignorance, fear, hate, and bigotry is unmitigated nonsense, the product of delusional paranoia and dangerous mental illness.
The shooter made anti trump comments .. another democrat shooter .. that makes 100% of the shootings this weekend was done by democrats.
19 year old
........they think they can save the world/etc --college age--they have NO idea what life is really like ..they live in a ''bubble''/etc
..he has no idea what the Jews are like
he's a real idiot
19 year old
........they think they can save the world/etc --college age--they have NO idea what life is really like ..they live in a ''bubble''/etc
..he has no idea what the Jews are like
he's a real idiot
And a murderer. I wonder how hard the libs will try not to put him away?
Why? What kind of monster would do this? What kind of world do we live in now that houses of worship are being attacked? This is awful on any day, but on a holy day it is particularly awful.

We need a solid federal law against domestic terrorism. We also need to get this heartless bastard.
you people always confuse terrorism with murder
......every country has its murderer's---but the Middle East/muslims/islamics are much more prone to terrorism...I've linked and documented this many times on USMB
...this is just plain common sense/knowledge for anyone with a brain
  1. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Why? What kind of monster would do this? What kind of world do we live in now that houses of worship are being attacked? This is awful on any day, but on a holy day it is particularly awful.

We need a solid federal law against domestic terrorism. We also need to get this heartless bastard.
you people always confuse terrorism with murder
......every country has its murderer's---but the Middle East/muslims/islamics are much more prone to terrorism...I've linked and documented this many times on USMB
...this is just plain common sense/knowledge for anyone with a brain
  1. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
That’s not the democrat definition.. they have their own dictionary
Why does the most rabidly pro-Jewish country in the World, have the most shootings upon Jews in the World too?

There's probably more anti-Semites in Poland, than the USA, and yet this doesn't keep happening.

Either, it's some mighty coincidence, or it's the Globalist Jews doing it, to make themselves victims to stomp out anti-Semitic views through shock value.
I am certain you will not get an infraction for this! Nope! Not ewe!

I don't support this crap, I'm against senseless violence.

Why should I get an infraction, exactly?
There were even Mods calling it good, when far worse massacres were practiced upon Palestinians, by Israel.
Because you are bashing Jews which is allowed and not Muslims which is not allowed.
Allowed? Not allowed? Those only apply if you’re a right winger. But they hate gays even more than they hate Jews and Muslims and blacks and Hispanics.

If I’m wrong, correct me. But I’m pretty sure they hate the gays the most.
Why does the most rabidly pro-Jewish country in the World, have the most shootings upon Jews in the World too?

There's probably more anti-Semites in Poland, than the USA, and yet this doesn't keep happening.

Either, it's some mighty coincidence, or it's the Globalist Jews doing it, to make themselves victims to stomp out anti-Semitic views through shock value.
I am certain you will not get an infraction for this! Nope! Not ewe!

I don't support this crap, I'm against senseless violence.

Why should I get an infraction, exactly?
There were even Mods calling it good, when far worse massacres were practiced upon Palestinians, by Israel.
Because you are bashing Jews which is allowed and not Muslims which is not allowed.
Allowed? Not allowed? Those only apply if you’re a right winger. But they hate gays even more than they hate Jews and Muslims and blacks and Hispanics.
Fake news.
Why does the most rabidly pro-Jewish country in the World, have the most shootings upon Jews in the World too?

There's probably more anti-Semites in Poland, than the USA, and yet this doesn't keep happening.

Either, it's some mighty coincidence, or it's the Globalist Jews doing it, to make themselves victims to stomp out anti-Semitic views through shock value.
I am certain you will not get an infraction for this! Nope! Not ewe!

I don't support this crap, I'm against senseless violence.

Why should I get an infraction, exactly?
There were even Mods calling it good, when far worse massacres were practiced upon Palestinians, by Israel.
Because you are bashing Jews which is allowed and not Muslims which is not allowed.
Allowed? Not allowed? Those only apply if you’re a right winger. But they hate gays even more than they hate Jews and Muslims and blacks and Hispanics.

If I’m wrong, correct me. But I’m pretty sure they hate the gays the most.
I’m pretty sure gays hate conservatives more than conservatives hate gays .. the way Pete Buttigieg has attacked pence for no reason at all proves it

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