Shooting at Chabad of Poway Synagogue

Not to belittle what happened at the Tree of life synagogue but yesterday's attack hardly spelled the end of Jewish freedom in America. Talk about blowing things completely out of proportion. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that article's author revels in the idea that Jews are hated in America. Finally, we're back on top of the victimhood hierarchy!

Are country music fans no longer free after the Vegas shooting?

What about Amish schoolgirls after the West Nickel mines shooting?

I don't think Jews feel like victims.

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Nope...and they certainly know when people are trying to use them for their own "End Times" means.

What happened? California banner hi cap mags and mandated the bullet button on AR’s. How was this man able to do this?

It is the reason when that occur why you have those who say False Flag situation. You say this maniac how can he do this when California outlaw these things and those who think False Flag would say because he was DELIBERATELY provided with what is outlawed to do what he did.
A False Flag, eh? :cuckoo:

Reading Comprehension problems Bode? I did not say it was a False Flag, my comments again, you should just GIVE UP considering you are WRONG about things nearly ALL the time:

It is the reason when that occur why you have those who say False Flag situation. You say this maniac how can he do this when California outlaw these things and those who think False Flag would say because he was DELIBERATELY provided with what is outlawed to do what he did.


What happened? California banner hi cap mags and mandated the bullet button on AR’s. How was this man able to do this?

It is the reason when that occur why you have those who say False Flag situation. You say this maniac how can he do this when California outlaw these things and those who think False Flag would say because he was DELIBERATELY provided with what is outlawed to do what he did.
A False Flag, eh? :cuckoo:

Reading Comprehension problems Bode? I did not say it was a False Flag, my comments again, you should just GIVE UP considering you are WRONG about things nearly ALL the time:

It is the reason when that occur why you have those who say False Flag situation. You say this maniac how can he do this when California outlaw these things and those who think False Flag would say because he was DELIBERATELY provided with what is outlawed to do what he did.

It’s worth looking into, but honestly, seeing how our government can’t even make laws I have very little faith they could pull that off.
And...guess what was happening while the white nationalist was attacking the Poway synogogue.....White Nationalists Storm Washington Bookstore Reading: ‘This Land Is Our Land’ | HuffPost

Amazing...another book of racist anti-white propaganda by a communist Jew and people still ask why anyone might be angry at Jews.
Why don't you shut up? Look at what you just wrote, and you have the chutzpah to call anyone else a racist?
At least you gave yourself an appropriate user name.

What I said is true. The author is jewish, he's a marxist. He hates white people and he makes big $$$ selling his racist propaganda.

The Conservative Jews need to start to police the Leftist Jews because they are causing the problem for Jews in GENERAL and with that give a twisted reasoning to random maniacs to go and shoot up a Synagogue and this is totally NOT ACCEPTABLE on ANY LEVEL.

Cultural Marxism is a poison and it is going to DESTROY Western Society if it is not stopped. The Conservative Jews are as Anti-Cultural Marxism as we are.

How many Leftist Jews who are Athiest go to the Synagogue and do whatever they do in the Synagogue? Not many, I mean WHY would Leftist Athiest Jews go to the Synagogue on a regular basis when they are NOT Observant Jews? But because of THEM Conservative Jews are getting shot at by random maniacs.

This Synagogue attack, only backfires against the far-Right.

Far more Americans are pro-Jewish, than pro-Muslim, and far more Americans are anti-Muslims, than anti-Jewish.

So, is this attack some kind of coincidence, or something more?

The problem is in the USA about 80% of Jews are Liberal, 10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton.

I've decided I don't care for that reason (80% liberal). I only care for real Jews in Israel. If these American kikes want to vote to destroy Anerica (ObammyBidenBeast) then they can all get shot. They are voting for the criminals, spying, open borders, lawbreakers, bankruptcy on an on. I dont give one rats rear end if they all burn to death (dem scum). I only care for the smart jews here or there. It is them or us Americans. Fire when ready.

They of all people should know better.
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Amazing...another book of racist anti-white propaganda by a communist Jew and people still ask why anyone might be angry at Jews.
Why don't you shut up? Look at what you just wrote, and you have the chutzpah to call anyone else a racist?
At least you gave yourself an appropriate user name.

What I said is true. The author is jewish, he's a marxist. He hates white people and he makes big $$$ selling his racist propaganda.

The Conservative Jews need to start to police the Leftist Jews because they are causing the problem for Jews in GENERAL and with that give a twisted reasoning to random maniacs to go and shoot up a Synagogue and this is totally NOT ACCEPTABLE on ANY LEVEL.

Cultural Marxism is a poison and it is going to DESTROY Western Society if it is not stopped. The Conservative Jews are as Anti-Cultural Marxism as we are.

How many Leftist Jews who are Athiest go to the Synagogue and do whatever they do in the Synagogue? Not many, I mean WHY would Leftist Athiest Jews go to the Synagogue on a regular basis when they are NOT Observant Jews? But because of THEM Conservative Jews are getting shot at by random maniacs.

This Synagogue attack, only backfires against the far-Right.

Far more Americans are pro-Jewish, than pro-Muslim, and far more Americans are anti-Muslims, than anti-Jewish.

So, is this attack some kind of coincidence, or something more?

The problem is in the USA about 80% of Jews are Liberal, 10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton.

I've decided I don't care for that reason (80% liberal). I only care for real Jews in Israel. If these American kikes want to vote to destroy Anerica (ObammyBidenBeast) then they can all get shot. They are voting for the criminals, spying, open borders, lawbreakers, bankruptcy on an on. I dont give one rats rear end if they all burn to death (dem scum). I only care for the smart jews here or there. It is them or us Americans. Fire when ready.

They of all people should know better.

A dues paying member of the lunatic fringe ^^^!
On the morning of the Poway Shooting, the NYT printed as vile an anti-Semitic cartoon as we have seen since Nazi Germany.

ALAN DERSHOWITZ WONDERS: What if the New York Times Cartoon had depicted a Muslim, a Lesbian, an African American or a Mexican as a Dog?

Nor is the publication of this anti-Semitic cartoon a one-off. For years now, the New York Times op-ed pages have been one-sidedly anti-Israel. Its reporting has often been provably false, and all the errors tend to favor Israel’s enemies. Most recently, the New York Times published an op-ed declaring, on Easter Sunday, that the crucified Jesus was probably a Palestinian. How absurd. How preposterous. How predictable.

In recent years, it has become more and more difficult to distinguish between the reporting of the New York Times and their editorializing. Sometimes its editors hide behind the euphemism “news analysis,” when allowing personal opinions to be published on the front page. More recently, they haven’t even bothered to offer any cover. The reporting itself, as repeatedly demonstrated by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), has been filled with anti-Israel errors.​

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