Shooting at Chabad of Poway Synagogue

1 shot dead? Try 12 per day shot, 2 killed in CHI alone per day EVERYDAY. Cop haters HAVE made it so they wont Police those neighborhoods any longer. This little shooting is a pimple on the rear of American murders. Nobody cares.
I'm sure that information is comforting to the people of Poway.

Well yes, but Old Yeller's point that you miss TOTALLY is that WHY is this ONE person shot and killed by a random maniac to be considered MORE IMPORTANT than the 12 shot A DAY EVERY DAY that he is pointing out? Now the logical thinking as to WHY that could be is to then ask is it BECAUSE that ONE person is a Jew? And NO before you think it that is NOT Anti-Semitic to ask that, it's the logical response to the hysteria.
Maybe it's partly because a lot of the 12 people shot each day in gang killings chose that lifestyle and had at least an idea of what might happen to them. Not all, but a lot. And it sucks and I still mourn that loss, too, but LUCY,
That woman at Chabad of Poway was praying for her mother on one of their holiest days of the year and not asking for any trouble from anyone. None.
That might be part of the reason. That and because one is supposed to be safe in church. Not anymore, though.
Well you put MAGA so I thought that was a Trump thing you think to connect Trump to this deranged maniac murderer.
No. Our society can't blame just Trump for what we've become.

Well The Donald now blamed for EVERYTHING he blamed for the maniac who did the New Zealand Mosque shooting. The situation and as you are on the Left I know you will disagree, but the situation is that in MANY Western nations for DECADES Leftists have sown the poisonous seeds that are now above ground level. They have put ONE group against ANOTHER group - Blacks vs Non-Blacks, Gays vs Straights etc AND the Architects of this POISON have been the Cultural Marxists who has INFESTED Western Society via politics, legal profession and PREDOMINATELY INFESTED the educational systems AND the MEDIA:


I don't know anything about Marxism, so I guess I'll have to take your word for it. But if you're winging that label around the same way everyone was throwing the label Nazi around, you're all full of shit.

Maybe you should do some research into the subject then. Educate yourself on the Marxist roots of Critical theory, intersectional feminism, psychoanalysis and scores of other sociology disciplines taught on college campuses, and how this indoctrination bleeds into news and entertainment media into the lifeblood of popular culture.
No thanks. I like treasure hunting and bird watching. And reading good novels.
Found a picture of John Earnest. I cannot imagine a 19-year-old man killing his fellow Americans, and that will keep him incarcerated for the duration of his life, which if he makes it to 70 will be 51 more years. I have to read the rest of this forum, because I didn't read online yesterday very much due to illness. I am praying for his Jewish victims, who were only celebrating a traditional holiday in a house of worship. Thanks, Wry Catcher for putting this at USMB, even if it is a terrible thing.
I really wish people wouldn't post this thug's picture OR his name. Why not post pictures and names of the victims instead:

Synagogue shooting: Woman killed jumped between the rabbi and the gunman - CNN
You just don't post pictures of victims without the family's permission, bodecea. Perpetrators of crimes should be known. This one called the police on himself and wanted to be apprehended. Nothing about the perp makes any sense to me, except who he's hobbing with online, at school, etc. Most of his friends will be innocent, but violence against innocent people has a nudge, and I want to know who and what that was. You hate visuals. I hate false words. We all have our limits. Feel free to put me on your ignore list. I try to keep it real.
Synagogue shooting: Woman killed jumped between the rabbi and the gunman - CNN
All right. You convinced me to remove the picture. His picture doesn't belong on the same page with her name, so hope you will remove it from your post above as well. And thanks for your persistence. ^

Edit: I also removed his action photo from my post. My deepest apologies for not seeing your sensitivity, bodecea. I just didn't understand until you posted the story of the woman who died saving the pastor's life. Thanks for your example. Really, thanks.

"My deepest apologies for not seeing your sensitivity, bodecea."

Bodey had ZERO sensitivity for when Notre Dame went up in an inferno, the opposite she Mega Trolled an ENTIRE thread and basically was making fun of such an IMMENSE Christian Symbol being destroyed. This is one reason why someone who IS a Christian like ME is NOT going to begin crying and almost getting into a Grand Mal Seizure about a Synagogue being attacked by some random deranged maniac. Was it WRONG? Of course it was WRONG, going into a place and killing UNARMED innocents is ALWAYS WRONG but I am not going to start crying and almost getting into a Grand Mal Seizure about it.

200 Christians were BLOWN UP on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka and the Bodey type had ZERO sympathy OR sensitivity for them because they were the HATED Christians.
That may be, but I was specifically persuaded by bodecea that pictures of the perpetrator aren't a particularly good idea. I did not see the light until bodecea posted a link to the woman who took a bullet for the rabbi, and she died for it. I realized what a selfless thing that was, and her murderer was thinking of his little pitiful thoughts of pleasing his peer group, while she gave her life for a man who uplifts many people. I could see that that young man's picture didn't belong on the same page as that selfless woman, and that I had made a mistake in judgment for which I apologized and took down the 2 pictures I posted, the picture of the same man running with a gun, and the same pictures in links I posted later. The young man committed a heinous crime and wounded 2 people who'd just left a part of the world to come to a safe place in America where they wouldn't have to face terrorism. No place is safe in a society where people practice too much vigilanteism, terrorism, and political murders. By the time this kid spends half a lifetime in prison and realizes his mistake got him into prison world, only then will he regret his behaviors and know that Christ did not teach people to murder people based on race, religion, etc. Except it is highly likely he will not breathe free air for the rest of his life.
No. Our society can't blame just Trump for what we've become.

Well The Donald now blamed for EVERYTHING he blamed for the maniac who did the New Zealand Mosque shooting. The situation and as you are on the Left I know you will disagree, but the situation is that in MANY Western nations for DECADES Leftists have sown the poisonous seeds that are now above ground level. They have put ONE group against ANOTHER group - Blacks vs Non-Blacks, Gays vs Straights etc AND the Architects of this POISON have been the Cultural Marxists who has INFESTED Western Society via politics, legal profession and PREDOMINATELY INFESTED the educational systems AND the MEDIA:


I don't know anything about Marxism, so I guess I'll have to take your word for it. But if you're winging that label around the same way everyone was throwing the label Nazi around, you're all full of shit.

Maybe you should do some research into the subject then. Educate yourself on the Marxist roots of Critical theory, intersectional feminism, psychoanalysis and scores of other sociology disciplines taught on college campuses, and how this indoctrination bleeds into news and entertainment media into the lifeblood of popular culture.
No thanks. I like treasure hunting and bird watching. And reading good novels.
I really wish people wouldn't post this thug's picture OR his name. Why not post pictures and names of the victims instead:

Synagogue shooting: Woman killed jumped between the rabbi and the gunman - CNN
You just don't post pictures of victims without the family's permission, bodecea. Perpetrators of crimes should be known. This one called the police on himself and wanted to be apprehended. Nothing about the perp makes any sense to me, except who he's hobbing with online, at school, etc. Most of his friends will be innocent, but violence against innocent people has a nudge, and I want to know who and what that was. You hate visuals. I hate false words. We all have our limits. Feel free to put me on your ignore list. I try to keep it real.
Synagogue shooting: Woman killed jumped between the rabbi and the gunman - CNN
All right. You convinced me to remove the picture. His picture doesn't belong on the same page with her name, so hope you will remove it from your post above as well. And thanks for your persistence. ^

Edit: I also removed his action photo from my post. My deepest apologies for not seeing your sensitivity, bodecea. I just didn't understand until you posted the story of the woman who died saving the pastor's life. Thanks for your example. Really, thanks.

"My deepest apologies for not seeing your sensitivity, bodecea."

Bodey had ZERO sensitivity for when Notre Dame went up in an inferno, the opposite she Mega Trolled an ENTIRE thread and basically was making fun of such an IMMENSE Christian Symbol being destroyed. This is one reason why someone who IS a Christian like ME is NOT going to begin crying and almost getting into a Grand Mal Seizure about a Synagogue being attacked by some random deranged maniac. Was it WRONG? Of course it was WRONG, going into a place and killing UNARMED innocents is ALWAYS WRONG but I am not going to start crying and almost getting into a Grand Mal Seizure about it.

200 Christians were BLOWN UP on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka and the Bodey type had ZERO sympathy OR sensitivity for them because they were the HATED Christians.
That may be, but I was specifically persuaded by bodecea that pictures of the perpetrator aren't a particularly good idea. I did not see the light until bodecea posted a link to the woman who took a bullet for the rabbi, and she died for it. I realized what a selfless thing that was, and her murderer was thinking of his little pitiful thoughts of pleasing his peer group, while she gave her life for a man who uplifts many people. I could see that that young man's picture didn't belong on the same page as that selfless woman, and that I had made a mistake in judgment for which I apologized and took down the 2 pictures I posted, the picture of the same man running with a gun, and the same pictures in links I posted later. The young man committed a heinous crime and wounded 2 people who'd just left a part of the world to come to a safe place in America where they wouldn't have to face terrorism. No place is safe in a society where people practice too much vigilanteism, terrorism, and political murders. By the time this kid spends half a lifetime in prison and realizes his mistake got him into prison world, only then will he regret his behaviors and know that Christ did not teach people to murder people based on race, religion, etc. Except it is highly likely he will not breathe free air for the rest of his life.

Personally I think he should be executed, being Pro-Death Penalty my opinion is that if you murder you should be executed, I am very consistent about this I do not care what religion you are or are not or what your skin is, you murder someone you should be executed.
Why do leftists (like you) do so as well? Y'all must have some kind of reasons, amirite?

So spell them out already! I grew up with a bunch of Jewish friends and :fu:as far as I'm concerned.

We have Jews in the House and Senate, why do Republicans only have 1 in the House. It was a white supremacist, same ones in Charlottesville, same one that shot up the other synagogue. Now are you fond of Jerry Nadler or Soros? I can name a lot of Jews you right wing nuts put down.

Are you a white supremacist? I assume you are, so why do most hate Jews so much? to kill them?

You're obsessed with the Jews and we have the posts to prove it here, Penny. So shut up, really.

So why do white supremacists want to kill Jews and hate Jews??

Seems like a strange question for you of all people to ask. Besides, even an ignoramus must have some inkling of the mythology of the greedy, manipulative Jew stereotype.

White supremacists, do I need to say, Tree of Life Synagogue, Charlottesville? And now this, all done by white supremacists.
Lets compare the number of blacks killed by the boogie man white supremacists to those kill say in Chicago by other blacks.......
And...guess what was happening while the white nationalist was attacking the Poway synogogue.....White Nationalists Storm Washington Bookstore Reading: ‘This Land Is Our Land’ | HuffPost

Amazing...another book of racist anti-white propaganda by a communist Jew and people still ask why anyone might be angry at Jews.
Why don't you shut up? Look at what you just wrote, and you have the chutzpah to call anyone else a racist?
At least you gave yourself an appropriate user name.

What I said is true. The author is jewish, he's a marxist. He hates white people and he makes big $$$ selling his racist propaganda.

The Conservative Jews need to start to police the Leftist Jews because they are causing the problem for Jews in GENERAL and with that give a twisted reasoning to random maniacs to go and shoot up a Synagogue and this is totally NOT ACCEPTABLE on ANY LEVEL.

Cultural Marxism is a poison and it is going to DESTROY Western Society if it is not stopped. The Conservative Jews are as Anti-Cultural Marxism as we are.

How many Leftist Jews who are Athiest go to the Synagogue and do whatever they do in the Synagogue? Not many, I mean WHY would Leftist Athiest Jews go to the Synagogue on a regular basis when they are NOT Observant Jews? But because of THEM Conservative Jews are getting shot at by random maniacs.

This Synagogue attack, only backfires against the far-Right.

Far more Americans are pro-Jewish, than pro-Muslim, and far more Americans are anti-Muslims, than anti-Jewish.

So, is this attack some kind of coincidence, or something more?

The problem is in the USA about 80% of Jews are Liberal, 10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton.
1 shot dead? Try 12 per day shot, 2 killed in CHI alone per day EVERYDAY. Cop haters HAVE made it so they wont Police those neighborhoods any longer. This little shooting is a pimple on the rear of American murders. Nobody cares.
I'm sure that information is comforting to the people of Poway.

Well yes, but Old Yeller's point that you miss TOTALLY is that WHY is this ONE person shot and killed by a random maniac to be considered MORE IMPORTANT than the 12 shot A DAY EVERY DAY that he is pointing out? Now the logical thinking as to WHY that could be is to then ask is it BECAUSE that ONE person is a Jew? And NO before you think it that is NOT Anti-Semitic to ask that, it's the logical response to the hysteria.
Maybe it's partly because a lot of the 12 people shot each day in gang killings chose that lifestyle and had at least an idea of what might happen to them. Not all, but a lot. And it sucks and I still mourn that loss, too, but LUCY,
That woman at Chabad of Poway was praying for her mother on one of their holiest days of the year and not asking for any trouble from anyone. None.
That might be part of the reason. That and because one is supposed to be safe in church. Not anymore, though.
You're a "lib", but you're exactly right here. There IS a difference between the totally innocent (regardless of race or religion), vs those who choose thuggery.
We have Jews in the House and Senate, why do Republicans only have 1 in the House. It was a white supremacist, same ones in Charlottesville, same one that shot up the other synagogue. Now are you fond of Jerry Nadler or Soros? I can name a lot of Jews you right wing nuts put down.

Are you a white supremacist? I assume you are, so why do most hate Jews so much? to kill them?

You're obsessed with the Jews and we have the posts to prove it here, Penny. So shut up, really.

So why do white supremacists want to kill Jews and hate Jews??

Seems like a strange question for you of all people to ask. Besides, even an ignoramus must have some inkling of the mythology of the greedy, manipulative Jew stereotype.

White supremacists, do I need to say, Tree of Life Synagogue, Charlottesville? And now this, all done by white supremacists.
Lets compare the number of blacks killed by the boogie man white supremacists to those kill say in Chicago by other blacks.......
I am comforted by your concern.
Well The Donald now blamed for EVERYTHING he blamed for the maniac who did the New Zealand Mosque shooting. The situation and as you are on the Left I know you will disagree, but the situation is that in MANY Western nations for DECADES Leftists have sown the poisonous seeds that are now above ground level. They have put ONE group against ANOTHER group - Blacks vs Non-Blacks, Gays vs Straights etc AND the Architects of this POISON have been the Cultural Marxists who has INFESTED Western Society via politics, legal profession and PREDOMINATELY INFESTED the educational systems AND the MEDIA:


I don't know anything about Marxism, so I guess I'll have to take your word for it. But if you're winging that label around the same way everyone was throwing the label Nazi around, you're all full of shit.

Maybe you should do some research into the subject then. Educate yourself on the Marxist roots of Critical theory, intersectional feminism, psychoanalysis and scores of other sociology disciplines taught on college campuses, and how this indoctrination bleeds into news and entertainment media into the lifeblood of popular culture.
No thanks. I like treasure hunting and bird watching. And reading good novels.
You just don't post pictures of victims without the family's permission, bodecea. Perpetrators of crimes should be known. This one called the police on himself and wanted to be apprehended. Nothing about the perp makes any sense to me, except who he's hobbing with online, at school, etc. Most of his friends will be innocent, but violence against innocent people has a nudge, and I want to know who and what that was. You hate visuals. I hate false words. We all have our limits. Feel free to put me on your ignore list. I try to keep it real.
Synagogue shooting: Woman killed jumped between the rabbi and the gunman - CNN
All right. You convinced me to remove the picture. His picture doesn't belong on the same page with her name, so hope you will remove it from your post above as well. And thanks for your persistence. ^

Edit: I also removed his action photo from my post. My deepest apologies for not seeing your sensitivity, bodecea. I just didn't understand until you posted the story of the woman who died saving the pastor's life. Thanks for your example. Really, thanks.

"My deepest apologies for not seeing your sensitivity, bodecea."

Bodey had ZERO sensitivity for when Notre Dame went up in an inferno, the opposite she Mega Trolled an ENTIRE thread and basically was making fun of such an IMMENSE Christian Symbol being destroyed. This is one reason why someone who IS a Christian like ME is NOT going to begin crying and almost getting into a Grand Mal Seizure about a Synagogue being attacked by some random deranged maniac. Was it WRONG? Of course it was WRONG, going into a place and killing UNARMED innocents is ALWAYS WRONG but I am not going to start crying and almost getting into a Grand Mal Seizure about it.

200 Christians were BLOWN UP on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka and the Bodey type had ZERO sympathy OR sensitivity for them because they were the HATED Christians.
That may be, but I was specifically persuaded by bodecea that pictures of the perpetrator aren't a particularly good idea. I did not see the light until bodecea posted a link to the woman who took a bullet for the rabbi, and she died for it. I realized what a selfless thing that was, and her murderer was thinking of his little pitiful thoughts of pleasing his peer group, while she gave her life for a man who uplifts many people. I could see that that young man's picture didn't belong on the same page as that selfless woman, and that I had made a mistake in judgment for which I apologized and took down the 2 pictures I posted, the picture of the same man running with a gun, and the same pictures in links I posted later. The young man committed a heinous crime and wounded 2 people who'd just left a part of the world to come to a safe place in America where they wouldn't have to face terrorism. No place is safe in a society where people practice too much vigilanteism, terrorism, and political murders. By the time this kid spends half a lifetime in prison and realizes his mistake got him into prison world, only then will he regret his behaviors and know that Christ did not teach people to murder people based on race, religion, etc. Except it is highly likely he will not breathe free air for the rest of his life.

Personally I think he should be executed, being Pro-Death Penalty my opinion is that if you murder you should be executed, I am very consistent about this I do not care what religion you are or are not or what your skin is, you murder someone you should be executed.
I used to think so, too, until I read about a professor who back in the 70s or 80s had his grad students check out the DNA reads of people accused of murder-rapes, and other crimes after people wrote to tell him their son did not do the crime, the son was convinced he had not done the crime so never confessed. They found that 16% of the people on death row did not commit the crimes backed up by proof their DNA was not the same as was found on the victim's dead body. That's 16 innocent people out of 100 at the time of their study.

Today, it's a little more complex. There are criminals so fixated on getting out of going to jail, they pretend very convincingly to know who did the crime, and that person often becomes the object of criminal investigators. There are other reasons the innocent get convicted of crimes they didn't commit, but still in all, juries can and do convict people even after listening to information that shows witnesses saw them elsewhere at the time of the crime. Once in a while, an innocent person sitting in a cell awaiting death for killing someone when another confesses. Quite often the two look so similar in appearance the "witness" is certain the lookalike person was the very person they saw. And pictures prove their claim.

For that reason, I'm not willing to put any person to death for a crime he didn't commit if there is this 10% or higher chance he was lied about, looked like the real killer, had witnesses who were ignored by a jury fooled by skillful lawyering or a d.a. who hides exculpatory evidence or papers from the defense attorneys to get re-elected. My business experience has shown me that a few people lie a lot to get something for nothing, although most people do not, and some are so truthful that if they don't show up for a meeting they scheduled, you better call the hospital, because they just had to go for emergency heart or hip surgery, and you can wish them good luck in surgery because you think so well of them.

With the 16% principle of innocence known and repeatedly found by other investigators, If you have 1,000 people on death row, 160 of them are going to a cruel death for a crime they didn't do. That study I read back in the early 80s changed my outlook on punishment of crimes. It's bad enough that innocent people have to sit in a cell for 30 years, but it's untenable that 16 of every 100 executed didn't do it.
Well The Donald now blamed for EVERYTHING he blamed for the maniac who did the New Zealand Mosque shooting. The situation and as you are on the Left I know you will disagree, but the situation is that in MANY Western nations for DECADES Leftists have sown the poisonous seeds that are now above ground level. They have put ONE group against ANOTHER group - Blacks vs Non-Blacks, Gays vs Straights etc AND the Architects of this POISON have been the Cultural Marxists who has INFESTED Western Society via politics, legal profession and PREDOMINATELY INFESTED the educational systems AND the MEDIA:

I don't know anything about Marxism, so I guess I'll have to take your word for it. But if you're winging that label around the same way everyone was throwing the label Nazi around, you're all full of shit.

Maybe you should do some research into the subject then. Educate yourself on the Marxist roots of Critical theory, intersectional feminism, psychoanalysis and scores of other sociology disciplines taught on college campuses, and how this indoctrination bleeds into news and entertainment media into the lifeblood of popular culture.
No thanks. I like treasure hunting and bird watching. And reading good novels.
You just don't post pictures of victims without the family's permission, bodecea. Perpetrators of crimes should be known. This one called the police on himself and wanted to be apprehended. Nothing about the perp makes any sense to me, except who he's hobbing with online, at school, etc. Most of his friends will be innocent, but violence against innocent people has a nudge, and I want to know who and what that was. You hate visuals. I hate false words. We all have our limits. Feel free to put me on your ignore list. I try to keep it real.
Synagogue shooting: Woman killed jumped between the rabbi and the gunman - CNN
All right. You convinced me to remove the picture. His picture doesn't belong on the same page with her name, so hope you will remove it from your post above as well. And thanks for your persistence. ^

Edit: I also removed his action photo from my post. My deepest apologies for not seeing your sensitivity, bodecea. I just didn't understand until you posted the story of the woman who died saving the pastor's life. Thanks for your example. Really, thanks.

"My deepest apologies for not seeing your sensitivity, bodecea."

Bodey had ZERO sensitivity for when Notre Dame went up in an inferno, the opposite she Mega Trolled an ENTIRE thread and basically was making fun of such an IMMENSE Christian Symbol being destroyed. This is one reason why someone who IS a Christian like ME is NOT going to begin crying and almost getting into a Grand Mal Seizure about a Synagogue being attacked by some random deranged maniac. Was it WRONG? Of course it was WRONG, going into a place and killing UNARMED innocents is ALWAYS WRONG but I am not going to start crying and almost getting into a Grand Mal Seizure about it.

200 Christians were BLOWN UP on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka and the Bodey type had ZERO sympathy OR sensitivity for them because they were the HATED Christians.
That may be, but I was specifically persuaded by bodecea that pictures of the perpetrator aren't a particularly good idea. I did not see the light until bodecea posted a link to the woman who took a bullet for the rabbi, and she died for it. I realized what a selfless thing that was, and her murderer was thinking of his little pitiful thoughts of pleasing his peer group, while she gave her life for a man who uplifts many people. I could see that that young man's picture didn't belong on the same page as that selfless woman, and that I had made a mistake in judgment for which I apologized and took down the 2 pictures I posted, the picture of the same man running with a gun, and the same pictures in links I posted later. The young man committed a heinous crime and wounded 2 people who'd just left a part of the world to come to a safe place in America where they wouldn't have to face terrorism. No place is safe in a society where people practice too much vigilanteism, terrorism, and political murders. By the time this kid spends half a lifetime in prison and realizes his mistake got him into prison world, only then will he regret his behaviors and know that Christ did not teach people to murder people based on race, religion, etc. Except it is highly likely he will not breathe free air for the rest of his life.

Personally I think he should be executed, being Pro-Death Penalty my opinion is that if you murder you should be executed, I am very consistent about this I do not care what religion you are or are not or what your skin is, you murder someone you should be executed.
Agreed, but the CA Gov has stated that no matter the sentence, he will not allow any death penalty during his tenure.


By its own standards, the New York Times deserves blame for the Poway synagogue shooting.

“Does anyone else remember when a New York Times editorial blamed Sarah Palin for the shooting of Gabby Giffords because of a bulls-eye on a map?”​
And...guess what was happening while the white nationalist was attacking the Poway synogogue.....White Nationalists Storm Washington Bookstore Reading: ‘This Land Is Our Land’ | HuffPost

Amazing...another book of racist anti-white propaganda by a communist Jew and people still ask why anyone might be angry at Jews.
Why don't you shut up? Look at what you just wrote, and you have the chutzpah to call anyone else a racist?
At least you gave yourself an appropriate user name.

What I said is true. The author is jewish, he's a marxist. He hates white people and he makes big $$$ selling his racist propaganda.

The Conservative Jews need to start to police the Leftist Jews because they are causing the problem for Jews in GENERAL and with that give a twisted reasoning to random maniacs to go and shoot up a Synagogue and this is totally NOT ACCEPTABLE on ANY LEVEL.

Cultural Marxism is a poison and it is going to DESTROY Western Society if it is not stopped. The Conservative Jews are as Anti-Cultural Marxism as we are.

How many Leftist Jews who are Athiest go to the Synagogue and do whatever they do in the Synagogue? Not many, I mean WHY would Leftist Athiest Jews go to the Synagogue on a regular basis when they are NOT Observant Jews? But because of THEM Conservative Jews are getting shot at by random maniacs.

This Synagogue attack, only backfires against the far-Right.

Far more Americans are pro-Jewish, than pro-Muslim, and far more Americans are anti-Muslims, than anti-Jewish.

So, is this attack some kind of coincidence, or something more?

The problem is in the USA about 80% of Jews are Liberal, 10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton.
You said: "10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton."
Look, buster, all the men in my family fought Nazis and Japanese just 2 years before I was born. And one ran the Gun plant that provided munitions to beat German munitions on the battlefield and in the air. One survived D-day in German France, after serving in northern Africa, one survived protecting Australia on a ship, and one fought off embedded Japanese on an island we now possess. One came home only to be called to go to Korea to keep the North from killing every man in the Southern part, so I didn't meet my dad till I was four years old. Three years later he accepted a call back to fight the cold war by keeping a watch on our westerly neighbors from Fort Richardson, Alaska. You can better believe there are nasty people out there in the world who'd eat our livers like candy, and they're hoping we'll be weakened to the point of no return so they can come scorch the earth here and take over all the assets here. We aint' gonna let 'em. This country may be more united than you Euros know. We defend those who come here. We also demand that they get along with their fellow Americans and send 'em back if they can't keep their hands off their old enemies in another time and place. The smart ones just cowboy up and act brotherly to people from different backgrounds when possible. We seldom are called on to intervene, but we call them out if they have the delusion a Congressional seat will allow them to take out revenge on Americans from the cultures they hated in another time in their life on a different continent.
Amazing...another book of racist anti-white propaganda by a communist Jew and people still ask why anyone might be angry at Jews.
Why don't you shut up? Look at what you just wrote, and you have the chutzpah to call anyone else a racist?
At least you gave yourself an appropriate user name.

What I said is true. The author is jewish, he's a marxist. He hates white people and he makes big $$$ selling his racist propaganda.

The Conservative Jews need to start to police the Leftist Jews because they are causing the problem for Jews in GENERAL and with that give a twisted reasoning to random maniacs to go and shoot up a Synagogue and this is totally NOT ACCEPTABLE on ANY LEVEL.

Cultural Marxism is a poison and it is going to DESTROY Western Society if it is not stopped. The Conservative Jews are as Anti-Cultural Marxism as we are.

How many Leftist Jews who are Athiest go to the Synagogue and do whatever they do in the Synagogue? Not many, I mean WHY would Leftist Athiest Jews go to the Synagogue on a regular basis when they are NOT Observant Jews? But because of THEM Conservative Jews are getting shot at by random maniacs.

This Synagogue attack, only backfires against the far-Right.

Far more Americans are pro-Jewish, than pro-Muslim, and far more Americans are anti-Muslims, than anti-Jewish.

So, is this attack some kind of coincidence, or something more?

The problem is in the USA about 80% of Jews are Liberal, 10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton.
You said: 10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton.​
Look, buster, all the men in my family fought Nazis and Japanese just 2 years before I was born. And one ran the Gun plant that provided munitions to beat German munitions on the battlefield and in the air. One survived D-day in German France, after serving in northern Africa, one survived protecting Australia on a ship, and one fought off embedded Japanese on an island we now possess. One came home only to be called to go to Korea to keep the North from killing every man in the Southern part, so I didn't meet my dad till I was four years old. Three years later he accepted a call back to fight the cold war by keeping a watch on our westerly neighbors from Fort Richardson, Alaska. You can better believe there are nasty people out there in the world who'd eat our livers like candy, and they're hoping we'll be weakened to the point of no return so they can come scorch the earth here and take over all the assets here. We aint' gonna let 'em. This country may be more united than you Euros know. We defend those who come here. We also demand that they get along with their fellow Americans and send 'em back if they can't keep their hands off their old enemies in another time and place. The smart ones just cowboy up and act brotherly to people from different backgrounds when possible. We seldom are called on to intervene, but we call them out if they have the delusion a Congressional seat will allow them to take out revenge on Americans from the cultures they hated in another time in their life on a different continent.

Sure, and my Polish American great uncle Fred Halka died in Normandy, fighting Nazis.

Doesn't make what Jews are doing to Americans, or Poles for that matter, as being "Right" or "Fair" or "Correct".
Some snowflake get bet out of shape and went to kill someone?
Seems to be the trend with mentally unstable idiots
Some dem did something. Said he was upset with people trying to destroy the white race, but I thought the Jews were white?
Nope. Racially they are not and they will admit it.
Why do white supremacists hate Jews so much??

Why do leftists (like you) do so as well? Y'all must have some kind of reasons, amirite?

So spell them out already! I grew up with a bunch of Jewish friends and :fu:as far as I'm concerned.

We have Jews in the House and Senate, why do Republicans only have 1 in the House. It was a white supremacist, same ones in Charlottesville, same one that shot up the other synagogue. Now are you fond of Jerry Nadler or Soros? I can name a lot of Jews you right wing nuts put down.

Are you a white supremacist? I assume you are, so why do most hate Jews so much? to kill them?

You're obsessed with the Jews and we have the posts to prove it here, Penny. So shut up, really.

So why do white supremacists want to kill Jews and hate Jews??
Because they perceive Jews as a ‘threat.’

This variation of rightwing bigotry – white supremacists – believe, incorrectly, that Jews ‘control’ the government and ‘control’ the financial system.

White supremacists attempt to propagate the lie that with this ‘control’ Jews will manipulate government and the markets to their advantage and to the disadvantage of white Christians.

For example, it’s common for white supremacists to refer to the Federal government as ‘ZOG’: Zionist occupied government – an idiotic reference to the lie that Jews ‘control the Federal government.’

Needless to say, this ignorance, fear, hate, and bigotry is unmitigated nonsense, the product of delusional paranoia and dangerous mental illness.
Since you seem to know so much about our terms why don't you actually dig into the amount of Jews in government and media and academia and their push for things that HARM the white race...

He hates Trump, and hates Israel.

Sound familiar ?
All too familiar – it sounds like yet another conservative wrongfully accusing an entire class of persons for the act of one person.

It sounds like a conservative seeking to further divide the American people.

It sounds like a conservative attempting to foment discord and conflict for some perceived partisan gain.

Yes, sadly, it’s very familiar.
You must truly be insane. The guy is a Trump hater, and all of them are liberals.
But he was right. Trump is a Jew loving piece of shit and is turning into a fucking neocon pussy. He isn't a liberal you idiots on the right and left need to realize there are MILLIONS of people who don't subscribe to the left right bullshit..we are third position people.


Some snowflake get bet out of shape and went to kill someone?
Seems to be the trend with mentally unstable idiots
Some dem did something. Said he was upset with people trying to destroy the white race, but I thought the Jews were white?
Nope. Racially they are not and they will admit it.
Why do leftists (like you) do so as well? Y'all must have some kind of reasons, amirite?

So spell them out already! I grew up with a bunch of Jewish friends and :fu:as far as I'm concerned.

We have Jews in the House and Senate, why do Republicans only have 1 in the House. It was a white supremacist, same ones in Charlottesville, same one that shot up the other synagogue. Now are you fond of Jerry Nadler or Soros? I can name a lot of Jews you right wing nuts put down.

Are you a white supremacist? I assume you are, so why do most hate Jews so much? to kill them?

You're obsessed with the Jews and we have the posts to prove it here, Penny. So shut up, really.

So why do white supremacists want to kill Jews and hate Jews??
Because they perceive Jews as a ‘threat.’

This variation of rightwing bigotry – white supremacists – believe, incorrectly, that Jews ‘control’ the government and ‘control’ the financial system.

White supremacists attempt to propagate the lie that with this ‘control’ Jews will manipulate government and the markets to their advantage and to the disadvantage of white Christians.

For example, it’s common for white supremacists to refer to the Federal government as ‘ZOG’: Zionist occupied government – an idiotic reference to the lie that Jews ‘control the Federal government.’

Needless to say, this ignorance, fear, hate, and bigotry is unmitigated nonsense, the product of delusional paranoia and dangerous mental illness.
Since you seem to know so much about our terms why don't you actually dig into the amount of Jews in government and media and academia and their push for things that HARM the white race...

He hates Trump, and hates Israel.

Sound familiar ?
All too familiar – it sounds like yet another conservative wrongfully accusing an entire class of persons for the act of one person.

It sounds like a conservative seeking to further divide the American people.

It sounds like a conservative attempting to foment discord and conflict for some perceived partisan gain.

Yes, sadly, it’s very familiar.
You must truly be insane. The guy is a Trump hater, and all of them are liberals.
But he was right. Trump is a Jew loving piece of shit and is turning into a fucking neocon pussy. He isn't a liberal you idiots on the right and left need to realize there are MILLIONS of people who don't subscribe to the left right bullshit..we are third position people.


Look white to me.
Some snowflake get bet out of shape and went to kill someone?
Seems to be the trend with mentally unstable idiots
Some dem did something. Said he was upset with people trying to destroy the white race, but I thought the Jews were white?
Nope. Racially they are not and they will admit it.
We have Jews in the House and Senate, why do Republicans only have 1 in the House. It was a white supremacist, same ones in Charlottesville, same one that shot up the other synagogue. Now are you fond of Jerry Nadler or Soros? I can name a lot of Jews you right wing nuts put down.

Are you a white supremacist? I assume you are, so why do most hate Jews so much? to kill them?

You're obsessed with the Jews and we have the posts to prove it here, Penny. So shut up, really.

So why do white supremacists want to kill Jews and hate Jews??
Because they perceive Jews as a ‘threat.’

This variation of rightwing bigotry – white supremacists – believe, incorrectly, that Jews ‘control’ the government and ‘control’ the financial system.

White supremacists attempt to propagate the lie that with this ‘control’ Jews will manipulate government and the markets to their advantage and to the disadvantage of white Christians.

For example, it’s common for white supremacists to refer to the Federal government as ‘ZOG’: Zionist occupied government – an idiotic reference to the lie that Jews ‘control the Federal government.’

Needless to say, this ignorance, fear, hate, and bigotry is unmitigated nonsense, the product of delusional paranoia and dangerous mental illness.
Since you seem to know so much about our terms why don't you actually dig into the amount of Jews in government and media and academia and their push for things that HARM the white race...

He hates Trump, and hates Israel.

Sound familiar ?
All too familiar – it sounds like yet another conservative wrongfully accusing an entire class of persons for the act of one person.

It sounds like a conservative seeking to further divide the American people.

It sounds like a conservative attempting to foment discord and conflict for some perceived partisan gain.

Yes, sadly, it’s very familiar.
You must truly be insane. The guy is a Trump hater, and all of them are liberals.
But he was right. Trump is a Jew loving piece of shit and is turning into a fucking neocon pussy. He isn't a liberal you idiots on the right and left need to realize there are MILLIONS of people who don't subscribe to the left right bullshit..we are third position people.


Look white to me.
Of course they do! That's a HUGE part of their scheme to destroy the actual white race.
Ashkenazi Jews are not white – Response to Haaretz article

"Jews are not White," says Professor Leonard Fein, who teaches Politics and Social Policy at Brandeis University in the U.S.A. Fein was addressing the 172 biennial congress of the Jewish Board of Deputies in Johannesburg, South Africa in May, 1972. "You are not White, either symbolically or literally, as anyone knows who goes to Israel," he said. Professor Fein, besides being a specialist in jewish community problems in the U.S.A., is a specialist in Black-White relations in the cities. RAND DAILY MAIL, May 15, 1972.
"Jewish blood is different," says jew Dr. Michael Kaback of the John F. Kennedy Institute in Baltimore. Jewish blood lacks an enzyme called Hex A and often results in a condition called Tay-Sachs disease. Over 90% of the Tay-Sachs disease is found in jews. This disease causes convulsions, paralysis, idiocy and death."
A TV documentary featured the story of a jew who called himself "German". He mated with a Cajun woman. Their child was born with Tay-Sachs disease and died in infancy. Jews of all parts of the world have specific genetic similarities, even common fingerprint characteristics, according to Dr. Leo Sachs, who heads the genetics section of The Weizman Institute of Science in New York, in collaboration with Dr. M. Bat-Miriam.
"The Genetics of the Jews" by A.E. Mourant et al., Oxford University Press, 1978, reports the findings of jew hematologists, whose work was originally published in The Lancet, the journal of the British Medical Association. They report that "even the blondest jew has Negro marker genes ... which are due to concubinage (prostitution) and slavery."

Some snowflake get bet out of shape and went to kill someone?
Seems to be the trend with mentally unstable idiots

Some dem did something. Said he was upset with people trying to destroy the white race, but I thought the Jews were white?

Nope. Racially they are not and they will admit it.
You're obsessed with the Jews and we have the posts to prove it here, Penny. So shut up, really.

So why do white supremacists want to kill Jews and hate Jews??
Because they perceive Jews as a ‘threat.’

This variation of rightwing bigotry – white supremacists – believe, incorrectly, that Jews ‘control’ the government and ‘control’ the financial system.

White supremacists attempt to propagate the lie that with this ‘control’ Jews will manipulate government and the markets to their advantage and to the disadvantage of white Christians.

For example, it’s common for white supremacists to refer to the Federal government as ‘ZOG’: Zionist occupied government – an idiotic reference to the lie that Jews ‘control the Federal government.’

Needless to say, this ignorance, fear, hate, and bigotry is unmitigated nonsense, the product of delusional paranoia and dangerous mental illness.
Since you seem to know so much about our terms why don't you actually dig into the amount of Jews in government and media and academia and their push for things that HARM the white race...

He hates Trump, and hates Israel.

Sound familiar ?
All too familiar – it sounds like yet another conservative wrongfully accusing an entire class of persons for the act of one person.

It sounds like a conservative seeking to further divide the American people.

It sounds like a conservative attempting to foment discord and conflict for some perceived partisan gain.

Yes, sadly, it’s very familiar.
You must truly be insane. The guy is a Trump hater, and all of them are liberals.
But he was right. Trump is a Jew loving piece of shit and is turning into a fucking neocon pussy. He isn't a liberal you idiots on the right and left need to realize there are MILLIONS of people who don't subscribe to the left right bullshit..we are third position people.


Look white to me.
Of course they do! That's a HUGE part of their scheme to destroy the actual white race.

Rabbi: Jews are Jewish Not White & Must Fight “Racism”
Ashkenazi Jews are not white – Response to Haaretz article

"Jews are not White," says Professor Leonard Fein, who teaches Politics and Social Policy at Brandeis University in the U.S.A. Fein was addressing the 172 biennial congress of the Jewish Board of Deputies in Johannesburg, South Africa in May, 1972. "You are not White, either symbolically or literally, as anyone knows who goes to Israel," he said. Professor Fein, besides being a specialist in jewish community problems in the U.S.A., is a specialist in Black-White relations in the cities. RAND DAILY MAIL, May 15, 1972.
"Jewish blood is different," says jew Dr. Michael Kaback of the John F. Kennedy Institute in Baltimore. Jewish blood lacks an enzyme called Hex A and often results in a condition called Tay-Sachs disease. Over 90% of the Tay-Sachs disease is found in jews. This disease causes convulsions, paralysis, idiocy and death."
A TV documentary featured the story of a jew who called himself "German". He mated with a Cajun woman. Their child was born with Tay-Sachs disease and died in infancy. Jews of all parts of the world have specific genetic similarities, even common fingerprint characteristics, according to Dr. Leo Sachs, who heads the genetics section of The Weizman Institute of Science in New York, in collaboration with Dr. M. Bat-Miriam.
"The Genetics of the Jews" by A.E. Mourant et al., Oxford University Press, 1978, reports the findings of jew hematologists, whose work was originally published in The Lancet, the journal of the British Medical Association. They report that "even the blondest jew has Negro marker genes ... which are due to concubinage (prostitution) and slavery."

Judge others by their character, not by their color, ethnicity or creed.

Christians get attacked more than Jews OR Muslims, once you were free how hysterical from The Tablet you still are, there is no outlaw on circumcision or Kosher foods or wearing those bizarro Funeral clothing or being FORCED into a Ghetto situation etc. The hysteria like Woody Allen film many used to think the Jewish hysteria in Woody Allen films was him being OTT to have amusing situations in his films but no this is how it is the hysteria is what it is.

The maniac who went shooting in that Synagogue ONLY now result in America that ALL White Conservatives to get blame and more Shut It Down more ANY Anti-Leftist Agenda = Hate Speech etc That is why many think that maniac is for The Opposition because what he do is NOT going to help White Conservatives but the opposite it ONLY help The Leftist Agenda even THOUGH that maniac is NOT a Conservative not sure what religion probably Athiest but it is in America the BASE of the Trump Supporters who will be subject to Shut It Down and more intrusion of Freedom of Expression from the SPLC etc
Why don't you shut up? Look at what you just wrote, and you have the chutzpah to call anyone else a racist?
At least you gave yourself an appropriate user name.

What I said is true. The author is jewish, he's a marxist. He hates white people and he makes big $$$ selling his racist propaganda.

The Conservative Jews need to start to police the Leftist Jews because they are causing the problem for Jews in GENERAL and with that give a twisted reasoning to random maniacs to go and shoot up a Synagogue and this is totally NOT ACCEPTABLE on ANY LEVEL.

Cultural Marxism is a poison and it is going to DESTROY Western Society if it is not stopped. The Conservative Jews are as Anti-Cultural Marxism as we are.

How many Leftist Jews who are Athiest go to the Synagogue and do whatever they do in the Synagogue? Not many, I mean WHY would Leftist Athiest Jews go to the Synagogue on a regular basis when they are NOT Observant Jews? But because of THEM Conservative Jews are getting shot at by random maniacs.

This Synagogue attack, only backfires against the far-Right.

Far more Americans are pro-Jewish, than pro-Muslim, and far more Americans are anti-Muslims, than anti-Jewish.

So, is this attack some kind of coincidence, or something more?

The problem is in the USA about 80% of Jews are Liberal, 10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton.
You said: 10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton.​
Look, buster, all the men in my family fought Nazis and Japanese just 2 years before I was born. And one ran the Gun plant that provided munitions to beat German munitions on the battlefield and in the air. One survived D-day in German France, after serving in northern Africa, one survived protecting Australia on a ship, and one fought off embedded Japanese on an island we now possess. One came home only to be called to go to Korea to keep the North from killing every man in the Southern part, so I didn't meet my dad till I was four years old. Three years later he accepted a call back to fight the cold war by keeping a watch on our westerly neighbors from Fort Richardson, Alaska. You can better believe there are nasty people out there in the world who'd eat our livers like candy, and they're hoping we'll be weakened to the point of no return so they can come scorch the earth here and take over all the assets here. We aint' gonna let 'em. This country may be more united than you Euros know. We defend those who come here. We also demand that they get along with their fellow Americans and send 'em back if they can't keep their hands off their old enemies in another time and place. The smart ones just cowboy up and act brotherly to people from different backgrounds when possible. We seldom are called on to intervene, but we call them out if they have the delusion a Congressional seat will allow them to take out revenge on Americans from the cultures they hated in another time in their life on a different continent.

Sure, and my Polish American great uncle Fred Halka died in Normandy, fighting Nazis.

Doesn't make what Jews are doing to Americans, or Poles for that matter, as being "Right" or "Fair" or "Correct".
If you think a Jewish person is violating American law then report them. How in the world is going into a place of worship and shooting Jewish people at random acceptable in any sense?

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