Shooting at Chabad of Poway Synagogue

To illustrate the hysteria and that in America Christians attacked and murdered more eg. the Las Vegas Shooting and Texas Sutherland Springs Shooting.

There has that other Synagogue shooting death result = 12 and now this Synagogue shooting death result = 1 and THAT is IT these ONLY two incidents that involve the target of Jews to shoot.

The Las Vegas Shooting ALL White Christians death result = 58 Serious Wounded result = 422.

2017 Las Vegas shooting - Wikipedia

The Texas Sutherland Springs Shooting ALL White Christians death result = 26 Serious Wounded result = 20.

Sutherland Springs church shooting - Wikipedia

The above illustrate in America WHO more to be the target and murdered by random maniac White Christians or Jews? Answer White Christians. And so the article if not in The Tablet COULD be Once White Christians Were Free.
What I said is true. The author is jewish, he's a marxist. He hates white people and he makes big $$$ selling his racist propaganda.

The Conservative Jews need to start to police the Leftist Jews because they are causing the problem for Jews in GENERAL and with that give a twisted reasoning to random maniacs to go and shoot up a Synagogue and this is totally NOT ACCEPTABLE on ANY LEVEL.

Cultural Marxism is a poison and it is going to DESTROY Western Society if it is not stopped. The Conservative Jews are as Anti-Cultural Marxism as we are.

How many Leftist Jews who are Athiest go to the Synagogue and do whatever they do in the Synagogue? Not many, I mean WHY would Leftist Athiest Jews go to the Synagogue on a regular basis when they are NOT Observant Jews? But because of THEM Conservative Jews are getting shot at by random maniacs.

This Synagogue attack, only backfires against the far-Right.

Far more Americans are pro-Jewish, than pro-Muslim, and far more Americans are anti-Muslims, than anti-Jewish.

So, is this attack some kind of coincidence, or something more?

The problem is in the USA about 80% of Jews are Liberal, 10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton.
You said: 10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton.​
Look, buster, all the men in my family fought Nazis and Japanese just 2 years before I was born. And one ran the Gun plant that provided munitions to beat German munitions on the battlefield and in the air. One survived D-day in German France, after serving in northern Africa, one survived protecting Australia on a ship, and one fought off embedded Japanese on an island we now possess. One came home only to be called to go to Korea to keep the North from killing every man in the Southern part, so I didn't meet my dad till I was four years old. Three years later he accepted a call back to fight the cold war by keeping a watch on our westerly neighbors from Fort Richardson, Alaska. You can better believe there are nasty people out there in the world who'd eat our livers like candy, and they're hoping we'll be weakened to the point of no return so they can come scorch the earth here and take over all the assets here. We aint' gonna let 'em. This country may be more united than you Euros know. We defend those who come here. We also demand that they get along with their fellow Americans and send 'em back if they can't keep their hands off their old enemies in another time and place. The smart ones just cowboy up and act brotherly to people from different backgrounds when possible. We seldom are called on to intervene, but we call them out if they have the delusion a Congressional seat will allow them to take out revenge on Americans from the cultures they hated in another time in their life on a different continent.

Sure, and my Polish American great uncle Fred Halka died in Normandy, fighting Nazis.

Doesn't make what Jews are doing to Americans, or Poles for that matter, as being "Right" or "Fair" or "Correct".
If you think a Jewish person is violating American law then report them. How in the world is going into a place of worship and shooting Jewish people at random acceptable in any sense?

It is NOT acceptable to go into ANY place of worship and shoot peoples does not matter WHAT religion they are it is NOT acceptable and ALWAYS the MSM Propaganda pushes it that ALL Whites especially Right-Wing Conservative Whites are to BLAME Collectively for the act of ONE random maniac, but when it is an Islamic Terror Attack the SAME crowd are DEMANDING that NO not ALL Muslims are to BLAME Collectively. The hypocrisy HAS to be DESTROYED on this issue.

What happened? California banner hi cap mags and mandated the bullet button on AR’s. How was this man able to do this?

It is the reason when that occur why you have those who say False Flag situation. You say this maniac how can he do this when California outlaw these things and those who think False Flag would say because he was DELIBERATELY provided with what is outlawed to do what he did.

What happened? California banner hi cap mags and mandated the bullet button on AR’s. How was this man able to do this?

It is the reason when that occur why you have those who say False Flag situation. You say this maniac how can he do this when California outlaw these things and those who think False Flag would say because he was DELIBERATELY provided with what is outlawed to do what he did.

Or he just went to Nevada and got all his shit, and removed the “bullet button” from his gun. I don’t believe in “false flag” operations.
The Conservative Jews need to start to police the Leftist Jews because they are causing the problem for Jews in GENERAL and with that give a twisted reasoning to random maniacs to go and shoot up a Synagogue and this is totally NOT ACCEPTABLE on ANY LEVEL.

Cultural Marxism is a poison and it is going to DESTROY Western Society if it is not stopped. The Conservative Jews are as Anti-Cultural Marxism as we are.

How many Leftist Jews who are Athiest go to the Synagogue and do whatever they do in the Synagogue? Not many, I mean WHY would Leftist Athiest Jews go to the Synagogue on a regular basis when they are NOT Observant Jews? But because of THEM Conservative Jews are getting shot at by random maniacs.

This Synagogue attack, only backfires against the far-Right.

Far more Americans are pro-Jewish, than pro-Muslim, and far more Americans are anti-Muslims, than anti-Jewish.

So, is this attack some kind of coincidence, or something more?

The problem is in the USA about 80% of Jews are Liberal, 10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton.
You said: 10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton.​
Look, buster, all the men in my family fought Nazis and Japanese just 2 years before I was born. And one ran the Gun plant that provided munitions to beat German munitions on the battlefield and in the air. One survived D-day in German France, after serving in northern Africa, one survived protecting Australia on a ship, and one fought off embedded Japanese on an island we now possess. One came home only to be called to go to Korea to keep the North from killing every man in the Southern part, so I didn't meet my dad till I was four years old. Three years later he accepted a call back to fight the cold war by keeping a watch on our westerly neighbors from Fort Richardson, Alaska. You can better believe there are nasty people out there in the world who'd eat our livers like candy, and they're hoping we'll be weakened to the point of no return so they can come scorch the earth here and take over all the assets here. We aint' gonna let 'em. This country may be more united than you Euros know. We defend those who come here. We also demand that they get along with their fellow Americans and send 'em back if they can't keep their hands off their old enemies in another time and place. The smart ones just cowboy up and act brotherly to people from different backgrounds when possible. We seldom are called on to intervene, but we call them out if they have the delusion a Congressional seat will allow them to take out revenge on Americans from the cultures they hated in another time in their life on a different continent.

Sure, and my Polish American great uncle Fred Halka died in Normandy, fighting Nazis.

Doesn't make what Jews are doing to Americans, or Poles for that matter, as being "Right" or "Fair" or "Correct".
If you think a Jewish person is violating American law then report them. How in the world is going into a place of worship and shooting Jewish people at random acceptable in any sense?

It is NOT acceptable to go into ANY place of worship and shoot peoples does not matter WHAT religion they are it is NOT acceptable and ALWAYS the MSM Propaganda pushes it that ALL Whites especially Right-Wing Conservative Whites are to BLAME Collectively for the act of ONE random maniac, but when it is an Islamic Terror Attack the SAME crowd are DEMANDING that NO not ALL Muslims are to BLAME Collectively. The hypocrisy HAS to be DESTROYED on this issue.
The Fake News Media is a near Monopoly of Corporatists who yammer 24 hours a day in search of eyeballs and clicks to sell to advertisers. We really can't base anything on their constant yammering. They represent no one really, and certainly not the mainstream of American Opinion.

Look at that horrible Nazi-Like anti-Jewish cartoon the New York Times ran the morning of this shooting. They have taken it down, but they haven't apologized for it.

I think Trump has the right approach with the Fake News Clowns, use them as a dart board and little else, but certainly do not base your evaluation of American society on their mindless rants. They are illogical and quite frankly show a lot of signs of mental disease.

But, back to your point, I agree we have laws that individuals are held accountable, these acts of hate against a group are the work of evil twisted humans.

The constant hate that the Fake News Media pushes against Whites, Men, Conservatives, Christians and Jews is evil and vile and it can certainly incite evil twisted vile killers like the one recently activated. We need the good sense to keep this idiots in the media marginalized. They were much more responsible before New York Times VS Sullivan the landmark United States Supreme Court case that changed the standard that must be met for press reports to be considered libel.

And the same goes for Muslims, I imagine our second generation Muslims that fled terror live in fear of those that we were importing that, sure enough, promptly plant themselves in American Muslim neighborhoods and then start glaring at our second generation teenage Muslim girls for dating, wearing make up, shunning burkas and listening to rap. They get criticized for not speaking up more, but hells bells, these bastards will behead you and your whole family. That threat would be enough to silence me.
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What happened? California banner hi cap mags and mandated the bullet button on AR’s. How was this man able to do this?

It is the reason when that occur why you have those who say False Flag situation. You say this maniac how can he do this when California outlaw these things and those who think False Flag would say because he was DELIBERATELY provided with what is outlawed to do what he did.

Or he just went to Nevada and got all his shit, and removed the “bullet button” from his gun. I don’t believe in “false flag” operations.

There have been False Flag Operations eg. Tonkin Gulf which was then used by LBJ to escalate the Vietnam War.
This Synagogue attack, only backfires against the far-Right.

Far more Americans are pro-Jewish, than pro-Muslim, and far more Americans are anti-Muslims, than anti-Jewish.

So, is this attack some kind of coincidence, or something more?

The problem is in the USA about 80% of Jews are Liberal, 10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton.
You said: 10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton.​
Look, buster, all the men in my family fought Nazis and Japanese just 2 years before I was born. And one ran the Gun plant that provided munitions to beat German munitions on the battlefield and in the air. One survived D-day in German France, after serving in northern Africa, one survived protecting Australia on a ship, and one fought off embedded Japanese on an island we now possess. One came home only to be called to go to Korea to keep the North from killing every man in the Southern part, so I didn't meet my dad till I was four years old. Three years later he accepted a call back to fight the cold war by keeping a watch on our westerly neighbors from Fort Richardson, Alaska. You can better believe there are nasty people out there in the world who'd eat our livers like candy, and they're hoping we'll be weakened to the point of no return so they can come scorch the earth here and take over all the assets here. We aint' gonna let 'em. This country may be more united than you Euros know. We defend those who come here. We also demand that they get along with their fellow Americans and send 'em back if they can't keep their hands off their old enemies in another time and place. The smart ones just cowboy up and act brotherly to people from different backgrounds when possible. We seldom are called on to intervene, but we call them out if they have the delusion a Congressional seat will allow them to take out revenge on Americans from the cultures they hated in another time in their life on a different continent.

Sure, and my Polish American great uncle Fred Halka died in Normandy, fighting Nazis.

Doesn't make what Jews are doing to Americans, or Poles for that matter, as being "Right" or "Fair" or "Correct".
If you think a Jewish person is violating American law then report them. How in the world is going into a place of worship and shooting Jewish people at random acceptable in any sense?

It is NOT acceptable to go into ANY place of worship and shoot peoples does not matter WHAT religion they are it is NOT acceptable and ALWAYS the MSM Propaganda pushes it that ALL Whites especially Right-Wing Conservative Whites are to BLAME Collectively for the act of ONE random maniac, but when it is an Islamic Terror Attack the SAME crowd are DEMANDING that NO not ALL Muslims are to BLAME Collectively. The hypocrisy HAS to be DESTROYED on this issue.
The Fake News Media is a near Monopoly of Corporatists who yammer 24 hours a day in search of eyeballs and clicks to sell to advertisers. We really can't base anything on their constant yammering. They represent no one really, and certainly not the mainstream of American Opinion.

Look at that horrible Nazi-Like anti-Jewish cartoon the New York Times ran the morning of this shooting. They have taken it down, but they haven't apologized for it.

I think Trump has the right approach with the Fake News Clowns, use them as a dart board and little else, but certainly do not base your evaluation of American society on their mindless rants. They are illogical and quite frankly show a lot of signs of mental disease.

But, back to your point, I agree we have laws that individuals are held accountable, these acts of hate against a group are the work of evil twisted humans.

The constant hate that the Fake News Media pushes against Whites, Men, Conservatives, Christians and Jews is evil and vile and it can certainly incite evil twisted vile killers like the one recently activated. We need the good sense to keep this idiots in the media marginalized. They were much more responsible before New York Times VS Sullivan the landmark United States Supreme Court case that changed the standard that must be met for press reports to be considered libel.

And the same goes for Muslims, I imagine our second generation Muslims that fled terror live in fear of those that we were importing that, sure enough, promptly plant themselves in American Muslim neighborhoods and then start glaring at our second generation teenage Muslim girls for dating, wearing make up, shunning burkas and listening to rap. They get criticized for not speaking up more, but hells bells, these bastards will behead you and your whole family. That threat would be enough to silence me.

You are correct the MSM is poison.
This Synagogue attack, only backfires against the far-Right.

Far more Americans are pro-Jewish, than pro-Muslim, and far more Americans are anti-Muslims, than anti-Jewish.

So, is this attack some kind of coincidence, or something more?

The problem is in the USA about 80% of Jews are Liberal, 10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton.
You said: 10% are Neocons who want more war, and money for Israel, and then another 10% of Jews are Hasidim Conservatives who tend to spread Measles, and take Welfare a ton.​
Look, buster, all the men in my family fought Nazis and Japanese just 2 years before I was born. And one ran the Gun plant that provided munitions to beat German munitions on the battlefield and in the air. One survived D-day in German France, after serving in northern Africa, one survived protecting Australia on a ship, and one fought off embedded Japanese on an island we now possess. One came home only to be called to go to Korea to keep the North from killing every man in the Southern part, so I didn't meet my dad till I was four years old. Three years later he accepted a call back to fight the cold war by keeping a watch on our westerly neighbors from Fort Richardson, Alaska. You can better believe there are nasty people out there in the world who'd eat our livers like candy, and they're hoping we'll be weakened to the point of no return so they can come scorch the earth here and take over all the assets here. We aint' gonna let 'em. This country may be more united than you Euros know. We defend those who come here. We also demand that they get along with their fellow Americans and send 'em back if they can't keep their hands off their old enemies in another time and place. The smart ones just cowboy up and act brotherly to people from different backgrounds when possible. We seldom are called on to intervene, but we call them out if they have the delusion a Congressional seat will allow them to take out revenge on Americans from the cultures they hated in another time in their life on a different continent.

Sure, and my Polish American great uncle Fred Halka died in Normandy, fighting Nazis.

Doesn't make what Jews are doing to Americans, or Poles for that matter, as being "Right" or "Fair" or "Correct".
If you think a Jewish person is violating American law then report them. How in the world is going into a place of worship and shooting Jewish people at random acceptable in any sense?

It is NOT acceptable to go into ANY place of worship and shoot peoples does not matter WHAT religion they are it is NOT acceptable and ALWAYS the MSM Propaganda pushes it that ALL Whites especially Right-Wing Conservative Whites are to BLAME Collectively for the act of ONE random maniac, but when it is an Islamic Terror Attack the SAME crowd are DEMANDING that NO not ALL Muslims are to BLAME Collectively. The hypocrisy HAS to be DESTROYED on this issue.
The Fake News Media is a near Monopoly of Corporatists who yammer 24 hours a day in search of eyeballs and clicks to sell to advertisers. We really can't base anything on their constant yammering. They represent no one really, and certainly not the mainstream of American Opinion.

Look at that horrible Nazi-Like anti-Jewish cartoon the New York Times ran the morning of this shooting. They have taken it down, but they haven't apologized for it.

I think Trump has the right approach with the Fake News Clowns, use them as a dart board and little else, but certainly do not base your evaluation of American society on their mindless rants. They are illogical and quite frankly show a lot of signs of mental disease.

But, back to your point, I agree we have laws that individuals are held accountable, these acts of hate against a group are the work of evil twisted humans.

The constant hate that the Fake News Media pushes against Whites, Men, Conservatives, Christians and Jews is evil and vile and it can certainly incite evil twisted vile killers like the one recently activated. We need the good sense to keep this idiots in the media marginalized. They were much more responsible before New York Times VS Sullivan the landmark United States Supreme Court case that changed the standard that must be met for press reports to be considered libel.

And the same goes for Muslims, I imagine our second generation Muslims that fled terror live in fear of those that we were importing that, sure enough, promptly plant themselves in American Muslim neighborhoods and then start glaring at our second generation teenage Muslim girls for dating, wearing make up, shunning burkas and listening to rap. They get criticized for not speaking up more, but hells bells, these bastards will behead you and your whole family. That threat would be enough to silence me.

Re. The New York Times, this:


Re. Freedom of Expression and The Usual Suspects USING shooting incidents to Shut It Down.

The situation I support 100% Freedom of Expression that include things I do NOT agree with. The ONLY exceptions to this in my opinion should be I DO think to Shut It Down to ANY promotion of Cruelty to Animals and also Paedophilia and also Incite To Murder ie IF someone is saying to Go And Shoot and Murder X or Y.

So IF someone wants to say I do not like Christians they have that RIGHT if they want to say I do not like Muslims they have that RIGHT if they want to say I do not like Buddhists they have that RIGHT if they want to say I do not like Jews they have that RIGHT. Peoples have a RIGHT to like or NOT like who or what they want to NOBODY has a RIGHT to FORCE ANYONE to like anyone or anything they do not want to. If someone wants to say I do not like Whites they have that RIGHT BUT that also mean that WHITES if we want also have a RIGHT to say we do NOT want to be surrounded with Sub Saharan Africans and Middle East Muslims.

If someone wants to say Fuck France they have that RIGHT if someone wants to say Fuck China they have that RIGHT if someone wants to say Fuck Saudi Arabia they have that RIGHT if someone wants to say Fuck Israel they have that RIGHT.

The situation is that some have VERY thin skin and start whining if X or Y is not praised and/or is criticised, I think they should get thick skin and be mature enough to ACCEPT that at some point EVERYONE and EVERY THING is open to criticism. I do NOT agree with Twitter, Facebook etc and their Shut It Down Policy if someone exercise their RIGHT to Freedom of Expression by criticism or not liking X Group or Y Group.

I think that there SHOULD be a policy of instead of Shut It Down a policy of Encourage Debate and Discussion and WITH THAT the realisation that we ALL have a RIGHT to OFFEND ANYONE we want to by exercising our RIGHT to Freedom of Expression, the HEALTHY PHILOSOPHY is THIS:

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And...guess what was happening while the white nationalist was attacking the Poway synogogue.....White Nationalists Storm Washington Bookstore Reading: ‘This Land Is Our Land’ | HuffPost

Amazing...another book of racist anti-white propaganda by a communist Jew and people still ask why anyone might be angry at Jews.

Impure trash? - self description?
Omg just saw the brave boy marine thing.
Military - 2nd indoctrination behind religion.
"If you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military.
Great socialist benefits"
Yet you keep saying THE JEWS killed Him. It is YOU who isn't getting it.

Here's the thing. He died WILLINGLY for YOU.

He said He WILLINGLY laid down His earthly life FOR YOU.

He said, "Do you not think I could summon 10,000 Angel's? But He didn't. He died BECAUSE YOU ARE A SINNER and without His sacrifice you'd have no future. Every minute you reject this understanding, you spit on His sacrifice.

I'm well aware. This does not change the fact that Jews killed him.

But I see you're making a little progress. You are now able to admit the gentiles (Romans) killed Him too.

I never said they didn't.
Jesus WAS a Jew when crucified and it was the Romans who crucified him you ignorant child.

Oh for fucks sake. Have any of you self professed Christians actually READ the fucking Bible?

Matthew 26:

47 While he was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived. With him was a large crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent from the chief priests and the elders of the people.
48 Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: “The one I kiss is the man; arrest him.”
49 Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and kissed him.
50 Jesus replied, “Do what you came for, friend.”Then the men stepped forward, seized Jesus and arrested him.
51 With that, one of Jesus’ companions reached for his sword, drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear.
52 “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.
53 Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?
54 But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?”
55 In that hour Jesus said to the crowd, “Am I leading a rebellion, that you have come out with swords and clubs to capture me? Every day I sat in the temple courts teaching, and you did not arrest me.
56 But this has all taken place that the writings of the prophets might be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples deserted him and fled.

57 Those who had arrested Jesus took him to Caiaphas the high priest, where the teachers of the law and the elders had assembled.
58 But Peter followed him at a distance, right up to the courtyard of the high priest. He entered and sat down with the guards to see the outcome.
59 The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for false evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death.
60 But they did not find any, though many false witnesses came forward. Finally two came forward
61 and declared, “This fellow said, ‘I am able to destroy the temple of God and rebuild it in three days.’ ”
62 Then the high priest stood up and said to Jesus, “Are you not going to answer? What is this testimony that these men are bringing against you?”
63 But Jesus remained silent. The high priest said to him, “I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God.”
64 “You have said so,”Jesus replied. “But I say to all of you: From now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
65 Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, “He has spoken blasphemy! Why do we need any more witnesses? Look, now you have heard the blasphemy.
66 What do you think?” “He is worthy of death,” they answered.
67 Then they spit in his face and struck him with their fists. Others slapped him
68 and said, “Prophesy to us, Messiah. Who hit you?”

Matthew 27

3 When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders.
4 “I have sinned,” he said, “for I have betrayed innocent blood.” “What is that to us?” they replied. “That’s your responsibility.”
5 So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.
6 The chief priests picked up the coins and said, “It is against the law to put this into the treasury, since it is blood money.”

11 Meanwhile Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?” “You have said so,” Jesus replied.
12 When he was accused by the chief priests and the elders, he gave no answer.
13 Then Pilate asked him, “Don’t you hear the testimony they are bringing against you?”
14 But Jesus made no reply, not even to a single charge—to the great amazement of the governor.
15 Now it was the governor’s custom at the festival to release a prisoner chosen by the crowd.
16 At that time they had a well-known prisoner whose name was Jesus Barabbas.
17 So when the crowd had gathered, Pilate asked them, “Which one do you want me to release to you: Jesus Barabbas, or Jesus who is called the Messiah?”
18 For he knew it was out of self-interest that they had handed Jesus over to him.
19 While Pilate was sitting on the judge’s seat, his wife sent him this message: “Don’t have anything to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him.”
20 But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus executed.
21“Which of the two do you want me to release to you?” asked the governor. “Barabbas,” they answered.
22“What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called the Messiah?” Pilate asked. They all answered, “Crucify him!”
23 “Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate. But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!”
24 When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!”
25 All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!”
26 Then he released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.

Now go on, tell me more about how the Jews had nothing to do with it. Fucking morons.
Sarterbil, that was 2000 years ago, and Jesus asked that they be forgiven. That means they are forgiven. Let it go, if you can.

I'm fully aware.

For the last time:

A user made a comment that "Christians have had a weird thing against Jews for centuries". I responded by saying that's because Jews killed Christ.

Some denominations of Christianity still hold Jews responsible and all I did was point that out. I do not personally ascribe to that belief. Yet this devolved into accusations of me being some kind of fake-Christian Jew hater because people are too fucking stubborn to acknowledge the documented history of their own Scripture, even to the point of outright denying what it explicitly says.

I have no ulterior motive. I have no axe to grind with ancient Jews. I don't need to be sermonized. I just stated a FACT. Why people cannot understand this is beyond me.
I don't believe or care but didn't Jews start Christianity ?

Not to belittle what happened at the Tree of life synagogue but yesterday's attack hardly spelled the end of Jewish freedom in America. Talk about blowing things completely out of proportion. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that article's author revels in the idea that Jews are hated in America. Finally, we're back on top of the victimhood hierarchy!

Are country music fans no longer free after the Vegas shooting?

What about Amish schoolgirls after the West Nickel mines shooting?

Not to belittle what happened at the Tree of life synagogue but yesterday's attack hardly spelled the end of Jewish freedom in America. Talk about blowing things completely out of proportion. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that article's author revels in the idea that Jews are hated in America. Finally, we're back on top of the victimhood hierarchy!

Are country music fans no longer free after the Vegas shooting?

What about Amish schoolgirls after the West Nickel mines shooting?

I don't think Jews feel like victims.

DACHAU LIBERATED: On this day in 1945, the infamous concentration camp at Dachau was liberated by U.S. forces.

On the morning of the Poway shooting, the NYT ran one of the most vile anti-Semitic cartoons since those of the Nazi regime under Hitler. And while they have deleted the vile cartoon, they have yet to apologize.
Synagogue Shooters Have Trump Hatred in Common.

The greater danger to our country, however, is not the actions of these demented lone wolves who are, in essence, equal opportunity lunatics. The Poway guy evidently tried to burn down a mosque. The two are psychological second cousins to the homicidal maniac who shot up the Charlston church. Same pathology, different religions. But beyond their murderous outbursts, these people are essentially powerless in the culture at large. They are despised and rightly so. They accomplish nothing.

What is dangerous to the culture at large is the obvious growth of anti-Semitism in the upper reaches of our society, in the academy, politics and the media, the people who supposedly should know better, the people who have real influence. And I’m not just talking about the obvious – the new members of Congress already famous for their anti-Semitic statements and tweets. The international edition of the New York Times just published a cartoon that would have been welcome on the pages of Der Stürmer.
And while they have deleted it, they still haven't apologized.

Not to belittle what happened at the Tree of life synagogue but yesterday's attack hardly spelled the end of Jewish freedom in America. Talk about blowing things completely out of proportion. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that article's author revels in the idea that Jews are hated in America. Finally, we're back on top of the victimhood hierarchy!

Are country music fans no longer free after the Vegas shooting?

What about Amish schoolgirls after the West Nickel mines shooting?

I don't think Jews feel like victims.

View attachment 258502

^^^^ That is the IDF who do NOT represent 90% of Non-IDF Jews who do via CONSTANT whining about something and ALWAYS being OUTRAGED about some comment or whatever suggest they WANT to be considered as Perpetual Victims of SOMETHING and EVEN if that SOMETHING is only in their MIND ie. they have NO freedom to do whatever they want to in whatever Host Nation they live in because of a minor percentage of random maniacs etc IF EVERY ONE on the planet adopt this NOT rational way of THINKING or LIVING then EVERY ONE would NEVER go outside ever again for FEAR of the potential of SOMETHING negative happening to them. You can not LIVE and go FORWARD in life IF you are CONSTANTLY thinking in this paranoia that the WORLD is AGAINST you or if you go out then some random maniac is going to shoot you.

And with that I give you as a Bonus Point this:

Synagogue Shooters Have Trump Hatred in Common.

The greater danger to our country, however, is not the actions of these demented lone wolves who are, in essence, equal opportunity lunatics. The Poway guy evidently tried to burn down a mosque. The two are psychological second cousins to the homicidal maniac who shot up the Charlston church. Same pathology, different religions. But beyond their murderous outbursts, these people are essentially powerless in the culture at large. They are despised and rightly so. They accomplish nothing.

What is dangerous to the culture at large is the obvious growth of anti-Semitism in the upper reaches of our society, in the academy, politics and the media, the people who supposedly should know better, the people who have real influence. And I’m not just talking about the obvious – the new members of Congress already famous for their anti-Semitic statements and tweets. The international edition of the New York Times just published a cartoon that would have been welcome on the pages of Der Stürmer.
And while they have deleted it, they still haven't apologized.

Yes they HATE The Donald and so he can not be blamed for this, they the Propaganda MSM WANT to blame him as they blame him for the New Zealand Mosque situation. The International Propaganda MSM pushed that narrative 24/7 for many many days.

What happened? California banner hi cap mags and mandated the bullet button on AR’s. How was this man able to do this?

It is the reason when that occur why you have those who say False Flag situation. You say this maniac how can he do this when California outlaw these things and those who think False Flag would say because he was DELIBERATELY provided with what is outlawed to do what he did.
A False Flag, eh? :cuckoo:

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