Shooting at outlet mall in Texas

Oh, this is a new one. You think
Employers aren't the problem. Time for to cease with the diversion and discuss the policy of this administration.
How do you just declare this? The vast majority of Illegals are here to work. To work they must be hired. If not they go home. What part of this do you not understand?
Do illegal immigrants get federal welfare? If so, how much, what program?
They do if they have an anchor baby

But what about unaccompanied children?

Are libs going to let them starve or not attend school?
If you watch Fox news and the Repub congress people talking about the southern border over and over being "WIDE OPEN" anyone can just come an go as they please, Biden has no control, blah blah blah. I have been wondering about something for the last two years or so. If the border is wide open, why do illegal immigrants have to have a coyote smuggle them in and pay thousands, when they could just hope on a Greyhound for a hundred bucks or so? I don't get it.
Because they need the smugglers to bring them some place safe with some work waiting.
Ok, this is probably deep water for you. Greyhound run from Mexico to America every day. Do you think a bus station in Texas is more dangerous than being dumped across the border by a coyote?
Where do they go from the bus station, genius?
Which liberal said "I love it"? Link their post.


Then they double downed on it

Because they need the smugglers to bring them some place safe with some work waiting.

I'm done with your stupid.
Cool, it thought you would fear deep water. Stick with repeating you mindless RW talking points, I am shocked you think they work.
If you can't confront the reality that, despite the fake self-serving claims of firearm permissiveness in the Old West, visitors left their weapons with a law officer upon entering town, they'd receive a token, like a coat check, which they'd exchange for their guns when leaving town, then you can't.

Gunsters who slaughter innocent people - regardless of their ideological pretexts - are mentally-ill.

All nations have their mentally ill, and there is no reason to believe that the United States - nor even the red states where far more firearm fatalities occur - have more mentally-ill than anywhere else.

What distinguishes the United State, and especially red states, are permissive firearm laws that aid and abet access to firearms by the mentally ill.

Here are the states with the highest rates of gun death per 100,000:
  1. Alaska (23.0)
  2. Alabama (21.4)
  3. Louisiana (21.2)
  4. Mississippi (19.
  5. Oklahoma (19.6
  6. Montana (9.0
  7. Missouri (18.8
  8. New Mexico (18.2
  9. Arkansas (17.7
  10. South Carolina (17.7)
The five states with the lowest gun death rates, in deaths per 100,000, are:
  1. Massachusetts (3.4)
  2. New York (3.9)
  3. New Jersey (4.1)
  4. Hawaii (4.4)
  5. Rhode Island (4.6).
Countries with the Highest Total Gun Deaths (all causes) in 2019
  1. Brazil — 49,436
  2. United States — 37,038
  3. Venezuela — 28,515
  4. Mexico — 22,116
  5. India — 14,710
  6. Colombia — 13,169
  7. Philippines — 9,267
  8. Guatemala — 5,980
In contrast to the U.S. and Latin America, gun deaths are extremely rare in countries like Japan, the United Kingdom, Norway, and Australia. These countries have implemented incentives or passed legislation to decrease the number of firearms in circulation. For example, in July 2021, Australia implemented a permanent gun amnesty program, in which unregistered firearms could be anonymously surrendered at police stations.

Japan boasts a population of more than 127 million people, yet finished 2019 with a gun death rate of only .02 per 100,000 people. One major factor in this success is that Japan has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world.

Its' been shown. You include Suicides. Not relevant. Also, Japan is an island country w/o 50million Border jumpers as well as 50 million inner city Blacks. Easier control for them.
That's what MAGAts want, eh? Popular vote being meaningless. Why not go for stopping voting altogether? Go for a rightwing dictatorship.

Well, do we elect our officials by popular vote or don't we? If we don't, then yes, the popular vote is meaningless. Let's take a 'popular vote' of posters to see how many want you exiled from the board. If the majority said 'yes,' would you leave?
I don't buy the fake argument that the United States has such an obscenely high rate of firearm fatalities because of crazy people and poor people.

All countries have crazy people and poor people, but the United States, especially 'red' states that have much higher rates of firearm fatalities than 'blue' states, is unique in its permissiveness that facilitates its crazy people and poor people stockpiling firearms.

US has CRAZY Criminals problem. you are mixed up.
Who is "purposely destroying the country"? Or is this just your groomed fear, anger, and paranoia speaking?

You (especially you) and your kind are destroying this Nation. Not sure what is in it for you but easy money all the way to the grave perhaps?
Oh, this is a new one. You think

How do you just declare this? The vast majority of Illegals are here to work. To work they must be hired. If not they go home. What part of this do you not understand?
I thought they were refugees escaping crime and war. If they aren't let in then how can employers hire them?
Fining employers who hire illegals works. Most will self-deport within 6 months.

You have an aversion to the law?

BS. They are flying them all over now, setting up in homes. They won't go straight to work. The GOVT is going to care for any they find on the streets too. And we pay for it.
Let's start threads on every shooting in Chicago..

Oh wait. Those are just blacks shooting other blacks
GF yourself.

BTW Texas
Go give some thoughts and prayers to the wall. Texas shooting have increased over 60% since they passed the no permit law. That was stupid.
The Governor of Texas isn't stupid he lacks empathy; he is a sociopath. He wants power, and he gets it in too much power with bullets killing the innocent people doing nothing more than walking on the streets, in the malls and schools, churches, cars, etc.
So I see that the shooters was:
  • A US citizen
  • A US Army veteran
  • Removed for mental health issues
  • Posting racist, Nazi, and Incel posts (maybe you know him)
  • Wearing popular militia Right Wing Death Squad patch
  • Carrying an A/R15 and a hand gun
  • Carrying 10 rifle and 6 pistol magazines on his body
  • Storing more handguns and rifles in his car
  • Reported a lost gun to authorities likely to make harder to trace
Ah. So when a 'rightwing'er commits a crime, it is the fault of the person/ideology. But when it's a trans/non-binary/minority et al then the GUN is to blame?
199 mass murders by firearms of innocent people in only 128 days of 2023. There is climate change and guns change - both kill innocent people.
Indeed it is. Immigration is a push/pull thing....cut off the pull and you solve a large chuck of the problem. Makes one go hmmmm when there are posters here that have no problem with employers hiring illegals...........illegally.

You are aware of the discrimination suits (tying up employers, costing them money) to fend off in CA and other states if they do make an effort to check ID. Finding it phony. You are again leading down a rabbit hole of LEFTIST SPIN and BS.

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