Shooting in LA

thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Indeed, this stuff is a daily occurrence in places run by people like you. No biggie.

As if the Republicans play no part in these places.
At this point in time, a Republican in Los Angeles might as well be a Unicorn.

But they still impact LA. National elections impact LA. National things are seen my many in LA.

How did Republicans impact LA? LA should be a utopia being run by Democrats. National things are seen everywhere just as rain is wet.

Because LA doesn't live in a bubble.

There are federal laws that LA cannot overturn and have to abide by.

Immigration, gun laws, drug laws, things that happen at the federal level.

Then there's things that are going on like the Republican Democrat battle which controls everything.

Also you have to remember that poor people have to live SOMEWHERE. How do you attract jobs into places with lots of poorer people when China is producing all the cheap shit? You can't compete because wages are much higher in the US, even in poorer areas people need to pay for their rent (higher than in China), food (higher than in China).

Ghettos are something the US has a lot more of than other first world countries. Can LA just get rid of them?

OK. How does that fall all on the feet of Republicans in a majors locale controlled by a Democrats?

Because they're politicians. They could change things to make it better. Only they don't want to. They want to sit back and watch these places rot.

It's good for them to be "tough on crime", "tough on immigration", it puts fear into people, which helps with their people management (making it cheaper) and it enriches them, allowing them cheap labor so they can enrich themselves.

Perfect for them. Not good for society though.

Democrats control Los Angeles. All politics are local.

No, they're not.

But it's rather convenient for you and your false narrative though.

Based on your theory, countries which are more liberal, like Germany, would be stinking ghettos all over the place.

We are not talking about Germany and International countries. We are talking about states and cities in the US. Try again.
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Indeed, this stuff is a daily occurrence in places run by people like you. No biggie.

As if the Republicans play no part in these places.
At this point in time, a Republican in Los Angeles might as well be a Unicorn.

But they still impact LA. National elections impact LA. National things are seen my many in LA.

How did Republicans impact LA? LA should be a utopia being run by Democrats. National things are seen everywhere just as rain is wet.

Because LA doesn't live in a bubble.

There are federal laws that LA cannot overturn and have to abide by.

Immigration, gun laws, drug laws, things that happen at the federal level.

Then there's things that are going on like the Republican Democrat battle which controls everything.

Also you have to remember that poor people have to live SOMEWHERE. How do you attract jobs into places with lots of poorer people when China is producing all the cheap shit? You can't compete because wages are much higher in the US, even in poorer areas people need to pay for their rent (higher than in China), food (higher than in China).

Ghettos are something the US has a lot more of than other first world countries. Can LA just get rid of them?

OK. How does that fall all on the feet of Republicans in a majors locale controlled by a Democrats?

Because they're politicians. They could change things to make it better. Only they don't want to. They want to sit back and watch these places rot.

It's good for them to be "tough on crime", "tough on immigration", it puts fear into people, which helps with their people management (making it cheaper) and it enriches them, allowing them cheap labor so they can enrich themselves.

Perfect for them. Not good for society though.

Democrats control Los Angeles. All politics are local.

No, they're not.

But it's rather convenient for you and your false narrative though.

Based on your theory, countries which are more liberal, like Germany, would be stinking ghettos all over the place.

We are not talking about Germany and International countries. We are talking about states and cities in the US. Try again.

Straight out of the right win playbook. I knew you were going to say something along these lines.

You literally try to push people to the point where discussion is pointless because you've decided you're right and you don't feel the need to even understand things.

No, LA is Democrat run, so ALL problems are from the Democrats and therefore the Republicans must be great.

Wow, I mean, politics 101 for elementary school or what?
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Indeed, this stuff is a daily occurrence in places run by people like you. No biggie.

As if the Republicans play no part in these places.

They don't.....democrats have run New York, Chicago, Baltimore, D.C. for decades, nd some of their cities for 100 years........republicans have no control in those cities.
EXACTLY the same reason why Comrade Harris-Biden attributed the Floyd killing to racism (with no evidence to support that assertion): because it fits the Narrative.

It's amazing that after 4 years of saying how unfair it was that Trump got attacked all the time, as soon as there's a Dem in the White House, the attacks and the insults come full on.

"Xiden" "Comrade" etc etc. Emotive nonsense that says your arguments are flimsy at best.

Moron.....the attacks on Trump were straight from the democrat controlled press...hollywood, all the late night shows, all the daytime talkshows.........while all of the above hide the truth about idiot.
Gunman in deadly L.A. shooting rampage had an arsenal of weapons at home, sources say (

If he used a handgun, why did they mention in the first paragraph he owned a legally purchased AR-15?

A gunman who went on a shooting rampage in Los Angeles on Tuesday — killing two people and wounding two others — had an arsenal of weapons at his home and possessed a legally purchased AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, law enforcement sources told The Times as more details about the incident emerged."

The AR-15 had nothing to do with his rampage.

Something spontaneously set him off. If the shooting was pre-meditated, he would have used the AR instead of a pistol.
No reason to have an AR-15 that a gunsmith can easily turn into a M-16.

There are a lot of reasons to have an AR-15...self defense, collecting, tinkering, sport, hunting...

And then throw in blm and antifa trying to burn down your store or murder again...lots of reasons.
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Indeed, this stuff is a daily occurrence in places run by people like you. No biggie.

As if the Republicans play no part in these places.
At this point in time, a Republican in Los Angeles might as well be a Unicorn.

But they still impact LA. National elections impact LA. National things are seen my many in LA.

How did Republicans impact LA? LA should be a utopia being run by Democrats. National things are seen everywhere just as rain is wet.

As should Chicago, baltimore, D.C., New York........
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Indeed, this stuff is a daily occurrence in places run by people like you. No biggie.

As if the Republicans play no part in these places.
At this point in time, a Republican in Los Angeles might as well be a Unicorn.

But they still impact LA. National elections impact LA. National things are seen my many in LA.

How did Republicans impact LA? LA should be a utopia being run by Democrats. National things are seen everywhere just as rain is wet.

Because LA doesn't live in a bubble.

There are federal laws that LA cannot overturn and have to abide by.

Immigration, gun laws, drug laws, things that happen at the federal level.

Then there's things that are going on like the Republican Democrat battle which controls everything.

Also you have to remember that poor people have to live SOMEWHERE. How do you attract jobs into places with lots of poorer people when China is producing all the cheap shit? You can't compete because wages are much higher in the US, even in poorer areas people need to pay for their rent (higher than in China), food (higher than in China).

Ghettos are something the US has a lot more of than other first world countries. Can LA just get rid of them?

Germany, France, Britain has them too...........and they are becoming more and more violent every year....

thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Maybe we should make murder illegal?

maybe cut down on the means of mass murder.

You want to make fire illegal? Or, machettes?

nope. just rapid fire weapons of war that use 20, 50, 100 round drums using high velocity ammo capable of making swiss cheese outa scores of people in mere seconds without even having to reload.
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Maybe we should make murder illegal?

maybe cut down on the means of mass murder.

You want to make fire illegal? Or, machettes?

nope. just rapid fire weapons of war that use 20, 50, 100 round drums using high velocity ammo capable of making swiss cheese outa scores of people in mere seconds without even having to reload.
How about Ryder truck, diesel fuel and fertilizer--are you going to outlaw those too? They were responsible for 168 murders in one fell swoop. How about cell phones? We should outlaw those too. They are used to detonate bombs. Anything can be used to kill. Start addressing the problem--it is PEOPLE, not knives, guns, fertilizer, pressure cookers or phones. FB is probably responsible for more deaths than any other single cause--let's ban social media. SMH.
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Maybe we should make murder illegal?

maybe cut down on the means of mass murder.

You want to make fire illegal? Or, machettes?

nope. just rapid fire weapons of war that use 20, 50, 100 round drums using high velocity ammo capable of making swiss cheese outa scores of people in mere seconds without even having to reload.
How about Ryder truck, diesel fuel and fertilizer--are you going to outlaw those too? They were responsible for 168 murders in one fell swoop. How about cell phones? We should outlaw those too. They are used to detonate bombs. Anything can be used to kill. Start addressing the problem--it is PEOPLE, not knives, guns, fertilizer, pressure cookers or phones. FB is probably responsible for more deaths than any other single cause--let's ban social media. SMH.

what a ridiculous straw man. & false equivalency.

how many of them thar things you listed were designed/invented/created for the sole purpose was to kill?
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Indeed, this stuff is a daily occurrence in places run by people like you. No biggie.

As if the Republicans play no part in these places.

They don't. It's been one party rule there for 30 years. Just what you idiots want.
Gunman in deadly L.A. shooting rampage had an arsenal of weapons at home, sources say (

If he used a handgun, why did they mention in the first paragraph he owned a legally purchased AR-15?

A gunman who went on a shooting rampage in Los Angeles on Tuesday — killing two people and wounding two others — had an arsenal of weapons at his home and possessed a legally purchased AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, law enforcement sources told The Times as more details about the incident emerged."

The AR-15 had nothing to do with his rampage.
Oh come on man! Come down to reality! The AR promised the pistol a lube job if he did it!
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Maybe we should make murder illegal?

maybe cut down on the means of mass murder.

You want to make fire illegal? Or, machettes?

nope. just rapid fire weapons of war that use 20, 50, 100 round drums using high velocity ammo capable of making swiss cheese outa scores of people in mere seconds without even having to reload.
How about Ryder truck, diesel fuel and fertilizer--are you going to outlaw those too? They were responsible for 168 murders in one fell swoop. How about cell phones? We should outlaw those too. They are used to detonate bombs. Anything can be used to kill. Start addressing the problem--it is PEOPLE, not knives, guns, fertilizer, pressure cookers or phones. FB is probably responsible for more deaths than any other single cause--let's ban social media. SMH.

what a ridiculous straw man. & false equivalency.

how many of them thar things you listed were designed/invented/created for the sole purpose was to kill?

how many of them thar things you listed were designed/invented/created for the sole purpose was to kill?

how about knives?

The 'original 'knives' couldn't cut butter, they were nothing more than a shard, with a sharp edge.
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Maybe we should make murder illegal?

maybe cut down on the means of mass murder.

You want to make fire illegal? Or, machettes?

nope. just rapid fire weapons of war that use 20, 50, 100 round drums using high velocity ammo capable of making swiss cheese outa scores of people in mere seconds without even having to reload.

The worst mass murder in US history was done by an arsonist setting a fire.

In Rwanada, hundreds of thousands of people were murdered with machettes.

Hows about you stop pretending you want to stop mass murders and admit that you want guns banned so the communists can take over?
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Maybe we should make murder illegal?

maybe cut down on the means of mass murder.

You want to make fire illegal? Or, machettes?

nope. just rapid fire weapons of war that use 20, 50, 100 round drums using high velocity ammo capable of making swiss cheese outa scores of people in mere seconds without even having to reload.
How about Ryder truck, diesel fuel and fertilizer--are you going to outlaw those too? They were responsible for 168 murders in one fell swoop. How about cell phones? We should outlaw those too. They are used to detonate bombs. Anything can be used to kill. Start addressing the problem--it is PEOPLE, not knives, guns, fertilizer, pressure cookers or phones. FB is probably responsible for more deaths than any other single cause--let's ban social media. SMH.

what a ridiculous straw man. & false equivalency.

how many of them thar things you listed were designed/invented/created for the sole purpose was to kill?

Fire only destroys.
Gunman in deadly L.A. shooting rampage had an arsenal of weapons at home, sources say (

If he used a handgun, why did they mention in the first paragraph he owned a legally purchased AR-15?

A gunman who went on a shooting rampage in Los Angeles on Tuesday — killing two people and wounding two others — had an arsenal of weapons at his home and possessed a legally purchased AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, law enforcement sources told The Times as more details about the incident emerged."

The AR-15 had nothing to do with his rampage.

Well, they're reporting what the police told them. Why would the police say that?
The police may have told them about several of the guns in the arsenal.
Was Carlos Lopez here legally?

According to our state media, the motive was NOT anti-Asian, although both dead men were of that ethnicity.

In many American cities (New York City, for example), the perps are usually of ethnicity X.

Here in California, most of the perps are predominately of ethnicity Y, for they outnumber ethnicity X.

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