Shooting in LA

thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Maybe we should make murder illegal?

maybe cut down on the means of mass murder.

You want to make fire illegal? Or, machettes?

nope. just rapid fire weapons of war that use 20, 50, 100 round drums using high velocity ammo capable of making swiss cheese outa scores of people in mere seconds without even having to reload.
How about Ryder truck, diesel fuel and fertilizer--are you going to outlaw those too? They were responsible for 168 murders in one fell swoop. How about cell phones? We should outlaw those too. They are used to detonate bombs. Anything can be used to kill. Start addressing the problem--it is PEOPLE, not knives, guns, fertilizer, pressure cookers or phones. FB is probably responsible for more deaths than any other single cause--let's ban social media. SMH.

what a ridiculous straw man. & false equivalency.

how many of them thar things you listed were designed/invented/created for the sole purpose was to kill?

how many of them thar things you listed were designed/invented/created for the sole purpose was to kill?

how about knives?

The 'original 'knives' couldn't cut butter, they were nothing more than a shard, with a sharp edge.

a knife can kill, but that isn't its original use. a firearm is.
A rock can kill and that was its original use--are you going to ban rocks? GFY, you are a moron that wouldn't know logic beyond what your democrat masters tell you. My contempt for your idiocy is unbounded.
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Maybe we should make murder illegal?

maybe cut down on the means of mass murder.

You want to make fire illegal? Or, machettes?

nope. just rapid fire weapons of war that use 20, 50, 100 round drums using high velocity ammo capable of making swiss cheese outa scores of people in mere seconds without even having to reload.
View attachment 485377

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ..... so what's yer point, davey?
I'm questioning the source of your knowledge of guns...especially semi-automatic rifles.

i know 20 babies & their 6 human shields were pumped so full of what a bushmaster spits out in mere seconds, that when the cops arrived, they thought they were a pile of red rags.

Many factors determine the severity of a wound, including a bullet’s mass, velocity and composition, and where it strikes. The AR-15, like the M4 and M16 rifles issued to American soldiers, shoots lightweight, high-speed bullets that can cause grievous bone and soft tissue wounds, in part by turning sideways, or “yawing,” when they hit a person. Surgeons say the weapons produce the same sort of horrific injuries seen on battlefields.

Dr. Jeremy Cannon, the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine.
He served in Iraq and Afghanistan and is a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force Reserve

“The tissue destruction is almost unimaginable. Bones are exploded, soft tissue is absolutely destroyed. The injuries to the chest or abdomen — it’s like a bomb went off.” If a bullet hits an arm or a leg, he said, the limb often hangs at an unnatural angle. Such victims can need a dozen surgeries over months. “Some eventually decide to undergo an amputation if there is severe pain in the limb and it is dysfunctional,” he said.
“Bystanders are traumatized just seeing the victims. It’s awful, terrible. It’s just a ghastly thing to see.”
Dr. Cannon recalled the aphorism by José Narosky, the Argentine writer: “In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.”
His corollary: “In mass shootings, there are no unwounded victims.”

What makes injuries from these rifles so deadly, he said, is that the bullets travel so fast. Those from an M16 or AR-15 can depart the muzzle at a velocity of more than 3,000 feet per second, while bullets from many common handguns move at less than half or a third that speed. The result: “The energy imparted to a human body by a high velocity weapon is exponentially greater” than that from a handgun.

“You will see multiple organs shattered. The exit wounds can be a foot wide.”

“I’ve seen people with entire quadrants of their abdomens destroyed.”

“If they are shot in the torso, there often is not a whole lot we can do,” he said.

With a handgun, the bullets mostly damage tissues and organs in their direct path. Eventually, the bullets may be slowed and stopped by the body. Emergency surgery often can save handgun victims.
Wounds From Military-Style Rifles? ‘A Ghastly Thing to See’ (Published 2018)

i'd say that's good enough.
Very emotional. Gosh.

Meanwhile, the .223/5.56mm round most AR rifles are chambered for is a relatively small rifle round. And since the AR is semi-automatic, it's one round fired for each trigger pull, like any other semi-automatic rifle. There's nothing particularly more dangerous about the AR platform than any other rifle.

But it sure does look scary, doesn't it?

For another perspective, also from an expert, here's an article by a US Marine that says the .223 is underpowered.
Agreed--that is why snipers use M-14 (7.62mm) or bigger. M-16's are good for close combat.
Yup. The Marine was firing from 125 yards.

I dunno about the other branches, but in the Air Force, the qualification course of fire had silhouettes sized out to 300 meters.

I got out of the Marine Corps fifty years ago--we qualified with the M-14. We fired 10 rounds at 200 yds offhand, 10 rounds sitting, kneeling, and prone each at 300 yds. and 10 rounds prone at a dog target (silhouette) at 500 yds. I have no idea what currently is required of Marines, but that was the norm at that time.
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Maybe we should make murder illegal?

maybe cut down on the means of mass murder.

You want to make fire illegal? Or, machettes?

nope. just rapid fire weapons of war that use 20, 50, 100 round drums using high velocity ammo capable of making swiss cheese outa scores of people in mere seconds without even having to reload.
How about Ryder truck, diesel fuel and fertilizer--are you going to outlaw those too? They were responsible for 168 murders in one fell swoop. How about cell phones? We should outlaw those too. They are used to detonate bombs. Anything can be used to kill. Start addressing the problem--it is PEOPLE, not knives, guns, fertilizer, pressure cookers or phones. FB is probably responsible for more deaths than any other single cause--let's ban social media. SMH.

what a ridiculous straw man. & false equivalency.

how many of them thar things you listed were designed/invented/created for the sole purpose was to kill?

Fire only destroys.

fire is also used for warmth, light, & for cooking.
But arsonists use it to kill and destroy and you don't try to ban it. You are simple minded and lack the capacity to think critically.
i know 20 babies & their 6 human shields were pumped so full of what a bushmaster spits out in mere seconds, that when the cops arrived, they thought they were a pile of red rags.
I know of hundreds of people in NYC and Seattle who died because your democrat masters quarantined people who were infected with an unknown virus with these vulnerable victims. Let's hold your democrat heroes responsible for the deaths that they caused and ban them and by extension and your support of them--you should be banned too. Does that sound logical to you? Wake UP!
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Maybe we should make murder illegal?

maybe cut down on the means of mass murder.

You want to make fire illegal? Or, machettes?

nope. just rapid fire weapons of war that use 20, 50, 100 round drums using high velocity ammo capable of making swiss cheese outa scores of people in mere seconds without even having to reload.
View attachment 485377

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ..... so what's yer point, davey?
I'm questioning the source of your knowledge of guns...especially semi-automatic rifles.

i know 20 babies & their 6 human shields were pumped so full of what a bushmaster spits out in mere seconds, that when the cops arrived, they thought they were a pile of red rags.

Many factors determine the severity of a wound, including a bullet’s mass, velocity and composition, and where it strikes. The AR-15, like the M4 and M16 rifles issued to American soldiers, shoots lightweight, high-speed bullets that can cause grievous bone and soft tissue wounds, in part by turning sideways, or “yawing,” when they hit a person. Surgeons say the weapons produce the same sort of horrific injuries seen on battlefields.

Dr. Jeremy Cannon, the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine.
He served in Iraq and Afghanistan and is a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force Reserve

“The tissue destruction is almost unimaginable. Bones are exploded, soft tissue is absolutely destroyed. The injuries to the chest or abdomen — it’s like a bomb went off.” If a bullet hits an arm or a leg, he said, the limb often hangs at an unnatural angle. Such victims can need a dozen surgeries over months. “Some eventually decide to undergo an amputation if there is severe pain in the limb and it is dysfunctional,” he said.
“Bystanders are traumatized just seeing the victims. It’s awful, terrible. It’s just a ghastly thing to see.”
Dr. Cannon recalled the aphorism by José Narosky, the Argentine writer: “In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.”
His corollary: “In mass shootings, there are no unwounded victims.”

What makes injuries from these rifles so deadly, he said, is that the bullets travel so fast. Those from an M16 or AR-15 can depart the muzzle at a velocity of more than 3,000 feet per second, while bullets from many common handguns move at less than half or a third that speed. The result: “The energy imparted to a human body by a high velocity weapon is exponentially greater” than that from a handgun.

“You will see multiple organs shattered. The exit wounds can be a foot wide.”

“I’ve seen people with entire quadrants of their abdomens destroyed.”

“If they are shot in the torso, there often is not a whole lot we can do,” he said.

With a handgun, the bullets mostly damage tissues and organs in their direct path. Eventually, the bullets may be slowed and stopped by the body. Emergency surgery often can save handgun victims.
Wounds From Military-Style Rifles? ‘A Ghastly Thing to See’ (Published 2018)

i'd say that's good enough.

And he is a moron.....

Knives are used to kill more people every single year than all rifles, let alone AR-15 rifles....

Clubs kill more people than AR-15 rifles.

Bare hands kill more people than AR-15 rifles...

Ladders kill almost as many people as all rifle types.....

Do you want to ban knives, sticks, hands and ladders?

There is nothing about the AR-15 rifle that makes it more dangerous than any other type of gun at the ranges a mass public shooting takes place.......the only mass public shooting where the AR-15 made a difference was Las Vegas...because the shooter was shooting over 200 yards out....but even then, it was only able to kill so many people because there were 22,000 people, tightly packed into the concert and they were attacked from a concealed position.....

A shotgun at mass public shooting ranges will kill just as effectively.

And this is the point you don't isn't the gun, it is the gun free target location, and how long it takes before someone shoots back at the attacker that determines how many are killed.....

You don't know what you are talking about, neither does that doctor...

There is only one mass public shooting where the rifle had an advantage in the shooting, and that was Las Vegas, where the range was over 200 yards......but he was also firing into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people, at night, from a concealed and fortified position.......with his initial shooting masked by the concert.

And had he not had that crowd trapped in that concert arena, he wouldn't have been able to kill as many since they would have run away or found cover.....since shooting at moving targets at hundreds of yards is almost impossible for all but expertly trained shooters...

At the range of every other mass public shooting a rifle has no advantage over pistols or shotguns.......

Boulder, rifle 10 killed

A 7 shot, pump action shotgun..... murdered 12, like the Navy Yard shooter...

A 5 shot, pump action shotgun..... murdered 20 people and wounded 70, like the Kerch, Russia shooter...with the local police station 100 yards away....

9mm pistol, and a .22 caliber pistol with a 10 round magazine and murdered 32 people like the Virginia tech shooter...

2, 9mm pistols and murdered 24 people, like the Luby's cafe shooter....

double barreled shotgun, and a .22 caliber bolt action rifle...and killed 13 people, like the shooter in Cumbria, England did....

That rifle had no special advantage in a mass public shooting.
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Maybe we should make murder illegal?

maybe cut down on the means of mass murder.

You want to make fire illegal? Or, machettes?

nope. just rapid fire weapons of war that use 20, 50, 100 round drums using high velocity ammo capable of making swiss cheese outa scores of people in mere seconds without even having to reload.
View attachment 485377

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ..... so what's yer point, davey?
I'm questioning the source of your knowledge of guns...especially semi-automatic rifles.

i know 20 babies & their 6 human shields were pumped so full of what a bushmaster spits out in mere seconds, that when the cops arrived, they thought they were a pile of red rags.

Many factors determine the severity of a wound, including a bullet’s mass, velocity and composition, and where it strikes. The AR-15, like the M4 and M16 rifles issued to American soldiers, shoots lightweight, high-speed bullets that can cause grievous bone and soft tissue wounds, in part by turning sideways, or “yawing,” when they hit a person. Surgeons say the weapons produce the same sort of horrific injuries seen on battlefields.

Dr. Jeremy Cannon, the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine.
He served in Iraq and Afghanistan and is a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force Reserve

“The tissue destruction is almost unimaginable. Bones are exploded, soft tissue is absolutely destroyed. The injuries to the chest or abdomen — it’s like a bomb went off.” If a bullet hits an arm or a leg, he said, the limb often hangs at an unnatural angle. Such victims can need a dozen surgeries over months. “Some eventually decide to undergo an amputation if there is severe pain in the limb and it is dysfunctional,” he said.
“Bystanders are traumatized just seeing the victims. It’s awful, terrible. It’s just a ghastly thing to see.”
Dr. Cannon recalled the aphorism by José Narosky, the Argentine writer: “In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.”
His corollary: “In mass shootings, there are no unwounded victims.”

What makes injuries from these rifles so deadly, he said, is that the bullets travel so fast. Those from an M16 or AR-15 can depart the muzzle at a velocity of more than 3,000 feet per second, while bullets from many common handguns move at less than half or a third that speed. The result: “The energy imparted to a human body by a high velocity weapon is exponentially greater” than that from a handgun.

“You will see multiple organs shattered. The exit wounds can be a foot wide.”

“I’ve seen people with entire quadrants of their abdomens destroyed.”

“If they are shot in the torso, there often is not a whole lot we can do,” he said.

With a handgun, the bullets mostly damage tissues and organs in their direct path. Eventually, the bullets may be slowed and stopped by the body. Emergency surgery often can save handgun victims.
Wounds From Military-Style Rifles? ‘A Ghastly Thing to See’ (Published 2018)

i'd say that's good enough.

This doctor ever see burn victims...

87 people....burned to intentional fire....

An arson fire swept through an overcrowded and illegal Bronx social club early Sunday, killing at least 87 people in the worst mass slaying in U.S. history and the deadliest New York blaze since the Triangle Shirt Waist factory disaster exactly 79 years earlier.

thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Maybe we should make murder illegal?

maybe cut down on the means of mass murder.

You want to make fire illegal? Or, machettes?

nope. just rapid fire weapons of war that use 20, 50, 100 round drums using high velocity ammo capable of making swiss cheese outa scores of people in mere seconds without even having to reload.

Should this be banned?View attachment 485385

where's the 100 round drum with it's high velocity ammo?

Do you understand that a 100 round drum makes the rifle stop working? It jams, and then the rifle can't you understand that?

Do you understand that the AR-15 is not a weapon of war, and has never been used by our military?

When you don't understand this basic fact, do you understand why we don't take you as a serious human being?

The pump action shotgun is an actual weapon of current use by all branches of our you understand that?
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Maybe we should make murder illegal?

maybe cut down on the means of mass murder.

You want to make fire illegal? Or, machettes?

nope. just rapid fire weapons of war that use 20, 50, 100 round drums using high velocity ammo capable of making swiss cheese outa scores of people in mere seconds without even having to reload.

The AR-15 has never been used in war, and it is not used by our military...any branch of the military...

Meanwhile...the 5 shot, pump action shotgun is a current military weapon used by every branch of our military...

And it can and has killed more people in mass public shootings than the you understand that? Does that register in your fact free brain?

Boulder shooting....10 killed. AR-15 rifle.

Kerch, Russia.....20 killed 70 wounded, 5 shot, pump action shotgun...

The difference?

In Russia, the police did not respond to the attack fast enough....even though they were only 100 yards from the school...

In Boulder, the police returned fire as soon as they arrived...

Target location, and how soon someone shoots back determines how many die, not the weapon...

For example.....

Cumbria, England..

double barreled shotgun, and a .22 caliber bolt action rifle...and killed 13 people, like the shooter in Cumbria, England did....more than the AR-15 rifle in boulder...

Gun free zones are the targets of these killers.....that is what causes the number of dead......

When killers are confronted by armed citizens or police...they commit suicide, surrender or run away......gun free zones protect these killers...and cost more lives.
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Maybe we should make murder illegal?

maybe cut down on the means of mass murder.

You want to make fire illegal? Or, machettes?

nope. just rapid fire weapons of war that use 20, 50, 100 round drums using high velocity ammo capable of making swiss cheese outa scores of people in mere seconds without even having to reload.
How about Ryder truck, diesel fuel and fertilizer--are you going to outlaw those too? They were responsible for 168 murders in one fell swoop. How about cell phones? We should outlaw those too. They are used to detonate bombs. Anything can be used to kill. Start addressing the problem--it is PEOPLE, not knives, guns, fertilizer, pressure cookers or phones. FB is probably responsible for more deaths than any other single cause--let's ban social media. SMH.

what a ridiculous straw man. & false equivalency.

how many of them thar things you listed were designed/invented/created for the sole purpose was to kill?

Guns protect the lives of good you don't even get that right....

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rape, robbery and murder......according to the Centers For Disease Control..

Do you understand that that is more lives saved than are taken by criminals using guns illegally?

10,235 gun murders in 2019. Of the victims, 70-80%, and more, of the victims are criminals murdered by other criminals....and of the remaining victims, the vast majority are friends and family of criminals who are caught in the crossfire of their criminal associate....

1.1 million times Americans stop rape, robbery and murder .... vs ........ 10,235 gun murders of criminals..

Do you see why we don't take you seriously?
But, he didn't use the rifle in his rampage.

There is no proof he had it with him.
“At one point, the suspect fired at the officers, resulted in an officer-involved shooting,” LAPD Lt. Raul Jovel said at a news conference. “The suspect was hit by gunfire and was pronounced dead at scene by the local fire department. That suspect’s body is still here at the scene.”

He was eventually identified as 50-year-old Carlos Lopez, of Los Angeles.

not seeing a reference to a rifle there
He didn't have his home based arsenal with him either.

Must be fake news, designed to distract !!!
Last edited:
Should this be banned?
If it can take a large capacity magazine, yes.

Magazine capacity is a is a lie assholes on the anti-gun side made up in order to get millions of normal pistols banned through the back banning magazines over 10 rounds, that makes those pistols unusable........thus the back door ban.

Shitheads like you have to lie because nothing you say about guns is true or factual.

You tell uninformed Americans that "100 round drum" magazines have to be illegal.....the uninformed have no idea what you really want, so they give you the power to ban the "high Capacity" magazines, which they believe is a huge drum of bullets...then, when they are no longer paying attention, you pass a law banning magazines over 10 bullets.....which the uninformed wouldn't have signed on to if they knew that was what you actually wanted to do......

Magazine capacity has nothing to do with how many people get killed in a mass public shooting...which is the crime you shitheads use to push gun control, since you obviously don't care about actual criminals getting guns...since your judges, prosecutors and politicians keep releasing the actual gun criminals who do 95% of the gun crime and murder.....

The factors that count in a mass public shooting? Which have nothing to do with magazine capaicty?

1) the target location of the killer is a gun free zone.

2) How long does it take before someone shoots back at the killer.

Mass public shooters are not looking for a gun fight, they are looking to murder unarmed people...that is why almost all of them target gun free zones for their attacks.

When someone starts to actually shoot back at the killer......whether a civilian with their legal gun or the cops....the killer does one of 3 things...they commit suicide, they surrender, or they run away......terrorists will shoot back, but almost every single mass public shooter does one of those 3 things when someone shoots back at them...

So stopping mass public shooters has nothing to do with magazine capacity...the best ways to stop mass public shooters?

1) End gun free zones....if they know people can shoot back, they won't choose those locations.

2) Encourage friends and family to contact authorities when they have a relative or friend who appears capable of committing a mass public shooting.

That is how you address mass public don't ban magazines......
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Indeed, this stuff is a daily occurrence in places run by people like you. No biggie.

As if the Republicans play no part in these places.
At this point in time, a Republican in Los Angeles might as well be a Unicorn.

But they still impact LA. National elections impact LA. National things are seen my many in LA.

How did Republicans impact LA? LA should be a utopia being run by Democrats. National things are seen everywhere just as rain is wet.

Because LA doesn't live in a bubble.

There are federal laws that LA cannot overturn and have to abide by.

Immigration, gun laws, drug laws, things that happen at the federal level.

Then there's things that are going on like the Republican Democrat battle which controls everything.

Also you have to remember that poor people have to live SOMEWHERE. How do you attract jobs into places with lots of poorer people when China is producing all the cheap shit? You can't compete because wages are much higher in the US, even in poorer areas people need to pay for their rent (higher than in China), food (higher than in China).

Ghettos are something the US has a lot more of than other first world countries. Can LA just get rid of them?

OK. How does that fall all on the feet of Republicans in a majors locale controlled by a Democrats?

Because they're politicians. They could change things to make it better. Only they don't want to. They want to sit back and watch these places rot.

It's good for them to be "tough on crime", "tough on immigration", it puts fear into people, which helps with their people management (making it cheaper) and it enriches them, allowing them cheap labor so they can enrich themselves.

Perfect for them. Not good for society though.

Democrats control Los Angeles. All politics are local.

No, they're not.

But it's rather convenient for you and your false narrative though.

Based on your theory, countries which are more liberal, like Germany, would be stinking ghettos all over the place.

We are not talking about Germany and International countries. We are talking about states and cities in the US. Try again.

Straight out of the right win playbook. I knew you were going to say something along these lines.

You literally try to push people to the point where discussion is pointless because you've decided you're right and you don't feel the need to even understand things.

No, LA is Democrat run, so ALL problems are from the Democrats and therefore the Republicans must be great.

Wow, I mean, politics 101 for elementary school or what?

What Republican policies have been implemented in LA? Tax cuts? Concealed Carry? Oh, wait... perhaps school vouchers at one time before Democrats pulled those back? . Yeah. That’s it, it was those fucking vouchers that led to the decay, plight, high crime rates, and economic despair. Wow! Thank you for opening my eyes.
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Maybe we should make murder illegal?

maybe cut down on the means of mass murder.

You want to make fire illegal? Or, machettes?

nope. just rapid fire weapons of war that use 20, 50, 100 round drums using high velocity ammo capable of making swiss cheese outa scores of people in mere seconds without even having to reload.
View attachment 485377

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ..... so what's yer point, davey?
I'm questioning the source of your knowledge of guns...especially semi-automatic rifles.

i know 20 babies & their 6 human shields were pumped so full of what a bushmaster spits out in mere seconds, that when the cops arrived, they thought they were a pile of red rags.

Many factors determine the severity of a wound, including a bullet’s mass, velocity and composition, and where it strikes. The AR-15, like the M4 and M16 rifles issued to American soldiers, shoots lightweight, high-speed bullets that can cause grievous bone and soft tissue wounds, in part by turning sideways, or “yawing,” when they hit a person. Surgeons say the weapons produce the same sort of horrific injuries seen on battlefields.

Dr. Jeremy Cannon, the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine.
He served in Iraq and Afghanistan and is a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force Reserve

“The tissue destruction is almost unimaginable. Bones are exploded, soft tissue is absolutely destroyed. The injuries to the chest or abdomen — it’s like a bomb went off.” If a bullet hits an arm or a leg, he said, the limb often hangs at an unnatural angle. Such victims can need a dozen surgeries over months. “Some eventually decide to undergo an amputation if there is severe pain in the limb and it is dysfunctional,” he said.
“Bystanders are traumatized just seeing the victims. It’s awful, terrible. It’s just a ghastly thing to see.”
Dr. Cannon recalled the aphorism by José Narosky, the Argentine writer: “In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.”
His corollary: “In mass shootings, there are no unwounded victims.”

What makes injuries from these rifles so deadly, he said, is that the bullets travel so fast. Those from an M16 or AR-15 can depart the muzzle at a velocity of more than 3,000 feet per second, while bullets from many common handguns move at less than half or a third that speed. The result: “The energy imparted to a human body by a high velocity weapon is exponentially greater” than that from a handgun.

“You will see multiple organs shattered. The exit wounds can be a foot wide.”

“I’ve seen people with entire quadrants of their abdomens destroyed.”

“If they are shot in the torso, there often is not a whole lot we can do,” he said.

With a handgun, the bullets mostly damage tissues and organs in their direct path. Eventually, the bullets may be slowed and stopped by the body. Emergency surgery often can save handgun victims.
Wounds From Military-Style Rifles? ‘A Ghastly Thing to See’ (Published 2018)

i'd say that's good enough.
Very emotional. Gosh.

Meanwhile, the .223/5.56mm round most AR rifles are chambered for is a relatively small rifle round. And since the AR is semi-automatic, it's one round fired for each trigger pull, like any other semi-automatic rifle. There's nothing particularly more dangerous about the AR platform than any other rifle.

But it sure does look scary, doesn't it?

For another perspective, also from an expert, here's an article by a US Marine that says the .223 is underpowered.

i sourced ER doctors, some that saw combat & what they say carries more weight than you, davey - an apparent phallic symbol obsessed poster.

Family of AR-15 Inventor Eugene Stoner: He Didn't Intend It for Civilians
The inventor’s surviving children and adult grandchildren spoke exclusively to MSNBC, commenting for the first time on their family’s uneasy legacy.

"Our father, Eugene Stoner, designed the AR-15 and subsequent M-16 as a military weapon to give our soldiers an advantage over the AK-47,” the Stoner family told NBC News late Wednesday. "He died long before any mass shootings occurred. But, we do think he would have been horrified and sickened as anyone, if not more by these events."
Family of AR-15 Inventor: He Didn’t Intend It for Civilians
thoughts & prayers.

That's your input, troll?

nothing about the OP?

if it's good enough answer for the CONgress (R)s, then it's good enough for me.

Maybe we should make murder illegal?

maybe cut down on the means of mass murder.

You want to make fire illegal? Or, machettes?

nope. just rapid fire weapons of war that use 20, 50, 100 round drums using high velocity ammo capable of making swiss cheese outa scores of people in mere seconds without even having to reload.
How about Ryder truck, diesel fuel and fertilizer--are you going to outlaw those too? They were responsible for 168 murders in one fell swoop. How about cell phones? We should outlaw those too. They are used to detonate bombs. Anything can be used to kill. Start addressing the problem--it is PEOPLE, not knives, guns, fertilizer, pressure cookers or phones. FB is probably responsible for more deaths than any other single cause--let's ban social media. SMH.

what a ridiculous straw man. & false equivalency.

how many of them thar things you listed were designed/invented/created for the sole purpose was to kill?
I don't think those 168 victims in OK much care about whether fertilizer was designed to kill or not you shallow bitch. Wake the fuck up--straw man, false equivalency--you are a moron.
I am so glad that you exposed the fact that you could care less about 168 victims of a tragic murder. You are the WORST kind of hypocrite and a useless piece of skin around an asshole.

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